Read Angel of Darkness Page 16

  Keenan hesitated. His gaze met hers.

  “Keenan ...”

  Another desperate scream rose above that crackling fire. A woman’s scream.

  Nicole turned back to the doorway. She wouldn’t leave—

  Keenan grabbed her and threw her out of the building. As she flew through that rough opening, the bricks scraped over her arms and legs. She hit the cement outside hard enough to make her whole body shudder. When she looked up, Keenan wasn’t there.

  Because he’d gone back into the flames.

  “Some angels ...” Sam’s voice floated to her, rising easily above the fire and the shouts from those fleeing the building. “They just never learn.”

  She pushed to her feet.

  “Can’t save everyone.” Sam wasn’t moving. He was just standing there and staring at the fire. “Sometimes, you can’t even save yourself.”

  Screw him. Sometimes, you could save someone.

  Her hands slapped against the brick wall.

  “You’ll burn if you go in there.” His quiet warning.

  “I’m not leaving Keenan on his own.” He hadn’t left her. And that woman in there—screaming—been there, done that. She knew too well what it was like to be screaming for help that didn’t come.

  Help’s coming.

  “Nice sentiment.” And somehow, he was right beside her now. No, behind her. His hand stroked down her arm and sent goose bumps over her flesh as that weird little electric shock vibrated through her. “But I can’t let you save him.”

  The electric shock became a painful burn ... one that fired right to her heart.

  She opened her mouth to scream.

  “Don’t worry, this won’t kill you.”

  The scream never passed her lips because her voice was gone. Nicole fell and hit the ground. She stared up at the fallen angel who looked—


  “It won’t kill you, and maybe ... maybe it won’t kill him either.”

  Darkness coated her vision. No, not darkness. Smoke.


  “He needs to learn ... he can’t save everyone.”

  The fire raged.

  “Let’s see just how far we can push him ...” Sam’s dark voice drifted with the smoke. “Until he breaks.”

  That bastard was supposed to help them!

  She didn’t want Keenan to break. She wanted him out of the fire.


  She couldn’t scream his name. Couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t move.

  She could only lie there as Sam slipped away and the fire burned higher.


  The flames crackled around him, flaring high, golden and red, seeming to strike out like snakes as he followed the broken screams.

  Keenan kept his head down, moving quickly, jumping and darting through the fire. Nicole was safe, he’d seen to it; now he just had to—


  He saw her through the flames. The woman who’d pulled the gun on Sam. She was behind the bar. Trapped by the fire. Her hand was over her mouth, and she was coughing.

  Behind the bar. Great. Right next to the wall with the alcohol. The last place you wanted to be when flames were so close.

  Her head turned. Her wild eyes met his. The flames swarmed higher, and he knew time was running out.

  Then the bar ignited.

  Damning the flames, he ran through the fire.

  Nicole sucked in a deep gulp of air. One. Two. Her starving lungs filled greedily and her fingers began to move.

  Damn that Sam. He wasn’t helping them.

  Breaking us.

  She pushed up slowly as her chest heaved. The air was bitter with smoke and it stung her throat, but she wasn’t about to be choosy then. She’d take what she could get.

  Her gaze flew around the area. Cops were on the scene now, swarming in their patrol cars. They were holding a crowd back. A fire truck roared up the street.

  No sign of Sam.

  Or Keenan.

  Still in there.

  She stared at the gaping hole in the wall. Smoke billowed. The crackle of flames taunted her.

  If Keenan had come out, he wouldn’t have just left her on the ground. She was sure of it.

  Her knees shook a bit when she stood. Whatever Sam had hit her with, it had been strong.

  Thirst had her throat drying up. Or maybe that was the smoke. Or the fear.

  “Hey! Hey, lady!”

  Her head whipped around at the call. A uniformed cop waved at her, his round face tense.

  “Get away from there, lady! The fire crew’s comin’! Get back!”

  Could a fire kill a Fallen? Fire killed nearly everything—everyone—else. Witches. Vampires.

