Read Anne of Geierstein; Or, The Maiden of the Mist. Volume 1 (of 2) Page 12


  We know not when we sleep nor when we wake. Visions distinct and perfect cross our eye, Which to the slumberer seem realities; And while they waked, some men have seen such sights As set at naught the evidence of sense, And left them well persuaded they were dreaming. ANONYMOUS.

  The apparition of Anne of Geierstein crossed her lover--her admirer,at least we must call him--within shorter time than we can tell thestory. But it was distinct, perfect, and undoubted. In the veryinstant when the young Englishman, shaking off his fond despondency,raised his head to look out upon the scene of his watch, she came fromthe nearer end of the bridge, crossing the path of the sentinel, uponwhom she did not even cast a look, and passed with a rapid yet steadypace towards the verge of the woodland.

  It would have been natural, though Arthur had been directed not tochallenge persons who left the castle, but only such as might approachit, that he should nevertheless, had it only been in mere civility,have held some communication, however slight, with the maiden as shecrossed his post. But the suddenness of her appearance took from himfor the instant both speech and motion. It seemed as if his ownimagination had raised up a phantom, presenting to his outward sensesthe form and features which engrossed his mind; and he was silent,partly at least from the idea that what he gazed upon was immaterialand not of this world.

  It would have been no less natural that Anne of Geierstein should havein some manner acknowledged the person who had spent a considerabletime under the same roof with her, had been often her partner in thedance, and her companion in the field; but she did not evince theslightest token of recognition, nor even look towards him as shepassed; her eye was on the wood, to which she advanced swiftly andsteadily, and she was hidden by its boughs ere Arthur had recollectedhimself sufficiently to determine what to do.

  His first feeling was anger at himself for suffering her to passunquestioned, when it might well chance that upon any errand whichcalled her forth at so extraordinary a time and place he might havebeen enabled to afford her assistance, or at least advice. Thissentiment was for a short time so predominant, that he ran towards theplace where he had seen the skirt of her dress disappear, and,whispering her name as loud as the fear of alarming the castlepermitted, conjured her to return, and hear him but for a few briefmoments. No answer, however, was returned; and when the branches ofthe trees began to darken over his head and to intercept themoonlight, he recollected that he was leaving his post, and exposinghis fellow-travellers, who were trusting in his vigilance, to thedanger of surprise.

  He hastened, therefore, back to the castle gate, with matter fordeeper and more inextricable doubt and anxiety than had occupied himduring the commencement of his watch. He asked himself in vain withwhat purpose that modest young maiden, whose manners were frank, butwhose conduct had always seemed so delicate and reserved, could sallyforth at midnight like a damsel-errant in romance, when she was in astrange country and suspicious neighbourhood; yet he rejected, as hewould have shrunk from blasphemy, any interpretation which could havethrown censure upon Anne of Geierstein. No, nothing was she capable ofdoing for which a friend could have to blush. But connecting herprevious agitation with the extraordinary fact of her leaving thecastle, alone and defenceless, at such an hour, Arthur necessarilyconcluded it must argue some cogent reason, and, as was most likely,of an unpleasant nature.--"I will watch her return," he internallyuttered, "and, if she will give me an opportunity, I will convey toher the assurance that there is one faithful bosom in herneighbourhood, which is bound in honour and gratitude to pour outevery drop of its blood, if by doing so it can protect her from theslightest inconvenience. This is no silly flight of romance, for whichcommon-sense has a right to reproach me; it is only what I ought todo, what I must do, or forego every claim to be termed a man ofhonesty or honour."

  Yet scarce did the young man think himself anchored on a resolutionwhich seemed unobjectionable, than his thoughts were again adrift. Hereflected that Anne might have a desire to visit the neighbouring townof Bale, to which she had been invited the day before, and where heruncle had friends. It was indeed an uncommon hour to select for such apurpose; but Arthur was aware that the Swiss maidens feared neithersolitary walks nor late hours, and that Anne would have walked amongher own hills by moonlight much farther than the distance betwixttheir place of encampment and Bale, to see a sick friend, or for anysimilar purpose. To press himself on her confidence, then, might beimpertinence, not kindness; and as she had passed him without takingthe slightest notice of his presence, it was evident she did not meanvoluntarily to make him her confidant; and probably she was involvedin no difficulties where his aid could be useful. In that case, theduty of a gentleman was to permit her to return as she had gone forth,unnoticed and unquestioned, leaving it with herself to holdcommunication with him or not as she should choose.

  Another idea, belonging to the age, also passed through his mind,though it made no strong impression upon it. This form, so perfectlyresembling Anne of Geierstein, might be a deception of the sight, orit might be one of those fantastic apparitions, concerning which therewere so many tales told in all countries, and of which Switzerland andGermany had, as Arthur well knew, their full share. The internal andundefinable feelings which restrained him from accosting the maiden,as might have been natural for him to have done, are easily explained,on the supposition that his mortal frame shrank from an encounter witha being of a different nature. There had also been some expressions ofthe magistrate of Bale, which might apply to the castle's being liableto be haunted by beings from another world. But though the generalbelief in such ghostly apparitions prevented the Englishman from beingpositively incredulous on the subject, yet the instructions of hisfather, a man of great intrepidity and distinguished good sense, hadtaught him to be extremely unwilling to refer anything to supernaturalinterferences which was capable of explanation by ordinary rules; andhe therefore shook off, without difficulty, any feelings ofsuperstitious fear which for an instant connected itself with hisnocturnal adventure. He resolved finally to suppress all disquietingconjecture on the subject, and to await firmly, if not patiently, thereturn of the fair vision, which, if it should not fully explain themystery, seemed at least to afford the only chance of throwing lightupon it.

