Read Anne of Geierstein; Or, The Maiden of the Mist. Volume 1 (of 2) Page 18


  For Somerset, off with his guilty head! _3d Part of Henry VI._

  The Governor of La Ferette stood on the battlements of the easternentrance-tower of his fortress, and looked out on the road to Bale,when first the vanguard of the Swiss mission, then the centre andrear, appeared in the distance. At the same moment the van halting,the main body closed with it, while the females and baggage, and mulesin the rear, moved in their turn up to the main body, and the wholewere united in one group.

  A messenger then stepped forth, and winded one of those tremendoushorns, the spoils of the wild-bulls, so numerous in the Canton of Uri,that they are supposed to have given rise to its name.

  "They demand admittance," said the esquire.

  "They shall have it," answered Sir Archibald de Hagenbach. "Marry, howthey may pass out again, is another and a deeper question."

  "Think yet a moment, noble sir," continued the esquire. "Bethink you,these Switzers are very fiends in fight, and have, besides, no bootyto repay the conquest--some paltry chains of good copper, perchance,or adulterated silver. You have knocked out the marrow--do not damageyour teeth by trying to grind the bone."

  "Thou art a fool, Kilian," answered De Hagenbach, "and it may be acoward besides. The approach of some score, or at most some score anda half, of Swiss partisans, makes thee draw in thy horns like a snailat a child's finger! Mine are strong and inflexible as those of theUrus, of whom they talk so much, and on which they blow so boldly.Keep in mind, thou timid creature, that if the Swiss deputies, as theypresume to call themselves, are permitted to pass free, they carry tothe Duke stories of merchants bound to his court, and fraught withprecious commodities, specially addressed to his Grace! Charles hasthen at once to endure the presence of the ambassadors, whom hecontemns and hates, and learns by them that the Governor of LaFerette, permitting such to pass, has nevertheless presumed to stopthose whom he would full gladly see; for what prince would notblithely welcome such a casket as that which we have taken from yonderstrolling English pedlar?"

  "I see not how the assault on these ambassadors will mend yourexcellency's plea for despoiling the Englishmen," said Kilian.

  "Because thou art a blind mole, Kilian," answered his chief. "IfBurgundy hears of a ruffle between my garrison and the mountainchurls, whom he scorns, and yet hates, it will drown all notice of thetwo pedlars who have perished in the fray. If after-inquiry shouldcome, an hour's ride transports me with my confidants into theImperial dominions, where, though the Emperor be a spiritless fool,the rich prize I have found on these islanders will ensure me a goodreception."

  "I will stick by your excellency to the last," returned the esquire;"and you shall yourself witness that, if a fool, I am at least nocoward."

  "I never thought thee such when it came to hand-blows," said DeHagenbach; "but in policy thou art timid and irresolute. Hand me minearmour, Kilian, and beware thou brace it well. The Swiss pikes andswords are no wasp-stings."

  "May your excellency wear it with honour and profit," said Kilian;and, according to the duty of his office, he buckled upon hisprincipal the complete panoply of a knight of the empire. "Yourpurpose of assaulting the Swiss then holds firm," said Kilian. "Butwhat pretext will your excellency assign?"

  "Let me alone," said Archibald de Hagenbach, "to take one, or to makeone. Do you only have Schonfeldt and the soldiers on their stations.And remember the words are--'Burgundy to the Rescue!' When these wordsare first spoken, let the soldiers show themselves,--when repeated,let them fall on. And now that I am accoutred, away to the churls andadmit them."

  Kilian bowed and withdrew.

  The bugle of the Switzers had repeatedly emitted its angry roar,exasperated by the delay of nearly half an hour, without an answerfrom the guarded gate of Brisach; and every blast declared, by theprolonged echoes which it awakened, the increased impatience of thosewho summoned the town. At length the portcullis arose, the gateopened, the drawbridge fell, and Kilian, in the equipage of aman-at-arms arrayed for fight, rode forth on an ambling palfrey.

  "What bold men are ye, sirs, who are here in arms before the fortressof Brisach, appertaining in right and seignorie to the thrice nobleDuke of Burgundy and Lorraine, and garrisoned for his cause andinterest by the excellent Sir Archibald, Lord of Hagenbach, Knight ofthe most Holy Roman Empire?"

  "So please you, Sir Esquire," said the Landamman, "for such Iconjecture you to be by the feather in your bonnet, we are here withno hostile intentions; though armed, as you see, to defend us in aperilous journey, where we are something unsafe by day, and cannotalways repose by night in places of security. But our arms have nooffensive purpose; if they had such, our numbers had not been so fewas you see them."

  "What, then, is your character and purpose?" said Kilian, who hadlearned to use, in his master's absence, the lordly and insolent toneof the Governor himself.