  “Sorry,” she muttered to the cop and dove for that opening, “but he needs me.”

  She wouldn’t let Keenan break. Sam could go screw himself.

  Keenan wouldn’t break.

  The vampire went into the flames.


  She should have run. Covered her own ass.

  Not gone back for her lover.

  But Sam smiled as she disappeared. He’d hoped she’d risk her safety for the Fallen. Hoped—but hope was such a weak thing.



  The fire could fry her skin off in moments. Vamps burned just as quickly as witches.

  The light scent of flowers teased his nose and his smile vanished.

  Someone would be dying that night.

  Keenan. His vampire. Or the helpless humans inside.

  The scent grew stronger. The wind pressed against his body.

  Someone would die.

  Someone always did.

  The ceiling was collapsing. The groans and creaks of the wood and beams above Keenan blended with the crackles of the flames. He hoisted his burden, being careful to keep her limbs from the fire. The woman—Seline—had screamed when he jumped through the flames. She’d tried to stumble back, but had smacked her head into the glass counter behind the bar.

  He’d barely caught her before she fell into the fire.

  He glanced around and held her tight. The fire had caught him on his arms and his legs. The pain throbbed, making his gut churn.

  Nicole had taught him of pleasure.

  Now pleasure’s evil bitch of a sister was back—and he didn’t like her much.

  The fire closed in.

  Keenan lifted his right hand. He’d conjured fire before, so that meant that he should be able to control the flames. He’d already tried, over and over, but so far, no luck.


  Now the flames seemed to be calling his name. Taunting him to walk through that hot kiss once more.

  “Keenan! This way!”

  No, that wasn’t the fire calling. Nicole. She was inside. Surrounded by that burning hell when she should be safe, outside, protected.


  He wasn’t aware he’d shouted the word, not until he heard the echo of his voice.

  Then the flames before him, the fire that separated him from Nicole, began to flicker.

  The fire would destroy her. Boil the skin off her flesh.

  “No!” The building shook and the fire between them sputtered out in a blink. The rage stirred in his gut, and he ran to Nicole.

  She grabbed his hand and he barely felt the pain, such was the pleasure of her touch.

  But she was coughing and tears streaked from her eyes. “We’ve ... got to ... get out ...”

  So much fire still burned. The blaze was deliberate, he knew it. Someone had set this trap.

  His fist slammed into the wall. The bricks cracked. They didn’t break, not like when Sam had—

  The bricks exploded and thick chunks flew out into the air. And Sam was there. He shoved his way inside and reached for the woman Keenan carried. “Give her to me!”

  For an instant, Keenan wondered if Sam would throw the woman back into the fire. She barely seemed to breathe and blood matted her hair.

ut Sam pulled her close and tucked her head against his chest. “Weak human ...”

  All humans were weak. It was just how they’d been designed.

  Sam spun away with the woman, and Keenan grabbed Nicole. “You shouldn’t have ...”

  The flames snapped and snarled around them.

  “ ... come after me!”

  Her fingers locked with his. “Later! Let’s get—”

  The ceiling collapsed with a shriek of boards and metal. Nicole slammed into him and pushed Keenan through that broken wall. She tumbled out right after him.

  The whoosh of fire filled his ears, then he hit the concrete. The flesh scraped from his arms and hands. He rolled and caught Nicole when she landed on top of him. Ash stained her right cheek and her eyes were wide and dark. Her breath eased out on a sigh. The fire still raged behind her.

  He kissed her. Keenan grabbed the back of her head, tangled his fingers in the thickness of her hair, and crashed his mouth down onto hers.

  Too close. That fire had been too close to her.

  Death comes.

  The scent of flowers fought with the ash, choking him.

  Death comes.

  His tongue drove into her mouth. Her nipples pushed against his chest.

  Not right now, you don’t! You’re not taking her.

  He wouldn’t let Az win. He hadn’t fallen just to lose her. He’d do whatever it took to face off against his ex-boss.

  Even slipping into the dark.

