Read Anne of Geierstein; Or, The Maiden of the Mist. Volume 2 (of 2) Page 5


  Affairs that walk (As they say spirits do) at midnight, have In them a wilder nature than the business That seeks dispatch by day. _Henry VIII. Act V._

  The approach of the steward was now boldly expected by the littleparty. Arthur, flattered at once and elevated by the firmness whichAnne had shown when this person's arrival was announced, hastilyconsidered the part which he was to act in the approaching scene, andprudently determined to avoid all active and personal interference,till he should observe from the demeanour of Anne that such was likelyto be useful or agreeable to her. He resumed his place, therefore, ata distant part of the board, on which their meal had been latelyspread, and remained there, determined to act in the manner Anne'sbehaviour should suggest as most prudent and fitting,--veiling, at thesame time, the most acute internal anxiety, by an appearance of thatdeferential composure, which one of inferior rank adopts when admittedto the presence of a superior. Anne, on her part, seemed to prepareherself for an interview of interest. An air of conscious dignitysucceeded the extreme agitation which she had so lately displayed,and, busying herself with some articles of female work, she alsoseemed to expect with tranquillity the visit to which her attendantwas disposed to attach so much alarm.

  A step was heard upon the stair, hurried and unequal, as that of someone in confusion as well as haste; the door flew open, and ItalSchreckenwald entered.

  This person, with whom the details given to the elder Philipson by theLandamman Biederman have made the reader in some degree acquainted,was a tall, well-made, soldierly looking man. His dress, like that ofpersons of rank at the period in Germany, was more varied in colour,more cut and ornamented, slashed and jagged, than the habit worn inFrance and England. The never-failing hawk's feather decked his cap,secured with a medal of gold, which served as a clasp. His doublet wasof buff, for defence, but _laid down_, as it was called in thetailor's craft, with rich lace on each seam, and displaying on thebreast a golden chain, the emblem of his rank in the Baron'shousehold. He entered with rather a hasty step, and busy and offendedlook, and said, somewhat rudely, "Why, how now, young lady--whereforethis? Strangers in the castle at this period of night!"

  Anne of Geierstein, though she had been long absent from her nativecountry, was not ignorant of its habits and customs, and knew thehaughty manner in which all who were noble exerted their authorityover their dependants.

  "Are you a vassal of Arnheim, Ital Schreckenwald, and do you speak tothe Lady of Arnheim in her own castle with an elevated voice, a saucylook, and bonneted withal? Know your place; and, when you havedemanded pardon for your insolence, and told your errand in suchterms as befit your condition and mine, I may listen to what you haveto say."

  Schreckenwald's hand, in spite of him, stole to his bonnet, anduncovered his haughty brow.

  "Noble lady," he said, in a somewhat milder tone, "excuse me if myhaste be unmannerly, but the alarm is instant. The soldiery of theRhinegrave have mutinied, plucked down the banners of their master,and set up an independent ensign, which they call the pennon of St.Nicholas, under which they declare that they will maintain peace withGod, and war with all the world. This castle cannot escape them, whenthey consider that the first course to maintain themselves must be totake possession of some place of strength. You must up then, and ridewith the very peep of dawn. For the present, they are busy with thewine-skins of the peasants, but when they wake in the morning theywill unquestionably march hither; and you may chance to fall into thehands of those who will think of the terrors of the castle of Arnheimas the figments of a fairy tale, and laugh at its mistress'spretensions to honour and respect."

  "Is it impossible to make resistance? The castle is strong," said theyoung lady, "and I am unwilling to leave the house of my fatherswithout attempting somewhat in our defence."

  "Five hundred men," said Schreckenwald, "might garrison Arnheim,battlement and tower. With a less number it were madness to attempt tokeep such an extent of walls; and how to get twenty soldiers together,I am sure I know not.--So, having now the truth of the story, let mebeseech you to dismiss this guest,--too young, I think, to be theinmate of a lady's bower,--and I will point to him the nighest way outof the castle; for this is a strait in which we must all be contentedwith looking to our own safety."

  "And whither is it that you propose to go?" said the Baroness,continuing to maintain, in respect to Ital Schreckenwald, the completeand calm assertion of absolute superiority, to which the seneschalgave way with such marks of impatience as a fiery steed exhibits underthe management of a complete cavalier.

