Read Anonymity Page 11

  "If you weren't bitten by snake, I'd get revenge for that," she yelled to Savannah who laughed over the edge.

  "You're in now, might as well enjoy it." Luke swam next to her, laughing along with Savannah.

  Heart in her throat, she shoved the snorkel in her mouth and started swimming. They were beautiful, more stunning than she'd imagined. With their sleek bodies swaying along a white sandy bottom, the nurse sharks were riveting and completely disinterested in the snorkelers following them.

  She lost track of time as she moved over them, feeling like an alien observer. When it was over, she felt suddenly bereft. She'd been the last one in, and now was the last one out. The rhythm of the ocean pushed her against the ladder while she removed her fins. She looked behind her to the vast expanse of the sea stretching out toward the horizon and sighed with sweet satisfaction.

  New year, new me.

  * * *

  "This has been the best day." Alyssa hugged her knees to her chest on the chaise lounge, a plastic cup filled with Rosie's special concoction dangling from her fingertips, and blonde hair blowing back from her face in the steady ocean breeze.

  He settled in behind her and leaned all the way back. "Sharks aren't so bad, are they?"

  She looked over her shoulder at him and arched an eyebrow. "I'm rather fond of them, actually."

  "What exactly is an art curator anyway? Wasn't Indiana Jones some kind of—"

  "No, he was an archeologist or anthropologist or something with an 'ist'. I'm nothing like Indiana Jones."

  He smiled, enjoying teasing her. "I'm not so sure. I saw you wielding that axe the other day...and then today you were bonding with nurse sharks. Maybe I'll call you Indy."

  "You're ridiculous." She looked away from him and sipped her drink.

  He sat up and brushed his hands over her bare arms. "We have three more days. Do you think it can get any better than this?"

  She laughed without looking at him. "Finally! Now that's the kind of question you need to ask the Universe. Can it get any better than this? Oh, hell ya."

  He smiled against her shoulder. For a self-proclaimed cynic, he was starting to believe her theory.

  Boats loaded with fireworks were setting out near the reef. People lined the beach, some on towels, others on chairs like they were.

  "Say what you want, but I know true love when I see it." Savannah appeared with her crutches and big smile. She sat down next to them and looked at the bonfire. "Thanks for today, Luke. That was much needed by all of us. It was good."

  Bill appeared—as usual—two steps behind her carrying drinks.

  "You all leave in the morning?" Alyssa asked.

  "Six AM flight," Savannah said.

  "We had an idea, not sure how you two will feel about it, but we think it would be fun to make this an annual trip, sort of like a Lamanai Twelve reunion every New Year's Eve." Bill sat cross-legged on the beach, barely recognizable now that he'd shaved off his beard. "I know Savannah has Alyssa's contact information so...we'll stay in touch."

  He swallowed hard at the idea that she'd shared her personal details with everyone except the man she was currently sleeping with. Shrugging it off, he sighed.

  Alyssa looked at him and caught her lower lip between her teeth. Firelight illuminated her skin and hair, making her look almost ethereal. "What do you think?"

  The optimist that struggled to survive within him thought, 'hell, yes'! The cynic, however, reminded him of all that could happen in a person's life within a year.

  "I think the idea of a rendezvous sounds great," he said. "We should do it. Next year, same time, same place, no snake bites."

  Savannah raised a glass of Rosie's special drink in a toast. "Here's to the Lamanai Twelve, may the New Year be filled with adventure, love, and no snake bites!"

  They all clicked their plastic cups together and laughed at the idea of a reunion, even though he doubted it would ever happen. Real life often interfered with the best of intentions.

  When the fire works started, he leaned back on the chair with Alyssa on his lap, new friends ooing and ahhing at his side, and a bonfire snapping on white sand. He couldn't remember ever feeling so content.

  "Happy New Year, Luke." She turned, her palm against his chest and smiled. "Best. New Year's Eve. Ever."

  "Happy New Year, Aly." He curled a strand of her hair around his finger and poured all of his heart into their kiss.

  * * *

  Chapter Twelve

  She stared at the buoy with trepidation. Okay, so maybe a week of mind-blowing sex could convince her to do anything. She'd admit that now that she was a mile off shore in a kayak.

  Who'd known she could kayak? It was official. She had lost her mind and didn't miss it at all.

  A series of white buoys lined the reef at random intervals so boats could tie to them. Aside from that, it was just wide-open ocean. Her arms shook from the physical exertion on the paddles, but she'd never felt more alive.

  "Tell me again why this is a good idea," she said.

  He flashed her his infamous smile while securing their boats to the buoy.

  She looked over the edge into the turquoise water. "I suppose there are reef sharks."


  "Nope." This new version of Alyssa McNeil could bluff; maybe she'd book a trip to Vegas. Snorkel mask on top of her head and fins on her feet, she slid into the water next to him.

  He pulled her close, their legs tangling in the water, bodies sliding together with the motion of the ocean, and kissed slowly.

  "Don't worry. I have your back," he said before moving her mask over her eyes and winking from behind his own.

  Intense affection tugged inside her heart when he carefully put the snorkel mask over her eyes, held her hand, and guided her away from the boats. She swam with him, watching him point out an eel, all the while keeping her close.

  She'd brought the engagement ring with her and intended on leaving it here on the reef. A new year had begun. Time to let the past go.

  She watched Luke's long, hard body as he free-dived to the bottom and scooped up a shell. The fact that he could hold his breath so long fascinated her.

