Read Ancient Awakening (The Ancient) Page 25

Mike was sure that he hadn't been out for more than a few minutes, although in the dark of the hallway, it was impossible to tell. He struggled to his feet, every inch of his body aching with cuts and bruises. It had not been his best day. That was for sure, although, thinking back, it had not been his worst either. Just very close to it.

  “It's all right Ann, I'm coming for you,” he said aloud, more to convince himself than anything else. He broke into a shambling run, head throbbing with each step. Where to find them?

  Passing a stairwell, he paused, hearing voices.

  “He asked me to bring her to him.” It was Cynthia. Mike stepped into the stairwell as quietly as he could manage. Sticking his head over the railing, he could barely make out the exchange.

  “I don’t care what he said. This is the one that hurt me!” another voice hissed. Mike couldn't be sure but he thought it might be the demon doctor that had started this whole mess. Unexpectedly, the hospital’s emergency lighting snapped on, filling the stairs with red light. Mike quickly ducked his head back. It took him a few moments’ concentration to make out their speech again. He caught the demon's voice first.

  “The police must have repaired the emergency generator. We'll have to go shortly.”

  “Mary's pack will keep them at bay for a long time. I must deliver this one.”

  Mike chanced another look. He could make out Ann's unconscious form at the bottom of the stairs. Cynthia was just barely in view through the doorway, and she had a hand full of Ann's long hair still clutched in her hand. Ann was not moving.

  “No, give her to me,” the demon hissed. Mike could not see her from his vantage point.

  “I cannot disobey...” Cynthia's voice was cut off as a huge black talon snapped around her head and pulled her out of view. Mike took off down the stairs but could not reach Ann before they disappeared. He ran down the stairs to a door and peeked around its frame.

  The demon was there, holding Ann upside down by one leg and shaking her.

  “Ahhh!” Ann woke up. “What the hell?”

  “Wakey, wakey little one,” the demon said.


  “Oh yes. We finally meet again.”

  “God, Vanessa, you've really let yourself go. You've gained a ton of weight and your skin is terrible.” Ann sounded oddly calm. He was sure that it was a bad idea to make the demon-woman angrier.

  “Hah! Witty little thing. Let’s see how funny it is when I pop your scrawny head off.” Mike stiffened. It was now or never. He hoped a few point blank range hits with the shotgun would scare off the demon, but had no way of knowing for sure. Then, just as he was about to jump out and start blasting, he heard something else.

  “Vanessa! You will not touch her.” It was a man's voice. Mike stole another quick look and saw the male doctor from earlier that day striding towards the demon.

  Keith Malone was a tall, handsome man. He seemed an odd pairing for Ann, who was small and not particularly good-looking. He fearlessly strode up to Vanessa.

  “What do you think you’re doing? You will not break our laws.” With that, he backhanded the demon. Vanessa was thrown up into the air by the force of the blow, dropping Ann. She smashed through ceiling tiles and left a huge gash in one wall as she toppled over. Keith was not done. He walked over to the fallen Vanessa and grabbed her by the throat.

  “You will do as you are told, little sister.” At his touch, the demon seemed to shrink and fold in on itself. Human flesh appeared around its chest and crawled out over its body. The horns shrunk and vanished, replaced by brown hair. In mere seconds, the demon had fully returned to the very naked form of Dr. Vanessa Black, and was struggling to escape Keith's iron grip.

  “Brother, she blinded me. She hurt me,” Vanessa hissed.

  “Bah! You have already healed.” He tossed her aside. He approached Ann, who was struggling to sit up.

  “Keith?” she asked meekly.

  “It's me Ann, it’s really me.” He bent over to help her stand. “It’s so good to see you again.”

  “Keith, what’s going on here?” Mike was wondering this too. “You look different.”

  “Oh Ann, I have so much to show you. We've worked so hard to make this surprise for you today. Although,” he gave Vanessa another dirty look, “it would have been a much simpler matter had our sister not thrown her little temper tantrum.”

  Keith walked over to the crumpled form of Cynthia, who had been thrown to the ground. She lay on the floor with her neck broken, eyes staring at her shoulder blades. Keith picked her up and, placing his hands on either side of her head, gave her a tug. Her head snapped back into place with a loud pop. She smiled at him. “Thank you, father,” she said.

  “Look Ann, it’s your friend Cynthia! She was hesitant to join our family at first but now I think she’s quite happy here.” Cynthia bobbed her head up and down in response, like an overexcited puppy.

  “Oh yes, father, very happy.”

  Mike was pretty sure that this ruled the possibility of any of them being human. He could read the deep sadness in Ann’s eyes. Her shoulders drooped and her arms hung limp by her sides. Had she given up? He had to get her out of there.

  “Oh Keith, what have they done to you?” Her voice came out as a croak.

