Read Anima Page 8

16, that’s when most people have already transformed almost completely. I could only get my claws and ears to pop out; the ears took some time to get used to seeing on my head though.

  I ran left towards the girls’ dorm since I knew the layout better and remembered my balcony, and the way to get there. I ran to the east side, which was luckily closest to the training building where I take my fighting classes.

  I counted the floors; saw the balcony concealed behind a tree and vines climbing up the side to the 3rd floor. The footsteps were a steady heartbeat following me, that threatening presence always one step behind you. I ran full speed at the tree grabbing onto the lowest branch, and swinging myself onto it. I knew my strength against an older male with a bulkier build would be my agility and flexibility. Once I climbed up a couple more branches I crawled out to the edge and grabbed onto the vines on the wall. I got some cuts and bruises in the process, but I didn’t pay attention to them as I worked my way up. I heard the pursuer struggling to climb up as fast as I did, so I took the chance to vault over the stone railing of my balcony and hide in the shadow casted from the tree. Pressing myself as far away as I could get, I watched with cat-like eyes.

  The guy in black may have seen the balcony, or he may not have. I couldn’t tell because he kept climbing, but one thing I learned about retreat was that until you have no doubt that they are gone. He was still too close for comfort, so I waited him out. I waited until I heard him climb back down and race towards the boys’ dorms, so I could assume that it was a student. What grade was a mystery though, hopefully he was older than me so I could be proud of my escape.

  Once I slowly came out of hiding I climbed back down and walked around to the front doors and walked in stretching.

  “I need food!” I yelled to nobody in particular and I heard laughing in the kitchen so I went to investigate. The girls were baking all different kinds of things, brownies, cupcakes, cookies and everything else that would go straight to my thighs.

  “You also need a shirt.” Mai said giggling. I blushed and grabbed the t-shirt she was holding out.

  “Here!” Lilly said shoving a strawberry cupcake with pink frosting in my face.

  “Thanks,” I laughed as I licked frosting from my nose “What’s all this stuff for?”

  “Someone passed a certain test, so they are on desperate need of sugar!” Alice said shoving some fudge in my mouth.

  “That literally happened less than 30 minutes ago, and you already have cupcakes baked?” I asked lifting one eyebrow.

  “Yup, news travels fast around here, something a newbie like you wouldn’t know!” Mai teased sticking her tongue out. I took some of the frosting off my cupcake and smeared it across her face and she squealed running behind Lilly and Alice. Lilly was one of my newer friends who were shy at first, but slowly warmed up and was now a bright flower. (Just as her names implies)

  “Apparently.” I mused licking my lips right before Sophia came, cramming a flower-shaped cookie into my mouth.

  “It’s good right?” She exclaims throwing flour in the air and turning around in circles. We all laughed, and then coughed from the flour everywhere. The sweets war was just as fun as actually eating them. There was sugar everywhere, flour and eggs in our hair, and frosting smeared across our faces. We all at least had our uniforms off, so it was just our comfortable clothes getting ruined.

  “Anyone else need multiple showers?” I asked after we finally cleaned everything up.

  “Me!” They chorused and we all laughed and started walking back to our dorms when Alice snickered.

  “Aw crap, we know that look.” Lilly commented from beside me, and we all looked back at Alice.

  “What do you have in mind?” I asked feeling my own evil side sparking.

  “Follow me.” She said running out the main doors.

  We all felt the rush of cool, now autumn air surrounding us. The excited murmurs and giggles sounding throughout the dark night, illuminated by the bright full moon was one of the best moments I’ve had since I came here.

  “Strong and swift, quiet and quick!” Alice yelled as she led us past the school and towards the guys’ dorm. I knew this was a bad idea, but was too excited and curious to care. We skirted the side of the building and headed to the back. We heard voices and instantly crouched low in the shadows. Two guys laughing and wrestling each other entered the doors in the back. After they were inside Alice at the front signaled us with her hand to continue forward. Of course the girls’ entire dorm was hard to hide, but we also all have enhanced senses, making us all the more threatening.

