Read And in Time... Page 27

Bernie’s eyes widened at the same time her jaw dropped. Her eyes searched around for the nearest place to sit, a tree stump, fifty feet away. That was too far. “How could you be pregnant? You take your pills religiously at the same time every day. You’re like a birth control Nazi. Are you sure?”

  Alexis nodded her head. “We went into Cory’s office this morning. He did the test there.”

  “Oh my God, Lex, I’m speechless,” Bernie said with an open mouth shocked at the new proclamation.

  “Me too, I’m still trying to grasp it.”

  “How far along, when did this happen?”

  “My guess is the first or second time. I was taking antibiotics for the cyst, they can reduce the effectiveness of the pill.”

  “And Cory didn’t know this?”

  “Yes he knew, so did I. Lisa got pregnant with Paige that way. I was too blind and stupid to pay attention to that part.”

  “Wow, Lex, you’re going to have a baby.”

  “Please don’t say anything yet, okay, Bernie?”

  “I won’t, but I don’t even know how to comprehend that. I really did think you would stay closed off forever.”

  “I didn’t have a choice with this one,” Alexis admitted. She turned to see Cory talking to Travis and her brother Jim, staring right at her. “I love him. I’m so in love with him, Bernie.”

  Bernie couldn’t help it. She pulled her into a best-friend hug. “You know I’ve always got your back,” Bernie assured her. “You can’t get drunk for a really long time.”

  “Ugh, I know. Why did God make it that way? If there was ever a time I needed to get drunk, it’s now.” Alexis looked to see the guys heading toward Grandma Lola, rounding up her troops for food. They walked hand in hand toward the family and food, back toward the barn.

  “Your parents are going to freak, you know that right?”

  Alexis took that audible breath again. “Yeah, I’m expecting it. Maybe they won’t notice.”

  “Yeah, let’s see how long that lasts.”

  Alexis’s eyes darted around for Cory when they landed on Riki, double dipping a carrot into a ranch dip on the side.

  “You can’t do that.”

  “Me wike it,” Riki said with puckered lips, making it okay to dip her carrot and suck off the dip again.

  Alexis took the carrot. “But you have to get a new carrot. You’re putting germs in the dip.”

  “Me want a dwank.”

  Alexis laughed and shook her head. “Come on, let’s go find you something to dwank.”

  “Do you want a carrot?” Alexis asked Cory with a smile, joining them at the end of the line. Cory popped the whole thing in his mouth and crunched on it.

  Alexis was sure by the end of dinner, every last one of her family members had asked her what was wrong. Why? She wasn’t acting any different. Did her expression have that much of an impact? Gah! Sometimes she hated how close her family was.

  It was Walt who lit the match. “Come on, Sputter Bug.”

  “Come where, Dad?” Alexis questioned with a scared frown taking his hand. No! Anyone but him. She couldn’t lie to her dad.

  “Dance with your old man.”

  Alexis reluctantly followed with a plea. “Dad.”

  “Now tell me what’s going on with you. You and Cory have a fight?”

  Alexis grunted and looked toward Cory. “No, we don’t really do that.”

  “That’s because you don’t know each other yet. It’s too soon, but you will. Mark my words, you’ll fight.”


  “What’s going on?”

  “Why do you think something is going on? I’m fine.”

  “You’re too quiet, your face is weary, and you keep staring off into space.”

  “I’m pregnant,” Alexis spoke in a one quick sentience, splattering the news like the Brady Post. Dammit. She didn’t even mean to say it. Words fell from her mouth like vomit.

  Walt’s feet stopped sliding and his posture stiffened. “You don’t even know this guy, Alexis McKinley.”

  “I know, Dad, but I love him, and I love Riki.”

  “He planning on taking care of you?”

  Was it too soon to be hormonal? “What does that even mean? If you’re talking about getting married, no, we’re not doing that.”

  “You’re mother’s not going to approve of that, you know that, right?”

  “Yes, but I’m not getting married because I’m pregnant. People don’t do that anymore, Dad.”

