Read Anima Page 23

want him to know, I couldn’t bring myself to pull away from him. Since I would be the one to betray him after all, I would let him do what he wanted before he realized I was handing him over to the Hunters.

  He pulled back and waited for the other person to say something. I figured it was my job to bring things back to normal so I punched him in the gut.

  “What was that for?” I demanded, although it didn’t sound like a demand. He just backed up a few steps and put his hands in his pockets.

  “Payback, times ten.” He replied simply, obviously not as affected as I was by the kiss. It was just another reason for me not to confess.

  I rolled my eyes and was planning on walking away, but I knew I still had to trick him into coming with me.

  “That last time didn’t even count as a kiss.” I protested half-heartedly, “Not compared to this one…”

  Even though the last part was barely audible and would’ve sounded like a mumble to a human, it was clear as day to Jeremy.

  He smiled (more like a smirk) and I could tell he was happy with himself. I gathered up my courage, and stored my feelings and emotions under lock and key in the back of my heart.

  “Now if you don’t mind, I need to get to my assignment.” I walked away and half expected him to protest, half wishing he would. Then I noticed that he wasn’t saying anything on purpose. He seemed to be waiting a certain distance before following me.

  This is how I’m going to get him to the Hunters, by pretending I don’t know that he’s tailing me.

  I stared out the window the whole way there, making minimal comments to Mr. Zander who I didn’t even tell about Jeremy. If he knew I doubt he would’ve stayed silent about it. But even if he told me to stop, or to not drag Jeremy into this, I knew I couldn’t follow his orders. My mission will be done thoroughly and efficiently.

  I walked up to Demetrius where we always met up, which was the same place I let first met him. I knew Jeremy was still following me, but one thing I was curious of is how he got out of the Academy. There was a pretty long procedure to get out, and it was always with an adult, unless you were on an S class mission. Even on S class missions, they have to know when and where you would be at all times.

  “You’re late...again.” He observed, raising an eyebrow with the unspoken question about my recent mission.

  “I had to bring someone along, in a more…creative way.” I replied and looked out of the corner of my eyes to show him what I meant. He followed my gaze and realized that I was being followed. His eyes lit up with understanding and nodded his approval. I followed him to his car, and he opened the door for me, giving Jeremy time to catch up. I got in, and he went to the driver’s side. I looked in the side view mirror, and I caught a glimpse of Jeremy, but he slipped out of sight just as quick as he appeared.

  “Now I understand why they call him Black Cat.” Demetrius comments, turning onto another road, making sure he stays within sight.

  “Not technically right, but in the same family.” I say to myself, looking out the window and dreading what would come next.

  “Wait, you know what animal he is?” He asked with genuine surprise.

  “I never said that,” I defended “But I guess you’ll just have to find out for yourself.”

  “Well I suppose sooner or later he will have to.” He replied casually, and I feel a cold burst of wind chill me to the bones.

  “Why would he need to transform?”

  “Obviously he would try and defend himself, its instinct.”

  “Are you going to attack him?”

  “You almost sound like you care” Demetrius observes, and gives me a sidelong look, and I return his stare not wanting to give anything away. He didn’t realize how true that statement was.

  He looks away, and I know I can’t ask any more questions without him getting suspicious of me; if he wasn’t already.

  “He’s a quick bastard isn’t he?” I turned around and saw a flicker of movement from behind a tree.

  We walked into the building, and I head Demetrius give the guards certain instructions which I figured it had to do with Jeremy.

  Once we got to the elevator, I felt my anxiety growing more by the second. What had I gotten myself into? What had I gotten Jeremy into? I didn’t show my worries, and I hoped he couldn’t somehow sense me wavering.

  “How long do you think it will be until he catches up to us?” He looked at his watch and I assumed it wouldn’t take long, not that I would share my faith in him to Demetrius.

  I could tell he was nearby, and I looked around discreetly as possible, not wanting him to see m frantic searching. I wanted to tell Jeremy to run away, but I knew it was too late to tell him anything now; because he was right above us.


  The elevators top lifted up, and the star of the show dropped in. I was hoping that he would somehow get caught, or run away; but it was Jeremy after all.

