Read Angel 6.0: Pursuit Page 5

“Emperor, I beg you release him. I have no claim against him. He has answered my question.”

  The Emperor looked to Rollick. “Do you accept Angel’s mercy? Or do you make claim against your enemy?” His words to his son sounded suspiciously like a test.

  Rollick looked at me. Intense emotional conflict boiled inside him – a toxic mixture. He nodded to his father. “Angel has the right. It is her decision.”

  The Emperor stepped around to face the Cat on his knees. “You are released of your punishment and no longer in my employ. Leave my palace. I do not wish to see you, ever.”

  The Cat nodded to his Emperor and struggled to his feet.

  Finally it was over … but it wasn’t. Rollick snatched me up by the arm and pulled me out the door and down the hallway. The guards didn’t make a move. They watched as I was Cathandled off to wherever Rollick wanted me to go. He jerked me into his now disinfected apartment and slammed the door shut behind us.

  Hurting my arm, he pulled me up nose to nose. His intense, furious yellow Cat eyes bored into me. “Tell me how you know of amixa. What has Cronin done to you?”

  Jealousy was such an ugly emotion. I’d seen jealous couples in holovid archived films, and read about them in various ebooks from Nugene Station’s library, but I had little experience with jealousy firsthand. Here with Rollick, I didn’t like it – not at all.

  Rollick’s pincer grip on my arm squeezed tighter and blood flowed from where his claws sliced my skin. Trickling euphoria brought a sigh to my lips. “Rollick, relax.”

  He noticed my blood on his claws and let go of me instantly. His face looked stricken, again. This situation was eating him up inside. His eyes gave me a tortured glimpse of the guilt that had been shredding his soul.

  “I forgive you, Rollick.” I reached up to his warm, furry face and rubbed his powerful jaw, delighting in the soft scruffiness of him. “Please understand you did not hurt me. Not permanently.”

  He watched me with a small whining sound.

  “I am fine, Rollick. You remember when I fell, the night we first met? Remember how badly I was hurt and how quickly I healed?”

  Slowly, he nodded, and I rubbed his neck, chin, and shoulders, willing him to relax in my hands. He leaned down to touch my nose. “I love you, Angel. I loved you from the day you almost died saving my life. I love you now, though it pains me, the things I did to you. What hurts most, is how I …”

  He couldn’t finish his admission, but I already knew what he would say. I’d been on the receiving end of a horny Cat too many times. I knew how much Rollick enjoyed what he’d done to me, though he couldn’t make himself say the words.

  “Shh, I know. I understand. He was trying to hurt me, Rollick. The guard hates me. Instead, he hurt you. I am not like other humans. I do not die easily, and I heal very fast. My pain, it does not hurt me … not like others feel pain.”

  I wasn’t sure if I could trust this volatile young Cat, but I felt like I should. He needed me to trust him, and I needed him as a friend. “When you hurt me, Rollick, I … I liked it.”

  He nodded and whined again. Perhaps this dark road of guilty pleasure we’d traveled together bothered him the most – the idea what happened between us had been more than just rape.

  He sniffed at me, rubbing his nose up and down my neck. I wondered if my scent had somehow marked him psychologically. He’d definitely marked me. I hadn’t been able to sleep these past nights without thinking of Rollick, of his strong arms pinning me against the wall and his huge thrusting cock filling me impossibly full. I wasn’t sure if it was fear, intimidation, perversion, or just plain trauma, but I couldn’t get Rollick out of the periphery of my mind.

  His arms flowed around me in a soft embrace. This was the Rollick I loved. This was the Cat who welcomed me into his home and made my time among the Gran enjoyable. Now, if I could convince him and the Emperor that I wasn’t good mating material, then our lovey dovey little family would get along fine.

  After a time of warming me with his strong furry arms, he returned to staring in my eyes, nose to nose. “Tell me, Angel, what has Cronin done to you?”

  I didn’t want to answer this question. Shame twisted my soul and sealed my mouth tight. I hated the idea that Rollick might think less of me if he knew. But he wasn’t an idiot. He already figured it out. I hated being the instrument of Rollick’s immersion into the world of adult affairs. I hated stealing his naivety with the shameful truth of my life.