  Fixed, therefore, in purpose, he traversed the walk which his dutypermitted, with his eyes fixed on the part of the forest where he hadseen the beloved form disappear, and forgetful for the moment that hiswatch had any other purpose than to observe her return. But from thisabstraction of mind he was roused by a distant sound in the forest,which seemed the clash of armour. Recalled at once to a sense of hisduty, and its importance to his father and his fellow-travellers,Arthur planted himself on the temporary bridge, where a stand couldbest be made, and turned both eyes and ears to watch for approachingdanger. The sound of arms and footsteps came nearer--spears andhelmets advanced from the greenwood glade, and twinkled in themoonlight. But the stately form of Rudolph Donnerhugel, marching infront, was easily recognised, and announced to our sentinel the returnof the patrol. Upon their approach to the bridge, the challenge, andinterchange of sign and countersign, which is usual on such occasions,took place in due form; and as Rudolph's party filed off one afteranother into the castle, he commanded them to wake their companions,with whom he intended to renew the patrol, and at the same time tosend a relief to Arthur Philipson, whose watch on the bridge was nowended. This last fact was confirmed by the deep and distant toll ofthe Minster clock from the town of Bale, which, prolonging its sullensound over field and forest, announced that midnight was past.

  "And now, comrade," continued Rudolph to the Englishman, "have thecold air and long watch determined thee to retire to food and rest, ordost thou still hold the intention of partaking our rounds?"

  In very truth it would have been Arthur's choice to have remained inthe place where he was, for the purpose of watching Anne ofGeierstein's return from her my
sterious excursion. He could not easilyhave found an excuse for this, however, and he was unwilling to givethe haughty Donnerhugel the least suspicion that he was inferior inhardihood, or in the power of enduring fatigue, to any of the tallmountaineers, whose companion he chanced to be for the present. He didnot, therefore, indulge even a moment's hesitation; but while herestored the borrowed partisan to the sluggish Sigismund, who camefrom the castle yawning and stretching himself like one whose slumbershad been broken by no welcome summons, when they were deepest andsweetest, he acquainted Rudolph that he retained his purpose ofpartaking in his reconnoitring duty. They were speedily joined by therest of the patrolling party, amongst whom was Rudiger, the eldestson of the Landamman of Unterwalden; and when, led by the Bernesechampion, they had reached the skirts of the forest, Rudolph commandedthree of them to attend Rudiger Biederman.

  "Thou wilt make thy round to the left side," said the Bernese; "I willdraw off to the right--see thou keepest a good look-out, and we willmeet merrily at the place appointed. Take one of the hounds with you.I will keep Wolf-fanger, who will open on a Burgundian as readily ason a bear."

  Rudiger moved off with his party to the left, according to thedirections received; and Rudolph, having sent forward one of hisnumber in front, and stationed another in the rear, commanded thethird to follow himself and Arthur Philipson, who thus constituted themain body of the patrol. Having intimated to their immediate attendantto keep at such distance as to allow them freedom of conversation,Rudolph addressed the Englishman with the familiarity which theirrecent friendship had created.--"And now, King Arthur, what thinks theMajesty of England of our Helvetian youth? Could they win guerdon intilt or tourney, thinkest thou, noble prince? Or would they rank butamongst the coward knights of Cornouailles?"[5]

  "For tilt and tourney I cannot answer," said Arthur, summoning up hisspirits to reply, "because I never beheld one of you mounted on asteed, or having spear in rest. But if strong limbs and stout heartsare to be considered, I would match you Swiss gallants with those ofany country in the universe, where manhood is to be looked for,whether it be in heart or hand."

  "Thou speakest us fair; and, young Englishman," said Rudolph, "knowthat we think as highly of thee, of which I will presently afford theea proof. Thou talkedst but now of horses. I know but little of them;yet I judge thou wouldst not buy a steed which thou hadst only seencovered with trappings, or encumbered with saddle and bridle, butwouldst desire to look at him when stripped, and in his natural stateof freedom?"

  "Ay, marry, would I," said Arthur. "Thou hast spoken on that as ifthou hadst been born in a district called Yorkshire, which men callthe merriest part of Merry England."

  "Then I tell thee," said Rudolph Donnerhugel, "that thou hast seen ourSwiss youth but half, since thou hast observed them as yet only intheir submissive attendance upon the elders of their Cantons, or, atmost, in their mountain-sports, which, though they may show men'soutward strength and activity, can throw no light on the spirit anddisposition by which that strength and activity are to be guided anddirected in matters of high enterprise."

  The Swiss probably designed that these remarks should excite thecuriosity of the stranger. But the Englishman had the image, look, andform of Anne of Geierstein, as she had passed him in the silent hoursof his watch, too constantly before him, to enter willingly upon asubject of conversation totally foreign to what agitated his mind. He,therefore, only compelled himself to reply in civility, that he had nodoubt his esteem for the Swiss, both aged and young, would increase inproportion with his more intimate knowledge of the nation.

  He was then silent; and Donnerhugel, disappointed, perhaps, at havingfailed to excite his curiosity, walked also in silence by his side.Arthur, meanwhile, was considering with himself whether he shouldmention to his companion the circumstance which occupied his own mind,in the hope that the kinsman of Anne of Geierstein, and ancient friendof her house, might be able to throw some light on the subject.

  But he felt within his mind an insurmountable objection to conversewith the Swiss on a subject in which Anne was concerned. That Rudolphmade pretensions to her favour could hardly be doubted; and thoughArthur, had the question been put to him, must in common consistencyhave resigned all competition on the subject, still he could not bearto think on the possibility of his rival's success, and would notwillingly have endured to hear him pronounce her name.

  Perhaps it was owing to this secret irritability that Arthur, thoughhe made every effort to conceal and to overcome the sensation, stillfelt a secret dislike to Rudolph Donnerhugel, whose frank but somewhatcoarse familiarity was mingled with a certain air of protection andpatronage, which the Englishman thought was by no means called for. Hemet the openness of the Bernese, indeed, with equal frankness, but hewas ever and anon tempted to reject or repel the tone of superiorityby which it was accompanied. The circumstances of their duel had giventhe Swiss no ground for such triumph; nor did Arthur feel himselfincluded in that roll of the Swiss youth over whom Rudolph exerciseddomination by general consent. So little did Philipson relish thisaffectation of superiority, that the poor jest, that termed him KingArthur, although quite indifferent to him when applied by any of theBiedermans, was rather offensive when Rudolph took the same liberty;so that he often found himself in the awkward condition of one who isinternally irritated, without having any outward manner of testifyingit with propriety. Undoubtedly, the root of all this tacit dislike tothe young Bernese was a feeling of rivalry; but it was a feeling whichArthur dared not avow even to himself. It was sufficiently powerful,however, to suppress the slight inclination he had felt to speak withRudolph on the passage of the night which had most interested him; andas the topic of conversation introduced by his companion had beensuffered to drop, they walked on side by side in silence, "with thebeard on the shoulder," as the Spaniard says--looking round, that is,on all hands; and thus performing the duty of a vigilant watch.