  “Almost there.” Everyone was whispering as we started on a dirt path surrounded by towering trees. We ran soundlessly, never losing sight of each other in case something unexpected happened.

  “Right up ahead!” Alice said a little above a whisper, but with our hearing, that’s all we needed. We all anxiously looked forward and sucked in our breath, stopping simultaneously when we reached the top of the hill.

  The bright white moon reflected off the surface of the clearest water I have ever seen in my life. Beautiful unnamed flowers were glowing from an unknown source, and fireflies illuminating every available surface. It was something out of a fantasy book.

  “This is incredible!” I exclaimed running forward a little bit, meeting up with Alice.

  “This isn’t even the best part!” She said with a wink and started pulling off her clothes. We all stared open-eyed, wondering if it was a sin to swim in such an angelic pond. I suppose it was too big to be considered a pond, but either way, I felt pure just looking at it. Willow trees that looked like they came straight out of a fairytale protectively surrounded it. They were overhanging the pond, tendrils touching the pond creating soft ripples and butterflies that aren’t meant to be here flew away to avoid getting wet. We all walked forward slowly, staring to see if it was an illusion. Once we deemed it wasn’t a dream, we all wanted to be the first ones in it. Sugarcoated clothes then littered the glittering grass.

  After all of us were stripped down to our underwear, we dove in. I waited until everyone else was in, splashing water at each other before walking slowly to the edge. I wondered how such a place could exist in the midst of hell, or what everyone else referred to it as. I hadn’t quite gotten the concept yet, besides not having any contact with the “outside world”.

  As I walked, the glowing flowers seemed to open up as I passed them, making a path of beautiful soft white lights. I dipped my toe in the water; watching the ripples spread outward disappearing just as fast as it was created. I walked into the water war and went under, opening my eyes. The cool water washed over me and clearing my thoughts, I didn’t realize how much stress and pressure was on me until I felt 20 pounds lighter. I came up with a gasp, and even with all the laughing and shrieks I could hear a distinct difference in voices. I tried to seem as natural as possible as I got out of the water. I shook my hair out, wavy-golden hair falling down my back in ripples. I didn’t realize how long my hair had gotten until now, at least 3 inches. Things change I guess, and so did the sound of voices that abruptly stopped. That’s when I knew we weren’t alone.

  I walked nonchalantly, yet purposefully to where all our clothes lay spewed across the ground. I picked up my dirty t-shirt and put it over my soaking sports bra, looking for my sweats was futile, so I just wore my spandex. It was as good as it was going to get, so with that I walked discreetly back the way we came. A leaf crunched, a twig snapped and my eyes darted to where the sound came from.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be a cat?” Someone said from behind. I didn’t have any reaction time before being pinned against the nearest tree, their arm across my neck. I took the arm I already know it belonged to and flipped him over my shoulder.

  “Your point?” I ask Jeremy as I looked down on him, with my knee on his chest.

  “I thought cats were afraid of water,” He replied lifting an eyebrow as I let him up.

  “You seem fine when you get wet, so
it must not apply to all cats.” I teased shaking my hair in his face. He shook the water off his face, and stared blankly back. I have seen him transform before, yet not when he should have.

  I suddenly thought about my assessment, and how could I have possibly beaten him if he could fully transform. I felt my anger burning.

  Jeremy didn’t answer; he just gave a non-committal shrug, and that was my answer. A shield seemed to form over his eyes, and he became distant, throwing up a wall. Right then I decided every time he threw up a wall, I was going to tear it down. Why? I’m not quite sure of that myself.


  The next day was as eventful as you might have imagined. The news of the new transfer student who learned to transform in a record time of 3 months spread like wildfire. I ignored the stares that I thought had finally stopped and walked to my “Special” class. I found out that it was a class for people who couldn’t control their transformations or couldn’t transform at all. So I was just another piece of gum in this pack of freaks, yet I loved them all. I felt most comfortable here, not worrying about if I was good enough, or how many people watched me with suspicion.

  “Yo beast, we’re makin’ ramen, want some?” Brody called out to me waving packets of ramen in the air. I laughed, threw my backpack down on a desk, and walked over to where