Read Anarchism of an Antichrist Page 29

  Chapter 21

  Timothy entered the passageway into police systems alongside other nihilistic torture victims, armed with automatic weapons. He wore a bullet proof vest, rigged with explosives, and a gas mask. His mission was to reach the android systems and explode himself.

  Shots were fired ahead and Timothy felt the whizzing of bullets flying past him. Some of his comrades near the front of the group fell. Timothy and the others opened fire, forcing the enemy to take cover.

  Then one of his comrades threw a gas canister. There were shrieks of horror as Sarin gas spread throughout the passage.

  The suicide squad progressed forward.

  Timothy crossed over the sandbags, which were being used as cover and he saw police guards choking to death on the fumes. He riddled them full of bullets and moved on.

  A deafening siren sounded in the hallways. Its high pitched screeching bit into Jason's ears, sending reverberations of pain further into his brain. The pain brought up memories of his tortures and made him eager to reach the android systems.

  The group split up in different directions at an intersection.

  The corridor shook with the sound of explosions from behind him. Jason was making good on his promise to detonate anyone, who had fallen in battle.

  A police officer entered the hallway and Timothy mowed him down. A girl screamed. Timothy glanced into the room that the police officer had just exited and he saw a young girl scantily clad in lingerie. “Murderer!” she yelled.

  If she wanted to side with them, then she needed to die with them. Timothy shot her a few times and continued down the hallway.

  When Timothy reached the entrance to his destination, he planted some plastic explosives against the door and sought cover. He covered his ears the best he could, but the explosion burst his nerve endings and left them in even more pain. Soon it wouldn't matter.

  Timothy battered down what was left of the door with the butt of his gun and he entered.

  The sight of cybernetic androids shocked and repulsed him. It was a large collection of people hooked up to tubes and wiring, which ran to nearby computers. They were all stationary with tubes in their mouths and their eyes closed shut. At first he thought they were probably all dead, but upon closer examination he recognized that they were breathing.

  Timothy wondered about all the other underground systems with cybernetic androids like these and he felt lucky not to be one of them.

  The sound of voices and heavy footsteps in the hallway put Timothy on his guard.

  He hid behind one of the cybernetic androids and watched the reflection of the doorway from one of the computer screens. Police in military gear entered the room and a thrilling surge of joy coursed through Timothy's spine as he pressed the detonator.