  “He doesn’t … It’s not sex, Rollick. It’s not the same as what happened between you and I. Cronin plays games with me. He uses amixa and uses me in games of pretend.”

  Rollick snorted, confused. “How can you pretend?”

  I grinned. The curious Cat wanted me to show him. Un huh. No way. “There are ways. Do not worry, Rollick. Cronin does not hurt me. It is unpleasant, mostly, but I can endure him when I must.”

  But he’s a son-of-a-bitch just the same.

  Rollick growled menacingly. “This will end. I do not want him touching you.”

  “I do not want Cronin touching me either. Yet there is a man I love, a human named Cesar. He has promised we will be mated when I am freed. Would you keep me from Cesar as well?”

  He puzzled over my question for a time. “I do not care about other humans. I care about you. I want you for myself. Cronin can not have you. I will ensure he never touches you again.”

  That had me worried.

  * * * *

  Chapter 9

  I convinced the Emperor I really did not want to take a mate among the Gran. Besides, we weren’t even the same species. Why would any of these Cats want a hairless bitch like me? A human? He and his wife begrudgingly agreed. They conceded to my wishes, but I felt an ever-present pressure building between us. They wanted something I was not willing to give – had given once involuntarily. Sorry, Rollick, no more tight human pussy. Find someone else to split in half. Not this girl.

  I missed Cesar more than ever.

  The weeks crawled past hour by hour, day by day, and I couldn’t wait for the time when I would be reunited with my lover. Though I hated the prospect of spending another month aboard Cronin’s ship to make the journey, I needed Cesar. I needed Cesar’s unconditional acceptance. I needed a man. Not a furry Cat with a cock the size of my arm – a man who loved me. A man who made sweet, beautiful love to me and promised to be there for me – with no expectations, no hidden agendas, no politics, no profiteering, no xenophobia.

  Fear and uncertainty crept into my world.

  How long would Cesar wait for Cronin and the Emperor and the Traders Guild to decide they were finished using me for their various schemes? My lover could easily find someone to fill the empty spaces while I was gone, a woman who did not have to bend over and get fucked by alien Cats thousands of light years across the Galaxy. I wondered how long before someone else warmed Cesar’s bed in my absence.

  * * * *

  Sitting at the arena with Chilla, watching Rollick beat the shit out of his opponent, I wondered at the sublime strangeness of my life. Here I was, living with royalty, courting a pirate, lying to the DC and the Gran and my lover, and trying to keep Cats from shoving their fat cocks in me whenever they lost control of their hormonal urges.

  I enjoyed watching Rollick fight – it stirred something in me – a passion for combat. Rollick moved fast, and he was damn strong, but I could see the weaknesses in his technique, how he left himself open. He liked to spin too often – flashy but impractical. When he faced a more capable fighter, he’d regret turning his back on his enemy. I’d have to remember to lecture him on that later.

  Thoughts of spinning and whirling with a battle gauntlet made my fists clench. I wanted to leap down to the sand and feel the heavy, powerful weight of a weapon in my hand. I wanted to show the Prince a few things about those blades. I had no problem spinning with my gauntlet – I moved so fast, I was like a turbine – a flickering light-energy saw.

  I’d never been trained a single
day for combat, yet it seemed the most natural thing for me, as though born to it. I had an intuitive sense and a visceral thrill for the art of killing. I wondered if D’Anton had intended me to be a soldier, or if my aptitude for fighting was simply a side effect of his enhancements. I could call on adrenaline and fury at will. In a moment of intensity I could summon bursts of speed and strength far beyond normal human capacity. What was my father doing when he made me?

  Why was I so good at fighting and fucking, all things primal and physical?

  I was jolted from my reverie by a large clawed hand grasping my shoulder. Captain Cronin. Absorbed with the fighters in the arena I hadn’t heard the furry bastard sneak up on me. Harsh memories of my time with him flooded in – being held down, bent over, pummeled by cock and mauled by tearing claws.

  I jerked away from his grip. “What do you want? It’s not time to leave yet! I have another week with Rollick.”