  "To Strasburg, I propose to go,--that is, if it so please you,--withsuch slight escort as I can get hastily together by daybreak. I trustwe may escape being observed by the mutineers; or, if we fall in witha party of stragglers, I apprehend but little difficulty in forcing myway."

  "And wherefore do you prefer Strasburg as a place of asylum?"

  "Because I trust we shall there meet your excellency's father, thenoble Count Albert of Geierstein."

  "It is well," said the young lady.--"You also, I think, SeignorPhilipson, spoke of directing your course to Strasburg. If it consistwith your convenience, you may avail yourself of the protection of myescort as far as that city, where you expect to meet your father."

  It will readily be believed that Arthur cheerfully bowed assent to aproposal which was to prolong their remaining in society together, andmight possibly, as his romantic imagination suggested, afford him anopportunity, on a road beset with dangers, to render some service ofimportance.

  Ital Schreckenwald attempted to remonstrate.

  "Lady!--lady!"--he said, with some marks of impatience.

  "Take breath and leisure, Schreckenwald," said Anne, "and you will bemore able to express yourself with distinctness, and with respectfulpropriety."

  The impatient vassal muttered an oath betwixt his teeth, and answeredwith forced civility,--"Permit me to state, that our case requires weshould charge ourselves with the care of no one but you. We shall befew enough for your defence, and I cannot permit any stranger totravel with us."

  "If," said Arthur, "I conceived that I was to be a useless incumbranceon the retreat of this noble young lady, worlds, Sir Squire, would notinduce me to accept her offer. But I am neither child nor woman--I ama full-grown man, and ready to show such good service as manhood mayin defence of your lady."

  "If we must not challenge your valour and ability, young sir," saidSchreckenwald, "who shall answer for your fidelity?"

  "To question that elsewhere," said Arthur, "might be dangerous."

  But Anne interfered between them. "We must straight to rest, andremain prompt for alarm, perhaps even before the hour of dawn.Schreckenwald, I trust to your care for due watch and ward.--You havemen enough at least for that purpose.--And hear and mark--It is mydesire and command, that this gentleman be accommodated with lodgingshere for this night, and that he travel with us to-morrow. For this Iwill be responsible to my father, and your part is only to obey mycommands. I have long had occasion to know both the young man's fatherand himself, who were ancient guests of my uncle, the Landamman. Onthe journey you will keep the youth beside you, and use such courtesyto him as your rugged temper will permit."

  Ital Schreckenwald intimated his acquiescence with a look ofbitterness, which it were vain to attempt to describe. It expressedspite, mortification, humbled pride, and reluctant submission. He didsubmit, however, and ushered young Philipson into a decent apartmentwith a bed, which the fatigue and agitation of the preceding dayrendered very acceptable.

  Notwithstanding the ardour with which Arthur expected the rise of thenext dawn, his deep repose, the fruit of fatigue, held him until thereddening of the east, when the voice of Schreckenwald exclaimed, "Up,Sir Englishman, if you mean to accomplish your boast of loyal service.It is time we were in the saddle, and we shall tarry for nosluggards."

  Arthur was on the floor of the apartment, and dressed, in
almost aninstant, not forgetting to put on his shirt of mail, and assumewhatever weapons seemed most fit to render him an efficient part ofthe convoy. He next hastened to seek out the stable, to have his horsein readiness; and descending for that purpose into the under story ofthe lower mass of buildings, he was wandering in search of the waywhich led to the offices, when the voice of Annette Veilchen softlywhispered, "This way, Seignor Philipson; I would speak with you."

  The Swiss maiden, at the same time, beckoned him into a small room,where he found her alone.

  "Were you not surprised," she said, "to see my lady queen it so overItal Schreckenwald, who keeps every other person in awe with his sternlooks and cross words? But the air of command seems so natural to her,that, instead of being a baroness, she might have been an empress. Itmust come of birth, I think, after all, for I tried last night to takestate upon me, after the fashion of my mistress, and, would you thinkit, the brute Schreckenwald threatened to throw me out of the window?But if ever I see Martin Sprenger again, I'll know if there isstrength in a Swiss arm, and virtue in a Swiss quarter-staff.--Buthere I stand prating, and my lady wishes to see you for a minute erewe take to horse."

  "Your lady?" said Arthur, starting. "Why did you lose an instant? whynot tell me before?"

  "Because I was only to keep you here till she came, and--here she is."

