Read Angelfire Page 10

  "The reaper sounded pretty clear that they would use the Enshi against you," Wil said. "That's not something that I'm wil ing to risk."

  "I apologize in advance for being so blunt in your presence, El ie," Nathaniel said. "But it's a fact that no matter how many times they kil the Preliator, she wil be reborn and kil a hundred more of them for every one of her deaths."

  I cringed. He was a little more blunt than I had been prepared for.

  "Exactly," Wil said, leaning forward. "So, what does it matter if this Enshi wakes up? Maybe it has the strength to kil El ie, but she'l just be back a few years later. The cycle wil never end."

  Nathaniel sighed. "I don't know. Maybe they know something we don't."

  "I don't like this," Wil confessed. "Could this have anything to do with how long it took El ie to be reborn?"

  "I hope not."

  "Nathaniel," said a tinny voice from an intercom above our heads.

  "Yes, Louise?" he replied.

  "We have another shipment in if you'd like to come up and sign for it."

  "Be there in a minute." He stood. "I'l be back in a little bit. If you need to leave, feel free to go. Swing by upstairs and say good-bye if you do." He left the room quickly, leaving Wil and me alone.

  After a brief, awkward silence, I spoke. "It's getting real y late and I stil have to set up for tonight. Is it okay if we cal it quits with the researching for now?"

  "Yeah," he said with a nod. "Let's go."

  We found Nathaniel in a room on the second floor of the library, examining delicate documents inside protective sleeves. We said good-bye, and he promised to keep an eye out for anything that could lead us to more information about the Enshi. Outside, I paused before getting into my car.

  "What are your plans after this?" I asked.

  He looked up at the sky. "It'l be dark soon."

  I nodded knowingly. That was when his watchdog duties began. "Wel , if you'd rather not sit on my roof like a wal flower, you're very welcome to help us set up for the party. Or at least hang out. You don't have to be by yourself al the time."

  "No, thank you," he said. "That's not the best idea."

  "Okay, Batman," I said with a smile. "But if you're going to claim to be my bodyguard, you might as wel hang out with me."

  His expression was thoughtful. "It's better this way."


  "Because when I'm around you, instead of looking out for you, I let down my guard."

  "Wel , don't do that."

  He smiled bril iantly, his first genuine smile of the day, and my gut did a flip. "I can't help it."

  "You said it yourself--the reapers don't come out during broad daylight."

  "That doesn't mean they can't. They're stil opportunistic. An easy kil is an easy kil ."

  "But don't you think they'd be less inclined to attack me if you're standing next to me than if you aren't?"

  "It doesn't matter."

  "Why not?"

  "They know that I can sense if you're distressed, and I'l be with you whether I'm close by or not."

  "You always have to disprove my logic, don't you?"

  "And you always ask too many questions."

  I narrowed my eyes. "And you never answer enough of them. You're obnoxious. I'l see you later. You're stil coming to the party, right?"

  "Yes," he said. "Because you wish me to, I wil ."

  "Great. I'm counting on you."

  "You always can."


  HarperCollins Children's Books

  ..................................................................... 11

  BY SEVEN O'CLOCK, MY MOM, KATE, AND I HAD MOST of the decorations up. Landon and Chris had taped streamers and dangly stars to the ceiling and columns in the living room. I tried not to let things get awkward with Landon, but he seemed to be over what had happened the night before. He helped reach the higher places for decorations and strung up paper lanterns outside on the patio.

  I jogged upstairs to the bathroom to shower and put on my dress. My winged necklace was the perfect accessory. Kate and I did each other's hair, and when we were ready, we met the boys out on the patio to show off our outfits. Landon and Chris seemed very pleased with the dresses.

  "You look great, El ie," Landon said.

  "Thank you!" I replied, beaming.

  "Kate, don't you think that is a little revealing?" my mom asked, shooting her an odd look.

  Kate shrugged. "My boobs aren't showing."

  "That is such a shame," Chris said as he passed her, and she promptly smacked him on the shoulder.