  "We are Delegates," answered the Landamman, in a calm and even tone ofvoice, without appearing to take offence at, or to observe, theinsolent demeanour of the esquire, "from the Free and ConfederatedCantons of the Swiss States and provinces, and from the good town ofSoleure, who are accredited from our Diet of Legislature to travel tothe presence of his Grace the Duke of Burgundy, on an errand of highimportance to both countries, and with the hope of establishing withyour master's lord--I mean with the noble Duke of Burgundy--a sure andsteadfast peace, upon such terms as shall be to the mutual honour andadvantage of both countries, and to avert disputes, and the effusionof Christian blood, which may otherwise be shed for want of timely andgood understanding."

  "Show me your letters of credence," said the esquire.

  "Under your forgiveness, Sir Esquire," replied the Landamman, "it willbe time enough to exhibit these, when we are admitted to the presenceof your master the Governor."

  "That is as much as to say, wilful will to it. It is well, my masters;and yet you may take this advice from Kilian of Kersberg. It issometimes better to reel backwards than to run forwards.--My master,and my master's master, are more ticklish persons than the dealers ofBale, to whom you sell your cheeses. Home, honest men, home! your waylies before you, and you are fairly warned."

  "We thank thee for thy counsel," said the Landamman, interrupting theBanneret of Berne, who had commenced an angry reply, "supposing itkindly meant; if not, an uncivil jest is like an overcharged gun,which recoils on the cannoneer. Our road lies onward through Brisach,and onward we propose to go, and take such hap as that which we mayfind before us."

  "Go onward then, in the devil's name," said the squire, who hadentertained some hope of deterring them from pursuing their journey,but found himself effectually foiled.

  The Switzers entered the town, and, stopped by the barricade of carswhich the Governor had formed across the street, at about twenty yardsfrom the gate, they drew themselves up in military order, with theirlittle body formed into three lines, the two females and the fathersof the deputation being in the centre. The little phalanx presented adouble front, one to each side of the street, while the centre linefaced so as to move forward, and only waited for the removal of thebarricade in order to do so. But while they stood thus inactive, aknight in complete armour appeared from a side door of the greattower, under the arch of which they had entered into the town. Hisvisor was raised, and he walked along the front of the little lineformed by the Swiss, with a stern and frowning aspect.

  "Who are you," he said, "who have thus far intruded yourselves in armsinto a Burgundian garrison?"

  "With your excellency's leave," said the Landamman, "we are men whocome on a peaceful errand, though we carry arms for our own defence.Deputies we are from the towns of Berne and Soleure, the Cantons ofUri, Schwitz, and Unterwalden, come to adjust matters of importancewith the gracious Duke of Burgundy and Lorraine."

  "What towns, what cantons?" said the Governor of La Ferette. "I haveheard no such names among the Free Cities of Germany.--Berne, truly!when became Berne a free state?"

  "Since t
he twenty-first day of June," said Arnold Biederman, "in theyear of grace one thousand three hundred and thirty-nine, on which daythe battle of Laupen was fought."

  "Away, vain old man!" said the Knight. "Thinkest thou that such idleboasts can avail thee here? We have heard, indeed, of some insurgentvillages and communities among the Alps, and how they rebelled againstthe Emperor, and by the advantage of fastnesses, ambuscades, andlurking-places, how they have murdered some knights and gentlemen sentagainst them by the Duke of Austria; but we little thought that suchpaltry townships and insignificant bands of mutineers had theinsolence to term themselves Free States, and propose to enter intonegotiation as such with a mighty prince like Charles of Burgundy."

  "May it please your excellency," replied the Landamman, with perfecttemper; "your own laws of chivalry declare, that if the stronger wrongthe weaker, or the noble does injury to the less gentle, the very actlevels distinctions between them, and the doer of an injury becomesbound to give condign satisfaction, of such kind as the wronged partyshall demand."

  "Hence to thy hills, churl!" exclaimed the haughty Knight; "there combthy beard and roast thy chestnuts. What! because a few rats and micefind retreat among the walls and wainscoting of our dwelling-houses,shall we therefore allow them to intrude their disgusting presence,and their airs of freedom and independence, into our personalpresence? No, we will rather crush them beneath the heel of ourironshod boots."

  "We are not men to be trodden on," said Arnold Biederman, calmly;"those who have attempted it have found us stumbling-blocks. Lay, SirKnight, lay aside for an instant this haughty language, which can onlylead to warfare, and listen to the words of peace. Dismiss ourcomrade, the English merchant Philipson, on whom you have this morninglaid unlawful hands; let him pay a moderate sum for his ransom, andwe, who are bound instantly to the Duke's presence, will bear a fairreport to him of his Governor of La Ferette."

  "You will be so generous, will you!" said Sir Archibald, in a tone ofridicule. "And what pledge shall I have that you will favour me sokindly as you propose?"

  "The word of a man who never broke his promise," answered the stoicalLandamman.

  "Insolent hind!" replied the Knight, "dost thou stipulate? _Thou_offer thy paltry word as a pledge betwixt the Duke of Burgundy andArchibald de Hagenbach? Know that ye go not to Burgundy at all, or yougo thither with fetters on your hands and halters round yournecks.--So ho, Burgundy to the Rescue!"

