Read An Okinawan Affair Page 25

  I am missing your silky skin that I can only dream about caressing. In my mind I can still feel my touch on you even though we are thousands of miles apart.

  Love and Kisses



  Tomi, My Dearest Love,

  Yesterday was Thanksgiving and some of us got together for an American Thanksgiving dinner.

  I told you a couple of weeks ago that Charlie Lawton and his family had arrived here. Well they were settled into their new home well enough to have some of us over to dinner and a few glasses of wine.

  It was very nice and Charlie had found a couple of other Seabees from the NAF motor pool that I didn't know were here. Beside the Lawtons, Mike Branch is here, of course he’s from Port Hueneme, Mac McCorkle showed up last week and is in MCB-11. Charlie and Dan Storer are old friends, so Dan was also invited.

  Dan and I will be leaving for Chu Lai, RVN on 12/5. We'll fly non-stop on a C141 from nearby Point Migu NAS to Chu Lai. MCB-3 is there and we will replace them.

  Next weekend will also be a long weekend for everyone on our aircraft so Dan and I have decided to see if we can get a phone call through to our prospective brides. So stay close to the denwa on Sunday, 12/4 your day and time. We are about one day and 8 or so hours behind you. We also suspect it will take a while to get the calls through.

  My concern is that you will not get this letter in time to know the call is coming.

  Loads of love and kisses and naked hugs. It would be so very nice to be lying as we do, naked, on a futon in front of our window watching the sunset.

  All my Love Always Brad


  Konnichi wa My Lovely Tomako,

  It was so great to hear your voice. I never thought that such a lousy denwa system full of scratches and squeaks could sound so beautiful.

  It was as I thought, my letter never reached you. But it was amazing that for some reason you decided to stay home even though Arlene and Don invited you to go to dinner at the VFW with them.

  Dan also got through to Yokota and Yuki.

  Yes, we are leaving in the morning. Actually today. It is 0030 Monday morning and our aircraft leaves at 1000.

  I know you are very self sufficient and can usually figure things out yourself, but don't forget that Oji-san owns the apartment and he wants to help you be happy and comfortable. So if your American neighbors keep up the noise and late hour partying, let Oji-san handle it. A hint for both of you though. If they are very persistent, talk to Don Winters and he can call their commanding officer and put an end to it. Since they aren't married and are Navy, they can be made to move back on base. Enough said.

  You sounded so 'up'. You know, happy and good mood, I hope that you can stay that way and don't let it get you down. I will be fine and a lot closer to you than I am now. We found out from some admin guys that our R & R will start in 90 days. I have already made an unofficial bid for the first week of March. That is the week it will start.

  Let's see, nine months from then will be about the first week of December '67. I will be back on Okinawa by then. If we don't get it done then, the next R & R will be in May or June of '67. Nine months from then will be spring of 1968. A nice time of year for a baby to be born.

  I know that we are day dreaming, but such nice dreams. To be together and making babies. What more could two people who love each other as much as we do, ask for?

  I will write as soon as I get settled in Chu Lai. You can keep using the same address for me and I will get your letters.

  Remember, if you need me, talk to Don Winters and he will arrange whatever we need.

  With all my love forever, your naked lover



  Konnichi wa my darling,

  It was a pleasant surprise to get several letters from you today. I think that some of them came by way of Port Hueneme. I have read them all once. After I finish this letter to you, I'll relax and slowly relish the reading of each and every one of them again.

  I'm with a crew of really sharp equipment operators working out on Highway #1 south of Chu Lai towards DaNang. One group is maintaining the highway, which by the way is all mud and gravel. Another group is replacing a bridge that the VC blew up a couple of months ago. While the third and largest group is reconstructing the highway. It has to be made wider and solider to handle heavy trucks and lots of traffic. Eventually it will be paved, but for now we will put a crushed rock surface on it.