  At length, after they had walked nearly a mile through forest andfield, making a circuit around the ruins of Graffs-lust, of such anextent as to leave no room for an ambush betwixt them and the place,the old hound, led by the vidette who was foremost, stopped, anduttered a low growl.

  "How now, Wolf-fanger!" said Rudolph, advancing.--"What, old fellow!dost thou not know friends from foes? Come, what sayest thou, onbetter thoughts?--Thou must not lose character in thy old age--try itagain."

  The dog raised his head, snuffed the air all around, as if heunderstood what his master had said, then shook his head and tail, asif answering to his voice.

  "Why, there it is now," said Donnerhugel, patting the animal's shaggyback; "second thoughts are worth gold; thou seest it is a friend afterall."

  The dog again shook his tail, and moved forward with the sameunconcern as before; Rudolph fell back into his place, and hiscompanion said to him--

  "We are about to meet Rudiger and our companions, I suppose, and thedog hears their footsteps, though we cannot."

  "It can scarcely yet be Rudiger," said the Bernese; "his walk aroundthe castle is of a wider circumference than ours. Some one approaches,however, for Wolf-fanger is again dissatisfied--Look sharply out onall sides."

  As Rudolph gave his party the word to be on the alert, they reached anopen glade, in which were scattered, at considerable distance fromeach other, some old pine-trees of gigantic size, which seemed yethuger and blacker than ordinary, from their broad sable tops andshattered branches being displayed against the clear and white moonlight."We shall here, at least," said the Swiss, "have the advantage ofseeing clearly whatever approaches. But I judge," said he, afterlooking around for a minute, "it is but some wolf or deer that hascrossed our path, and the scent disturbs the hound--Hold--stop--yes,it must be so; he goes on."

  The dog accordingly proceeded, after having given some signs of doubt,uncertainty, and even anxiety. Apparently, however, he becamereconciled to what had disturbed him, and proceeded once more in theordinary manner.

  "This is singular!" said Arthur Philipson;
"and, to my thinking, I sawan object close by yonder patch of thicket, where, as well as I canguess, a few thorn and hazel bushes surround the stems of four or fivelarge trees."

  "My eye has been on that very thicket for these five minutes past, andI saw nothing," said Rudolph.

  "Nay, but," answered the young Englishman, "I saw the object, whateverit was, while you were engaged in attending to the dog. And by yourpermission, I will forward and examine the spot."

  "Were you, strictly speaking, under my command," said Donnerhugel, "Iwould command you to keep your place. If they be foes, it is essentialthat we should remain together. But you are a volunteer in our watch,and therefore may use your freedom."

  "I thank you," answered Arthur, and sprang quickly forward.

  He felt, indeed, at the moment, that he was not acting courteously asan individual, nor perhaps correctly as a soldier; and that he oughtto have rendered obedience, for the time, to the captain of the partyin which he had enlisted himself. But, on the other hand, the objectwhich he had seen, though at a distance and imperfectly, seemed tobear a resemblance to the retiring form of Anne of Geierstein, as shehad vanished from his eyes, an hour or two before, under the cover ofthe forest; and his ungovernable curiosity to ascertain whether itmight not be the maiden in person, allowed him to listen to no otherconsideration.

  Ere Rudolph had spoken out his few words of reply, Arthur was halfwayto the thicket. It was, as it had seemed at a distance, of smallextent, and not fitted to hide any person who did not actually couchdown amongst the dwarf bushes and underwood. Anything white, also,which bore the human size and form must, he thought, have beendiscovered among the dark-red stems and swarthy-coloured bushes whichwere before him. These observations were mingled with other thoughts.If it was Anne of Geierstein whom he had a second time seen, she musthave left the more open path, desirous probably of avoiding notice;and what right or title had he to direct upon her the observation ofthe patrol? He had, he thought, observed that, in general, the maidenrather repelled than encouraged the attentions of Rudolph Donnerhugel;or, where it would have been discourteous to have rejected thementirely, that she endured without encouraging them. What, then, couldbe the propriety of his intruding upon her private walk, singular,indeed, from time and place, but which, on that account, she might bemore desirous to keep secret from the observation of one who wasdisagreeable to her? Nay, was it not possible that Rudolph mightderive advantage to his otherwise unacceptable suit, by possessing theknowledge of something which the maiden desired to be concealed?

  As these thoughts pressed upon him, Arthur made a pause, with his eyesfixed on the thicket, from which he was now scarce thirty yardsdistant; and although scrutinising it with all the keen accuracy whichhis uncertainty and anxiety dictated, he was actuated by a strongfeeling that it would be wisest to turn back to his companions, andreport to Rudolph that his eyes had deceived him.

  But while he was yet undecided whether to advance or return, theobject which he had seen became again visible on the verge of thethicket, and advanced straight towards him, bearing, as on the formeroccasion, the exact dress and figure of Anne of Geierstein! Thisvision--for the time, place, and suddenness of the appearance made itseem rather an illusion than a reality--struck Arthur with surprise,which amounted to terror. The figure passed within a spear's-length,unchallenged by him, and giving not the slightest sign of recognition;and, directing its course to the right hand of Rudolph, and the two orthree who were with him, was again lost among the broken ground andbushes.

  Once more the young man was reduced to a state of the mostinextricable doubt; nor was he roused from the stupor into which hewas thrown, till the voice of the Bernese sounded in his ear--"Why,how now, King Arthur--art thou asleep, or art thou wounded?"

  "Neither," said Philipson, collecting himself; "only much surprised."

  "Surprised? and at what, most royal"----

  "Forbear foolery," said Arthur, somewhat sternly, "and answer as thouart a man--Did she not meet thee?--didst thou not see her?"

  "See her!--see whom?" said Donnerhugel. "I saw no one. And I couldhave sworn you had seen no one either, for I had you in my eye thewhole time of your absence, excepting two or three moments. If you sawaught, why gave you not the alarm?"

  "Because it was only a woman," answered Arthur, faintly.

