Read Anima Page 16

paper with the address on it.

  “Is that all I need to know?” I asked the man on the phone.

  “For now, you will learn the details of it tomorrow when you come.”

  “Alright, goodbye.” I said in a semi-excited voice so they would think that I was at least interested in it.

  “Goodbye Miss Lydia, we will be anxiously awaiting your arrival.” I shivered involuntarily and looked to see if Jeremy had noticed. If he did he didn’t show it. I stood up and walked over to him to see the location.

  “Is the location he gave me the same as where he was just calling from?” I asked, sitting down beside him.

  “No, he’s still in the same area as us, but where he told you to go is a more secluded place for storage.”

  “Let me see.” I said hovering over him, looking at the landscape screen. I felt him freeze up and I suddenly pulled back. Normally I would’ve kept pestering him, but I felt a spark that I didn’t notice before. I cleared my throat, and felt uncomfortable for the first time. I didn’t want to look at his face, so I made myself busy with preparing the things I would need for when we raided them. I packed a hand mirror too, but why would I need that? I’ve never used one before.


  “Well let’s get going then!” Mr. Zander threw his fist in the air. I looked at Jeremy and we rolled our eyes. That tense atmosphere was still lingering between us, but it was one of those hidden things you would rather ignore.

  “Yeah, but I still don’t see what three people can do against who knows how many of them.” I said doubtfully.

  “Well we aren’t going to kill all of them if that’s what you’re thinking.” He replied dryly and looked over at Jeremy who just shrugged. I laughed and we all walked out the door, and I looked back one last time. I loved the few memories I had here (most involving Jeremy) but it was my first mission where I really felt like an asset rather than a setback.

  “I know it’s only been a week since the phone call, but it feels like it’s been forever that we’ve been planning for this.” I stretched and threw my suitcase in the non-descript black, bullet-proof vehicle.

  “That’s because if anything goes wrong, it could cost not only us, but the Academy.” Mr. Zander started the car and we started putting ourselves in the positions we were fulfilling.

  “Got the equipment set up?” I asked Jeremy who was in the back with headphones around his neck, with chords, and wires wrapped around him. I leaned back and started untangling the wires from his body. He did stiffen, but I didn’t pull back this time. I just kept brushing against him, feeling that if I didn’t touch him I would feel insecure about the mission. He finally seemed to loosen up a bit, but by that time I was already done untangling him. I sat back in my seat, wondering when I had grown so used to having him around. I shrugged and focused on the role I had to play.

  When we got to the edge of the camp I got out of the car; mic strapped to my back, earpiece in my ear, and tracker in my jacket. As soon as I got out, they drove off to avoid being seen, and would keep watch from afar.

  “Can you still hear us Lydia?” I heard Mr. Z say through my earpiece.

  “Yeah, so where’s the uh entrance?” I ask looking around for some magical door to appear.

  “Keep going straight, and there should be a door on the left side of the building.”

  “Alright.” I found the door and pushed it open to find nobody inside, when I didn’t hear anything through the earpiece I felt myself losing control. My first instinct was to transform and protect myself in any way possible, but then I realized that could be what they want. If I transformed now, everything would be over before it even started. And this was one that I couldn’t afford to make a mistake on. I calmed myself down, and focused on what was in front of me. An empty room, with no signs of people, yet they had to be nearby if my communication was cut off.

  “Lydia, get out now!” I heard in a clipped voice through the earpiece. I instantly turned around and tried to open the door, but it was locked. I knew something was terribly wrong now (as anyone would think in this situation) but I willed myself not to transform. I could still pass for a scared girl if I didn’t transform to protect myself. I heard a noise and felt my ears pop up from under my hat, which I wore just in case.

  “It’s about time. I was wondering how someone as new as you could control yourself for that long.” Someone said from above me. I looked up and a man was smiling down at me.

  “What do you mean?” I ask trying not to sound as nervous as I felt.

  The man chuckled and I felt a shiver run down my spine, it was the voice of a man who knew how to kill. He walked slowly down the stairs to my right, each step creaking menacingly. He stood a ways away, but it was still too close for comfort.

