Read And when you gone... Page 5


  Kate was preparing for Paul Child 18TH birthday party; he was Jake and Kate classmate and very good friend.

  She is at Jake home to take him she rang the bell Jake’s elder brother open the door. She smiled and said

  “Hi Ma...Max” it was Max Drew Kate liked him. He is studying in New York, and came home for holidays.

  Black hair and eyes Max was smart, he was studying business. He was tall, and has an attractive personality.

  Every time she saw him she shutters calling his name “Hi Kate long time no see, you looking good” Max said as they were in hall.

  “Hey Mariana are you? Kate said to Jake mother Mariana but Kate feel she don’t treat Jake as she does to Max and Miley (Jake’s younger sister).

  Jake said that sometime but Kate told him it’s all your thought she love you so much you are the only one who have her eyes.

  “Good look pretty going somewhere?” Mariana says as she works in kitchen “yeah were going in Paul birthday... hey Doc look like whole family got a plan”

  Kate said as Dr. Drew came out of his room “Hi Kate just for us” Dr. Drew said as he came in kitchen and kiss Mariana.

  Jake tells Kate all the time about how much his dad love his mom “Kate you ready? Jake asked as he came down on stairs.

  “Yep...Oh looking good” Kate said.

  “Bye mom” Jake said looking at his mother “bye” Mariana said rudely while working.

  Dr. Drew feels her rudeness then says “Good bye son...have fun you two”

  “Bye Doc” Kate said.

  “C’mon Jake put a smile on your face ...what happen to you” Kate asked to Jake.

  “You know when Max said good bye to mom, she kissed him and hugs him but when I said good bye she just says “BYE” and if dad was there he said good bye, don’t be late or take care”

  Jake said Kate could feel pain in his voice as if he is trying to control his tears.

  “She was busy Jake, stop noticing so little things please. you’re 18 now soon we’ll be graduate then we go to college and then when you came for holidays your mom will kiss you and hug you” Kate said.

  She folds her arms around her. It was mid-March winter but they can feel cold in air.

  “You’re right...maybe that’s why mom takes care of Max so much” Jake said, Kate knows that Jake still thinking about it

  She promised that she talks about this with Dr. Drew, but she did not show that to Jake to distract him she says

  “Now please don’t embrace me with long face, Paul will not like it that his best friend is sad on his birthday, and please ask Alice for dance! Why don’t you see that girl really likes you, well I promise her that you will ask her for senior prom ...OK?”

  “OK...I will” Jake said putting his hands in his jeans pockets.

  Kate can feel Jake has changed, she did not want to tell him that but she was worried.

  They arrived at the party. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL” Jake and Kate said together

  “Thanks guys... you look beautiful Kate” Paul said blushing.

  Paul like Kate since 9th grade, he want to tell her but Tyler come between them , Jake knows that he saw Paul staring Kate for hours in public library where Kate and Jake goes for exams preparations.

  Jake smiled and says “I’m still standing here man! Here’s your gift you’re 18 now, were going to get I.ds, we can go pubs and do know what I mean right”

  “Stop it Jake” Kate said, as they knew what he means, and then they all laugh.

  “Hey Kate” Alice said as she came forward, she want to say to Jake but she never get his attention.

  “Hey Alice... looking good... nice music... would you like to dance?” Jake said smiling at her and asks for her hand.

  Alice cannot believe what she heard she stare him for a second then says “Yes of course”. Kate looked Jake with thankful eyes.

  “Um ...Kate” Kate distracted as Paul call her

  “Yeah Paul” Kate said looking at him. Paul was a simple looking, normal height, black hair and blue eyes guy.

  He wears glasses that make him look good. “I thought that... if you like we can go out sometime... you know for a movie or something,” Paul said, placing his glasses.

  “Yeah... Of course Paul...whenever you want but if exams over first, you know I can concentrate on ...well more on you” Kate said smiling.

  “Yeah ...sure I mean okay as you like... I’ll get you drink” Paul said he was excited.

  “Man... he’s flying Ki,” Jake said finishing his drink.

  “Yeah... Paul is a nice guy plus he’s going to M.I.T but don’t tell him, that I tell you… Mr. Dorsey said that to me, he want to go in mechanical engineering” Kate said looking at Paul.

  Jake take a pause then said “hey Ki...why can’t we go to clubs... we are 18 now ...c’mon Ki”

  “Jake again, I told you why and I thought we’re clear on that page” Kate said taking a sip from her drink. Jake hit his hand on the table, takes his coat and leave without even saying goodbye to Paul.

  Kate follow him calling him from back “Jake stop ...wait stop please” Jake stop then turn around and yell “I am over with this children birthday party or Saturday fun party, I want to go real place .if you go with me fine and if not… I go alone”

  He said and then leaves. Kate stand there in shock, because Jake never talk to her with loud voice before, she realizes her best friend is changed.