  Night had fal en, the paper lanterns were lit, and my backyard was a glittering stage. The lantern light gleamed and sparkled off the surface of the pool. Beyond the backyard was a stretch of woods that led to a smal lake behind our neighborhood, and moonlight streaked in between the trees, making the lawn glow. I couldn't be happier. Burning with excitement, I hugged and thanked everyone. When my dad got home, I dragged him outside to see everything, but his expression made me clam up.

  "Do we real y need al of this?" he said, scowling.

  "It's my birthday," I insisted. "Doesn't the yard look nice?"

  "This is absurd."

  "We just put up paper lanterns."

  Something in his gaze flickered, dark and deeper than anger, like shadows passing behind his eyes. I blinked in surprise.

  He gave his head a shake and the look vanished. "I have no idea why you'd make such a big deal out of this."

  I would have laughed at the ridiculousness of his statement if I hadn't been so close to tears. "It's my birthday."

  "Aren't you getting a little old for birthday parties?"

  He held my gaze for another agonizing few moments, his upper lip twitching. Then he made an unintel igible noise and eased across the patio to inspect the burgers Mom had cooking on the gril . He inhaled the gril ing meat deeply, acting as if he hadn't just practical y broken my heart. Why would he say something so dismissive and hurtful? Didn't he understand how important my birthday party was to me?

  Wasn't I important to him?

  I bit hard on my tongue to keep myself from crying and making my mascara run, and I stomped inside the house. Mom had set a beautiful two-tiered cake on the bar in the kitchen and moved the stools out into the dining room so people wouldn't have to scramble around them to get to the cake. Chris had brought some speakers; he plugged in his laptop, and soon the house was fil ed with thumping music. Everything was almost enough to forget how cruel my dad had just been to me. Almost.

  At eight the guests began arriving. Kate enjoyed playing hostess, letting everyone in the front door and leading them through the foyer into the living room. My friends told me how great I looked and, one by one, hugged me before going off to enjoy the cake and music. Evan and Rachel had arrived just as the house was beginning to get crowded. I was happy to see that Josie Newport showed up--with her entourage trailing behind her. She wore a sunny yel ow cocktail dress and her walnut-colored hair hung in loose curls around her tanned shoulders. She smiled at me and gave me a hug that felt authentic and wished me happy birthday.

  My house and backyard were fil ed with high school students by nine thirty. Mom and Dad had retreated upstairs when the place started to get too busy for them, and I was glad. No one wants their parents hanging around their party. I moved from group to group, chatting and dancing, and when I spotted Wil , I stopped dead in my tracks.

  He had actually come. I was even more shocked to see him wearing a nice pair of black slacks and a wel -fitted garnet-colored silk shirt with the top few buttons left undone and no tie. Only a smal portion of his tattoos was visible above his shirt col ar. Before I could get his attention, one of Josie's friends, Harper--or Harpy, as we al liked to cal her

  --was there in front of him introducing herself. I stifled a laugh when I saw the apathy on his face. Harper wrapped an arm around his and proceeded to guide him farther into the party. Behind them, Kate m
ade a comical face and an equal y appropriate hand gesture that made me laugh. When Wil 's gaze caught mine, he pul ed free of Harper's grip without a word to her and walked up to me. She deflated and gaped in disbelief, while I couldn't stifle the victorious smirk on my face. That would teach Harpy to think she owned the place

  -- and Wil ! Not that I was territorial, or anything. Okay, maybe a smidge.

  Kate brushed by me and stopped to make a gagging noise into my ear. "I can't believe Josie brought Harpy Knight," she said in a low, annoyed voice. "She's such a termagant."

  I laughed and nodded even though I had no idea what that meant. Kate grinned, flashing her bright white teeth, and moved on.

  Wil stepped close to me and bent his head down to speak into my ear. "You look beautiful."

  "Thank you," I said, biting my lip when I felt myself blushing. "You look very sharp yourself. Where'd you get the shirt?"

  "A friend."

  "You have friends?"

  "Don't be so shocked. I've lived a long time. I was bound to find someone who likes me. It was just Nathaniel, anyway."