  "Only a woman!" repeated Rudolph, in a tone of contempt. "By my honestword, King Arthur, if I had not seen pretty flashes of valour fly fromthee at times, I should be apt to think that thou hadst only a woman'scourage thyself. Strange, that a shadow by night, or a precipice inthe day, should quell so bold a spirit as thou hast often shown"----

  "And as I will ever show, when occasion demands it," interrupted theEnglishman, with recovered spirit. "But I swear to you, that if I benow daunted, it is by no mere earthly fears that my mind hath been fora moment subdued."

  "Let us proceed on our walk," said Rudolph; "we must not neglect thesafety of our friends. This appearance, of which thou speakest, may bebut a trick to interrupt our duty."

  They moved on through the moonlight glades. A minute's reflectionrestored young Philipson to his full recollection, and with that tothe painful consciousness that he had played a ridiculous and unworthypart in the presence of the person whom (of the male sex, at least) hewould the very last have chosen as a witness of his weakness.

  He ran hastily over the relations which stood betwixt himself,Donnerhugel, the Landamman, his niece, and the rest of that family;and, contrary to the opinion which he had entertained but a shortwhile before, settled in his own mind that it was his duty to mentionto the immediate leader under whom he had placed himself, theappearance which he had twice observed in the course of that night'sduty. There might be family circumstances--the payment of a vow,perhaps, or some such reason--which might render intelligible to herconnections the behaviour of this young lady. Besides, he was for thepresent a soldier on duty, and these mysteries might be fraught withevils to be anticipated or guarded against; in either case, hiscompanions were entitled to be made aware of what he had seen. It mustbe supposed that this resolution was adopted when the sense of duty,and of shame for the weakness which he had exhibited, had for themoment subdued Arthur's personal feelings towards Anne ofGeierstein--feelings, also, liable to be chilled by the mysteriousuncertainty which the events of that evening had cast, like a thickmist, around the object of them.

  While the Englishman's reflections were taking this turn, his captainor companion, after a silence of several minutes, at length addressedhim.

  "I believe," he said, "my dear comrade, that, as being at present yourofficer, I have some title to hear from you the report of what youhave just now seen, since it must be something of importance whichcould so strongly agitate a mind so firm as yours. But if, in your ownopinion, it consists with the general safety to delay your report ofwhat you have seen until we return to the castle, and then to deliverit to the private ear of the Landamman, you have only to intimate yourpurpose; and, far from urging you to place confidence in mepersonally, though I hope I am not undeserving of it, I will authoriseyour leaving us, and returning instantly to the castle."

  This proposal touched him to whom it was made exactly in the rightplace. An absolute demand of his confidence might perhaps have beendeclined; the tone of moderate request and conciliation fellpresently in with the Englishman's own reflections.

  "I am sensible," he said, "Hauptman, that I ought to mention to youthat which I have seen to-night; but on the first occasion, it did notfall within my duty to do so; and, now that I have a second timewitnessed the same appearance, I have felt for these few seconds somuch surprised at what I have seen, that even yet I can scarce findwords to express it."

  "As I cannot guess what you may have to say," replied the Bernese, "Imust beseech you to be explicit. We are but poor readers of riddles,we thick-headed Switzers."

  "Yet it is but a riddle which I have to place before you, RudolphDonnerhugel," answered the Englishman, "and a riddle which is f
arbeyond my own guessing at." He then proceeded, though not withouthesitation, "While you were performing your first patrol amongst theruins, a female crossed the bridge from within the castle, walked bymy post without saying a single word, and vanished under the shadowsof the forest."

  "Ha!" exclaimed Donnerhugel, and made no further answer.

  Arthur proceeded. "Within these five minutes, the same female formpassed me a second time, issuing from the little thicket and clump offirs, and disappeared, without exchanging a word. Know, further, thisapparition bore the form, face, gait, and dress of your kinswoman,Anne of Geierstein."

  "Singular enough," said Rudolph, in a tone of incredulity. "I mustnot, I suppose, dispute your word, for you would receive doubt on mypart as a mortal injury--such is your northern chivalry. Yet, let mesay, I have eyes as well as you, and I scarce think they quitted youfor a minute. We were not fifty yards from the place where I found youstanding in amazement. How, therefore, should not we also have seenthat which you say and think you saw?"

  "To that I can give no answer," said Arthur. "Perhaps your eyes werenot exactly turned upon me during the short space in which I saw thisform--perhaps it might be visible--as they say fantastic appearancessometimes are--to only one person at a time."

  "You suppose, then, that the appearance was imaginary, or fantastic?"said the Bernese.

  "Can I tell you?" replied the Englishman. "The Church gives itswarrant that there are such things; and surely it is more natural tobelieve this apparition to be an illusion, than to suppose that Anneof Geierstein, a gentle and well-nurtured maiden, should be traversingthe woods at this wild hour, when safety and propriety so stronglyrecommend her being within doors."

  "There is much in what you say," said Rudolph; "and yet there arestories afloat, though few care to mention them, which seem to allegethat Anne of Geierstein is not altogether such as other maidens; andthat she has been met with, in body and spirit, where she could hardlyhave come by her own unassisted efforts."

  "Ha!" said Arthur; "so young, so beautiful, and already in league withthe destroyer of mankind! It is impossible."

  "I said not so," replied the Bernese; "nor have I leisure at presentto explain my meaning more fully. As we return to the castle ofGraffs-lust, I may have an opportunity to tell you more. But Ichiefly brought you on this patrol to introduce you to some friends,whom you will be pleased to know, and who desire your acquaintance;and it is here I expect to meet them."

  So saying, he turned round the projecting corner of a rock, and anunexpected scene was presented to the eyes of the young Englishman.

  In a sort of nook, or corner, screened by the rocky projection, thereburned a large fire of wood, and around it sat, reclined, or lay,twelve or fifteen young men in the Swiss garb, but decorated withornaments and embroidery, which reflected back the light of the fire.The same red gleam was returned by silver wine-cups, which circulatedfrom hand to hand with the flasks which filled them. Arthur could alsoobserve the relics of a banquet, to which due honour seemed to havebeen lately rendered.

  The revellers started joyfully up at the sight of Donnerhugel and hiscompanions, and saluted him, easily distinguished as he was by hisstature, by the title of Captain, warmly and exultingly uttered,while, at the same time, every tendency to noisy acclamation wascautiously suppressed. The zeal indicated that Rudolph came mostwelcome--the caution that he came in secret, and was to be receivedwith mystery.