  “Done to me?” Keith asked. “Done to me? Oh no Ann, it’s what I did to them.” He threw an arm around Cynthia's shoulder and motioned Vanessa to him, putting his other arm around her. Vanessa gave him a sisterly peck on the cheek. “It's our family, Ann. I made this family for us. It’s like we always wanted.”

  Ann’s mouth hung open, stunned.

  “What are you talking about?” There was anger in Ann's voice. “I wanted babies with you, the key word being 'wanted,’ as in past tense, as in before you dumped me six months ago!”

  What was Ann doing?

  Keith paused for moment and then smiled. “Of course you’re upset. But I have so much more to show you. Come see! You’re going to love this!” He shrugged off his posse, waved Ann forward, and marched off down the hall. Both Cynthia and Vanessa stared at her.

  “Ok, ok, I'm going.” Ann shrugged and followed Keith.

  Mike waited until they were out of sight and followed from a safe distance. He watched the four of them walk down the hall, stopping into what Mike could only guess was a large storeroom. He counted to five and then raced to the door and poked his head in. He stifled a gasp as he realized that there were at least thirty people huddled together inside. He recognized Dr. Tyler, who had treated his cuts just a few hours ago. She was bound and gagged, and appeared unconscious. He also recognized the nurse, Mary, who stood guard over some people that Mike guessed were hostages. She looked particularly unhappy with her task.

  “See?” Keith began. He pointed to the gathering of people. “All for you. You will be my queen...” He spun back to face Ann.

  “Err, what am I supposed to do with them? Start a football team?”

  Keith's face fell. “No, silly, they’re here for you to eat.”


  “Of course,” Vanessa put in. “Unless you think one is worthy of joining the family.”

  Keith put his hand out to Ann. “Join us. Be with me…” he paused dramatically, “forever, my love.”

  Ann froze, staring at the offered hand. She had no sarcastic remarks left. Mike could see that she was actually considering the offer. Was she really that lonely, that desperate to be with him again? Mike thought back to his wife. Wouldn’t he be tempted if he could somehow undo that one terrible night six months ago and be with her again? Tempted? Hell, he would sell his soul. Perhaps that was a poor choice of words.

  Ann reached out slowly, and then her eyes fell back to the people restrained in the corner of the room.

  “I…I can't,” she said. “I loved Keith with all my heart, but you’re not him.” Th
ere was a moment of awkward silence as the three monsters stared at Ann, stunned by her rejection.

  “Ahhhhh!” Mary shouted, breaking the silence. She collapsed to her knees. “He is killing them. Killing them! My children!”

  Vanessa rushed to her side. “Sister, what is it?”

  “That man. That man that came with her!” Mary pointed at Ann. “He’s killing my pack. My whole pack! By himself!” Mary sobbed. “My children!”

  “Umm,” Ann spoke up, her voice regaining its mocking tone. “That would probably have to be Joseph Miller. Apparently he does this for a living.”

  Mike smiled to himself. He was relieved to hear that Miller was alive and kicking a fair amount of ass. Now, if only he could get Ann out of this, alive and still human.

  “What? Who is this Joseph Miller?” Vanessa cried, with such fury that Ann took a step back.

  “OK, ok, no need to shout. He says he’s a professional monster hunter. Been doing this for long time.” Ann shrugged. “He seemed to know his stuff. He managed to take out several of your furry people even with his leg in traction.”

  “I sent those children to bring you to me! They wouldn't have hurt you!” Keith seemed angry now. “You even shot your good friend Cynthia when I sent her. What's wrong with you?”

  There was a sob from Mary's corner. “Gone! He has killed them! So many dead.”

  “Do you think this Miller is...” Vanessa began. Mike could see the fear creeping into her eyes. “Do you think he might be the Great Hunter?”

  “No! Impossible!” Keith said, “There is no way he could find us so quickly.” He paused, thinking. “But the name, the name sounds familiar…”

  “The great what?” Ann asked. The demons ignored her.

  “I say we find this Miller and avenge the pack’s death!” Vanessa snarled, “He cannot possibly stand against the three of us.”

  “Oh, he can and he will,” Ann put in. She was trying to sound tough, but failing. Mike thought she should just stick to sarcasm.

  “Ann's right,” Keith said.

  “I am?”

  “The ancient one has plagued our race since the dawn of the humans. If we strike him down, he will just come back the next day with a new face. No. It's better to retreat for now and build our strength.”

  “You coward!” Vanessa yelled, “I say we fight!”

  “My sister is right for once,” Mary said from her spot on the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks. “He needs to pay for what he did to my children!” she howled. Black scales appeared as her skin stretched tight in demonic growth. Mike turned his eyes away. He had no desire watch yet another gruesome transformation. This was the one that had tried to kiss him earlier. He shivered at the memory. He heard the Mary-demon howl, and had to look.