  “I don’t expect you to get married because you’re pregnant. I expect it because it’s the right thing to do, and I didn’t raise you to question that. Go tell your mother,” Walt said in a stern tone, dropping his arms and leaving her standing there, displayed like a piece of art. What the hell? Alexis looked to Cory and then to the rest of her gawking family. Eyes went to Alexis, alone in the middle of the dance floor, and then to Walt, leaving the building.

  “Yeah, so I’m pregnant,” Alexis announced to the quiet room. The meddling room went from quiet to silent with a few gasps. Aunt Rosaline had to sit down, Travis dropped a cup full of hidden beer, Lola stopped carving the ham, Bernie downed a shot of something, and Jim shot a glare right to Cory. Not about to stick around for the aftermath, Alexis walked right out the door.

  “Damn, Lex. Way to have my back,” Cory accused right behind her. “You just left me for the vultures.”

  “Yeah, but you know what, Cory?” Alexis questioned with shaky words and a straight finger, spinning on him. Cory wasn’t sure about the sudden demeanor. He could tell she was shaking, but it was almost like an attack. His feet paused when she came at him. “I’m okay with that.”

  “You are?”

  Alexis wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Yes, I am. I’m more than okay with it. You know why?” Cory’s head lightly shook. “Because I love you, and it doesn’t matter what they say. This is my life, not theirs.”

  “Lex, you’re scaring the hell out of me. What the hell does that even mean? They’re pissed? Is that what you mean?”

  “Um, maybe, but I was speaking more of the lecture that we’re both going to hear for the next nine months—the one about doing the right thing.”

  “The right thing?”

  “Yes, you know, getting married.”

  “They want us to get married? People still think like that?”

  “People that go to Pastor Chuck’s church do.”

  “But you don’t?”

  “Can we talk, Alexis?” Lola interrupted.

  There went the deep breath again. “Yeah, I’m coming. Go see my dad. He’s in the horse barn.”

  “By myself?” Cory questioned like a timid rabbit, tapping his chest with two fingers.

  And once again, Cory made her do something she didn’t do. She laughed. This was no laughing matter, but the scared-little-boy look on his face was sort of cute and funny. “Don’t worry, the only gun in the barn is a tranquilizer. Oh, wait. That could be bad.”

  “Lex,” Cory whined. Really? Seriously? She was making jokes? His nuts were about to be served to him on a platter, and she made jokes.

  “He won’t shoot you,” Lola promised. “I’m sure he only wants to talk to you about what’s right.”

  “Mom, we’re not doing this,” Alexis assured her.

  “Go talk to Walt,” Lola ordered with a stern, yet subtle tone. Cory was the one sucking in country air that time. This family was so weird.

  “We’re not having this conversation, Mom,” Alexis guaranteed her again when Cory walked away. Both women used the fence for support. Lola leaned against the fence pasturing the cattle with her back and Alexis rested her elbows on the top rail.

  “Alexis, you barely know the man.”

  “I love him, Momma.”

  “Then for God’s sake, marry him.”

  “I’m not getting married because I’m pregnant. I tried that once.”

  “Alexis, you bullheaded McKinley, don’t let that cloud your judg
ment of what’s right and what’s wrong.”

  “That’s what I mean. It’s not up to you to judge me for my choices. Just because you think I am damning myself to hell, doesn’t mean I do.”

  “It’s a sin, and I am your mother. I’m supposed to try and guide you in the right direction.”

  “Fine, you tried, can we move on now?”


  “Mom, just stop. We can do this political thing for another sixty minutes, and I’m still going to stand my ground. I’m not getting married.” Alexis didn’t wait around for that sixty minutes. She knew the outcome already, been there, done that, regretted it every time. Nope, she wasn’t going there.

  Jim stopped her before she could get to the barn to save Cory. “Hang on there, little sister. You’re not going in there until one of them emerge.”

  “I have to, Jim. He’s probably chewing him a new one.”

  “I’m sure of it, and you’re going to let him say his peace so I don’t have to hear about it for the next nine months. He’s planning on taking care of you?”

  “Oh, my God. This family is golf bat crazy.”

  “We just want what’s best for you.”