  “Remove your hat and I think you’ll understand exactly what I mean.” I glared as fiercely as possible and crossed my arms to seem more imposing.

  “Let’s get this over with then.” I said throwing off my hat, exposing my alert lion ears.

  “We don’t need to rush this Lydia Raion. I plan to take my time with you.” The man scolded, shaking his head.

  “You sound like a perverted old man; you mind not being cryptic and getting to the point already?” I felt my palms staring to sweat, despite my confident voice.

  “And you sound a little scared.” He replied with a cold smile. I let my face fall slightly, and felt my heart starting to race.

  “Is there a way that I can leave without fighting?” I ask surprised that I would try and run away from a fight.

  “I won’t hurt you if that’s what you’re wondering, unless you refuse to come with me.”

  “I meant that you would be getting hurt old man, but now that I know you need me I have nothing to fear.” I said darting towards him. I darted from side to side, and unsheathed my claws. The man didn’t seem fazed at all and stood perfectly still. It didn’t cause me to slow down though and I lashed out as soon as I was in range. When my claws didn’t make contact I tried not to seem startled. I whipped around and he was standing behind me.

  “You’re too new to have any effect on me Lydia.”

  “Don’t say my name like you know me!” I snarled, feeling my teeth sharpen.

  “Oh, but I know more about you than your mother and you combined.”

  “My mother?” I whisper, feeling the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

  “Yes, Irene Raion. I know her husband too, great man. I can take you to meet him if you want.” I was still furious, but I felt like cold water had been dumped on my head.

  “Where is he?”

  “You want to know? Then come with me.” The man held out his hand, even though he only seemed a little older than me. I stared at it with hunger to know everything that he did.

  “Shouldn’t I know your name first? Why do you get to know mine, but not the other way around?”

  “True enough, you’re as sharp as your father.” I tensed at hearing that, because it didn’t sound like a compliment to me.

  “I wouldn’t know.” I responded coldly.

  “Since, you seem interested I’ll tell you my name; it’s Demetrius. You don’t need to know my last name, because you won’t be able to say it.”

  “Just like your first name…” I muttered and he chuckled without humor.

  “Precisely, now will you come with me, you can tell your friends waiting for you that you changed your mind.” He said in a fake sweet tone.

  “Why would I even think about going with you?” I yelled lashing out, and missing my target again. I felt my boiling inside that he would choose me to be a traitor. The man smiled as he could tell what I was thinking and held out his hand again.

  “Are you sure you wouldn’t want to know more about your father?” He said in a voice that instantly made me curious. I hesitated and that was all he needed to push farther into my head. “He is still alive, and wants to meet you Lydia. Don’t you want to meet him? Or did your mother tell you something bad about him?” De
metrius shook his head and clicked his tongue in disappointment.

  “They will be here any second, so you might want to leave before you get hurt.” I said to avoid the subject.

  “I think you might want to think of that as a bad thing. If they come, you might lose your resolve to join us, or more specifically your father.”

  “I doubt that will happen.” I said knowing that Jeremy was close by. I still had to buy time, so we had a chance to capture him. I tried attacking him again, which was part fear that he was telling the truth and part determination that I could take him down by myself.

  “Nice try.” He said, reading my thoughts again. I grabbed my head like it would stop him from getting into my head. I roared and launched myself, claws extended towards him.

  I feigned left, and swiped right. He was dodging less and less, and started to block. I kept my attacks quick, and powerful and with each jab, I only felt myself getting stronger. I kicked and landed a blow to his shoulder, then dipped low to get his vitals. I managed to get the back of his knee, making him drop down. I thought that would be the perfect chance, but it ended up being for him. As he was down on one knee, he landed a blow right to my chest knocking me on my back. He put a knee on my chest, and his hand went to my throat.

  “It’s for your own good!” He persisted. “Your father wouldn’t want you to be wasting your life with them!” Demetrius’ auburn hair fell over his face, and green eyes sparked with determination. I admired how much he seemed to