  To the general greeting he answered,--"I thank you, my brave comrades.Has Rudiger yet reached you?"

  "Thou seest he has not," said one of the party; "had it been so, wewould have detained him here till your coming, brave Captain."

  "He has loitered on his patrol," said the Bernese. "We too weredelayed, yet we are here before him. I bring with me, comrades, thebrave Englishman, whom I mentioned to you as a desirable associate inour daring purpose."

  "He is welcome, most welcome to us," said a young man, whose richlyembroidered dress of azure blue gave him an air of authority; "mostwelcome is he, if he brings with him a heart and a hand to serve ournoble task."

  "For both I will be responsible," said Rudolph. "Pass the wine-cup,then, to the success of our glorious enterprise, and the health ofthis our new associate!"

  While they were replenishing the cups with wine of a quality farsuperior to any which Arthur had yet tasted in these regions, hethought it right, before engaging himself in the pledge, to learn thesecret object of the association which seemed desirous of adoptinghim.

  "Before I engage my poor services to you, fair sirs, since it pleasesyou to desire them, permit me," he said, "to ask the purpose andcharacter of the undertaking in which they are to be employed."

  "Shouldst thou have brought him hither," said the cavalier in blue toRudolph, "without satisfying him and thyself on that point?"

  "Care not thou about it, Lawrenz," replied the Bernese, "I know myman.--Be it known, then, to you, my good friend," he continued,addressing the Englishman, "that my comrades and I are determined atonce to declare the freedom of the Swiss commerce, and to resist tothe death, if it be necessary, all unlawful and extortionate demandson the part of our neighbours."

  "I understand so much," said the young Englishman, "and that thepresent deputation proceeds to the Duke of Burgundy with remonstrancesto that effect."

  "Hear me," replied Rudolph. "The question is like to be brought to abloody determination long ere we see the Duke of Burgundy's mostaugust and most gracious countenance. That his influence should beused to exclude us from Bale, a neutral town, and pertaining to theempire, gives us cause to expect the worst reception when we enter hisown dominions. We have even reason to think that we might havesuffered from his hatred already, but for the vigilance of the wardwhich we have kept. Horsemen, from the direction of La Ferette, havethis night reconnoitred our posts; and had they not found us prepared,we had, without question, been attacked in our quarters. But since wehave escaped to-night, we must take care for to-morrow. For thispurpose, a number of the bravest youth of the city of Bale, incensedat the pusillanimity of their magistrates, are determined to join us,in order to wipe away the disgrace which the cowardly inhospitality oftheir magistracy has brought on their native place."

  "That we will do ere the sun, that will rise two hours hence, shallsink into the western sky," said the cavalier in blue; and thosearound joined him in stern assent.

  "Gentle sirs," replied Arthur, when there was a pause, "let me remindyou, that the embassy which you attend is a peaceful one, and thatthose who act as its escort ought to avoid anything which can augmentthe differences which it comes to reconcile. You cannot expect toreceive offence in the Duke's dominions, the privileges of envoysbeing respected in all civilised countries; and you will, I am sure,desire to offer none."

  "We may be subjected to insult, however," replied the Bernese, "andthat through your concerns, Arthur Philipson, and those of thyfather."

  "I understand you not," replied Philipson.

  "Your father," answered Donnerhugel, "is a merchant, and bears withhim wares of small bulk but high value?"

  "He does so," answered Arthur; "and what of that?"

  "Marry," answered Rudolph, "that if it be not better looked to, theBandog of Burgundy is like to fall heir to a large proportion of yoursilks, satins, and jewellery work."

  "Silks, satins, and jewels!" exclaimed another of the revellers; "suchwares will not pass toll-free where Archibald of Hagenbach hathauthority."

  "Fair sirs," resumed Arthur, after a moment's consideration, "thesewares are my father's property, not mine; and it is for him, not me,to pronounce how much of them he might be content to part with in theway of toll, rather than give occasion to a fray in which hiscompanions, who have received him into their society, must be exposedto injury as well as himself. I can only say, that he has weightyaffairs at the court of Burgundy, which must render him desirous ofreaching it in peace with all men; and it is my private belief that,rather than incur the loss and danger of a broil with the g
arrison ofLa Ferette, he would be contented to sacrifice all the property whichhe has at present with him. Therefore, I must request of you,gentlemen, a space to consult his pleasure on this occasion; assuringyou, that if it be his will to resist the payment of these duties toBurgundy, you shall find in me one who is fully determined to fight tothe last drop of his blood."

  "Good King Arthur," said Rudolph; "thou art a dutiful observer of theFifth Commandment, and thy days shall be long in the land. Do notsuppose us neglectful of the same duty, although, for the present, weconceive ourselves bound, in the first place, to attend to the weal ofour country, the common parent of our fathers and ourselves. But asyou know our profound respect for the Landamman, you need not fearthat we shall willingly offer him offence, by rashly engaging inhostilities, or without some weighty reason; and an attempt to plunderhis guest would have been met, on his part, with resistance to thedeath. I had hoped to find both you and your father prompt enough toresent such a gross injury. Nevertheless, if your father inclines topresent his fleece to be shorn by Archibald of Hagenbach, whosescissors, he will find, clip pretty closely, it would be unnecessaryand uncivil in us to interpose. Meantime, you have the advantage ofknowing, that in case the Governor of La Ferette should be disposed tostrip you of skin as well as fleece, there are more men close at handthan you looked for, whom you will find both able and willing torender you prompt assistance."

  "On these terms," said the Englishman, "I make my acknowledgments tothese gentlemen of Bale, or whatever other country hath sent themforth, and pledge them in a brotherly cup to our further and moreintimate acquaintance."

  "Health and prosperity to the United Cantons, and their friends!"answered the Blue Cavalier. "And death and confusion to all besides."

  The cups were replenished; and instead of a shout of applause, theyoung men around testified their devoted determination to the causewhich was thus announced, by grasping each other's hands, and thenbrandishing their weapons with a fierce yet noiseless gesture.

  "Thus," said Rudolph Donnerhugel, "our illustrious ancestors, thefathers of Swiss independence, met in the immortal field of Rutli,between Uri and Unterwalden. Thus they swore to each other, under theblue firmament of heaven, that they would restore the liberty of theiroppressed country; and history can tell how well they kept theirword."