  "Oh, that's so cute," I said, pinching his cheek. "He shopped for you. You're, like, biffles."

  He brushed me off and looked around the living room.

  "That's enough of that."

  I grinned at him, resting my hands on my hips. "You look so tense."

  "It felt weird coming in the front door."

  "Oh, yes," I replied with a smal laugh. "You should have just climbed in through the window, since you're so good at that."

  He smiled crookedly and turned to face me. "I thought about it."

  "Or you could have just hopped off the roof and dropped in on the patio."

  "I'm not real y one for an entrance that dramatic. I don't like drawing attention to myself."

  I laughed. "You fail miserably at that, in case you haven't noticed."

  He seemed to ignore the observation and lifted my pendant with his hand. He turned it over in his palm, looking at it fondly. "I'm glad you're wearing this."

  "It matches my dress."

  He smiled softly. "That it does."

  I glanced behind him and spotted Harper staring at us with a look of derision on her face as she talked to another girl. I looked back to Wil . "Do you want some cake?"

  "No, thanks."

  "Come and eat some cake. It's real y, real y good."

  Ignoring his response, I grabbed his arm and led him into the kitchen. I smiled at a couple of girls grabbing their slices as they stared at Wil . He seemed unfazed, as if he truly didn't care about the attention, and was not just oblivious.

  "I real y don't want any cake," he said, eyebal ing the sugary masterpiece laid out on the bar counter.

  "Are you sure?" I asked, disappointed. "Wel , I'm having a piece." I cut myself a slice and started eating it. "You're real y boring, you know that?"

  "I'm anything but boring. You're the one prancing around in your little dress pretending to be a normal human girl. That is boring."

  I stuck my tongue out at him. "I am a normal human girl, despite what you'd like to believe, and I'm going to enjoy my birthday. You only turn seventeen once."

  "I might have turned seventeen only once," he said. "But you are a pro at it."

  My heart sank. "Wel , this is the only time I remember, so don't ruin it for me."

  "Forgive me," he said, surprising me. "I don't mean to upset you." He studied my face for a moment before taking my hand. "Let's go enjoy your party."

  "Wait, wait," I said, pul ing away from him to finish my cake before dumping the plastic plate and fork in the trash. I wiped at a little bit of frosting on my lip and al owed him to lead me from the kitchen, but in the archway opening up into the living room, we came face-to-face with Landon. He looked from my face to Wil 's, to Wil 's hand holding mine, and back again to my face, his expression quickly fil ing with contempt. He said nothing and pushed past us into the kitchen.

  Back out in the living room, Wil turned to face me. "Your friend was right."

  "About what?" I asked dreamily as he leaned into me and I took in his scent.

  "He is very jealous."

  "Oh." Landon. "How do you know what Kate said?"

  "I have very good ears."

  "So you were eavesdropping?" I asked playful y.

  "I might have been," he said with a wide smile.

  I rol ed my eyes. "You should meet Kate official y. Then she might not think you're so weird."

  "I'm afraid that might have the opposite effect," he said dejectedly.

  I rol ed my eyes and led him out onto the patio.

  Kate was standing in a group of other guests, laughing in a high and gracious voice. When she spotted Wil and me, she waved us over. Everyone wished me happy birthday for the bil ionth time and Kate held out a hand for Wil to shake.

  "I don't think we've formal y met yet," she said. "I'm Kate."

  "Wil ," he replied. "Nice to meet you."

  The others introduced themselves, and we engaged in tedious smal talk I knew I'd forget in five minutes. Wil continued to surprise me, as he seemed to slip comfortably into the role of attentive guest. He cracked jokes, chatted amiably, al the while keeping a close eye on me. I didn't think anyone thought he was too weird, much to my joy.

  Josie appeared with Harper on her heels, and she placed a hand around my arm and kissed me on the cheek. "Hi, El ie, how are you?"

  "I'm real y good, Josie," I replied happily. "I'm so glad you could make it. Are you having a good time?"

  "Yes," she said. "The party is great and the decorations are so pretty. I love your dress!"

  "Thank you so much! We got the boys to do most of the work."