  It is safe enough working out on the highway. We have Marines all around and Marine helicopters run up and down the road all day long. On many days I run a grader on Highway #1 and often hear the thump-thump of a Huey helicopter coming up behind me. The Marines pass over my head then make several circles around to be sure that I was alone, don't have any VC sneaking up on me. The helicopter then passes across in front of me, slows down and the crew waves, gives me the thumbs up OK sign, before turning towards their chopper pad at Chu Lai. This has become a twice or more daily routine for us. It's great to have such friends around here.

  I'm glad and not surprised that you see Arlene so often. She likes to go to the coffee house, but also likes you. She and Don are good friends to both of us. It will be strange when I come back and they are no longer there.

  Have you seen Johnny Stump? I would be surprised if he didn't drop in once in a while unless he has a new girl friend.

  By the time you get this letter you would have seen Arlene and Don again and got a small present from me. I felt that it was better to send it through the military mail rather than international mail. There will be no duty to pay or any kind of inspection on it.

  You can wear one or both rings as you want. They are my complete commitment to you and our love for each other. I could think of no better way to do it and hope that you agree and are content with me doing this. They ain't cheap lady. That's a joke because I know that their cost is not what either of us care about.

  Your many letters to me are my Christmas presents from you. I can hear your mind working from here. "I didn't buy him anything. I didn't have anything to give him. What should I do?"

  Well my Love, you have given me plenty. You have made my life complete and worth living. You have given me the goal in life of making you happy and secure. You have given me more than enough.

  I love you beyond reason and miss you every minute of everyday. I think of you constantly and the only desire I have is to be with you for the rest of my life.

  I wish that I could send you the date of my R & R to Okinawa, but at this point it's impossible, but it is a sure thing that I will be amongst the first to get it. Let's say I have it from a very reliable source that my name is way up on the top of the list and first for Okinawa. Maybe it is because my boss is Dan Storer?

  Now I will get this over to the post office so it will be on tomorrow's flight out. Then I'll start rereading your letters.

  Do you want me to use a red pencil to correct your English mistakes?

  I'm just kidding. You are doing very good and I could not do any better. Don't be hard on yourself about it.

  Love You, Again & Again & Again.



  Hi Lover,

  A very fast note. Mail leaves for the airport in about 30 minutes and I want to be sure to get this on its way.

  I have the list for Okinawa R & R. Dan got it for me so that I could let you know when I'll be there. At least within a day.

  I will leave Chu Lai for DaNang on Friday, 3/3. Then will catch a plane to Okinawa from DaNang on either 3/4, Saturday or possibly 3/5 Sunday. The aircraft usually leaves DaNang in the early afternoon so we will be landing at Futemma MCAF in the early evening. I'll catch a sukoshi cab home from there. So I'll see you on either 3/4 or 3/5. Then we will have five days together which is not a whole lot but beats not being together.

  Love You Brad


nbsp; He had spent a restless night and 0600 on Saturday morning found Brad in the DaNang R&R Center Transit E5 & E6 chow line looking for a cup of drinkable coffee and maybe a roll or some toast. He didn't have to check-in for his flight until 1000 hours this morning so he still had quite a bit of time to kill.

  Just before 1000 Brad and two E5 Marines walked into the air terminal in search of the Marine Gunnery Sergeant who had the flight manifest for Okinawa. Brad and the two Marines had heard that the aircraft had been overbooked and the three of them had got bumped by three officers who were being transferred.

  The Gunny acknowledged them and confirmed that in fact the trio had been bumped from the flight, but were on top of the list for the next day.

  "Hey Gunny?" One of the Marines spoke up. "If we can find a hop, can we go on our own? We're all E5s and have been stationed on Okinawa before."

  "I don't see why not. You have orders to go to Okinawa and stay there for five days. When you get there, check in with me at Camp Schwab by landline and I'll give you your flight numbers and check-in time to come back."

  "Thanks Gunny." Brad said as he turned to follow the two Marines when they hurried towards a door leading out onto the aircraft ramp.