  "And she shall record," said the Blue Cavalier, "how well the presentSwitzers can preserve the freedom which their fathers won.--Proceed inyour rounds, good Rudolph, and be assured that at the signal of theHauptman the soldiers will not be far absent;--all is arranged asformerly, unless you have new orders to give us."

  "Hark thee hither, Lawrenz," said Rudolph to the Blue Cavalier,--andArthur could hear him say,--"Beware, my friend, that the Rhine wine benot abused;--if there is too much provision of it, manage to destroythe flasks;--a mule may stumble, thou knowest, or so. Give not way toRudiger in this. He is grown a wine-bibber since he joined us. We mustbring both heart and hand to what may be done to-morrow."--They thenwhispered so low, that Arthur could hear nothing of their furtherconference, and bid each other adieu, after clasping hands, as ifthey were renewing some solemn pledge of union.

  Rudolph and his party then moved forward, and were scarce out of sightof their new associates, when the vidette, or foremost of theirpatrol, gave the signal of alarm. Arthur's heart leaped to hislips--"It is Anne of Geierstein!" he said internally.

  "The dogs are silent," said the Bernese. "Those who approach must bethe companions of our watch."

  They proved, accordingly, to be Rudiger and his party, who, halting onthe appearance of their comrades, made and underwent a formalchallenge; such advance had the Swiss already made in militarydiscipline, which was but little and rudely studied by the infantry inother parts of Europe. Arthur could hear Rudolph take his friendRudiger to task for not meeting him at the halting-place appointed."It leads to new revelry on your arrival," he said, "and to-morrowmust find us cool and determined."

  "Cool as an icicle, noble Hauptman," answered the son of theLandamman, "and determined as the rock it hangs upon."

  Rudolph again recommended temperance, and the young Biederman promisedcompliance. The two parties passed each other with friendly thoughsilent greeting; and there was soon a considerable distance betweenthem.

  The country was more open on the side of the castle, around whichtheir duty now led them, than where it lay opposite to the principalgate. The glades were broad, the trees thinly scattered over pastureland, and there were no thickets, ravines, or similar places ofambush, so that the eye might, in the clear moonlight, well commandthe country.

  "Here," said Rudolph, "we may judge ourselves secure enough for someconference; and therefore may I ask thee, Arthur of England, now thouhast seen us more closely, what thinkest thou of the Switzer youth? Ifthou hast learned less than I could have wished, thank thine ownuncommunicative temper, which retired in some degree from ourconfidence."

  "Only in so far as I could not have answered, and therefore ought notto have received it," said Arthur. "The judgment I have been enabledto form amounts, in few words, to this: Your purposes are lofty andnoble as your mountains; but the stranger from the low country is notaccustomed to tread the circuitous path by which you ascend them. Myfoot has been always accustomed to move straight forward upon thegreensward."

  "You speak in riddles," answered the Bernese.

  "Not so," returned the Englishman. "I think you ought plainly tomention to your seniors (the nominal leaders of young men who seemwell disposed to take their own road) that you expect an attack in theneighbourhood of La Ferette, and hope for assistance from some of thetownsmen of Bale."

  "Ay, truly," answered Donnerhugel; "and the Landamman would stop hisjourney till he despatched a messenger for a safe-conduct to the Dukeof Burgundy; and should he grant it, there were an end of all hope ofwar."

  "True," replied Arthur; "but the Landamman would thereby obtain hisown principal object, and the sole purpose of the mission--that is,the establishment of peace."

  "Peace--peace?" answered the Bernese, hastily. "Were my wishes aloneto be opposed to those of Arnold Biederman, I know so much of hishonour and faith, I respect so highly his valour and patriotism, thatat his voice I would sheathe my sword, even if my most mortal enemystood before me. But mine is not the single wish of a single man; thewhole of my canton, and that of Soleure, are determined on war. It wasby war, noble war, that our fathers came forth from the house of theircaptivity--it was by war, successful and glorious war, that a race,who had been held scarce so much worth thinking on as the oxen whichthey goaded, emerged at once into liberty and consequence, and werehonoured because they were feared, as much as they had been formerlydespised because they were unresisting."

  "This may be all very true," said the young Englishman; "but, in myopinion, the object of your mission has been determined by your Dietor House of Commons. They have resolved to send you with others asmessengers of peace; but you are secretly blowing the coals of war;and while all, or most of your senior colleagues are setting outto-morrow in expectation of a peaceful journey, you stand prepared fora combat, and look for the means of giving cause for it."

  "And is it not well that I do stand so prepared?" answered Rudolph."If our reception in Burgundy's dependencies be peaceful, as you saythe rest of the deputation expect, my precautions will be needless;but at least they can do no harm. If it prove otherwise, I shall bethe means of averting a great misfortune from my colleagues, mykinsman Arnold Biederman, my fair cousin Anne, your father,yourself--from all of us, in short, who are joyously travellingtogether."

  Arthur shook his head. "There is something in all this," he said,"which I understand not, and will not seek to understand. I only praythat you will not make my father's concerns the subject of breakingtruce; it may, as you hint, involve the Landamman in a quarrel, whichhe might otherwise have avoided. I am sure my father will neverforgive it."

  "I have pledged my word," said Rudolph, "already to that effect. Butif he shoul
d like the usage of the Bandog of Burgundy less than youseem to apprehend he will, there is no harm in your knowing that, intime of need, he may be well and actively supported."

  "I am greatly obliged by the assurance," replied the Englishman.

  "And thou mayst thyself, my friend," continued Rudolph, "take awarning from what thou hast heard: Men go not to a bridal in armour,nor to a brawl in silken doublet."

  "I will be clad to meet the worst," said Arthur; "and for that purposeI will don a light hauberk of well-tempered steel, proof against spearor arrow; and I thank you for your kindly counsel."

  "Nay, thank not me," said Rudolph; "I were ill deserving to be aleader did I not make those who are to follow me--more especially sotrusty a follower as thou art--aware of the time when they shouldbuckle on their armour, and prepare for hard blows."

  Here the conversation paused for a moment or two, neither of thespeakers being entirely contented with his companion, although neitherpressed any further remark.