  Anne of Geierstein entered, fully attired for her journey. Annette,always willing to do as she would wish to be done by, was about toleave the apartment, when her mistress, who had apparently made up hermind concerning what she had to do or say, commanded her positively toremain.

  "I am sure," she said, "Seignor Philipson will rightly understand thefeelings of hospitality--I will say of friendship--which prevented mysuffering him to be expelled from my castle last night, and which havedetermined me this morning to admit of his company on the somewhatdangerous road to Strasburg. At the gate of that town we part, I tojoin my father, you to place yourself under the direction of yours.From that moment intercourse between us ends, and our remembrance ofeach other must be as the thoughts which we pay to friends deceased."

  "Tender recollections," said Arthur, passionately, "more dear to ourbosoms than all we have surviving upon earth."

  "Not a word in that tone," answered the maiden. "With night delusionshould end, and reason awaken with dawning. One word more--Do notaddress me on the road; you may, by doing so, expose me to vexatiousand insulting suspicion, and yourself to quarrels and peril.--Farewell,our party is ready to take horse."

  She left the apartment, where Arthur remained for a moment deeplybewildered in grief and disappointment. The patience, nay, evenfavour, with which Anne of Geierstein had, on the previous night,listened to his passion, had not prepared him for the terms of reserveand distance which she now adopted towards him. He was ignorant thatnoble maids, if feeling or passion has for a moment swayed them fromthe strict path of principle and duty, endeavour to atone for it byinstantly returning, and severely adhering, to the line from whichthey have made a momentary departure. He looked mournfully on Annette,who, as she had been in the room before Anne's arrival, took theprivilege of remaining a minute after her departure; but he read nocomfort in the glances of the confidant, who seemed as muchdisconcerted as himself.

  "I cannot imagine what hath happened to her," said Annette; "to me sheis kind as ever, but to every other person about her she playscountess and baroness with a witness; and now she is begun totyrannise over her own natural feelings--and--if this be greatness,Annette Veilchen trusts always to remain the penniless Swiss girl; sheis mistress of her own freedom, and at liberty to speak with herbachelor when she pleases, so as religion and maiden modesty suffernothing in the conversation. Oh, a single daisy twisted with contentinto one's hair, is worth all the opals in India, if they bind us totorment ourselves and other people, or hinder us from speaking ourmind, when our heart is upon our tongue. But never fear, Arthur; forif she has the cruelty to think of forgetting you, you may rely on onefriend who, while she has a tongue, and Anne has ears, will make itimpossible for her to do so."

  So saying, away tripped Annette, having first indicated to Philipsonthe passage by which he would find the lower court of the castle.There his steed stood ready, among about twenty others. Twelve ofthese were accoutred with war saddles, and frontlets of proof, beingintended for the use of as many cavaliers, or troopers, retainers ofthe family of Arnheim, whom the seneschal's exertions had been able tocollect on the spur of the occasion. Two palfreys, somewhatdistinguished by their trappings, were designed for Anne of Geiersteinand her favourite female attendant. The other menials, chiefly boysand women servants, had inferior horses. At a signal made, thetroopers took their lances and stood by their steeds, till the femalesand menials were mounted and in order; they then sprang into theirsaddles and began to move forward, slowly and with great precaution.Schreckenwald led the van, and kept Arthur Philipson close besidehim. Anne and her attendant were in the centre of the little body,followed by the unwarlike train of servants, while two or threeexperienced cavaliers brought up the rear, with strict orders to guardagainst surprise.

  On their being put into motion, the first thing which surprised Arthurwas, that the horses' hoofs no longer sent forth the sharp and ringingsound arising from the collision of iron and flint, and as the morninglight increased he could perceive that the fetlock and hoof of everysteed, his own included, had been carefully wrapped around with asufficient quantity of wool, to prevent the usual noise whichaccompanied their motions. It was a singular thing to behold thepassage of the little body of cavalry down the rocky road which ledfrom the castle, unattended with the noise which we are disposed toconsider as inseparable from the motions of horse, the absence ofwhich seemed to give a peculiar and almost an unearthly appearance tothe cavalcade.

