Read Angel 6.0: Emissary Page 6

  This female and I had survived sexual tortures together, things I would never admit to another living soul. I loved her deeply. I considered I might be in love with her, like the way I felt for Rollick and Cesar. As the Prince kneeled behind me and slipped his massive tongue up between my thighs, wetting me with warm, delicious strokes, I gazed into Chilla’s loving eyes and realized just how lucky I was. I had three of the most wonderful lovers and friends, three lovers to share their joy, their bodies, with me.

  Chilla purred with pleasure and fingered herself, masturbating her pink, fleshy pussy and grinding her hips into her hand. I came all over Rollick’s wonderful thick tongue and he lapped it up. Suddenly his tongue was gone and the fist-sized head of his cock warmed me.

  “My beloved Angel, I have waited so long to feel you again. I would spare you this pain, but I need you. Please forgive me.”

  I reached back and stroked his cock lovingly. I tugged him hard against me and ground my pussy to lubricate him in my juices. “I love you, Rollick. You have my permission to hurt me, Prince. I want you inside me.”

  His powerful pushing erection spread me wide. I fought to hold position on my knees and Rollick squeezed that monster in, harder, and harder.

  My pain switch flipped and I gushed wetness, vibrating with pleasure as Rollick growled and hissed, struggling to fit inside me. I looked back to see the head of his cock disappear. Nothing but the head!

  “Son of a bitch! You’re fucking huge!”

  I fought with all my strength to stay on my hands and knees for him, to please him, to take as much of him inside me as I could. He stretched me open and filled me impossibly full. I screamed his name over and over. Tears of agony and ecstasy blurred my vision. Waves of orgasmic joy flowed over the top of my searing pain … then he withdrew!

  Chilla’s delicate hands stroked and guided Rollick’s cock away from me. “Wait, my Prince.”

  She aligned his monstrous erection with her entry and spread her legs wide for him. With zero finesse, Rollick dropped his weight on me, the shaft of his fat erection pressed hard against my wet pussy lips. Centimeter by centimeter, he glided over me and buried all that cock inside Chilla. Rollick sandwiched me with the warm, furry press of his body thrusting into the lovely female beneath us. His cock rubbed me off with a torturous glide over my juicy clit and pussy lips. Chilla licked my face, mewling and undulating in sublime pleasure as Rollick plowed into her over and over.

  My Prince made love to both of us, together, and his concubine held me in her arms, purring my name with his as he ravaged her body with the full measure of his cock.

  His thrusts became more frantic, and I sensed he was going over the top. The hot bite of Rollick’s claws ripped into my hips as he thrust deep into Chilla. Pain tripped hard and I came for him, for her, for the both of them. My screams overlapped the howls of both Cats in their yowling song of climax and love. Chilla and I locked eyes. She gifted me the sublime beauty of her loving orgasmic convulsions as Rollick mauled my hips, thrusting his hard wet shaft relentlessly across my pussy lips and into Chilla. Howling my name, his hot, squirting come soaked us all.

  He collapsed on us and released his agonizing hold on my hips. Chilla and Rollick squirmed around me in a purring, growling, furry massage, a glorious, sensual embrace of Cat love.

  I’d never imagined how these creatures could make me feel, the joy of their bodies and love. I could die utterly happy, crushed between their love.

  * * * *

  Chapter 10

  I woke to a knock at Rollick’s door. My Prince answered naked, heedless of my blood coating his cock and claws. I watched as the Imperial guard surveyed Rollick with a poorly disguised sneer. “The Emperor requests your presence in the Imperial launch. The Tribunal has decided. We make war against the humans.”

  The way he spit out the word humans and looked directly at my naked, abused body curled around Chilla left no doubt of his feelings. Rollick growled low at the guard. “We will join the Emperor.”

  The guard moved as if he was dismissed, Rollick grasped his arm and held him in place. “War or not, you will respect the Princess and her entourage. She is my shield, my companion, and commands respect through her selfless love for my family. The same respect is due the royal concubine, Chilla. She resides with me permanently.”