  “Well that was done in record time.” Demetrius said in a calm voice, and Jeremy instantly looked from me to him and knew he had been set up. I wanted to look away in shame, but forced myself to look at the betrayal in his eyes. I deserved that look, and knew apologizing would be no use now. His eyes searched mine, but I couldn’t give anything away, less Demetrius pick up on it.

  I tore my gaze away from his and looked back at Demetrius. “What was the record before?” I ask in a cold and emotionless voice.

  He laughs and replies, “There wasn’t one!” I laugh with him, but there was no humor in it.

  “What the hell is going on Lydia?” Jeremy says in a voice that resembled how he spoke to me the first time we met; cold and cruel.

  “You’re about to meet our leader.”

  “Our?” He says mystified.

  “Yes, me and D.” I reply pointing and me and Demetrius, who was mildly amused by the infamous Black Cat.


  “Any other things you want me to repeat?” I ask in an irritated voice. The elevator doors slowly opened, and I felt like everything was going in slow motion.

  “Follow us.” I grab Jeremy’s arm in a harsh grip, twisting it behind his back and even though he could overpower me, he didn’t resist. Curiosity killed the cat, I think to myself.

  “Quite the castle, it’s almost as nice as the Academy.” Jeremy observes seeming to regain some of his bravado.

  “Except that yours is fake, just like the rest of you monsters.” Demetrius sneered, and I held back the urge to beat him to a pulp. He looks back at me, but I stay emotionless.

  “You realize that our leader is an Anima right?” I ask keeping my grip on Jeremy as tight as possible. I felt him tense up at the comment, and I knew he didn’t know this.

  “His views are the same though, I’m sure he would even call his wife and daughter the same thing.” He continues in a spiteful tone. I felt my claws starting to unsheathe, but if they did that, Jeremy would be the one covered in blood, so I forced them back. One thing I had been learning here that I was actually grateful for was helping me control my emotions and transformations.

  “So where is the great leader of yours?” Jeremy asks and I wanted to slap him too. Making an enemy right off the bat is something only he could accomplish. I twist his arms harder, but he doesn’t flinch even though I knew it had to hurt a lot. I suppose in his eyes though, nothing hurts more than betrayal.

  “Shut up.” I snarled, before Demetrius could do anything to Jeremy.

  We led him to the old castle doors that led to my father on the other side.

  Demetrius pushed open the doors and we were ushered in. I released Jeremy once we were inside, since there was no way either of us could escape at this point.

  “So is this really the infamous Black Cat?” My dad asks getting up from his large desk and coming around to stand in front of us. He inspects Jeremy with curiosity, and seems to like what he sees. I could almost feel the hate radiating off of him as my dad got close. I forgot that my dad was the one responsible for killing his family,
and I felt a whole new weight set on my chest. There was no way for me to face Jeremy again after this. If he didn’t hate me already; he would after finding out about my connection to the Hunters.

  “Yes.” I respond in a dead voice that matched how I was feeling.

  “Excellent, although I’m surprised that you got him here so easily, being that no one here even knew what he looked like. I’m impressed Lydia.” I nodded my head in acknowledgment, unable to say anything.

  He clapped his hands together and gestured for me to sit him down. I was going to usher Jeremy into the seat next to us, but he seemed to finally snap.

  “What the hell have you done to Lydia?” He snarled, approaching my dad, teeth bared. My dad didn’t even blink an eye, but Demetrius was posed to strike at any second.

  “Calm down D.” My father ordered, and he did just that, although his eyes never left the back of Jeremy’s head.

  “Can’t you just torture your own pitiful daughter?” Jeremy continued in wrath.

  “Stop now Jeremy.” I say, not wanting him to know yet.

  He whipped his head back at me, eyes full of hatred. “Shut up, unless you want to be the first person I kill here.” I knew he didn’t mean it, but it didn’t mean it hurt any less. I deserved more than his hatred though. Part of me wished he would kill me if it would make him feel better, which I doubted. The worst part was…I couldn’t even apologize.

  “Oh, so he doesn’t know yet, then would you like to meet my ‘pitiful’ daughter?” My father says, thoroughly enjoying the drama that was