  Instantly, as he spoke, the soldiers showed themselves before, behind,and around the narrow space where the Swiss had drawn themselves up.The battlements of the town were lined with men, others presentedthemselves at the doors of each house in the street, prepared tosally, and, at the windows, prepared to shoot, as well with guns aswith bows and crossbows. The soldiers who defended the barricade alsostarted up, and seemed ready to dispute the passage in front. Thelittle band, encompassed and overmatched, but neither startled nordisheartened, stood to their arms. The centre rank under the Landammanprepared to force their way over the barricade. The two fronts stoodback to back, ready to dispute the street with those that should issuefrom the houses. It could not fail to prove a work of no small bloodand toil to subdue this handful of determined men, even with fivetimes their number. Some sense of this, perhaps, made Sir Archibalddelay giving the signal for onset, when suddenly behind arose a cryof, "Treason, treason!"

  A soldier, covered with mud, rushed before the Governor, and said, inhurried accents, that, as he endeavoured to stop a prisoner who hadmade his escape some short time since, he had been seized by theburghers of the town, and well-nigh drowned in the moat. He added,that the citizens were even now admitting the enemy into the place.

  "Kilian," said the Knight, "take two score of men--hasten to thenorthern sallyport; stab, cut down, or throw from the battlements,whomsoever you meet in arms, townsmen or strangers. Leave me to settlewith these peasants by fair means or foul."

  But ere Kilian could obey his master's commands, a shout arose in therear, where they cried, "Bale! Bale!--Freedom! freedom!--The day isour own!"

  Onward came the youth of Bale, who had not been at such a distance butthat Rudolph had contrived to recall them--onward came many Swiss whohad hovered around the embassy, holding themselves in readiness forsuch a piece of service; and onward came the armed citizens of LaFerette, who, compelled to take arms and mount guard by the tyranny ofDe Hagenbach, had availed themselves of the opportunity to admit theBalese at the sallyport through which Philipson had lately made hisescape.

  The garrison, somewhat discouraged before by the firm aspect of theSwiss, who had held their numbers at defiance, were totallydisconcerted by this new and unexpected insurrection. Most of themprepared rather to fly than to fight, and they threw themselves innumbers from the walls, as the best chance of escaping. Kilian andsome others, whom pride prevented from flying, and despair from askingquarter, fought with fury, and were killed on the spot. In the midstof this confusion the Landamman kept his own bands unmoved, permittingthem to take no share in the action, save to repel such violence aswas offered to them.

  "Stand fast all!" sounded the deep voice of Arnold Biederman alongtheir little body. "Where is Rudolph?--Save lives, but takenone.--Why, how now, Arthur Philipson! stand fast, I say."

  "I cannot stand fast," said Arthur, who was in the act of leaving theranks. "I must seek my father in the dungeons; they may be slaying himin this confusion while I stand idle here."

  "By our Lady of Einsiedlen, you say well," answered the Landamman;"that I should have forgot my noble guest! I will help thee to searchfor him, Arthur--the affray seems well-nigh ended.--Ho, there, SirBanneret, worthy Adam Zimmerman, my good friend Nicholas Bonstetten,keep our men standing firm--Have nothing to do with this affray, butleave the men of Bale to answer their own deeds. I return in a fewminutes."

  So saying, he hurried after Arthur Philipson, whose recollectionconducted him, with sufficient accuracy, to the head of the dungeonstairs. There they met an ill-looking man clad in a buff jerkin, whobore at his girdle a bunch of rusted keys, which intimated the natureof his calling.

  "Show me the prison of the English merchant," said Arthur Philipson,"or thou diest by my hand!"

  "Which of them desire you to see?" answered the official;--"the oldman, or the young one?"

  "The old," said young Philipson. "His son has escaped thee."

  "Enter here then, gentlemen," said the jailer, undoing the spring-boltof a heavy door.

  At the upper end of the apartment lay the man they came to seek for,who was instantly raised from the ground, and loaded with theirembraces.

  "My dear father!"--"My worthy guest!" said his son and friend at thesame moment, "how fares it with you?"

  "Well," answered the elder Philipson, "if you, my friend, and son,come, as I judge from your arms and countenance, as conquerors, and atliberty--ill, if you come to share my prison-house."

  "Have no fear of that," said the Landamman; "we have been in danger,but are remarkably delivered.--Your evil lair has benumbed you. Leanon me, my noble guest, and let me assist you to better quarters."

  Here he was interrupted by a heavy clash, as it seemed, of iron, anddiffering from the distant roar of the popular tumult, which theystill heard from the open street, as men hear the deep voice of aremote and tempestuous ocean.

  "By St. Peter of the fetters!" said Arthur, who instantly discoveredthe cause of the sound, "the jailer has cast the door to the staple,or it has escaped his grasp. The spring-lock has closed upon us, andwe cannot be liberated saving from the outside.--Ho, jailer dog!villain! open the door, or thou diest!"

  "He is probably out of hearing of your threats," said the elderPhilipson, "and your cries avail you nothing. But are you sure theSwiss are in possession of the town?"

  "We are peaceful occupants of it," answered the Landamman, "thoughwithout a blow given on our side."

