Read An Okinawan Affair Page 7

  We have to talk. Communicate. I'm sure she trusts me, how can I get her to talk more, to really open up to me about her family and dreams.

  Brad's thoughts had taken him away from the moment and he was not paying attention to where he was until the taxi came to a stop in front of the Naha Army gate. He hurriedly paid the Papa-san before getting out of the small pink Datsun taxi.

  "Domo, Papa-san."


  "You've been quiet all day, Brad. She really has got to you hasn't she?"

  "I don't know what I'm doing or how to deal with it, Dan."

  "You've been seeing her every night for almost two weeks, Have you slept with her even once?

  Don't answer that. That was an unfair question and none of my business."

  "I haven't, but I think she wants to. The idea of paying her to make love is beyond me. I don't want her to sleep with me because I pay her to. I want her to make love to me because she at least likes me."

  "Brad, they don't have any choice. If you don't sleep with her, and help her pay her rent, then she's going to have to find somebody who will. That's a given. Unless you can come up with the bucks to buy her out of the bar. Do you know how much she owes mama-san?"

  "She won't talk about it, Dan. Absolutely refuses. I don't know how hard I can press. It's only my business because I think it is. To Yoko I may just be another GI with a hard on and too much money."

  "You haven't slept with her. Why should she think that way?"

  "You know what I mean."

  "I do. But I also think that you're wrong about her.

  "Talk to her about it. Make a financial arrangement that you can both live with. Then move in with her."

  "We're going to the Seaman's Club for dinner tomorrow night. I'll try to talk to her some more. Maybe I'll ask her to live with me and that will get her to open up so we can decide what to do."

  Brad and Dan Buckner were sitting in the doorway of Dan and Yumiko's house drinking bottles of San Miguel that Brad had picked up at the BX on his way across base. A quiet Sunday afternoon. Yumiko was at the Exchange working and the Seabees who weren't on duty had gone up north to the beach.

  "Have you got Yumi's visa straightened out yet?" Brad asked.

  "Not really. But now we know what we have to do and how to go about it. I'll be getting discharged in about three months and will be able to sponsor her as my fiance. Then it will be about a 6 month wait which will give me time to get to work making decent money. We'll need that to get a house."

  "There isn't a quicker way to go? How about getting married here?"

  "Forget that route. The military dictatorship has the way so full of roadblocks against a GI marrying indigenous persons it takes from 6 months to a year to get all the paperwork completed. Then you have to wait for their approval. It's definitely faster for me to go stateside and do it as a civilian. Besides I maybe getting an 'Early Out'. They're giving up to 60 days, which means I'll be gone by the end of the month."

  "I'm glad one of us has his life in order. Sometimes I feel that I'm caught up in utter chaos."

  "You'll work it out, Brad. Just communicate with Yoko and it will work out for the best. Maybe not exactly as you want it to, but it will work out."

  "Gee," Brad hesitated, "thanks, Dad."

  "You smart ass. Want another beer? I'm dry and definitely in need of one. Of course you do too. Stupid question"


  Brad had spent a nervous day in anticipation of taking Yoko to dinner. It would be their first real date. A chance to get away from the influence of the bar and onto neutral ground. Actually it was Brad's first boy/girl date on the island. He didn't think any of the time spent in bars with Susie or Yoko amounted to a real date.

  It was a short ride down the hill in the pink sukoshi cab to the turnoff from Highway #1 to Noumanoui. He suddenly thought of Susie for the first time since he had met Yoko.

  There's no comparison between them, he thought, I like Susie and she turns me on, but Yoko gets me all out of kilter. I want to be with her. To touch her, feel her body warmth and her breath on me. To listen to her soft, gentle voice even though I don't always understand exactly what she is saying. I even hear her voice in my sleep. Oh shit! What have I got myself into?

  Brad ran his sweaty palms down the front of his jeans. Yoko had pushed all thoughts of Susie from his mind and he felt no loss or feelings of guilt for just walking away from her. In fact he had not been to Noumanoui since the eventful Friday night over two weeks ago before when he had gone to Kadena Circle with Dan Buckner and Johnny Stump.