  They passed in this manner the winding path which led from the castleof Arnheim to the adjacent village, which, as was the ancient feudalcustom, lay so near the fortress that its inhabitants, when summonedby their lord, could instantly repair for its defence. But it was atpresent occupied by very different inhabitants, the mutinous soldiersof the Rhinegrave. When the party from Arnheim approached the entranceof the village, Schreckenwald made a signal to halt, which wasinstantly obeyed by his followers. He then rode forward in person toreconnoitre, accompanied by Arthur Philipson, both moving with theutmost steadiness and precaution. The deepest silence prevailed inthe deserted streets. Here and there a soldier was seen, seeminglydesigned for a sentinel, but uniformly fast asleep.

  "The swinish mutineers!" said Schreckenwald; "a fair night-watch theykeep, and a beautiful morning's rouse would I treat them with, werenot the point to protect yonder peevish wench.--Halt thou here,stranger, while I ride back and bring them on--there is no danger."

  Schreckenwald left Arthur as he spoke, who, alone in the street of avillage filled with banditti, though they were lulled into temporaryinsensibility, had no reason to consider his case as very comfortable.The chorus of a wassel song, which some reveller was trolling over inhis sleep; or, in its turn, the growling of some village cur, seemedthe signal for an hundred ruffians to start up around him. But in thespace of two or three minutes, the noiseless cavalcade, headed by ItalSchreckenwald, again joined him, and followed their leader, observingthe utmost precaution not to give an alarm. All went well till theyreached the farther end of the village, where, although theBaaren-hauter[4] who kept guard was as drunk as his companions onduty, a large shaggy dog which lay beside him was more vigilant. Asthe little troop approached, the animal sent forth a ferocious yell,loud enough to have broken the rest of the Seven Sleepers, and whicheffectually dispelled the slumbers of its master. The soldier snatchedup his carabine and fired, he knew not well at what, or for whatreason. The ball, however, struck Arthur's horse under him, and, asthe animal fell, the sentinel rushed forward to kill or make prisonerthe rider.

  "Haste on, haste on, men of Arnheim! care for nothing but the younglady's safety," exclaimed the leader of the band.<
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  "Stay, I command you;--aid the stranger, on your lives!"--said Anne,in a voice which, usually gentle and meek, she now made heard by thosearound her, like the note of a silver clarion. "I will not stir tillhe is rescued."

  Schreckenwald had already spurred his horse for flight; but,perceiving Anne's reluctance to follow him, he dashed back, andseizing a horse which, bridled and saddled, stood picketed near him,he threw the reins to Arthur Philipson; and pushing his own horse, atthe same time, betwixt the Englishman and the soldier, he forced thelatter to quit the hold he had on his person. In an instant Philipsonwas again mounted, when, seizing a battle-axe which hung at thesaddle-bow of his new steed, he struck down the staggering sentinel,who was endeavouring again to seize upon him. The whole troop thenrode off at a gallop, for the alarm began to grow general in thevillage; some soldiers were seen coming out of their quarters, andothers were beginning to get upon horseback. Before Schreckenwald andhis party had ridden a mile, they heard more than once the sound ofbugles; and when they arrived upon the summit of an eminencecommanding a view of the village, their leader, who, during theretreat, had placed himself in the rear of his company, now halted toreconnoitre the enemy they had left behind them. There was bustle andconfusion in the street, but there did not appear to be any pursuit;so that Schreckenwald followed his route down the river, with speedand activity indeed, but with so much steadiness, at the same time, asnot to distress the slowest horse of his party.

  When they had ridden two hours and more, the confidence of theirleader was so much augmented, that he ventured to command a halt atthe edge of a pleasant grove, which served to conceal their number,whilst both riders and horses took some refreshment, for which purposeforage and provisions had been borne along with them. ItalSchreckenwald, having held some communication with the Baroness,continued to offer their travelling companion a sort of surlycivility. He invited him to partake of his own mess, which was indeedlittle different from that which was served out to the other troopers,but was seasoned with a glass of wine from a more choice flask.

  "To your health, brother," he said; "if you tell this day's storytruly, you will allow that I was a true comrade to you two hourssince, in riding through the village of Arnheim."

  "I will never deny it, fair sir," said Philipson, "and I return youthanks for your timely assistance; alike, whether it sprang from yourmistress's order, or your own good-will."

  "Ho! ho! my friend," said Schreckenwald, laughing, "you are aphilosopher, and can try conclusions while your horse lies rollingabove you, and a Baaren-hauter aims his sword at your throat?--Well,since your wit hath discovered so much, I care not if you know, that Ishould not have had much scruple to sacrifice twenty such smooth-facedgentlemen as yourself, rather than the young Baroness of Arnheim hadincurred the slightest danger."