  The Cat glanced my way and nodded in respect. His eyes trailed over my naked body and my hands wrapped around Chilla’s warm, striped ass. I was so comfortable and sated, I didn’t give a shit what this guard thought of me cuddling naked with my sleeping concubine.

  The guard looked to his Prince in confusion. “Sire, she is the Princess, and I bow to her as you wish. Yet she is human. Do you not see?”

  The Prince bared his teeth in the guard’s face. “She is the Princess of the Allied Federation of the Gran and an accomplished Warrior. Pray you remember that always.”

  The guard nodded in deference and backed away. My love and devotion to Rollick would never be enough to satisfy the Gran. These fucking Cats couldn’t get past my gender and their xenophobia.

  * * * *

  Rollick, Chilla, and I boarded the new Imperial flagship readied for launch in the Imperial bay. Chilla refused to be left behind at the palace – she feared we might not make it back, and she wanted to join us on the journey. She’d argued that sexually satisfied Warriors perform better in battle. Though I preferred she remained safe at home in the palace, I couldn’t argue her logic. I loved seeing her happy with Rollick, and I wanted more quality time sandwiched between my two favorite Cats. With Chilla close at hand, I was guaranteed lots of delightfully punishing sex before I died in this insane war.

  The Emperor sat in the galley chatting with several Cats, two I recognized as the Trader fatcat, head of the Traders Guild, and the Miner who opposed me at the Tribunal. They looked serious and brooding. Rollick went to his father’s table, and I decided to avoid antagonizing the Guild Cats. Instead I moved towards my entourage, where Cesar sat at a table, with Chancy and Azad.

  A slight smile on my satisfied lips, I couldn’t hide my freshly fucked pleasure as Cesar checked me out. He caught the eyes of his men and I could see the reaction in their faces – they all noticed the fading claw marks on my hips. I healed very fast, but not fast enough to hide the evidence of my love for the Prince.

  Cesar reached out to caress my black hair, still wet from when I’d showered off the mess of blood and sex. His eyes held me, and though I wanted to tell him how much Rollick and Chilla meant to me, how much I loved what they did for me, I couldn’t help but feel shame under Cesar’s scrutiny.

  My lover surprised me with a slight smile. “Everything goes well with the Prince?” The tension in his eyes was unmistakable, but he was trying. His jealousy warmed me, but his understanding invigorated me.

  Cesar was the right man in my life, the only man who’d ever really tried to understand me. He’d seen most of the pivotal events that shaped my destiny among the Gran, and loved me despite my flaws, my violent nature and perverse needs.

  I glanced at Chancy’s suspicious gaze and Azad’s stoic face then looked back to my smiling mate. “Yes, of course. The Prince loves me … and I would do anything for him. As I would do anything for you, Cesar. Anything you ask of me.” I felt the apology on my lips, but instead I offered concessions. I had no apologies for loving the Prince and Chilla, but I was willing to earn grace with Cesar through favors – if that’s what it took to balance the lovers in my life.

  The silence at the table was deafening. Cesar broke into a chuckle and kissed me on the forehead. “I see you are well and that makes me happy …” He winked, and I blushed. “We’ll discuss what you can do for me later.”

  Chancy did a double-take on Cesar. “Ya gone mad ouva? Can’t you see the striped beasty is kickin’ in her back door? She’s manky and smiling about it. ‘Tis not natural!”

  Cesar’s eyes darkened and pinned his man with a dangerous look. “Angel is the Princess of the Allied Fede
ration of the Gran … and my mate. If I trust her to take care of the Prince, then what’s it to you? She’s the reason we have the run of the intergalactic trade routes and jump coordinates from here to Jupiter. We are lucky to share the benefits of her life among the Gran. Don’t presume to judge her, Chancy.”

  The Irishman’s white knuckles clenched hard on the table, ever ready to brawl at the slightest provocation. It seemed no matter what I did, I always found myself standing between Cesar and Chancy.

  Cesar stood and faced his second with hands fisted like he’d take a swing, but my lover kept his cool and spoke through gritted teeth. “Angel and the Prince saved your scabby ass from the plasma char. Though you didn’t deserve it, she gave up her blood to heal you. Try showing a little gratitude. You owe her at least that much.”

