Read Anima Page 4

surprised him.

  “Sorry honey, it’s a long story that I you’re not ready to hear yet.” My mom said sadly, yet with enough force to make me not push it.

  “She has the right to know” Mr. Zander said quietly.

  “She will find that there are many secrets hidden within these walls, and when they think she can handle the truth; they will reveal themselves to her.” The old man replied calmly.

  “That’s great and all, but you speak as if the school is alive” I said annoyed.

  “In a way it is” he responded solemnly, but there as a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

  “Okay whatever you say old man, now will anyone tell me why I’m moving after I got shot?” I asked, finally getting to the point.

  “Ah, that is an interesting case.” Mr. Zander said, seeming in control again. “You see, most Anima’s don’t have that ability, but for some reason you do.

  “An Anima, what is that like code for something?” I ask, half-joking.

  “Yes, it’s short for Animalagus, which is the name of this academy.” Headmaster said spreading his hands wide.

  “Right, so is it a place for freaks?” I ask curious and still hoping this was a dream.

  “In a way,” The old man laughed, “And you are one of them young lady.”

  “I figured…” I muttered to myself and my mom put her arm around me, with a reassuring squeeze. “So what is an Anima?”

  “It’s someone who can change into an animal on command” My mom said and stepped away from me. “Want me to show you?” she asked.

  “You’re joking right?” I ask incredulously.

  She smiled sadly and a bright golden glow emanated from her. She slowly arched her back, ears popping on her head. A wild made surrounded her face, and a tail unfurled. Next thing I knew, she was on all fours and roared a lion’s roar, literally. My mother was a lion. I stumbled backwards and landed flat on my ass. My eyes were wide, like they had been dilated as I stared at my mother, who seemed almost beautiful. I swallowed hard and asked, “So can everyone here do that? And why are you a male lion?” The lion that was before me threw back her head and the sound that came out almost seemed like a human laugh. I relaxed and smiled mischievously stalking forward I launched myself on top of her, knocking her off her feet, or rather paws.

  “I’m still stronger though” I smirked as I pinned her, but then she pushed with her forepaws battings me off her, rolling on top of me.

  “Nice try kiddo.” My mother, now in human form said with a smile of her own.

  “Someday…” I muttered to myself. My mom got off me and gave me a hand getting up. I winced as I did though, and she automatically put an arm around my shoulders.

  “So what does this have to do with me?” I asked.

  “You’re the same as me,” My mother said simply.

  “You mean an old woman?” I asked lifting my eyebrow.

  “Yes unfortunately that too.” She said solemnly.

  “Okay, and on that note let this old man step in and explain how you fit into this academy young lady.” The headmaster said as he stood up from his desk.

  “Thanks old man” I said “but do you see a young lady anywhere in this room?” I gestured by spreading my arms out.

  “Lydia, watch it, he bites you know.” My mother laughed.

  “Well if you say so.” I shrugged.

  “Anyways, you are also an Anima Lydia, so you will have to start attending this school. Which means you also can’t go back to your old school anymore. This includes any contact with former associates. So no electronic communicating devices that you crafty kids can think of are allowed.”

  I started out thinking that this might work, but the more he spoke the worse it got.

  “So 16 years of my life were pretty much wasted,” I say harshly. “All my friends, the gymnastics team, all my teachers and relatives –including my mom- I can’t talk to anymore?”

  “Unfortunately, that’s how it is for all the students here.” Mr. Zander said gravely.

  “You will learn all about that tomorrow,” Headmaster said. “But for now go home, and by tomorrow you will be an official student of Animalagus Academy.”


  All of my friends think I’m moving. In a way I am, but they don’t know the reason for it. It’ll be just like I never existed. Not the best feeling in the world, but all you can do is move forward.

  “So you said this Academy is where I belong?” I asked as she drove me to my new life.

  “Yes, although I tried to hide you from it as long as possible. I think now that was a mistake. You will probably learn soon enough so I’ll tell you the gist of it now.” She took a deep breath. “I ran away from the Academy when I found out I was pregnant with you. I had to get away and hide you, so nobody -including your father- from the Academy knew you were alive. That’s why they never came to get you when you were young.”