  "Wait here a minute. I was C-130 ground crew at Futemma for three years and still know a lot of the crews. I'll go check the Herkiebirds and find somebody on a crew that I know or who will find room for us."

  The Marine was only gone for a couple of minutes when he hurried back into the terminal. "See the second bird in line? That is our chariot and as you can see they're already starting engines. I would say we should get aboard."

  Brad rode the Navy shuttle bus from the Futemma air terminal to the front gate where he intended to grab a sukoshi cab. Stepping off the bus with his AWOL bag he eyeballed the row of cabs and spotted a pink cab that had a familiar look about it. What was familiar was the number stenciled on the side near the rear side window and the oki Okinawan standing by the driver's door with a huge grin on his face.

  The passenger side front door opened and her petite silhouette removed everything else from Brad's vision. In a instant she was across the street and in his arms. Tears ran down both their faces as they held onto each other stopping the incoming traffic to Futemma MCAF.

  "Sir? Sir, you have to get off the road, Sir." The Marine gate guard spoke loudly as he held up the incoming traffic for the couple who were blocking part of the gate.

  Brad looked up and was greeted by several stopped cars full of male and female smiles as he led Tomi towards Oji-san and his taxi. Military people on Okinawa were used to a scene like this. Just came from In-Country and was home with his wife/lover.

  Brad started to shake hands with Oji-san and found himself engulfed in a bear hug. "Welcome home, tomodachi." The smiling Okinawan boomed. Then opened the back door for them.

  Tomi raised her left hand and wiggled her fingers at him. The diamonds flashed and sparkled in the lights of oncoming cars. She raised up and kissed him passionately. "Yes, I will. With no holding back, and I will go wherever they send us."

  Brad started to speak, but she kissed him on the lips and spoke again. "Don't. I will lose my courage if I do not finish. OK?"

  Brad nodded gently.

  "I missed you so much that at times I thought that my world would stop. Only your letters made me know that we are real and that you would soon come back to me. And when Arlene and Don brought your little package to me, I couldn't say anything. I just cried for so long and wanted you to be with me, forever. I am so glad that you sent them. I wear both of them. I am already married to you in spirit if not in the so-called civilized world." Her tears were flowing freely and Oji-san looked up then moved his rearview mirror so he could not see them.

  "I was hoping that you would wear both rings, but I couldn't ask you to. It was something you had to decide for yourself. I knew it wasn't the usual way to ask a girl to marry a guy. But I couldn't take the chance on losing you. So if you kept the rings, but said no to getting married, I knew that I would still have you as a lover and friend. But you have said yes, without the words, so I have a friend, a lover and wife. Honto?"

  "Hai. Hai, honto, Brad." Tomi spoke softly her voice breaking between words and her tears kept flowing as she hung onto him with all her strength and with lips trembling, their mouths met.

  "There is more sushi in the refrigerator. Also beer to go with it." A sleepy eyed Tomi pushed herself up off the futon to sit next to Brad who was sitting quietly looking out across the East China Sea which at the moment was pitch black except for an occasional star hanging above it. The small amount of light from the kitchen just put a glow on their naked bodies.

  "You can't sleep, my Love? I missed you also and want to feel you next to me forever." Tomako touched Brad's arm and he encircled her with both arms and drew her to him and pulled her down on top of him. They kissed softly and long. Their hands and fingers caressing and gently touching each other where they had not been touched since they last lay on their bed months before.

  "I am hungry. For food, also." Brad smiled as he cupped Tomi's bottom in his hands and drew her closer to him pressing her into his stomach.

  "Which do you want first?" She asked then laughed. "You have already had firsts. Ohh! Yes, more of those firsts." Tomi exclaimed as Brad turned them over before sliding down her body and burying his face in her.