  "Why, then," said the Englishman, "your followers will soon find youout. Arthur and I are paltry ciphers, and our absence might eas
ilypass over unobserved; but you are too important a figure not to bemissed and looked after, when the sum of your number is taken."

  "I well hope it will prove so," said the Landamman, "though methinks Ishow but scurvily, shut up here like a cat in a cupboard when he hasbeen stealing cream.--Arthur, my brave boy, dost thou see no means ofshooting back the bolt?"

  Arthur, who had been minutely examining the lock, replied in thenegative; and added, that they must take patience perforce, and armthemselves to wait calmly their deliverance, which they could donothing to accelerate.

  Arnold Biederman, however, felt somewhat severely the neglect of hissons and companions.

  "All my youths, uncertain whether I am alive or dead, are taking theopportunity of my absence, doubtless, for pillage and licence--and thepolitic Rudolph, I presume, cares not if I should never reappear onthe stage--the Banneret, and the white-bearded fool Bonstetten, whocalls me his friend--every neighbour has deserted me--and yet theyknow that I am anxious for the safety of the most insignificant ofthem all, as dearer to me than my own. By heavens! it looks likestratagem; and shows as if the rash young men desired to get rid of arule too regular and peaceful to be pleasing to those who are eagerfor war and conquest."

  The Landamman, fretted out of his usual serenity of temper, and afraidof the misbehaviour of his countrymen in his absence, thus reflectedupon his friends and companions, while the distant noise soon diedaway into the most absolute and total silence.

  "What is to do now?" said Arthur Philipson. "I trust they will takethe opportunity of quiet to go through the roll-call, and inquire thenwho are a-missing."

  It seemed as if the young man's wish had some efficacy, for he hadscarce uttered it before the lock was turned, and the door set ajar bysome one who escaped upstairs from behind it, before those who wereset at liberty could obtain a glance of their deliverer.

  "It is the jailer, doubtless," said the Landamman, "who may beapprehensive, as he has some reason, that we might prove more incensedat our detention in the dungeon, than grateful for our deliverance."

  As they spoke thus they ascended the narrow stairs, and issued fromthe door of the Gate-house tower, where a singular spectacle awaitedthem. The Swiss Deputies and their escort still remained standing fastand firm on the very spot where Hagenbach had proposed to assail them.A few of the late Governor's soldiers, disarmed, and cowering from therage of a multitude of the citizens, who now filled the streets, stoodwith downcast looks behind the phalanx of the mountaineers, as theirsafest place of retreat. But this was not all.

  The cars, so lately placed to obstruct the passage of the street, werenow joined together, and served to support a platform, or scaffold,which had been hastily constructed of planks. On this was placed achair, in which sat a tall man, with his head, neck, and shouldersbare, the rest of his body clothed in bright armour. His countenancewas as pale as death, yet young Philipson recognised the hard-heartedGovernor, Sir Archibald Hagenbach. He appeared to be bound to thechair. On his right, and close beside him, stood the Priest of St.Paul's, muttering prayers, with his breviary in his hand; while on hisleft, and somewhat behind the captive, appeared a tall man, attired inred [_h_], and leaning with both hands on the naked sword, which hasbeen described on a former occasion. The instant that Arnold Biedermanappeared, and before the Landamman could open his lips to demand themeaning of what he saw, the priest drew back, the executioner steppedforward, the sword was brandished, the blow was struck, and thevictim's head rolled on the scaffold. A general acclamation andclapping of hands, like that by which a crowded theatre approves ofsome well-graced performer, followed this feat of dexterity. While theheadless corpse shot streams from the arteries, which were drunk up bythe sawdust that strewed the scaffold, the executioner gracefullypresented himself alternately at the four corners of the stage,modestly bowing, as the multitude greeted him with cheers ofapprobation.

  "Nobles, knights, gentlemen of free-born blood, and good citizens," hesaid, "who have assisted at this act of high justice, I pray you tobear me witness that this judgment hath been executed after the formof the sentence, at one blow, and without stroke missed or repeated."

  The acclamations were reiterated.

  "Long live our Scharfgerichter Steinernherz, and many a tyrant may hedo his duty on!"

  "Noble friends," said the executioner, with the deepest obeisance, "Ihave yet another word to say, and it must be a proud one.--God begracious to the soul of this good and noble knight, Sir Archibald deHagenbach. He was the patron of my youth, and my guide to the path ofhonour. Eight steps have I made towards freedom and nobility on theheads of freeborn knights and nobles, who have fallen by his authorityand command; and the ninth, by which I have attained it, is upon hisown, in grateful memory of which I will expend this purse of gold,which but an hour since he bestowed on me, in masses for his soul.Gentlemen, noble friends, and now my equals, La Ferette has lost anobleman and gained one. Our Lady be gracious to the departed knight,Sir Archibald de Hagenbach, and bless and prosper the progress ofStephen Steinernherz von Blutsacker, now free and noble of right!"[8]

  With that he took the feather out of the cap of the deceased, which,soiled with the blood of the wearer, lay near his body upon thescaffold, and, putting it into his own official bonnet, received thehomage of the crowd in loud huzzas, which were partly in earnest,partly in ridicule of such an unusual transformation.