  “So you met him at the Academy, got pregnant and ran away, but why?” I ask knowing that since my mom never talked about dad except for when I would ask why he left us, it had to be important.

  “The Academy has a more secret reason for existing than just helping people like you. You will learn soon enough, like headmaster said, the school has a way of telling you things…” Well it didn’t get much more cryptic than that, and on that note we parked and got out of the car.

  “So why couldn’t he know about me?” I asked as I rolled my suitcase to massive looking silver gates.

  “This is one of those things you aren’t ready to hear yet.” She said with a half-smile. I was going say something more, but seeing the anguish in her eyes made the protest die in my throat. I looked up past the gates, seeing the massive white school -or castle- with a courtyard and everything. Tall hedges and statues lined the front and blood red flags fared on the walls. Massive windows lined the walls and up the turrets. Two other massive building stood on either side of it, which I assumed were the separate dorms. A big white fountain, marble benches, and stone walkways were everywhere. It was a fantasy filled with gold, and people with wings floating in white.

  We finally made it to the gate, and something I didn’t notice before was that the gate had an image imbedded in it. On the left was an image of a lion and in the right was a tiger, both made of the intricate silver. Their arms were outstretched, claws unsheathed, teeth bared at each other. I could almost hear the echoing roar they were giving off, a torturous noise that could only come from somewhere deep inside. They were leading a revolution, a war, the start of something new, but at a cost.

  This gate seemed to have more meaning than the school itself. I couldn’t seem to tear my gaze away from it until they suddenly opened, breaking the trance. As the lion and tiger parted, Mr. Zander stepped through and with a dramatic sweep of his arms, announced, “Welcome to Animalagus Academy!”

  “Thanks.” I muttered, still unnerved by the imposing gate, and castle behind it. He grabbed my suitcase, and kept my duffel around my shoulder as we walked. I turned around and noticed that my mother wasn’t walking past the gate.

  “Why aren’t you coming?”

  “I swore I wouldn’t come back here, I already did yesterday, and I don’t think I can handle doing it again. Plus if I do, I can’t guarantee that I will be able to let you go if I take another step.” She said with tears filling her eyes.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll kick ass in this school and come back better than ever.” I said throwing my arms around her, not thinking of when the next time we might meet again would be. I had a feeling that it wasn’t anytime soon though. I let a couple tears escape, but refusing to let any more fall. I would let more come when we met again.

  “I’ll see you soon” I said, not being able to say goodbye yet.

  “I’ll be waiting.” She said softly and let me go. I did a quick swipe across my eyes with my arm and smiled. I turned around and ran making sure I wouldn’t look back until I was past the gate. I met up with Mr. Zander and turned around giving a bi
g wave, still smiling. I wasn’t going to let her see how much I was going to miss her.

  “Let’s go.” I said softly, letting my smile slip an inch. He put his arm around my shoulders, and surprisingly I felt comforted by it.

  “Alright onto a happier note, since you are a transfer student, you get your own room, since all the rest are taken!” I smiled at that. “You are in the girls’ dorm, which is at the left, and the boys’ dorm is on the right. He said pointing to what I had already assumed were the dorms.

  We walked up the stone path to the large white building on the left, and he pushed open the doors for me. The interior was just as beautiful as the exterior. White walls, that same blood red color accenting the rooms, rich draperies, and plush furniture. There was also a balcony that had winding staircases on each side.

  “Up those stairs are where all the dorms are, and to the right off the main commons area is the kitchen and dining room. Someone will prepare food for you 3 times a day, any time in between you have to fend for yourself.” Mr. Zander said as I started walking towards the staircase. He followed me up the staircase, then led me down a bunch of halls and stopped in front of a window at the end of a hall on the top floor.

  “Shouldn’t there be a door here?” I ask looking around like I missed something.

  “Just watch.” He said with a smile, and then pulled the thick red drapery covering what I thought would be a window away. There was actually a tall picture of the school behind it. He opened the picture just