  Azad interrupted, “She has my gratitude, and if she’s doing what it takes to keep the Prince and the Emperor happy, then we all owe her the same. The way I see it, Angel is the only one capable of negotiating a truce and stopping this war.”

  Chancy stood and stepped away from the table with a surly look on his face. “Paint a feckin’ halo around her head why dontcha? She’s a workin’ girl on the job … saving the free world one shag at time.” He turned his back on us and exited the cafeteria.

  I looked to the engineer Azad who always showed me respect and wondered what he really thought of me. Azad was a quiet man, yet I sensed powerful undercurrents within. I didn’t distrust him – not really – yet I knew he held secrets. But were they his secrets, or Cesar’s?

  * * * *

  Sitting in our comfy meeting room with full glasses of Gran liquor, I tried to be casual yet direct with Secora. “Do you think the DC will talk peace? Are they dead set against the Gran?” I watched her closely, monitoring her heart beat and respiration.

  She looked thoughtful for a minute as she sipped her liquor. “I wish I could say they are looking for peace. I don’t know, Angel. I’m not that high up the chain of command. I don’t have enough security clearance to know what the long term plan is.”

  “If you were interested in peace, would you send a fleet of warships on a suicide mission against a warlike race of alien Cats?”

  She looked at me funny. “We weren’t flying a suicide mission. We were scouts, with orders to engage the enemy. We found every mine and colony in the vicinity and targeted the enemy while the other half of our fleet made the return trip to Earthside. We tested the Gran’s defenses, Angel. As the Admiral said, now we know where to find the Gran, and we can hit them directly.”

  Finally she opened up with some real details. But her familiarity and attitude put a sour taste in my mouth. “That kind of talk got the Admiral killed.”

  “You killed the Admiral, Angel, not the Cats … and you were acting on your own.” We’d spent enough time together that she had glimpsed the truth of what I was.

  I held her accusing gaze and listened to her heart rate speed up incrementally as she realized she sat across the table from a vicious killer and I would not hesitate to take her life.

  “Whether you help me or not, I will stop this war.” Her heart rate leapt again and her eyes flitted left and right, looking for an escape that did not exist.

  I leaned closer and seized her hand in my powerful grip. “I can’t allow the DC to put everyone I love at risk. The Admiral was a small-minded prick, too drunk on his belief in the DC to see past his ignorance. There’s no reasoning with pig-headed militants, Secora.”

  I waited a moment for her reaction as I threatened to break the bones in her hand with the crushing squeeze of my fist. Sweat broke out on her brow and she started to shake with the pain of my hold on her, but she accepted my threat without comment. I let her go and she pulled away, favoring her hand.

  “I’m not like other girls, Secora. Though I look the part, I’m not really human.” I stood and she flinched. I stepped towards her and she scooted back in her chair, trying to put distance between us.

  “My interests are not yours … nor do I align with the Gran. All that matters to me is protecting those I love.” I snatched her up and lifted her off the floor one-handed by her stained jumpsuit. “I will do whatever it takes to protect my loved ones from this idiotic war humans have started. You will help me stop the war, or I promise I’ll rip you apart with my bare hands.”

  I dropped her in her chair and watched her shell-shocked eyes brimming with fear. I leaned into her face and she sat frozen in terror inches away from a killer who could dismember her in seconds. “Do not mistake me, Secora. I require permission from no one. I am Angel, the Princess of the Allied Federation of the Gran. There has never been another like me, and I am capable of things you cannot imagine.”

  * * * *

  A month of jumpship travel passed relatively quickly. I spent most of my time with Cesar – and occasionally with Rollick and Chilla, locked in the Prince’s private room for hours at a time. Sex was a way of life for me. Violent sex made the moment that much sweeter. Violent sex with those I loved and adored – that was an experience without comparison.