  Arnold Biederman at length found breath, which the extremity ofsurprise had at first denied him. Indeed, the whole execution hadpassed much too rapidly for the possibility of his interference.

  "Who has dared to act this tragedy?" he said indignantly. "And by whatright has it taken place?"

  A cavalier, richly dressed in blue, replied to the question--

  "The free citizens of Bale have acted for themselves, as the fathersof Swiss liberty set them an example; and the tyrant, De Hagenbach,has fallen by the same right which put to death the tyrant Geysler. Webore with him till his cup was brimming over, and then we bore nolonger."

  "I say not but that he deserved death," replied the Landamman; "butfor your own sake, and for ours, you should have forborne him till theDuke's pleasure was known."

  "What tell you us of the Duke?" answered Laurenz Neipperg, the sameblue cavalier whom Arthur had seen at the secret rendezvous of theBalese youth, in company with Rudolph. "Why talk you of Burgundy tous, who are none of his subjects? The Emperor, our only rightful lord,had no title to pawn the town and fortifications of La Ferette, beingas it is a dependency of Bale, to the prejudice of our free city. Hemight have pledged the revenue indeed; and supposing him to have doneso, the debt has been paid twice over by the exactions levied byyonder oppressor, who has now received his due. But pass on, Landammanof Unterwalden. If our actions displease you, abjure them at thefootstool of the Duke of Burgundy; but, in doing so, abjure the memoryof William Tell and Stauffacher, of Furst and Melchtal, the fathers ofSwiss freedom."

  "You speak truth," said the Landamman; "but it is in an ill-chosen andunhappy time. Patience would have remedied your evils, which none feltmore deeply, or would have redressed more willingly, than I. But oh,imprudent young man, you have thrown aside the modesty of your age,and the subjection you owe to your elders. William Tell and hisbrethren were men of years and judgment, husbands and fathers, havinga right to be heard in council, and to be foremost in action.Enough--I leave it with the fathers and senators of your own city, toacknowledge or to reprove your actions.--But you, my friends,--you,Banneret of Berne,--you, Rudolph,--above all, you, NicholasBonstetten, my comrade and my friend, why did you not take thismiserable man under your protection? The action would have shownBurgundy that we were slandered by those who have declared us desirousof seeking a quarrel with him, or of inciting his subjects to revolt.Now, all these prejudices will be confirmed in the minds of men,naturally more tenacious of evil impressions than of those which arefavourable."

  "As I live by bread, good gossip and neighbour," answered NicholasBonstetten, "I thought
to obey your injunctions to a tittle; so muchso, that I once thought of breaking in and protecting the man, whenRudolph Donnerhugel reminded me that your last orders were, to standfirm, and let the men of Bale answer for their own actions; andsurely, said I to myself, my gossip Arnold knows better than all of uswhat is fitting to be done."

  "Ah, Rudolph, Rudolph," said the Landamman, looking on him with adispleased countenance, "wert thou not ashamed thus to deceive an oldman?"

  "To say I deceived him is a hard charge; but from you, Landamman,"answered the Bernese, with his usual deference, "I can bear anything.I will only say, that, being a member of this embassy, I am obligedto think, and to give my opinion as such, especially when he is notpresent who is wise enough to lead and direct us all."

  "Thy words are always fair, Rudolph," replied Arnold Biederman, "and Itrust so is thy meaning. Yet there are times when I somewhat doubtit.--But let disputes pass, and let me have your advice, my friends;and for that purpose go we where it may best profit us, even to thechurch, where we will first return our thanks for our deliverance fromassassination, and then hold counsel what next is to be done."

  The Landamman led the way, accordingly, to the church of St. Paul's,while his companions and associates followed in their order. This gaveRudolph, who, as youngest, suffered the others to precede him, anopportunity to beckon to him the Landamman's eldest son, Rudiger, andwhisper to him to get rid of the two English merchants.

  "Away with them, my dear Rudiger, by fair means, if possible; but awaywith them directly. Thy father is besotted with these two Englishpedlars, and will listen to no other counsel; and thou and I know,dearest Rudiger, that such men as these are unfit to give laws tofree-born Switzers. Get the trumpery they have been robbed of, or asmuch of it as is extant, together as fast as thou canst, and send thema-travelling, in Heaven's name."

  Rudiger nodded intelligently, and went to offer his services toexpedite the departure of the elder Philipson. He found the sagaciousmerchant as desirous to escape from the scene of confusion nowpresented in the town, as the young Swiss could be to urge hisdeparture. He only waited to recover the casket of which De Hagenbachhad possessed himself, and Rudiger Biederman set on foot a strictsearch after it, which was the more likely to be successful, that thesimplicity of the Swiss prevented them from setting the true valueupon its contents. A strict and hasty search was immediatelyinstituted, both on the person of the dead De Hagenbach, on which theprecious packet was not to be found, and on all who had approached himat his execution, or were supposed to enjoy his confidence.