  "Kadena Restaurant Papa-san, dozo." Brad responded to the gray haired taxi driver's questioning look when they entered the Kadena traffic circle from the south.

  "Hai. You have nesan here?" The driver asked quietly.

  "Hai, we're going back to the Seaman's Club as soon as she meets me at the restaurant. If you want to wait you can take us back there."

  OK. I wait here for you. Papa-san pointed to a small Okinawan tea shop just off of the Circle. I can visit with my tomodachi.

  "Domo, Papa-san. I'll try not to be long."

  "It's OK, nesans are sometimes late."

  Sitting so he could watch the restaurant's front door, Brad had barely taken a sip from a bottle of Orion beer when she stepped shyly through the door.

  Whistling mentally Brad met Yoko's eyes and his smile spread across his face as he stood up. Oh-oh. She is a beautiful woman. He thought in admiration

  Yoko's shy smile grew when she realized with delight that Brad was openly admiring her and was pleased with the way she had dressed. The new red silk dress ended just below her knees, was modest at the neck so as to not completely conceal her full breasts, yet not show any excess cleavage.

  "Hi, you look good. No great." Brad said when he took her hand and asked, "Are you ready to go? I have a Papa-san and his cab waiting."

  "Aren't you going to finish your beer?"

  "No. It's alright, I would rather go to Naha and have dinner."

  Papa-san had seen them walk down the street together and hurried out to his cab. "We go back to Naha and the Seaman's Club?" He asked.

  All the way to Naha Yoko held onto Brad's hand tightly and leaned into him with her left shoulder pressed tightly against his chest and Brad's right arm encircle her shoulders. There was very little conversation between them. Just what seemed to be a comfortable quiet while Papa-san sped them through the Highway #1 traffic.

  She feels so nice. I would like to kiss her, but I'm not sure that she would want me to.

  "Have you been to the Seaman's Club before Brad?"

  "Yes, with Johnny and Dan. They were with me the first night I met you. We all work together and sometime go out together."

  "I remember them. They are very nice. The bar Mama-san said that Johnny-san's wife owns the Brown Derby. True?"

  "Honto. For sure. I think the Kadena Restaurant too."

  "You have nice friends."

  "Hai. Domo."

  The waitress had brought them their menus and quietly took their drink orders before Yoko asked Brad what she could have.

  "Anything on the menu that you would like. It all looks good to me. I'm probably going to eat Japanese food. Do you want American or Japanese?"

  "I think American. Alright?"

  "Of course. Anything."

  "But it is expensive, neh?"

  "No. Not really. Would you like a filet mignon? You like steak?"

  "Oh, yes I do. What is filet mignon?" Yoko asked with a small smile and quizzical look in her expressive eyes.

  "The best steak I can think of. Very tender, small, but also tastes very good. Try it if you would like."

  Without a word the waitress set their drinks in front of them and then stood quietly next to Brad's chair waiting for them to order.

  Yoko sipped her scotch and milk while looking over her glass into B
rad's eyes.

  "Do you want me to order for you?"

  "Dozo. Please, I'm afraid I will order something that is takusan dollars." She said shyly looking down into her almost gone milky white drink which she was still holding.

  Turning to the waitress with a smile, Brad started to order their dinner. "We'll both have the Kobe filet mignon, baked potatoes and I'll have French dressing and my steak rare." He looked towards Yoko. "How do you want your steak cooked?"

  Obviously embarrassed, Yoko started to speak. Hesitated, then spoke in Japanese to the waitress. A short two sided conversation erupted and ended with both women laughing quietly before the waitress turned and went towards the kitchen.

  "I'm sorry, Brad." Still embarrassed, Yoko apologized. "I couldn't think of the way to say in English what I wanted to tell the nesan. Is not Kobe meat, huh, cow, very expensive?"

  Before Brad could answer Yoko asked so quietly that he could hardly hear her.