  Cronin’s eyes narrowed as he hissed in irritation. “You must come with me now. Humans have arrived with freighters full of minerals. Your Cesar has tracked us to the palace.”

  I lit up with the news. “Cesar! He’s here? On our side of the galaxy? Take me to him!”

  I’d missed him so much. Could it be true? Cesar had crossed the entire galaxy for trade, for me. My heart in my throat, I needed to get to the nearest launch bay. Now. I leapt up and dragged the Captain towards the exit of the arena.

  He pulled me back with a vicious growl and his claws cut into my skin. “The Emperor will not be pleased. Cesar should not be here. Humans are not welcome …”

  His alarming words squeezed my chest with fear, stamping out my joyful emotional high. It suddenly became difficult to breathe. “What are you saying? Is Cesar in trouble? What do you mean?”

  Captain Cronin growled and snapped. He was playing cagey again. Cronin rarely answered my questions directly. His tall stride ate up the corridors as I jogged to match his pace. I assumed we were going to the docking bay, but instead he brought me to a different bay with the scroll work of the royal family across the entrance. Inside was a single ship in a sleek silvery color, shaped like a bulb with sharp wings and a conical nose. It was smaller than Cronin’s Traders Guild ship, but I knew we’d find deluxe accommodations inside when Lenka met me at the entry elevator.

  The Emperor’s personal ship.

  This couldn’t be good.

  The Emperor had never been involved with any of my expeditions across the galaxy. I’d never seen him or his family leave this massive space station palace. Cesar’s uninvited arrival had stirred up some serious shit.

  Once aboard ship, I was ushered to the command center, a wide semi-circular room where several Cats worked holovid controls for the ship. Four holovids displayed Cesar’s Shadow cruiser, and three large rectangular freighters. My crazy pirate lover had come all the way across the galaxy, straight to the Emperor … for me?

  He’d said as much when we parted, but I thought he was speaking in metaphor ... or just telling me what I needed to hear.

  The Emperor waved me over to his side. “This Cesar is very determined. It is unfortunate he came to us. The Traders Guild and their Warriors are displeased. I admit I do not like it either. Humans should not be at our door. The Gran are a territorial species, and we do not enjoy intrusions. At this moment, Gran warships are preparing for battle.”

  I grabbed his hand. “Let me explain it to him. I’m sure he’ll leave peacefully if you give me a chance to make him understand his mistake. I … I think he came for me.”

  The Emperor chuckled and his eyes pierced me. “That is what I feared.”

  This was not good at all. Among the Cats, fear easily translated to aggression and violence. “Take me to Cesar, let us talk with him. I will prove he means no harm. He is not here for battle, he is here for trade. Those are freighters filled with valuable minerals. I am his only translator, and he has promised … he wishes to be my mate, when I am freed.”

  The Emperor nodded and another Cat’s strong hand landed on my shoulder. I looked back to find Rollick staring me down. “We must discuss this matter of matings, after we meet this Cesar.”

  Emperor and Prince nodded to each other, and I stood between them, wishing there was some way I might find a small slice of happiness with Cesar in the mess of my life.

  * * * *

  Chapter 10

  I met Cesar, Chancy and Azad at the shuttle bay aboard the Emperor’s personal craft. I stood beside the three Cats who ruled my world, Rollick, Captain Cronin, and the Emperor himself. Our meeting was surrounded by massive Warriors with full battle gear and gauntlets – not exactly a hospitable welcome.

  I ignored the Cats and people around me as I wrapped my arms around the man I loved, with a huge wet kiss of welcome. Tears of joy blurred my vision as Cesar’s powerful hug enveloped me.

  “I missed you so much, Cesar. Every day without you is … difficult.” I’d told myself I would never again lay my heart and soul into another man’s hands, but Cesar stole it from me when I wasn’t careful, and there was no taking it back.

  His warm chuckle sent shivers down my spine. He kissed me hard and then let up to look me straight in the eyes. “I told you I’d come. I keep my promises, Angel.”

  Growls and clicks from my waiting entourage brought me back to the awkward situation surrounding us. My shaking hands clasped with Cesar’s and I pulled him and his men along to a table setup nearby.