  Young Arthur Philipson would gladly have availed himself of a fewmoments to bid farewell to Anne of Geierstein. But the grey wimple wasno longer seen in the ranks of the Switzers, and it was reasonable tothink that, in the confusion which followed the execution of DeHagenbach, and the retreat of the leaders of the little battalion, shehad made her escape into some of the adjacent houses, while thesoldiers around her, no longer restrained by the presence of theirchiefs, had dispersed, some to search for the goods of which theEnglishmen had been despoiled, others doubtless to mingle with andjoin in the rejoicings of the victorious youths of Bale, and of thoseburghers of La Ferette by whom the fortifications of the town had beenso gently surrendered.

  The cry amongst them was universal, that Brisach, so long consideredas the curb of the Swiss confederates, and the barrier against theircommerce, should henceforth be garrisoned, as their protection againstthe encroachments and exactions of the Duke of Burgundy and hisofficers. The whole town was in a wild but joyful jubilee, while thecitizens vied with each other in offering to the Swiss everyspecies of refreshment, and the youths who attended upon the missionhurried gaily, and in triumph, to profit by the circumstances, whichhad so unexpectedly converted the ambuscade so treacherously laid forthem, into a genial and joyous reception.

  THE EXECUTION. Drawn and Etched by R. de Los Rios.]

  Amid this scene of confusion, it was impossible for Arthur to quit hisfather, even to satisfy the feelings which induced him to wish for afew moments at his own disposal. Sad, thoughtful, and sorrowful, amidthe general joy, he remained with the parent whom he had so muchreason to love and honour, to assist him in securing and placing ontheir mule the various packages and bales which the honest Switzershad recovered after the death of De Hagenbach, and which they emulatedeach other in bringing to their rightful owner; while they were withdifficulty prevailed on to accept the guerdon which the Englishman,from the means which he had still left upon his person, was disposednot merely to offer but to force upon the restorers of his property,and which, in their rude and simple ideas, seemed greatly to exceedthe value of what they had recovered for him.

  This scene had scarcely lasted ten or fifteen minutes, when RudolphDonnerhugel approached the elder Philipson, and in a tone of greatcourtesy invited him to join the council of the Chiefs of the Embassyof the Swiss Cantons, who, he said, were desirous of having theadvantage of his experience upon some important questions respectingtheir conduct on these unexpected occurrences.

  "See to our affairs, Arthur, and stir not from the spot on which Ileave you," said Philipson to his son. "Look especially after thesealed packet of which I was so infamously and illegally robbed: itsrecovery is of the utmost consequence."

  So speaking, he instantly prepared himself to attend the Bernese, whoin a confidential manner whispered, as he went arm-in-arm with himtowards the church of St. Paul's,--

  "I think a man of your wisdom will scarce advise us to trust ourselvesto the mood of the Duke of Burgundy, when he has received such aninjury as the loss of this fortress, and the execution of his officer.You, at least, would be too judicious to afford us any further theadvantage of your company and society, since to do so would bewilfully to engage in our shipwreck."

  "I will give my best advice," answered Philipson, "when I shall bemore particularly acquainted with the circumstances under which it isasked of me."

  Rudolph muttered an oath, or angry exclamation, and led Philipson tothe church without further argument.

  In a small chapel adjoining to the church, and dedicated to St. Magnusthe Martyr, the four deputies were assembled in close conclave, aroundthe shrine in which the sainted hero stood, armed as when he lived.The Priest of St. Paul's was also present, and seemed to interesthimself deeply in the debate which was taking place. When Philipsonentered, all were for a moment silent, until the Landamman addressedhim thus: "Seignor Philipson, we esteem you a man far travelled, wellversed in the manners of foreign lands, and acquainted with theconditions of this Duke Charles of Burgundy; you are therefore fit toadvise us in a matter of great weight. You know with what anxiety wego on this mission for peace with the Duke; you also know what hasthis day happened, which may probably be represented to Charles in theworst colours. Would you advise us, in such a case, to proceed to theDuke's presence, with the odium of this action attached to us? orshould we do better to return home, and prepare for war withBurgundy?"

  "How do your own opinions stand on the subject?" said the cautiousEnglishman.

  "We are divided," answered the Banneret of Berne. "I have borne thebanner of Berne against her foes for thirty years; I am more willingto carry it against the lances of the knights of Hainault andLorraine, than to undergo the rude treatment which we must look tomeet at the footstool of the Duke."

  "We put our heads in the lion's mouth if we go forward," saidZimmerman of Soleure;--"my opinion is, that we draw back."

  "I would not advise retreat," said Rudolph Donnerhugel, "were my lifealone concerned; but the Landamman of Unterwalden is the father of theUnited Cantons, and it would be parricide if I consented to put hislife in peril. My advice is, that we return, and that the Confederacystand on their defence."

  "My opinion is different," said Arnold Biederman; "nor will I forgiveany man who, whether in sincere or feigned friendship, places my poorlife in the scale with the advantage of the Cantons. If we go forward,we risk our heads--be it so. But if we turn back, we involve ourcoun
try in war with a power of the first magnitude in Europe. Worthycitizens! you are brave in fight--show your fortitude as boldly now;and let us not hesitate to incur such personal danger as may attendourselves, if by doing so we can gain a chance of peace for ourcountry."