  Tomi was up and was fixing a pot of coffee and there was a faint golden glow in the eastern sky. Brad was still on their futon with his arms under his chin so he could watch Tomi while she moved around the kitchen. Her slim body denied her age and made his heart skip a beat and his stomach flutter and flip whenever she moved into his line of vision. Her nakedness from head to toe was and he was sure, would always be a vision of beauty to him.

  Sitting next to each other at the table sipping hot coffee, Tomi asked Brad what he wanted to do. "Besides staying in bed and making love, that is. We have to see Arlene and Don."

  "I'll call them later today or tomorrow morning. I also have to check-in with the Gunny Sergeant who got me here, to find out what flight I'll be going back on. Are you warm enough Lover? I do like looking at you, but you don't have to be cold for me."

  "I'm fine, Brad-san. I'll get dressed if I get chilly. It makes me feel sexy to be with you like this. I remember when we went to the ryokan with the hot baths. It made me feel delicious to be naked with you.

  Do we have time to go back this week? For one night maybe?"

  "Sure, I'd like that also. Let's get things done that we have to do, then go.

  Are you going to have to work at all this week?"

  "Mama-san and Michako will work for me as many days as you are here. Mama-san is starting to show her age. She gets tired easy, so I made her let Michako do my job at night. Also, Papa-san, our cook, and Mama-san seem to have something going."

  "He's younger than she is, neh?"

  "Hai, but he sees her after work. I think that he stays over at her house sometimes. He told her that I was correct about her working too much. She backed off and did as he said."

  "That is interesting. Do you think he has ideas of getting the Kokusai Coffee House for himself?"

  "Iie. He owns a restaurant in Koza and also the coffee house where I worked in Giagonji many years ago. He has takusan money."

  Brad wiped the egg yolk off his dish with a piece of toast. Drank some of his coffee. Held the cup under his nose and sniffed appreciatively.

  "It is some more of Arlene's coffee beans. She brought them to us Wednesday night after I got home. Said she knew you missed good coffee and that I deserved to enjoy good kohi also. I don't think she has anymore. She gave us a lot of them."

  "I know. She's generous and spoils us."

  Tomi turned Brad's face towards her with a gentle finger on his chin and with her napkin wiped some egg yolk off the corner of his mouth. "Just like a little boy." She sa
id smiling before standing and going to straighten out their bed.

  "You look sleepy, Brad. Take a nap while I shower and clean up the house a sukoshi bit."

  * * * *

  After a late breakfast on Monday morning Brad asked Tomi if she wanted to go to the base with him. He wanted to see Don Winters and also needed to call the Marine Gunny for his flight time.

  "I really feel I should see if all is okay at the coffee house, Brad. Okay if I go there first? Then when you finish on base, you can meet me there for lunch? Papa-san wants to fix us lunch, so I can tell him we will be there and Mama-san can visit with you, too."

  "Sounds alright with me, Tomi. It's 1030 now and if I remove all temptation I should be able to be at the coffee house by 1300."

  Tomi looked at him with a quizzical look not comprehending what he meant.

  Brad reached for her robe and gently covered her breasts. "I love you." He said as he stood and with a smile started to get dressed.

  "What are you snickering about. Tomi?"

  She had stood up next to him and took him in her hand. "Yes, you do love me, I can feel that."

  It was shortly after 1300 when he reached the coffee house. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, Mama-san met him with a squeal of delight and a bear hug that competed with Oji-san's. Michako was more reserved, but had a bright smile and bowed politely before getting all embarrassed and retreating into the dining room.

  Brad pushed open the door into the kitchen looking for Tomi and came face to face with Papa-san who smiled happily, bowed deeper than was necessary before reaching out with his right hand and shaking Brad's tightly and mightily.

  It took a few more minutes of greetings and expressions of happiness before Brad and Tomako could retreat to their table in the very back, dim corner of the coffee house. Reaching the table, Brad pulled her into him. Hung onto their mutual hug for a long time before kissing her on her warm moist lips. Tomi responded and thrust herself against him with warmth and pleasure.