  Mary was a very different looking monster from Vanessa. For one, he could tell that she was female. Although she was at least a foot taller, she kept all the curves that made her so stunning as a human. Now, though, they were just creepy. She still had hair, but it was thick and strangely corded. Her eyes were the black pools. On her back were bat-like wings, ridiculously small in proportion to her demon size.

  “I will rip his heart out and feast upon it!”

  Mike wondered why they needed to talk like that.

  Mary stormed out of the room, heading directly toward him. Mike sprinted down the hall and slid around the next corner like he was stealing first base. He didn’t pick himself up off the floor but lay still, trying to control his breathing. After a moment, he crawled over and glanced around the corner, just in time to see both Mary and Vanessa heading into the stairwell and up the stairs. It looked like Miller was about to have his hands full.

  He waited until the count of five and dashed back up to the storeroom where he had last seen Ann, only to run headfirst into Keith. Smacking into the man was like hitting a brick wall. Mike bounced back and landed on his ass, once again dropping his shotgun. He was going need to tie that thing on.

  He looked up to see both Keith and Ann staring down at him.

  “Who is this one?” Keith asked. His voice was low and dangerous. “Is he one of yours?” He had a tight grip on Ann’s arm. It looked uncomfortable.

  “Mike! What are you doing? Run, you idiot!” Ann shouted at him. Mike pushed himself back with his hands, sliding across the floor. One hand reached the gun, which he snatched and raised to fire. Keith was too fast for him. He smacked the weapon out of Mike’s hand and sent it clattering down the hall, out of reach.

  “Well now, maybe this is why you are so hesitant to join me. This…human.” Keith bent over him and seemed to be sniffing him, as if he was a flower or something.

  “Him? It's not because you’re a crazy demon feeding off innocent people? It’s because of this guy? Keith, I met him like three hours ago. He’s just overly heroic. He’s a cop. It’s his job.” Ann tried to break his grip but Keith held her still. “Keith, you’re hurting me.”

  “I'm hurting you? Hurting you? I have done so much for you! I built a family for you. I was creating an empire for you. But you reject me for this, this human!” Ann stared back at him. Mike started crawling very slowly down the hall toward his gun.

  “No really, I just met the guy. Honestly, he’s not even my type. And how can you be jealous after you dumped me? After I spent all week looking for you? Why didn't you come to me? Hell, you could have just emailed me that you were busy and we could do lunch in a week or so, once you were done enslaving mankind.”

  “Shut up!” Keith snapped. “I was busy making this,” Keith motioned to the hall around him, “something worthy of my queen!”

  Mike was nearly at the gun. Ann just had to keep him talking a little longer.

  “Next time, maybe just send some flowers!”

  “You mock me!”

  “Yes! Absolutely I mock you!” Ann was crying again, but her eyes were filled with determination. “I’ve seen so many horrible things today, so many people dead. Cynthia a monster, that bitch Vanessa, who I always knew you had the hots for, some kind of demon. And sweet little Mary, transformed into some kind of demonic playboy bunny.” She sucked in a breath and readied another barrage. “I came here looking for you. At first it was because I thought you had ditched me again, but then because I thought you were in danger. And,” she sobbed, ”I loved you. The old you. Not this thing you've become. What happened to you, Keith? Is there any small part of the human you were still in there?” There was a long silence as Keith and Ann stared at each other.

  Mike dove for the shotgun.

  “I am only what you made me to be, Ann,” Keith said finally.

  Mike was up and charging back at them. Go, go, go!

  “What?” Ann said, her voice small. They both turned to face Mike at the same time.

  Mike fired his first shot, catching Keith in the belly. Black blood gushed out and he was knocked backward, releasing Ann. Two shots left. Mike pumped the gun and fired a second shot, advancing at a run. This time he hit Keith in the face, throwing him to the floor. One more shot. Keith's body slid to a stop and Mike followed it. Standing above Keith, he put the gun into the remains of his face and pulled the trigger. It made a loud click. He had miscounted!

  “Stop!” Cynthia was coming around the corner. He tossed the gun to the side, turned, and ran. Behind him, Keith let out a low gurgle, which was followed by some popping noises. Mike didn't have to look back to know Keith was still alive. Ann stood there, stunned, looking at him. Mike grabbed her by the arm.

  “Run!” he shouted. It seemed to bring her to her senses. She sprinted with him.

  “Mike, we have to rescue those people!”

  “First we have to get away from your ex and the lady who eats people with her tongue!” There was a deafening roar from behind them. Keith was really pissed now.

; “Shit, is he still alive?” There was a loud crash and the sound of glass breaking.

  “I'm going to say yes. And we've made him very, very angry,” Mike yelled back. He threw himself up the stairs two at a time, promising himself that he wouldn’t look back.

  Chapter 16 - Mad Scientist, Anyone?

  Formula for Fear – Hybrid – Disappear Here