  "I think and vote with my neighbour and gossip, Arnold Biederman,"said the laconic deputy from Schwitz.

  "You hear how we are divided in opinion," said the Landamman toPhilipson. "What is your opinion?"

  "I would first ask of you," said the Englishman, "what has been yourpart in this storming of a town occupied by the Duke's forces, andputting to death his Governor?"

  "So help me, Heaven!" said the Landamman, "as I knew not of anypurpose of storming the town until it unexpectedly took place."

  "And for the execution of De Hagenbach," said the Black Priest, "Iswear to you, stranger, by my holy order, that it took place under thedirection of a competent court, whose sentence Charles of Burgundyhimself is bound to respect, and whose proceedings the deputies of theSwiss mission could neither have advanced nor retarded."

  "If such be the case, and if you can really prove yourselves free ofthese proceedings," answered Philipson, "which must needs be highlyresented by the Duke of Burgundy, I would advise you by all means toproceed upon your journey; with the certainty that you will obtainfrom that prince a just and impartial hearing, and it may be afavourable answer. I know Charles of Burgundy; I may even say that,our different ranks and walks of life considered, I know him well. Hewill be deeply incensed by the first tidings of what has herechanced, which he will no doubt interpret to your disfavour. But if,in the course of investigation, you are able to clear yourselves ofthese foul imputations, a sense of his own injustice may perhaps turnthe balance in your favour, and in that case he will rush from theexcess of censure into that of indulgence. But your cause must befirmly stated to the Duke, by some tongue better acquainted with thelanguage of courts than yours; and such a friendly interpreter might Ihave proved to you, had I not been plundered of the valuable packetwhich I bore with me in order to present to the Duke, and in testimonyof my commission to him."

  "A paltry fetch," whispered Donnerhugel to the Banneret, "that thetrader may obtain from us satisfaction for the goods of which he hasbeen plundered."

  The Landamman himself was perhaps for a moment of the same opinion.

  "Merchant," he said, "we hold ourselves bound to make good toyou--that is, if our substance can effect it--whatever loss you mayhave sustained, trusting to our protection."

  "Ay, that we will," said the old man of Schwitz, "should it cost ustwenty zechins to make it good."

  "To your guarantee of immunity I can have no claim," said Philipson,"seeing I parted company with you before I sustained any loss. And Iregret the loss, not so much for its value, although that is greaterthan you may fancy; but chiefly because, that the contents of thecasket I bore being a token betwixt a person of considerableimportance and the Duke of Burgundy, I shall not, I fear, now that Iam deprived of them, receive from his grace that credence which Idesire, both for my own sake and yours. Without them, and speakingonly in the person of a private traveller, I may not take upon me as Imight have done, when using the names of the persons whose mandates Icarried."

  "This important packet," said the Landamman, "shall be most rigorouslysought for, and carefully re-delivered to thee. For ourselves, not aSwiss of us knows the value of its contents; so that if they are inthe hands of any of our men, they will be returned of course asbaubles, upon which they set no value."

  As he spoke, there was a knocking at the door of the chapel. Rudolph,who stood nearest to it, having held some communication with thosewithout, observed with a smile, which he instantly repressed, lest ithad given offence to Arnold Biederman,--"It is Sigismund, the goodyouth--Shall I admit him to our council?"

  "To what purpose, poor simple lad?" said his father, with a sorrowfulsmile.

  "Yet let me undo the door," said Philipson; "he is anxious to enter,and perhaps he brings news. I have observed, Landamman, that the youngman, though with slowness of ideas and expression, is strong in hisprinciples, and sometimes happy in his conceptions."

  He admitted Sigismund accordingly; while Arnold Biederman felt, on theone hand, the soothing compliment which Philipson had paid to a boy,certainly the dullest of his family, and, on the other, feared somepublic display of his son's infirmity, or lack of understanding.Sigismund, however, seemed all confidence; and he certainly hadreason to be so, since, as the shortest mode of explanation, hepresented to Philipson the necklace of diamonds, with the casket inwhich it had been deposited.

  "This pretty thing is yours," he said. "I understand so much from yourson Arthur, who tells me you will be glad to have it again."

  "Most cordially do I thank you," said the merchant. "The necklace iscertainly mine; that is, the packet of which it formed the contentswas under my charge; and it is at this moment of greater additionalvalue to me than even its actual worth, since it serves as my pledgeand token for the performance of an important mission.--And how, myyoung friend," he continued, addressing Sigismund, "have you been sofortunate as to recover what we have sought for hitherto in vain? Letme return my best acknowledgments; and do not think me over-curious ifI ask how it reached you."