  "The propriety of the sentiment," said Philipson, "is so undoubtedlycorrect, that I subscribe to it, even though it is somethingdiscourteously expressed towards myself."

  In making this reply, the young man, provoked at the insolence ofSchreckenwald's manner, raised his voice a little. The circumstancedid not escape observation, for, on the instant, Annette Veilchenstood before them, with her mistress's commands on them both to speakin whispers, or rather to be altogether silent.

  "Say to your mistress that I am mute," said Philipson.

  "Our mistress, the Baroness, says," continued Annette, with anemphasis on the title, to which she began to ascribe some talismanicinfluence,--"the Baroness, I tell you, says, that silence muchconcerns our safety, for it were most hazardous to draw upon thislittle fugitive party the notice of any passengers who may pass alongthe road during the necessary halt; and so, sirs, it is the Baroness'srequest that you will continue the exercise of your teeth as fast asyou can, and forbear that of your tongues till you are in a safercondition."

  "My lady is wise," answered Ital Schreckenwald, "and her maiden iswitty. I drink, Mrs. Annette, in a cup of Rudersheimer, to thecontinuance of her sagacity, and of your amiable liveliness ofdisposition. Will it please you, fair mistress, to pledge me in thisgenerous liquor?"

  "Out, thou German wine-flask!--Out, thou eternal swill-flagon!--Heardyou ever of a modest maiden who drank wine before she had dined?"

  "Remain without the generous inspiration then," said the German, "andnourish thy satirical vein on sour cider or acid whey."

  A short space having been allowed to refresh themselves, the littleparty again mounted their horses, and travelled with such speed, thatlong before noon they arrived at the strongly fortified town of Kehl,opposite to Strasburg, on the eastern bank of the Rhine.

  It is for local antiquaries to discover whether the travellers crossedfrom Kehl to Strasburg by the celebrated bridge of boats which atpresent maintains the communication across the river, or whether theywere wafted over by some other mode of transportation. It is enoughthat they passed in safety, and had landed on the other side,where--whether she dreaded that he might forget the charge she hadgiven him, that here they were to separate, or whether she thoughtthat something more might be said in the moment of parting--the youngBaroness, before remounting her horse, once more approached ArthurPhilipson, who too truly guessed the tenor of what she had to say.

  "Gentle stranger," she said, "I must now bid you farewell. But firstlet me ask if you know whereabouts you are to seek your father?"

  "In an inn called the Flying Stag," said Arthur, dejectedly; "butwhere that is situated in this large town, I know not."

  "Do you know the place, Ital Schreckenwald?"

  "I, young lady?--Not I--I know nothing of Strasburg and its inns. Ibelieve most of our party are as ignorant as I am."

  "You and they speak German, I suppose," said the Baroness, drily, "andcan make inquiry more easily than a foreigner? Go, sir, and forgetnot that humanity to the stranger is a religious duty."

  With that shrug of the shoulders which testifies a displeased messenger,Ital went to make some inquiry, and, in his absence, brief as it was,Anne took an opportunity to say apart,--"Farewell!--Farewell! Acceptthis token of friendship, and wear it for my sake. May you be happy!"

  Her slender fingers dropped into his hand a very small parcel. Heturned to thank her, but she was already at some distance; andSchreckenwald, who had taken his place by his side, said in his harshvoice, "Come, Sir Squire, I have found out your place of rendezvous,and I have but little time to play the gentleman-usher."

  He then rode on; and Philipson, mounted on his military charger,followed him in silence to the point where a large street joined, orrather crossed, that which led from the quay on which they had landed.

  "Yonder swings the Flying Stag," said Ital, pointing to an immensesign, which, mounted on a huge wooden frame, crossed almost the wholebreadth of the street. "Your intelligence can, I think, hardly abandonyou, with such a guide-post in your eye."

  So saying, he turned his horse without further farewell, and rode backto join his mistress and her attendants.

  Philipson's eyes rested on the same group for a moment, when he wasrecalled to a sense of his situation by the thoughts of his father;and, spurring his jaded horse down the cross street, he reached thehostelry of the Flying Stag.


  [4] _Baaren-hauter_,--he of the Bear's hide,--a nickname for a Germanprivate soldier.