  The Cats at least provided spiced liquor and cakes as we seated at a round table. The arrangement quickly became strange as the Cats lined up to one side and the humans on the other. I had no idea where I should sit in the mix, but I was so happy to see Cesar, and so nervous at his arrival, I scooted in beside him on the low couch that passed for Gran chairs. The Cats glared down at us as I leaned into my lover’s casual embrace.

  Rollick was the sourest of the three, but none of the Cats seemed happy to see me cuddling with their perceived enemy. The Emperor, ever direct and to the point, began by spearing me with his unwavering Cat domination gaze. “Angel, tell us why they are here and what they intend by violating Gran territory.”

  I translated and watched both Azad and Chancy go tight-lipped. Cesar merely nodded in acknowledgment. He cleared his throat, and leveled his gaze at the Emperor. “I am very pleased to be received by your wonderful Empire as a guest, and I apologize for my ignorance of the proper protocol for this visit. I come wishing only to trade, and seek new mining business opportunities local to the Gran, for ease of future trading and supply.”

  Sounded totally reasonable … to a human. Cats didn’t quite see things the way we did. I translated, and none of the Cats’ expressions changed in the slightest. They presented a united front of glaring intimidation. Captain Cronin rubbed his chin, seemingly thoughtful, playing his human mimicry games again.

  A thought occurred to me then. They were Cats, not exactly like the predatory cats of Earth, but similar enough that their behavior made sense. They were defending the pride. The only thing more blatantly catlike would be to piss on the floor and roar their challenges to the newcomer, Cesar, and his crew. I sipped my liquor and fought to keep from smiling as I imagined these big furry bastards pissing and cussing up a storm.

  It was all posturing. Fucking Cats and their aggressive posturing.

  Once I understood what was happening beneath the surface of intimidation, I grew more comfortable. “Emperor, Cesar wishes to trade, to work local to your system, to offer regular minerals of quality and value in exchange for the quality tech and products of the Gran. This is not a military visit. You have nothing to fear from Cesar. He is here solely for business. Cesar is a businessman.”

  One by one their egos deflated to a tolerable level, and the Cats started chatting business. They bored me to tears. I wished they had someone else who could translate this drivel.

  Platinum, copper, iridium, aluminum, and iron – Cesar had access to loads of different ores to trade. I suspected that what he
didn’t have, he could probably steal. The pirate was surprisingly resourceful.

  After hours of trade discussions, mainly between the Emperor, Cronin, and Cesar, my pirate lover finally worked his way around to the thing that mattered most to me. “When I last asked for a price to purchase Angel, I was told the Emperor required her services. Now we are speaking directly, I ask again, what price would you place on Angel, the woman I intend to mate?”

  His words were a balm to my tortured soul. I loved this man, the fact he came all this way to find me, to trade for my freedom. I couldn’t keep the tears out of my eyes.

  I translated, and Cronin kept suspiciously silent on the matter. The Emperor closed his eyes as though the question pained him. Rollick twitched like he intended to speak up, but finally Cronin, my defacto owner, started in. “This is not the proper time to discuss Angel. She is important to the royal family, and to me.”

  Before I could translate, Rollick growled at Cronin with his teeth bared in menace. “We know what importance you place upon her, and it is a sickening, shameful task. She will not return to your custody. I would kill you first.”

  I was dumbstruck. The damn kid had lost his fucking mind.

  Even the Emperor looked surprised by his son’s blatant challenge.

  Cronin hissed and bared his teeth. Fuck. Rollick had bitten off a whole mess of problems in defense of my long abandoned honor. Cronin stood, and instantly Rollick stood to face him. They hissed at each other, nose to nose, claws and teeth bared.

  The Emperor’s bass growl cut through the uproar. “Not here! Not now!”

  Cronin’s ears flicked and his head dropped as he deferred to his Emperor.

  Rollick dived ever deeper into the shit. “The arena will decide who claims Angel.” He snapped his jaws shut in Cronin’s face, close enough to bite him. “Will you fight for her? Or concede to me now.”

  Cesar shook me out of my focus on the Cats. “What the fuck is going on, Angel?” Him, Azad and Chancy all had identical looks of wariness and surprise – probably ready to bolt for their shuttle and grab plasma rifles.