  "Could I have another of these please." Holding her empty glass up slightly off of the white linen table cloth.

  Brad signaled the waitress when she returned from the kitchen and pointed at their empty glasses.

  With a nod she turned to the right and went into the bar to get their drinks.

  Brad smiled and spoke quietly. "It's beef" He pronounced the word carefully as they each did when they taught each other new words in their native language.

  "Hai, domo. I have never had Kobe beef before." She spoke the new word carefully and laughed at herself softly.

  Midway through their dinner Yoko smiled and spoke her appreciation. "It is very good. Thank you, Brad."

  "I have never had Kobe beef before either, Yoko It's the tenderest steak I have ever eaten. Tonight we are celebrating our first real date, neh? So we don't care about how much it costs."

  Brad hailed a pink cab to take them back to Kadena Circle. Once settled into the back seat Yoko slipped under Brad's right arm and snuggled against him. She was very quiet for a long time and as they passed the Camp Kue Army hospital marking the halfway point of the trip, Brad was beginning to think she had fallen asleep. He moved a bit and Yoko raised her head from his chest bringing her soft lips just inches from his mouth. She placed her right hand on the back of his head moving him down towards her. She raised up a sukoshi bit more to bring his lips up almost touching her waiting mouth. She had a hint of peppermint schnapps on her lips that slowly disappeared as their lips grew warmer with a prolonged kiss. When Brad opened his eyes he looked directly into Yoko's doe soft brown eyes which were shining in the flashing lights of the passing traffic. A soft gently smile came to her lips as she again drew up to him. With feelings he had never felt before Brad returned her kiss and drew her upper body to him until he felt her warm full breasts pressing against him. Yoko pressed back in response. She brought her right knee up and rested it gently against his thigh. Yoko moved against him enough to snuggle her face against his neck. Brad could feel her warm breathe blowing softly and slowly on his neck and down under his shirt collar onto his shoulder. Impulsively, without any thought he pulled her closer. She snuggled a little closer and with a sigh of contentment he felt her relax against him.

  She really fits where she is. It is so very nice to have her against me and her so content to be there. I can feel her heart beating. Should I kiss her again? I want to, but I want her to stay in my arms.

  He slowly caressed her hair then leaned closer and gently kissed the very top of her forehead which showed above his shirt collar. Another sigh of contentment as she rolled her face to accept his light kiss on her closed eye.

  "Dozo." The cab driver asked.

  "Right. Oh shit. Migi, here, then left. Haiji, now."

  Brad felt and heard her soft laugh as Yoko pulled from his arms and sat up to look around and see where Brad was leading a slightly confused cab driver.

  "Koko desu. Arigato gozaimasu." Yoko spoke softly to the driver who quickly stopped in the middle of the narrow street they were on.

  Brad pulled a dollar from his shirt pocket and handed it to Papa-san. "Domo, Papa-san. Keep the change".

  Over 15 miles and only a buck including a nice tip. Brad thought as he slowly shook his head in a mild bit of amazement.

  Yoko took his hand as she stepped back from the cab answering the driver whom had spoken Japanese to her at some length with a smile and friendly voice. "Domo arigato gozaimasu, Papa-san.

  "What did he say to you." Brad asked turning to gaze at Yoko's smiling face. "You look like the cat that ate the canary."

  "He said that you are very nice for a GI and he hopes that you treat me good. I told him that you were very nice and you gave me Kobe steak for supper. What you say, I ate a canary? That is a bird. Honto?" She asked while leading Brad back down the street they had just ridden along. "My house is this way." Turning left at the next street which was considerable wider than the one they were walking on.

  She's taking me to her house. Don't screw this up Brad Burgess. Talk to her and settle what is bothering you. Brad thought as his mind started doing its own thing much to his chagrin.

  The street seemed quiet even for a Monday night he realized that it was almost 0300 and the bars had been closed for almost an hour. They had sat in the Seaman's Club for about 6 hours talking and drinking slowly which would account for why Yoko was a little wobbly and more talkative than usual.