  “Get ’em out of there!” A voice thundered, and then hands were grabbing at him, her, and yanking them apart. Keenan growled, ready to rip and tear and—

  And he was staring at a firefighter. A young female with red cheeks who glared at him through a clear face mask.

  “Get ’em to the EMTs!” She yelled, and her men pulled them clear of the building.

  EMTs. He glanced down and saw the blisters on his flesh. The fire had tasted him.

  His gaze darted to Nicole. No sign of any fire injuries, but she looked even paler than normal.

  They loaded Nicole into the back of the ambulance. An EMT shoved an oxygen mask over her face.

  Then they turned to him. A heavyset guy and a petite blonde cut off his shirt, and he saw the blonde wince at his wounds.

  He could barely feel them now.

  He glanced back at Nicole and saw that her fangs were peeking out. A sure sign of her desperate thirst.

  “Oh my God.” The loud exclamation came from the blonde at his side. His gaze whipped back to her. He found her staring at him, her eyes saucer-like in her elfin face.

  The guy stared at him, too, only his face was quickly bleaching of color. “What the hell?”

  Keenan felt the tightening of his skin. One quick look down showed him that the wounds were healing. They were shrinking and disappearing right before his eyes—their eyes.

  “I don’t need that!” Nicole snapped. “I don’t—Keenan! Oh, crap!” She’d gotten a look at his chest. She lunged up and grabbed his arm. “Let’s go!”

  But she needed help. The EMTs could take her to the hospital. Get her some blood.

  “Come on.” She jumped from the ambulance.

  The little blonde lifted her hand toward him. “What are you?” She whispered.

  He shook his head and leapt after Nicole.

  “Stop!” The guy shouted. “You can’t leave! We need—”

  But he and Nicole were already running through the night, pushing through the crowd, and Keenan knew he’d made a fatal mistake.

  He’d let the humans see what he really was.

  By the time they stopped running, Nicole hurt. The thirst shook her body and her teeth burned. Whatever Sam had done to her, it had knocked out her reserve energy and she needed blood. Badly.

  “Nicole ...”

  She spun to face Keenan. They were in an alley, a too-thin slice between buildings that would give them a bit of protection from prying eyes. “Did you know that would happen?”

  He blinked at her, looking sexy and strong, and—

  Her breath rasped out. “They saw you heal, Keenan.”

  His gaze held hers. “I didn’t realize I’d heal that fast. I hadn’t been hurt before.”

  He hadn’t been—“What? Run that by me again.” Nice and slow.

  His shoulders rolled. “Angels don’t feel pain. Not death angels. We collect souls.”

  She knew—

  “Only the dying can even see us. And if you’re dying, there’s no need to fight back. No need to suffer.”

  Uh, right. “So you didn’t even know what pain was ... until you fell?” Unlike him, she knew all about pain. About how it ripped you apart and tormented your mind.

  The fire.

  She’d never forget the lick of flames.

  “Didn’t know about pain or pleasure.” His gaze caressed her face. “Until you.”

  That was sweet. No, no, it wasn’t. She’d taught him about pain? Pain wasn’t some nice hallmark card. Pain was a nightmare. “Keenan ...”

  His fingers skimmed down her face. A sensual touch so at odds with the aches in her flesh. He crept closer and caged her against the wall with the strength of his body. “Do you need blood, sweet?”

  “Yes.” It was all she could do not to sink her teeth into his throat. He was just in a fire. Hold back. Hold back!

  His lips skimmed her jaw. “You shouldn’t have come into that building after me.”

  Her laugh was weak. “Did you really think I’d let you face the fire alone?” She shook her head, and he leaned in close. His lips slid down her and pressed right over her pulse. She shivered. “We’re a ... ah ... team ...” Us against the angels.

  Hopefully, they wouldn’t be the losing team.

  “If Sam hadn’t frozen me,” she said, “I’d have been there sooner.” Damn Sam.

  His head whipped up. “What?”