  The Bernese, judging from the feelings which he had seen predominateamong the traders of his own country, had entertained little doubtthat the Englishman, finding himself powerfully supported in point offorce, would have caught at the opportunity to resist paying theexorbitant imposts with which he was threatened at the next town,which would probably, without any effort on Rudolph's part, have ledto breaking off the truce on the part of Arnold Biederman himself, andto an instant declaration of hostilities. On the other hand, youngPhilipson could not understand or approve of Donnerhugel's conduct,who, himself a member of a peaceful deputation, seemed to be animatedwith the purpose of seizing an opportunity to kindle the flames ofwar.

  Occupied by these various reflections, they walked side by side forsome time without speaking together, until Rudolph broke silence.

  "Your curiosity is then ended, Sir Englishman," said he, "respectingthe apparition of Anne of Geierstein?"

  "Far from it," replied Philipson; "but I would unwillingly intrude anyquestions on you while you are busy with the duties of your patrol."

  "That may be considered as over," said the Bernese, "for there is nota bush near us to cover a Burgundian knave, and a glance around usfrom time to time is all that is now needful to prevent surprise. Andso, listen while I tell a tale, never sung or harped in hall or bower,and which, I begin to think, deserves as much credit, at least, as isdue to the Tales of the Round Table, which ancient troubadours andminne-singers dole out to us as the authentic chronicles of yourrenowned namesake.

  "Of Anne's ancestors on the male side of the house," continuedRudolph, "I dare say you have heard enough, and are well aware howthey dwelt in the old walls at Geierstein beside the cascade, grindingtheir vassals, devouring the substance of their less powerfulneighbours, and plundering the goods of the travellers whom ill lucksent within ken of the vulture's eyry, the one year; and in the next,wearying the shrines for mercy for their trespasses, overwhelming thepriests with the wealth which they showered upon them, and, finally,vowing vows, and making pilgrimages, sometimes as palmers, sometimesas crusaders as far as Jerusalem itself, to atone for the iniquitieswhich they had committed without hesitation or struggle ofconscience."

  "Such, I have understood," replied the young Englishman, "was thehistory of the house of Geierstein, till Arnold, or his immediateancestors, exchanged the lance for the sheep-hook."

  "But it is said," replied the Bernese, "that the powerful and wealthyBarons of Arnheim, of Swabia, whose only female descendant became thewife to Count Albert of Geierstein, and the mother of this youngperson, whom Swiss call simply Anne, and Germans Countess Anne ofGeierstein, were nobles of a different caste. They did not restricttheir lives within the limits of sinning and repenting--of plunderingharmless peasants, and pampering fat monks; but were distinguishedfor something more than building castles with dungeons andfolter-kammers, or torture-chambers, and founding monasteries withGalilees and Refectories.

  "These same Barons of Arnheim were men who strove to enlarge theboundaries of human knowledge, and converted their castle into aspecies of college, where there were more ancient volumes than themonks have piled together in the library of St. Gall. Nor were theirstudies in books alone. Deep buried in their private laboratories,they attained secrets which were afterwards transmitted through therace from father to son, and were supposed to have approached nearlyto the deepest recesses of alchemy. The report of their wisdom andtheir wealth was often brought to the Imperial footstool; and in thefrequent disputes which the Emperors maintained with the Popes of old,it is said they were encouraged, if not instigated, by the counsels ofthe Barons of Arnheim, and supported by their treasures. It was,perhaps, such a course of politics, joined to the unusual andmysterious studies which the family of Arnheim so long pursued, whichexcited against them the generally received opinion, that they wereassisted in their superhuman researches by supernatural influences.The priests were active in forwarding this cry against men who,perhaps, had no other fault than that of being wiser than themselves.

  "'Look what guests,' they said, 'are received in the halls of Arnheim!Let a Christian knight, crippled in war with the Saracens, presenthimself on the drawbridge, he is guerdoned with a crust and a cup ofwine, and required to pass on his way. If a palmer, redolent of thesanctity acquired by his recent visits to the most holy shrines, andby the sacred relics which attest and reward his toil, approach theunhallowed walls, the warder bends his crossbow, and the porter shutsthe gate, as if the wandering saint brought the plague with him fromPalestine. But comes there a greybearded, glib-tongued Greek, with hisparchment scrolls, the very letters of which are painful to Christianeyes--comes there a Jewish Rabbin, with his Talmud and Cabala--comesthere a swarthy sun-burnt Moor, who can boast of having read thelanguage of the Stars in Chaldea, the cradle of astrologicalscience--Lo, the wandering impostor or sorcerer occupies the highestseat at the Baron of Arnheim's board, shares with him the labours ofthe alembic and the furnace, learns from him mystic knowledge, likethat of which our first parents participated to the overthrow of theirrace, and requites it with lessons more dreadful than he receives,till the profane host has added to his hoard of unholy wisdom all thatthe pagan visitor can communicate. And these things are done inAlmain, which is called the Holy Roman Empire, of which so manypriests are princes!--they are done, and neither ban nor monition isissued against a race of sorcerers, who, from age to age, go ontriumphing in their necromancy!'

  "Such arguments, which were echoed from mitred Abbots to the cell ofAnchorites, seem, nevertheless, to have made little impression on theImperial council. But they served to excite the zeal of many a Baronand Free Count of the Empire, who were taught by them to esteem a waror feud with the Barons of Arnheim as partaking of the nature, andentitled to the immunities, of a crusade against the enemies of theFaith, and to regard an attack upon these obnoxious potentates as amode of clearing off their deep scores with the Christian Church. Butthe Lords of Arnheim, though not seeking for quarrel, were by no meansunwarlike, or averse to maintaining their own defence. Some, on thecontrary, belonging to this obnoxious race, were not the lessdistinguished as gallant knights and good men-at-arms. They were,besides, wealthy, secured and strengthened by great alliances, and inan eminent degree wise and provident. This the parties who assailedthem learned to their cost.