  My pseudo father, Dr. D’Anton had warned me repeatedly of the nature of my pain response and the potential for addiction. He and the other doctors of Nugene had threatened to tie me down to keep me from cutting myself. The visceral thrill of painful sex had become a new addiction for me. Though I couldn’t truly accommodate the full size of my Prince, not like Chilla, I screamed in joy and agony every time I tried. He left me limping and satisfied, and I looked forward to the next session with relish.

  I sensed my time locked in Rollick’s room bothered Cesar, but he didn’t confront me. My pirate lover gave me what I needed, what I lacked, the loving touch of a man. Cesar didn’t begrudge my time away from him, and I loved and respected him ever more for it.

  Cesar’s love and acceptance filled a hole in my life and completed me emotionally. Though I wasn’t human, not really, I craved this connection with a man. Nugene had created me with the weakness of female human needs.

  Yet I needed Rollick too.

  Somehow, it worked, this unconventional sharing of my affections, of me. It worked, and it was the most wonderful time of my life. I roamed the halls of the Imperial flagship with a perpetual grin on my lips.

  The universe had listened to my prayers.

  D’Anton had been fond of certain phrases, one in particular. I soon learned what he meant when he’d said all good things must come to an end. The good things in my life ended when the Imperial fleet arrived at Jupiter, at the far side of the asteroid belt.

  * * * *

  Chapter 11

  The Emperor carried the responsibility of defense of the Gran colonies. In twisted Cat logic, his responsibility included aggressive offensive tactics against a perceived enemy of the Gran … like humanity.

  The Cat who adopted me into his family – my father-in-law – was now the most dangerous threat to humanity. I loved this Cat and his son the Prince, my mate. I loved the entire royal family, but they were in the driver’s seat of the largest invasion ever perpetrated against human space.

  During the thirty year war, the Traders Guild had attacked Earthside and Luna colonies in small pockets of one to three ships, raiders running smash and grab flybys. Over the course of three decades the Traders Guild warships, by attrition, had wiped out the DC’s best defenses. Only the Treaty put a stop to the raids.

  Now the Emperor led battalions of warships numbered in the hundreds, arrayed in a series of attack formations, ready to eradicate any threat to Catdom. I sat in the control room of an invasion capable of erasing humanity from existence and contemplated my place in the scheme of things. A single mistake, one kneejerk reaction, could doom both races to war – countless lives lost on both sides. The Cats and men I cherished could all die amidst the chaos of this meaningless war.

  They say all’s fair in love and war – but none of it was fair.

  I wanted my Prince, my pirate, my concubine and my Emperor. I wanted to en
joy life with those I loved, or take my lovers and escape, hide out on the far side of the galaxy and disappear from history. Let these arrogant, war-mongering bastards kill each other until they destroyed everything good and right in the universe. I wanted nothing to do with their fucked-up war. Yet somehow, this obligation had come to me. Instead of running far away, I had to face this potential massacre head on.

  I expected confrontation, threats, something, and got nothing. We blazed forward into the solar system uncontested. Surprisingly, the DC didn’t attack as our invasion screamed past the red planet of Mars with its sparse colonial outposts and onward towards Luna.

  As we rounded the moon, the beautiful swirling blue planet of Earthside filled our view. Suddenly hundreds and hundreds of DC stealth warships uncloaked before our sensors, appearing out of nowhere. They were arrayed in a strategic defense pattern across the threshold of the planet. They had been waiting for the Imperial fleet to fly into their trap, like stupid Cats.

  The Emperor was not a stupid Cat.

  In fact, I considered him one of the most intelligent creatures I’d ever met, quite deserving of his title and responsibilities. His intelligence proved a surprise to the DC stealth fleets when the Traders Guild warships jumped into system on the far right of Earthside, flanking the DC – a war on two fronts.

  Minutes later the Miners Guild fleet of warships jumped in system to the far left of Earthside, covering the only escape route for the DC. The home and birthplace of humanity was surrounded by Gran warships – a war on three fronts.

  Every line in Cesar’s face screamed his tension. His jaw hardened and his fist squeezed my arm so hard he flipped my pain switch. His intense gaze held me rapt. “You have to stop this, Angel. Please, I’m begging you.”