Read Anima Page 1


  Jae Choguk

  Published by Jae Choguk

  © 2013, Jae Choguk

  Special credit to Super Junior’s song Only u, which the English translation was taken from for this book.


  I felt a growl rising in my throat. Some call it animal instincts; I called it being surrounded, my back pressed against a wall with no way out. I processed the different ways that I could get away, but none that would leave me unscathed. So I went on instincts and lashed out. I yelled, or so I thought but it turned into a roar, almost like a lion or a tiger. I threw myself at the first figure approaching like a dark shadow. They all had no faces and no defined features. I kicked one, and was promptly thrown to the ground by another. I snarled and tried to lash out again, but when I saw my hand I froze, because it wasn’t a hand at all, it was…a paw? Sharp claws came out making me flinch, though it didn’t really hurt. I heard someone faintly calling my name, but I didn’t know who. What I did know was that I had to get away from these people (if you could really call them that).

  “Lydia Raion, get your lazy butt out of bed now, you’re going to be late for school!” someone yelled and I jolted awake, in a cold sweat as I looked around at my room. The clock on the nightstand beside me read 7:30 A.M and I cursed under my breath. I threw off my covers with a yawn and stretched. I walked over to my closet and searched for something to wear. I felt lazy today, plus that dream had me a little freaked out, so I didn’t want to put much effort into my outfit. So I threw on some athletic shorts, a T-shirt and a light jacket. In Colorado Springs (located in Colorado) it’s usually cooler weather, though right now it’s April, so the temp is around 50 or 60 degrees. Colorful socks were a necessity, along with cool shoes (in this case blue Adidas). I looked in the mirror and groaned. I knew my hair would look messy, but it doesn’t hurt to hope. My long golden hair had a natural wave that made it a pain to deal with, so I usually just put in in a braid down my back.

  I had circles under my emerald green eyes so I put concealer on them, not that it did much good. I decided to skip my minimal amount of makeup I wear which consisted of eyeliner and mascara. I did a once-over and slung my backpack over my shoulder on the way out of my room. I ran downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast off the plate of breakfast my mom always prepared for me.

  “Young lady, you better sit down and eat. I don’t care if you’re late for school; it’s your own fault for waking up so late!” My mother scolded, which I rolled my eyes at.

  “Yes ma’am.” I replied sarcastically as I sat down and put a fried egg on my toast taking a big bite out of it. When my mom nodded her approval, she went back to washing the dishes. “So I had a strange dream last night” I said with my mouth full

  “Oh, and what was it about?” she asked drying off her hands

  “Well it’s hard to explain…” I started but then I looked at the clock on the stove and jumped up, downing a glass of orange juice. “I’ll tell you after school; well I have gymnastics, so after that I will!”

  “Okay, see you then. Oh and I will be home late today, so will you be fine walking?” she asked and I picked up my gym bag and slung that over my shoulder as well.

  “Yeah, that’s fine, I’m off!” I called over my shoulder as I walked out the front door.

  “Come home straight away, I’ll call you and if you’re not at home, I swear I’ll-”

  “Yeah, yeah I know don’t worry.” I said and before I closed the door I heard her mutter, “I have no choice but to worry…” I didn’t know why she was always so over-protective. I stepped out onto the porch outside and walked down the steps onto the sidewalk.

  I took in my surroundings that I always admired here, even of Colorado was a remote place; it had the best scenery. We had different landscapes ranging from forests to mountains and lakes that stole your breath away. I breathed in the clean, fresh air that came with the cool breeze blowing spring air in, but with the hopes of a warm summer.

  I started walking to school, since it wasn’t that far away when I saw a shadow flicker by a tree making me jump. I guess my dream was freaking me out a little more than I thought. I blew out a breath of relief when I saw that it was just a stray cat, but still felt on edge for some reason. I shook it off and kept walking.

  I reached school panting; I ended up running because I was late. I had 2 minutes until class started, so I sprinted to my locker, threw my gym bag in it and ran to my first class.

  “Cutting it close as usual I see.” my friend Maria said as I flopped down in my desk beside hers.

  “Yeah, I woke up late…again.” I said as the bell rang and our History teacher walked in announcing things that we have all heard before. Like “Don’t forget to sign up for debate team,” and “Go to the museum over spring break for extra credit”.

  I yawned again and slumped lower in my seat, letting my thoughts drift back to the dream/nightmare that I had. I kept feeling like someone was watching me, maybe it was more of those “animal instincts” like I had in my dream, but that was more literal. I just need to stop thinking about it or I’ll get a headache… too late. Trying to focus on class again made it go by faster, so I took notes on The Cold War.

  Once class was over and went into my next class I just repeated everything to make school go by faster. At least when I was doing gymnastics, it took my mind off of everything else.

  “Hurry up and grab your stuff Lydia, we need to run there if we don’t want to be late for practice!” Maria yelled at me (she’s also on the gymnastics team).

  “Yes ma’am!” I called back after my last class was over and was being pulled by the current of students trying to leave. I finally got to my locker and automatically started twisting it in the same way I’ve been doing for 2 years now. I flung open my locker (almost smacking myself in the process) and grabbed my gym bag swinging it over my shoulder over my backpack. I caught up with Maria and while we ran to practice she scolded me for always being so slow, while I pretended to listen.

  “With 5 minutes to spare, yes!” Maria panted looking at her watch and I laughed

  “We still have to change into our leotards dip,” I said and her face fell which made me laugh harder “It doesn’t take that long, come on I’ll race you!” she groaned and muttered something under her breath about me having too much energy and being too competitive (which is so true).

  We changed into our Leos and put shorts over them. I won, naturally and we started our warm-up stretches. As I figured, my mind was completely focused on what I was doing and not my strange dreams or unsettling feelings. I threw myself into perfecting my routine for floor and before I knew it practice was over, which was too soon. I sighed and decided I would just walk home in my Leo, but threw on my jacket over it plus sweats. I said good-bye to everyone and drank from my water bottle while I walked back. Luckily the gym is connected to our school so I didn’t have to walk far to get back home. I rounded a corner and looked up at the sky; the sun was melting into the sky behind clouds. I grimaced, knowing id probably have to run home again since I didn’t have my umbrella, and because I loved sunsets. With the clouds covering everything, it was too hard to see though.

  I kept walking when a shiver ran down my spine. I wrapped my arms around myself and picked up my pace glancing frequently behind me. That horrible sensation of someone watching, and now following were back. I started running now and didn’t turn around this time; I walked home this way so many times that I knew I only had about 3 minutes until I got home if I ran.

  Suddenly I was yanked to the side into a dark alleyway was pushed up against the wall and a hand covered my mouth. I instantly tried to defend myself. I tried kicking him (I’m assuming it’s a guy by his build) but he easily avoided it. I kept on thrashing, but that didn’t work; this guy was too
strong. When I finally managed to kick him in what I’m assuming what his shin he backed up enough for me to get in a punch to the side of his face. My attacker backed up and then he smiled, sending chills down my spine. He started advancing on me again, and as I sized him up I knew I probably wouldn’t get another chance. So I ran down the alleyway and I heard footsteps following me quickly. I ran faster to the other end and I heard him pick up the pace too. Let’s hope my gymnastics pays off, I prayed to myself and launched myself onto a large dumpster. There was a ledge right above it that I hopped onto, pretending it was a beam I walked quickly, but carefully across it. There was a clicking noise behind me, and I dared myself to look down.

  “You know there’s no escaping now, don’t you girl?” The big man smirked.

  “Using guns is so cheap,” I said, surprised by how calm and confident my