  “Then let me live my life. I’m not getting married because I am having a baby. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of.”

  “You didn’t think it was so stupid the last time,” Jim reminded her.

  “Well, that was below the belt.”

  “You know what I mean?”

  “No, Jim. I don’t. What do you mean?”

  “You were on cloud nine, Alexis. You’re not fooling anyone. I was here every morning to plow the fields, remember? I saw all the wedding preparations, the excitement of getting married, and having that baby. I know what a gut punch that was to you. I watched you crumble and now you’re afraid.”

  Alexis snorted. “I’m not afraid of anything.”

  “I beg to differ. If you love him, do the right thing.”

  “You’re all crazy. I’ve known the guy for two months, Jimmy.”

  “Seems like that was long enough for him to get your clothes off.”

  “We’re done.” Alexis pouted and stomped away from her older brother. He had no idea what he was talking about. This had nothing to do with Mitch. She didn’t want that anymore. She wasn’t some dumb kid anymore. Who the hell did he think he was?

  Alexis rolled her eyes, pacing back and forth, when her peripheral vision caught Sam coming her way. “Not you, too,” Alexis exclaimed. Where the hell was Cory?

  “I’m not saying a word. I’m just coming to offer you an easy way out.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ll take Riki if you want to get out of here.”

  Alexis smiled and crossed her arms, seeing Cory. He was sweating, but Walt had his hand on his shoulder. That was a good sign. “I don’t want to miss the hayride with Riki, and she’s super excited about lighting the pumpkins.”

  “Wow, I never thought I would see the day.”

  “Just don’t judge me.”


  “What did he say?” Alexis questioned.

  “Let’s go find Riki. You’re dad’s going to fire up the tractor for the hayride.”

  “What did he say, Cory?”

  “He said I should marry you.”

  “Of course he did. Let’s go find Riki.” Alexis was done. She didn’t need to have this conversation one more time. If this was going to be the next nine months of her life, she was staying away. The rest of the evening wasn’t as bad as Alexis thought it’d be. She was congratulated several times, but nobody told her she had to get married again. That was a plus.

  Despite the bombshell, the hayride was a blast. Riki stood between Cory’s legs and took in every moment of the slow ride. Just like every year, Jim got on to the older boys for trying to scare the little ones. Emily was scared, Riki was not. She laughed so hard she dropped her ghost flashlight when Paige and Jordan jumped out of nowhere, wearing Freddy Krueger masks. Alexis had to hold on to her to keep her from toppling over. The lighting of the jack-o'-lanterns was next. Alexis stood in front of Cory and watched with the rest of the McKinleys. Walt went down the fencerow and lit all nineteen pumpkins, displaying the hard work of a lot of kids. That was one tradition Cory hoped they always kept. He loved it.

  Alexis was ready to go around eight. The alcohol was starting to circle and she wasn’t in the mood to sit around and soberly watch her family get drunk.

  “Go round up your offspring. I’m ready to go.”

  “Let’s dance first,” Cory suggested while taking her hand. Alexis didn’t want to dance. Cory didn’t give her a choice.

  “We could do this at home, you know,” she offered, smartly. What the hell? She’d already been put on display once. What? Did he think because her father didn’t kill him, he had the right to pull her out there again? He could have at least waited until they weren’t the only ones dancing. Stupid boy. Alexis took the opportunity and asked him again what her dad said in the barn.

  “He told me a story about an unexpected baby girl, and how she was the best thing that ever happened to him. He told me that she was very special and dear to his heart and that she deserved nothing but the best. He told me that if I hurt her he would hunt me down with his seventy-four Winchester semi-automatic, whatever the hell that is.” Alexis laughed at him and smiled while he continued. “And he said that no matter how hard things get, they always pass.”

  “This too shall pass. He’s told me that for as long as I can remember.”

  “I have to do something, Lex,” Cory suddenly said with confusing words, leaving her standing on display. AGAIN!

  “May I please have your attention?” Cory announced to the room full of people. Her people. What the hell was he doing? Alexis looked around the room, eyes landing on Bernie. She leaned against a picnic table with both hands covering her mouth.

