Read Angel & Al Page 6

smile pasted on my lips. And you leaped across too and hugged me. We took the stairs and escalated towards the roof where we laughed out loud after closing the door.

  "Now tell me, Al, why are we on the roof?", you asked leaning your back on my chest and in my response I lifted my right hand and with my index finger, pointed at the moon.

  "You forgot? It's full moon. Date night.", I said as I revealed the bag which I previously hid on the roof.

  You squealed in excitement and leaped up to me and embraced me tightly.

  I extracted a blanket out of the bag and spread it out on the roof. A small iPod with tiny speakers. My infamous sandwiches and a thermos of hot coffee.

  As I spread out the contents and you kept your head on my lap and we both looked over to the moon. Clayderman and Bach and Yanni all performed their music for the Queen of the World as she ate my best sandwiches as we sat and admired the natural beauty of the moon.

  "You know?", I said and you turned your back to look at me. "There's something more beautiful than the night here, Angel."

  "What?", you said almost shocked.

  "Yes.", I said as I gently patted your head. "It's you."

  And blushed a deep red with my words. Honestly, one of the best moments in my life.

  "Is That For Real?"

  Angel was sitting next to me on the pavement and we both mimicked the action if the other. Our heads rested on our palms and my left arm was looped around her right arm. In between the two hands, a butterscotch ice-cream made a journey again and again. To and fro and to and fro. Interestingly so were our heads.

  A couple was fighting just outside the icecream parlor on what flavor to eat.

  And like spectators in a ping pong match, our heads went from left to right. Right to left. Left to right.

  "I don't want your strawberry.", the boy said.

  "I don't want your mint.", said she and the cone met his nose.

  We both looked at the scene and then at each other. And the again at them.

  Goes the strawberry in her hair and we exchanged glances again.

  "Hey bro!", I said and both the boy and the girl turned to look at me.

  "Why don't you try drinking coffee instead?", I said from the pavement and they almost lunged at us to kill me.

  After we ran away from them to safety and you laughed at this incident for full five minutes, we looked at each other.

  "Was that for real, Al?", you ask and keep your head on my shoulder as we started trotting our way home.

  "Probably not. Who behaves like that!", I said and we moved on to our home. Little do we realize that they ask the same for us.

  Gloomy Rain!

  We are sitting in our room. Technically speaking only you are. We are talking to each other as you are fixing the bed and on the couch, I am having my waist and legs on the couch and my torso hanging down. Outside the door to balcony, I am describing you the grays. I am making you a story when I noticed something in the sky.

  "Angel?", I said.

  You turned and you started tickling my skin exposed from my stretched position. I laugh and pull you in order to start a tickle fight.

  After all the commotion ended, I once again whispered in your ear, "Angel?"

  "Hmm?", you said.

  "It's raining."

  You gloom up and sit while holding your knees close. Rain always made you sad. Fortunately, this is the first rain we'll see together.

  "Come.", I said.

  You look at me with the gloomy expression and say where. In reply, I grab hold your wrist and take you to the porch cum balcony out in the drizzle.

  "Al we'll get sick. Let's go in!", you said and pulled at the wrist.

  I pulled your hand and in a half-waltz spun you into an embrace.

  "You're the doctor, ma'am. We'll be just fine. Let's dance in the rain.", I said and did a curtsy bow to ask for your hand just as the rain got heavier.

  You took your hand in mine with a broad grin on your face.

  And I knew, the rain won't make you sad ever again.


  "Al look you got a paint stain on the table there. Try and clean it sometime.", mom said.

  "I am sorry but I can't clean it.", I said and both mom and you asked me why.

  "Nobody will clean that.", I said and looked at my nails then.

  Silence. That's very unlikely of me, I know. I never refuse anyone for anything.

  "Okay, we won't. But why?", mom asked again.

  "There's a story behind it. Angel was learning to sketch from me. She was painting the white rose and in frustration, she started painting the whole page white with the largest brush she got. That's how the stain got there. Each stain has a story. We won't clean any.", I said.

  When I looked up I saw mom with her jaw-dropped and you smiling broadly.

  "You collect, stains!?!", mom asked a bit uncomfortable.

  "Sort of. Yes. Aye aye.", I said. "The time when Angel dropped mayo in the car while laughing hard at the joke about the man crossing the road. The time she was too sleepy and accidentally tipped the plate over and all ketchup was on the sheets. The time when Angel got jump scared while watching Oculus and the Iced tea was all over the carpet. I am not afraid to say that I collect stains.", I said.

  You came running over to me and hugged me tightly. "I love you.", you said.

  "I love you too Angel ", I said and I heard mom say, "You're crazy Al!"

  About the Author

  Adwitiya Dixit is a blogger/aspiring writer from India currently in college. He is a part of websites like and A part-time economics enthusiast, he is often found guilty of learning words like Selinophile, which he might never use in his entire lifetime. When not writing, he plays the guitar and plays basketball.

  P.s. He is a selinophile.

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