  Josie laughed. "Wel , that's what they're for, right?" She smiled at Wil , tilting her head and bouncing her circus-shiny curls. "Who's your friend?"

  "This is Wil ," I said. "Wil , this is Josie."

  "Are you new at our school? I've never seen you before."

  She examined him much too thoroughly, her eyes moving up and down, her lips curving delicately. "Are you on the footbal team?"

  "No," he said. "I graduated. I'm actual y at Michigan."

  Her eyes perked. "Oh, real y? What's your major?"


  "Wel , that's interesting," she said, lighting up a bit more, toying flirtatiously with her curls. "So you're going to be, like, a top CEO someday?"

  "Probably not," he said honestly.

  Josie frowned.

  "I have your birthday present," Kate said suddenly and excitedly, grabbing my arm. She pul ed out bottles of Goldschl a ger and Dr Pepper and waggled them both enthusiastical y--much to my delight, as I was sick of watching Josie flirt at Wil . "Time for this party to get started."


  HarperCollins Children's Books

  ..................................................................... 12

  AT ONE IN THE MORNING THE PARTY HAD CLEARED out, leaving only my closest friends and Josie's group. Chris and Landon had made an excel ent DJ team al night, and I was stil feeling the shots a little bit. After another dance with Kate, I bounced up to Wil , who was leaning against the wal in the archway to the kitchen.

  I grabbed his hand, smiling. "Dance with me!"

  Wil laughed and shook his head. "No, I don't think so."

  "Why not?"

  "Because you're drunk," he said careful y.

  I glared at him. "Am not. I just feel good." Which was true. I might have been tipsy, but I wouldn't have cal ed myself drunk. My body didn't feel warm anymore, but I was stil a little giddy and I wanted to have a little more fun before I stopped feeling it altogether. "Come on, it's just for fun. Please dance with me?"

  "Go ask Landon," he said, nodding behind me.

  As I turned around, Landon walked up to me, right on cue. He looked dejected. "El ie, can I talk to you?"

  Buzz kil . "Yeah." This couldn't be good.

  "Can we go outside?"
  "Yeah." I caught Wil 's eye as I fol owed Landon. Out on the patio there were only two other people, who when they saw the unhappy expressions on our faces went back inside the house. We walked across the long lawn toward the trees and the stone bench surrounded by my mom's lilies. When I realized that he'd brought me al the way out here for privacy, my jaw set tightly and my breathing became shal ow and nervous. I sat heavily and lost my balance. He caught my shoulder.

  He peered into my face and laughed. "No way! El ie, are you drunk?"

  "Not anymore," I grumbled.

  "What? If you want more, I've got a few beers left."

  "No, whatever. So, what's up?" I knew what this was about and I dreaded every word that was to come out of his mouth. His expression washed blank. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

  Obviously. Get on with it. "Okay."

  "Something has been bugging me lately," he said. "We've been friends for a pretty long time, and you know I care about you."

  "Of course," I said honestly. "I care about you, too. You're one of my best friends."

  "Yeah, but I feel a little bit differently than that." He leaned a little bit closer. "I real y like you, El . You're funny and smart


  "Oh, I'm not that funny and especial y not that smart. . . ."

  "--and beautiful, and I want to be more than friends with you." He brushed my hair behind my shoulder. The gesture was meant to be affectionate, but Landon was practical y my brother and the touch just felt invasive.

  I sat there, looking down at my knees and pul ing at the hem of my dress. I had been expecting this, yet I had never planned my reply. "Oh, Landon, I--"

  "Please say you feel the same way," he breathed, getting even closer. "Wil you be my girlfriend?"

  I struggled to keep a grimace off my face. "Landon, I--"

  His hand cupped my cheek and pul ed my face toward his; then he tried to kiss me. The idea of kissing Landon was awkward, and frankly kind of gross. I twisted away and felt horrible instantly. When I stood up, he sprang to his feet with me, holding my arm.

  "Landon, I just don't feel that way about you--"

  He turned angry very suddenly, startling me. "Why? Is it because of that Wil guy? You've know him for what, two days, and you're already going out with him?"