  She pulled Brad to a stop in the middle of the street. A street he had never been on before. On the left was a public bathhouse surrounded on both sides of the street by small wooden Okinawan houses. Some were behind head high slat board fences, others behind thick coral walls making small court yards.

  "What bird, Brad. I ate a canary?" Yoko stumbled over the unfamiliar word.

  Brad had never seen her with such a look of indignation on her face.

  "It's a saying, Yoko. It means you looked very satisfied with what you said or heard. I didn't mean that you really ate the poor bird. Wakarimasu ka? Understand what I mean?" He asked.

  "Hai. It is very strange to say that though. I think it is not funny." She answered as she tugged on Brad's hand, nodded to her right, speaking softly. "This is my house."

  Brad felt her hand warm and moist to the touch as she handed him her keys. He fumbled with the lock in the dim light coming from a distant street light. Finally the simple wooden door swung open and Brad stepped back to let Yoko go first. She turned on a small overhead light. A single bulb, about 60 watts, he thought.

  "Would you like some kohi, Brad?" She asked setting her small purse on the low table which took up much of the space in the small room which had tatami mats on the floor.

  Brad took a step toward her and as he reached for her, Yoko stepped into his waiting arms. For a long minute they stood together kissing passionately and feeling each other's warmth.

  "I love you." Brad declared again and again as he had many times in the last weeks while he nuzzled and kissed her lips, neck and shoulders over and over.

  Yoko responded, also becoming aroused in response to his love making. She pressed herself tightly against him her hands moving up and down his back pulling him tighter to her.

  Yoko touched his lips with her fingertips. Searched his face with all the depth of her soft brown eyes. "Wait here, dozo?" Without another word she stepped through the sliding door into her bedroom and out of sight without closing the door.

  It seemed quite a while to Brad, but in reality was barely a minute when she appeared at the side of her bed. She had taken off her dress and stood in her red silk slip. Her red bra and panties showed underneath from the light of the small bedside lamp she had turned on and was standing in front of. She turned to Brad shyly. Her slip and bra snug on her full breasts. He stood looking up and down her skimpily clothed body admiring her physical being. Yoko leaned over to pull the light blue bedspread down from the clean white pillows emphasizing her
full hips and softly rounded butt. Brad flipped off the light hanging over his head and went to her.

  They lay together naked except for the slip which Brad had slipped off of her shoulders and was now twisted around her flat stomach. The rest of their clothes were in several places on the floor of the tiny bedroom, victims of the lovers' hunger for each other. Brad ran his hand gently cross her bare breasts lightly touching her nipples which made her shiver slightly. Then his hand travelled down across the bunched up slip onto the thick black hair of her mound-of-Venus. He smiled, looked into her eyes and saw that she too was smiling contentedly.

  Yoko rolled onto her side which drew his hand tighter. She then tightened her thighs squeezing his fingers more against her. "I think we forgot to take something off." she said sliding her hand down onto her stomach and onto her slip.

  I want to live with her. How do I ask her. Brad felt unsure of himself and what their relationship really was. If I ask her to live with me I'm still afraid she will think it's because I want a steady lay, not because I really love her. What if she says no?

  "You have to work soon?"

  "I have to be there at 0800. I have to go to the barracks to change into my uniform before that." Brad answered with his mind still in a turmoil and his stomach doing flips.

  I drank too much. I can feel my stomach starting to hurt. He thought. I have to know before I leave today.

  "I want to live together, Yoko. I love you very much and want to be with you." He blurted out suddenly. "I can travel back and forth from Naha. It isn't so very far."

  Yoko continued to look away from Brad, avoiding eye contact as she had for the last several minutes. Her insecurity made itself known when a faint pink blush slide up from her neck to her ears and across her cheeks. Shyly and embarrassed she spoke very quietly, in fact so low that he had difficulty hearing her words. "I would like that, Brad. I need some money from you though."

  Relief rushed through Brad's whole being. What he wanted the most from life right at this moment was going to happen. "That's alright. I understand. Can we pay off the bar mama-san so you won't have to work?"