  “I was going to wait until Christmas to do this.”

  “Cory, what the hell are you doing?” Alexis questioned through gritted teeth and a quiet tone.

  “Lex, I know this day has been crazy for you, but it’s been a blessing for me. I have never been so happy in all my life.”

  “Cory?” The bounce in her knees while she questioned his motive was crazy. Surely everyone in the room could see her trembling body.

  “Alexis, I never want to spend a day without you. I want to wake up with you every morning for the rest of my life,” he promised as he dropped to one knee.

  “Cory,” Alexis quietly spoke, begging for mercy. Why? Why would he think this was okay?

  “You’ve been with me all day, so you know I didn’t run out and buy this ring because you’re carrying my baby. I was planning on waiting until Christmas, but I think now is the best time in the world. Alexis, will you be my wife?”

  Alexis looked down to the blue velvet box. What? When the hell did he buy this? Why the hell did he buy it? Her eyes glanced up to her engrossed family while she tried like hell to comprehend what was going on. This wasn’t real life, and Ashton Kutcher was going to run in the barn screaming, “Punked!” at any moment.

  “Lex?” Cory whispered with raised eyebrows when she didn’t speak.

  “How could you do this, Cory?” The snap in the little box was deafening to the silent room. Cory swallowed the lump and came to his feet, watching her storm out the door. Alexis wasn’t sure what the hell she was feeling. Adrenalin pumped through her veins mixed an angry rage. What the hell was he thinking? Cory had lost is freaking mind.

  Walt stopped Cory before he could follow. “If you don’t mind, son, I’d like to go after her,” he politely spoke with a nod.

  “Actually, with all due respect, sir, I do mind. I need to go to her.” Not waiting for a response, Cory walked away. He walked toward her and stopped a few feet behind her when she stopped.

  “What did you expect, Cory?” she snapped while she crossed her arms and turned to him.


  “Will you please just take me home?”

  “Yes. Let me get Riki and we’ll go.” Cory had no idea what to say. Why didn’t he see this? Of course, Riki threw a tantrum. Why wouldn’t she? Alexis sat in the passenger side of her Jeep and waited, impatiently for Cory to deal with her.

  “Me have eat a cup a cake.”

  “You did, Riki.”

  “No me didn’t. Me sweeping in a floor wif my fwends,” she whined with an arching back, trying to keep from being locked in the seat.

  “Riki, stop. Right this second.” Cory restrained her to her seat and looked to Alexis. “Lex, I know I’ve fucked everything up today, but I can’t drive this thing.”

  Forgetting that minor detail, Alexis sort of smiled, unbuckled her seatbelt, and walked around the front of the Jeep.

  “I’m sorry,” Cory said with a strained expression, stopping her in front of the Jeep.

  “It’s fine. Let’s just go home.”

  “It’s not fine. I’m an idiot.”

  “You are, but whatever. It’s done. Let’s just go.”

  The night went from bad, to great, to horrible. Of all the times to wish she could get drunk, now was that time. Alexis drove home while trying to figure out how to make this right. She didn’t want him to feel rejected, that wasn’t her intentions, but dammit; how could he be so stupid?

  “I’m going to take a bath,” Alexis announced while walking away, letting Cory retrieve Riki. Cory kept Riki contained downstairs and let her sulk in silence, trying to soak up something to say to him. Who would have ever thought she’d be here, pregnant, and turning down marriage proposals?

  Alexis ran her hand across her belly and thought about the baby growing inside of her. This was real and Aston Kutcher wasn’t saving her. This was her life, and she was going to have a baby.

  Once her skin began to wrinkle and her water turned cool, Alexis dragged herself out of the tub. She had never been the procrastinating type. The added stress wasn’t necessary and avoiding him was doing just that. Alexis pulled a tee shirt over her head, omitting the bra, and slid on comfortable pajama pants with pink fish all over them. She smiled at Cory, who slid the pink nightgown over Riki’s head.

  “You read dis book, Wexis?” Riki asked in the cute little voice that melted her heart while pulling the book from the top of her dresser.