  She licked her lips. When he touched her, she didn’t hurt as much and his fingers were currently sliding down her side and curving over her hips. “He got me as soon as you left. One touch, and I couldn’t move.” Helpless.

  “Bastard.” His fingers were under the edge of her shirt. Pushing up and caressing her flesh. In an alley. For someone still new to the whole earthly temptation bit, he learned fast.

  “I ... don’t ... ah ... think we can count on him,” she managed, her heart thudding hard in her chest. Her growing lust merged with the blood hunger and she wanted to bite. But she kept her teeth up and away from him as she said, “N-no matter what he said, we can’t ... He wanted you to break.”

  Keenan’s gaze bored into hers. His lips parted, but before he could speak, the roar of motorcycles shook the night. Her head turned and bright headlights flashed out of the darkness and filled her sight.

  “Well look what we have here ...” A booming voice called out.

  A familiar voice.

  That biker jerk from the bar.

  Keenan didn’t move. He kept his hands on her, but his gaze was on the men closing in.

  The biker. Shit. Nicole recognized the big, burly, bald biker from the club. About thirty, muscled, both arms tattooed. And he was heading right for them.

  “Knew our fire would smoke you out.” He smiled. “Vamps can never handle fire worth a shit.”

  Did everyone but her know the paranormal score in this world?

  He pointed one leather-clad hand at Keenan. “I don’t got a fight with you. Take my advice, buddy. Go find another screw tonight.”

  Her eyes slit. She needed blood badly right then, and that ass was begging for a bite.

  “Watch what you say,” Keenan ordered, voice flat.

  “Fuck you.”

  Guess he wasn’t into watching his mouth.

  Now the guy pointed at her. “I know what you are, bitch, and I know who you are.”

  The more she stared at him, the more familiar he appeared to her. Something about the line of his jaw, the bulge of his nose ...

  “Knew as soon as you walked in
to that club ...” The biker’s hands dropped, only to rise up half a second later gripping a stake. Definitely prepared. “I been carrying this in my pack since I buried Jeff.”

  Oh, hell.

  An image flashed in her mind. A big, burly guy with fists that had been thick and hard as he drove them into her face.

  Then that body had fallen, sagged so quickly. When his head hit the cement, Jeff Quint’s eyes had been wide open, and so had his throat.

  She grabbed Keenan’s arm and tried to shove him away. “I-I’ve got this. You go, I’ll meet you back at—” Our place. Had she really almost said that? She swallowed and forced a smile. “I’ll see you soon.”

  But Keenan wasn’t moving. Not even an inch. “No way, sweet. I’m not leaving you alone to face—”

  Laughter cut him off.

  “You really think somebody like her needs protectin’?” That stake rose. “What she needs is a good killin’.” Mutters of agreement came from the men behind him. “Hell, even death’s too damn good for her. She needs to suffer.”

  “Tell the bitch, Mike!” One of his buddies called out, and, of course, the buddy had a stake, too.

  Not my night.

  But then, she’d known this night would come for some time. A night of reckoning. They wanted her blood. It seemed only fair, considering she’d taken all of Jeff’s.

  “I didn’t want to kill him.” She said the words without looking at Keenan. She couldn’t look at him then. Time he found out the truth. She stepped away from him and the alley wall and faced the vengeance that was coming.

  “Right. You just tripped ...” Mike closed in on her. “And your teeth landed in his throat.” A snarl burst from his fat lips. “Jeff was my brother, the only fuckin’ family I had. I knew vamps were after us, but I never expected a fresh-faced piece of ass like you ... guess he didn’t either.”


  She could feel Keenan’s stare on her. She glanced his way, just for an instant. “He doesn’t have anything to do with this.”

  “Then he can damn well leave.” Mike grabbed her shoulder, his fingers digging deep. “But you’re only gettin’ out of this alley in pieces.”

  The alley seemed to tremble. “Get your hand off her.” Keenan’s too-lethal voice.

  But Mike only had eyes and bloodlust for her. “Jeff and me ... you know how many vamps we killed?”