  "For that matter," said Sigismund, "the story is soon told. I hadplanted myself as near the scaffold as I could, having never beheld anexecution before; and I observed the executioner, who I thought didhis duty very cleverly, just in the moment that he spread a cloth overthe body of De Hagenbach, snatch something from the dead man's bosom,and huddle it hastily into his own; so, when the rumour arose that anarticle of value was a-missing, I hurried in quest of the fellow. Ifound he had bespoke masses to the extent of a hundred crowns at thehigh altar of St. Paul's; and I traced him to the tavern of thevillage, where some ill-looking men were joyously drinking to him asa free citizen and a nobleman. So I stepped in amongst them with mypartisan, and demanded of his lordship either to surrender to me whathe had thus possessed himself of, or to try the weight of the weapon Icarried. His lordship, my Lord Hangman, hesitated, and was about tomake a brawl. But I was something peremptory, and so he judged it bestto give me the parcel, which I trust you, Seignor Philipson, will findsafe and entire as it was taken from you. And--and--I left them toconclude their festivities--and that is the whole of the story."

  "Thou art a brave lad," said Philipson; "and with a heart alwaysright, the head can seldom be far wrong. But the Church shall not loseits dues, and I take it on myself, ere I leave La Ferette, to pay forthe masses which the man had ordered for the sake of De Hagenbach'ssoul, snatched from the world so unexpectedly."

  Sigismund was about to reply; but Philipson, fearing he might bringout some foolery to diminish the sense which his father had sojoyously entertained of his late conduct, immediately added, "Hieaway, my good youth, and give to my son Arthur this precious casket."

  With simple exultation at receiving applause to which he was littleaccustomed, Sigismund took his leave, and the council were once moreleft to their own privacy.

  There was a moment's silence; for the Landamman could not overcome thefeeling of exquisite pleasure at the sagacity which poor Sigismund,whose general conduct warranted no such expectations, had displayed onthe present occasion. It was not, however, a feeling to whichcircumstances permitted him to give vent, and he reserved it for hisown secret enjoyment, as a solace to the anxiety which he had hithertoentertained concerning the limited intellect of this simple-mindedyoung man. When he spoke, it was to Philipson, with the usual candourand manliness of his character.

  "Seignor Philipson," he said, "we will hold you bound by no offerwhich you made while these glittering matters were out of yourpossession; because a man may often think that if he were in such andsuch a situation he would be able to achieve certain ends which, thatposition being attained, he may find himself unable to accomplish. ButI now ask you, whether, having thus fortunately and unexpectedlyregained possession of what you
say will give you certain credencewith the Duke of Burgundy, you conceive yourself entitled to mediatewith him on our behalf, as you formerly proposed?"

  All bent forward to hear the merchant's answer.

  "Landamman," he replied, "I never spoke the word in difficulty which Iwas not ready to redeem when that difficulty was removed. You say, andI believe, that you had no concern with this storming of La Ferette.You say also, that the life of De Hagenbach was taken by a judicatureover which you had no control, and exercised none--let a protocol bedrawn up, averring these circumstances, and, as far as possible,proving them. Intrust it to me--under seal if you will--and if suchpoints be established, I will pledge my word as a--as a--as an honestman and a true-born Englishman, that the Duke of Burgundy will neitherdetain nor offer you any personal injury. I also hope to show toCharles strong and weighty reasons why a league of friendship betwixtBurgundy and the United Cantons of Helvetia is, on his grace's part, awise and generous measure. But it is possible I may fail in this lastpoint; and if I do, I shall deeply grieve for it. In warranting yoursafe passage to the Duke's court, and your safe return from it to yourown country, I think I cannot fail. If I do, my own life, and that ofmy beloved and only child, shall pay the ransom for my excess ofconfidence in the Duke's justice and honour."

  The other deputies stood silent, and looked on the Landamman; butRudolph Donnerhugel spoke.

  "Are we then to trust our own lives, and, what is still dearer to us,that of our honoured associate, Arnold Biederman, on the simple wordof a foreign trader? We all know the temper of the Duke, and howvindictively and relentlessly he has ever felt towards our country andits interests. Methinks this English merchant should express thenature of his interest at the court of Burgundy more plainly, if heexpects us to place such implicit reliance in it."

  "That, Seignor Rudolph Donnerhugel," replied the merchant, "I findmyself not at liberty to do. I pry not into your secrets, whether theybelong to you as a body or as individuals. My own are sacred. If Iconsulted my own safety merely, I should act most wisely to partcompany with you here. But the object of your mission is peace; andyour sudden return, after what has chanced at La Ferette, will makewar inevitable. I think I can assure you of a safe and free audiencefrom the Duke, and I am willing, for the chance of securing the peaceof Christendom, to encounter any personal peril which may attach tomyself."

  "Say no more, worthy Philipson," said the Landamman; "thy good faithis undoubted on our part, and ill luck is his who cannot read itwritten on thy manly forehead. We go forward, then, prepared to riskour own safety at the hand of a despotic prince, rather than leaveundischarged the mission which our country has intrusted us with. Heis but half a brave man who will risk his life only in the field ofbattle. There are other dangers, to front which is equally honourable;and since the weal of Switzerland demands that we should encounterthem, not one of us will hesitate to take the risk."

  The other members of the mission bowed in assent, and the conclavebroke up to prepare for their farther entrance into Burgundy.


  [8] Note I.