  "The confederacies formed against the Lords of Arnheim were broken up;the attacks which their enemies meditated were anticipated anddisconcerted; and those who employed actual violence were repelledwith signal loss to the assailants: until at length an impression wasproduced in their neighbourhood, that by their accurate informationconcerning meditated violence, and their extraordinary powers ofresisting and defeating it, the obnoxious Barons must have brought totheir defence means which merely human force was incapable ofoverthrowing; so that, becoming as much feared as hated, they weresuffered for the last generation to remain unmolested. And this wasthe rather the case, that the numerous vassals of this great housewere perfectly satisfied with their feuda
l superiors, abundantly readyto rise in their defence, and disposed to believe that, whether theirlords were sorcerers or no, their own condition would not be mended byexchanging their government, either for the rule of the crusaders inthis holy warfare, or that of the churchmen by whom it was instigated.The race of these barons ended in Herman von Arnheim, the maternalgrandfather of Anne of Geierstein. He was buried with his helmet,sword, and shield, as is the German custom with the last male of anoble family.

  "But he left an only daughter, Sybilla of Arnheim, to inherit aconsiderable portion of his estate; and I never heard that the strongimputation of sorcery which attached to her house, prevented numerousapplications, from persons of the highest distinction in the Empire,to her legal guardian, the Emperor, for the rich heiress's hand inmarriage. Albert of Geierstein, however, though an exile, obtained thepreference. He was gallant and handsome, which recommended him toSybilla; and the Emperor, bent at the time on the vain idea ofrecovering his authority in the Swiss mountains, was desirous to showhimself generous to Albert, whom he considered as a fugitive from hiscountry for espousing the imperial cause. You may thus see, most nobleKing Arthur, that Anne of Geierstein, the only child of theirmarriage, descends from no ordinary stock; and that circumstances inwhich she may be concerned are not to be explained or judged of soeasily, or upon the same grounds of reasoning, as in the case ofordinary persons."

  "By my honest word, Sir Rudolph of Donnerhugel," said Arthur,studiously labouring to keep a command upon his feelings, "I can seenothing in your narrative, and understand nothing from it, unless itbe that because in Germany, as in other countries, there have beenfools who have annexed the idea of witchcraft and sorcery to thepossession of knowledge and wisdom, you are therefore disposed tostigmatise a young maiden, who has always been respected and belovedby those around her, as a disciple of arts which, I trust, are asuncommon as unlawful."

  Rudolph paused ere he replied.

  "I could have wished," he said, "that you had been satisfied with thegeneral character of Anne of Geierstein's maternal family, as offeringsome circumstances which may account for what you have, according toyour own report, this night witnessed, and I am really unwilling to gointo more particular details. To no one can Anne of Geierstein's famebe so dear as to me. I am, after her uncle's family, her nearestrelative, and had she remained in Switzerland, or should she, as ismost probable, return thither after the present visit to her father,perhaps our connection might be drawn yet closer. This has, indeed,only been prevented by certain prejudices of her uncle's respectingher father's authority, and the nearness of our relationship, which,however, comes within reach of a licence very frequently obtained. ButI only mention these things, to show you how much more tender I mustnecessarily hold Anne of Geierstein's reputation, than it is possiblefor you to do, being a stranger, known to her but a short while since,and soon to part with her, as I understand your purpose, for ever."

  The turn taken in this kind of apology irritated Arthur so highly,that it required all the reasons which recommended coolness to enablehim to answer with assumed composure.

  "I can have no ground, Sir Hauptman," he said, "to challenge anyopinion which you may entertain of a young person with whom you are soclosely connected, as you appear to be with Anne of Geierstein. I onlywonder that, with such regard for her as your relationship implies,you should be disposed to receive, on popular and trivial traditions,a belief which must injuriously affect your kinswoman, more especiallyone with whom you intimate a wish to form a still more closeconnection. Bethink you, sir, that in all Christian lands, theimputation of sorcery is the most foul which can be thrown onChristian man or woman."

  "And I am so far from intimating such an imputation," said Rudolph,somewhat fiercely, "that, by the good sword I wear, he that dared givebreath to such a thought against Anne of Geierstein must undergo mychallenge, and take my life, or lose his own. But the question is notwhether the maiden herself practises sorcery, which he who avers hadbetter get ready his tomb, and provide for his soul's safety; thedoubt lies here, whether, as the descendant of a family whoserelations with the unseen world are reported to have been of theclosest degree, elfish and fantastical beings may not have power toimitate her form, and to present her appearance where she is notpersonally present--in fine, whether they have permission to play ather expense fantastical tricks, which they cannot exercise over othermortals, whose forefathers have ever regulated their lives by therules of the Church, and died in regular communion with it. And as Isincerely desire to retain your esteem, I have no objection tocommunicate to you more particular circumstances respecting hergenealogy, confirming the idea I have now expressed. But you willunderstand they are of the most private nature, and that I expectsecrecy under the strictest personal penalty."

  "I shall be silent, sir," replied the young Englishman, stillstruggling with suppressed passion, "on everything respecting thecharacter of a maiden whom I am bound to respect so highly. But thefear of no man's displeasure can add a feather's weight to theguarantee of my own honour."

  "Be it so," said Rudolph; "it is not my wish to awake angry feelings;but I am desirous, both for the sake of your good opinion, which Ivalue, and also for the plainer explanation of what I have darklyintimated, to communicate to you what otherwise I would much ratherhave left untold."

  "You must be guided by your own sense of what is necessary and properin the case," answered Philipson; "but remember I press not on yourconfidence for the communication of anything that ought to remainsecret, far less where that young lady is the subject."

  Rudolph answered, after a minute's pause,--"Thou hast seen and heardtoo much, Arthur, not to learn the whole, or at least all that I know,or apprehend, on the mysterious subject. It is impossible but thecircumstances must at times recur to your recollection, and I amdesirous that you should possess all the information necessary tounderstand them as clearly as the nature of the facts will permit. Wehave yet, keeping leftward to view the bog, upwards of a mile to makeere the circuit of the castle is accomplished. It will afford leisureenough for the tale I have to tell."

  "Speak on--I listen!" answered the Englishman, divided between hisdesire to know all that it was possible to learn concerning Anne ofGeierstein, and his dislike to hear her name pronounced with suchpretensions as those of Donnerhugel, together with the revival of hisoriginal prejudices against the gigantic Swiss, whose manners, alwaysblunt, nearly to coarseness, seemed now marked by assumed superiorityand presumption. Arthur listened, however, to his wild tale, and theinterest which he took in it soon overpowered all other sensations.


  [5] The chivalry of Cornwall are generally undervalued in theNorman-French romances. The cause is difficult to discover.