Read Anarchism of an Antichrist Page 12


  Clive had never felt so violated in all his life. Never before had he failed to obey orders. Something bizarre had restricted his movements. It took all the will power he could muster just to speak that useless word.

  His father was at the table, eating, when Clive approached him, feeling downtrodden and angry.

  “Something weird happened,” Clive complained.

  “I expected it would. I didn't tell you because we needed you to give it your all.”

  “That's happened before?”

  “Yes it has. That crazy kike has some kind of weird force field around him or something.”

  “He needs to die.”

  “Die or go crazy. That's what they've got planned for him.”

  “I'm sorry I failed pa.”

  “You didn't fail at nothing. Like I said, that happens to everybody trying to teach that kike a lesson about showing his face in public. They're gonna have to use a different approach with this one. What you did helped.”


  “You harassed him. Let him know he's not welcome. I'm proud of you for doing that.”

  “I still feel bad about not letting loose on him.”

  “Of course you do. That's what he deserves. But you did well. I've got something else we need you to do for us.”


  “You get trash duty in sector fifteen tomorrow night.”

  Clive grinned. “I can handle that.”

  His father winked at him and said, “I know you can. You do good with that we might have something else lined up for you.”


  “You ever cherry a girl?”

  Clive's grin spread so wide his teeth began to show. “Not yet.”

  “You might be given a chance to do that if you continue doing so well.”

  The following evening in sector fifteen, Clive looked through the peep hole of a cell and saw a slender young Indian woman, sitting on a bed. “You going to please me well tonight?” he asked.

  She looked up with a start. “Yes, master. Whatever you want.”

  “Liar. You're a muddy peach now. You're unworthy of me.”

  Then Clive proceeded to a room next to the cell and he sat down on a couch beneath a peephole in the wall. With the peephole propped open, he began playing the Forrest Gump movie on the television. “You can't appreciate this movie,” proclaimed Clive. “You're not an Alabama native.”

  Clive loaded some marijuana into a bong and commanded, “Get close to the peep hole and I'll blow some smoke to you.”

  “Yes, master. I love being high during sex.”

  “Who said I was going to have sex with you? You're unworthy of me.”

  Forrest Gump had always been amusing to Clive. It was totally insulting to people's intelligence. The Forrest Gump character reminded him of a mildly retarded kid he'd picked on as a child. Often when the mannerisms and tone of voice resembled those of that retard's, Clive would chuckle with remembrance. It was so similar it was funny, because Forrest Gump's life was nothing at all like the life of that loser he'd picked on in the real world.

  Toward the end of the movie, when Forrest Gump assumed that life was about an overall destiny and floating around accidentally like a feather at the same time, Clive observed, “Forrest is right about that. It is both. Men like me have a destiny to fulfill and trash like you just floats around on a breeze like that feather.”

  “I live for sex,” replied the girl.

  “I know you do. You're trash.”

  Once the movie was over an uncomfortable silence predominated and Clive asked, “Do you know what's the best part of that movie?”


  “Skynyrd's Freebird playing while that slut was acting crazy. You're a crazy whore too. Crazy thinking you're worthy of me.”

  “I can't help it. I want you inside me.”

  Skynyrd's Freebird began playing over the stereo system. “You're a filthy piece of trash and you can't ever change either. You're like a feather in the forest. You fall to the ground and nobody cares that you fall apart because you're a worthless piece of trash.” Clive smoked some more marijuana and blew it through the open peep hole. “Actually you're more like bear shit in the woods.”

  As the song approached the guitar solo, Clive rose from the couch and he sped toward the door of the Indian girl's cell. When the guitar solo hit, he propelled the cell door open and shouted, “Forest dump!” The initial look of terror in the girl's eyes was unmistakable. She tried to mask it as he got closer, but he could tell she was scared. He cast her onto her stomach on the bed and brutally sodomized her.

  Her next stop would be sex machine systems further underground. Then she would be put into disintegration.