  The ocean current lifted and moved her body. Bright orange fish darted in and out of the reef. Barracudas hovered at a safe distance with their creepy smiles and silver bodies.

  When he kicked to the surface with something in his hand, she lifted her head and pulled the snorkel out of her mouth.

  "What'd you find now?" she asked when his head popped up.

  "More treasure." He lifted up a gold necklace with a diamond encrusted palm tree dangling from it.

  "You did not find that down there." She snagged it from his hands, knowing full well that he'd planned this, too.

  "I don't want you to forget me. Now you won't." He swam behind her and slipped the necklace around her neck. Their legs tangled together as they treaded water.

  She touched her finger to the palm tree as it slid against her skin and fought back tears. This was their final day together and everything felt bittersweet. She wouldn't need a necklace to remember him; he'd already etched himself on her heart and in her mind.

  "It's beautiful," she said.

  "Not as beautiful as you."

  "I swear, everything you say sounds like a pick-up line."

  "You've said that to me a few times now. I think you kinda like it." He kissed the back of her neck before slipping back beneath the water like some sexy Merman.

  Still treading water, she reached onto her finger where she'd put on her former engagement ring this morning and yanked it off. Looking out toward the endless blue on the other side of the reef, she tossed it as far as she could.

  It felt good. Freeing.

  Pulling the snorkel back into her mouth, she shoved her face in the water and sought out Luke who was once again on the bottom lifting up shells. She made eye contact with one of the ever-watchful barracudas and winked.

  She liked this new version of herself...who m
aybe wasn't new at all. She'd begun to think she'd always been like this, but had forgotten somewhere along the way.

  She kicked along the reef, doing her own exploring, with her new pal the barracuda following closely. When Luke snagged her hand and led her toward the tied kayaks, she wished she hadn't tried to act so cool with her proposition of anonymity.

  * * *

  He could look at her forever, wished he could indulge in doing that exact thing. He ran his hands over his naked back before sliding them around to cup her breasts as the shower washed the salt water from their bodies.

  Last day. That's all he'd been thinking since he woke up this morning. He had the first flight off the island tomorrow, their bags were already partially packed, and time wasn't slowing down.

  Neither had spoken about it being their final day together. Sometimes words simply got in the way.

  He trailed kisses down the back of her neck. She flattened her hands against the tile and surrendered to his touch. One hand on her breast, he moved the other to between her thighs. With every touch, he felt as if he were memorizing her body.

  She turned within the circle of his arms, her hands sliding up his thighs and moving over his erection. "I'm going to miss you."

  "I'm going to miss you, too."

  "I hate admitting that." She kissed the center of his chest, hands working magic on his hard-on.

  "Aly..." He wanted to break their deal, find out everything he could, plan on meeting once a month somewhere...but stopped himself because reality simply didn't work that way. Closing his eyes, he dropped his forehead against hers. He felt physical pain at the thought of never seeing her again.

  "Why did I have to meet the best man so far from home?" she asked against his shoulder.

  "That's the's all an illusion. I'm not this guy."

  "I think you are."

  "If that's true," he dragged his mouth up her neck to claim her lips, "take a chance on me."

  He grabbed her thighs, lifted her up, pressed her against the tile, and thrust inside her. He reveled in the feel of her mouth on his skin, her nails sinking into his back, her thighs wrapped around his hips.

  "You're the closest thing to love I've ever felt," he whispered against her ear.

  "Not fair," she said with tears slipping from her eyes. "Don't say that to me, it's not real."

  An orgasm ripped him to shreds as he kissed her to silent her words. He didn't know what exactly this was, but it was definitely real. Panic about running out of time pushed him to say what he needed to say, to hell with the consequences. But right now he didn't want to hear her denial.

  Her body shuddered; her hands clung to his shoulders.

  "Why can't it be real?" He gasped, staring into her shimmering eyes.

  "You're ruining everything." She untangled herself from him and stumbled from the shower.

  Dazed from the orgasm, he shut off the shower, stepped out for a towel, and shoved hands through his hair. He needed to finish what he'd started. No going back now.

  "I want complicated." He couldn't believe his own words so understood her look of disbelief as she wrapped a sarong around her wet body.

  "We weren't supposed to fall in love," she said. "My plan was simple, don't you see? Uncomplicated fun, that's us. Temporary. Why can't you stick to the plan?"

  "My name is Luke Picket and, up until six days ago, I thought—"

  "Stop." She held her hands over her ears and turned her back on him. "Long distance doesn't work, you and I both know it. We've had fun, but that's it. Just stop."

  She bolted for the door, soap running down the side of her face.

  "You're being ridiculous, Alyssa." He followed her onto the sand, still wrapped only in a towel. "We need to talk about this. I know you feel the same way."

  She spun around and looked at him, hands on her hips and tears on her face. "You're fresh off a week of mind-blowing sex and a near death experience. You have no idea what you're talking about. Shut. Up!"

  A mother with two small children gaped at them as they walked past the cabanas toward the pool.

  "I'm too practical for that, at least that's what people tell me. I know exactly what I'm saying and what I'm doing."

  "We had the perfect day." She shrugged and looked away. "It's all been perfect and now this. I can't do it, Luke. I did a lot of things this week that I didn't think I'd ever do, but this," she motioned between them without meeting his gaze, "I don't have it in me."

  He saw fear on her face and hated that he'd put it there. He shook his head and sighed. They'd had an agreement, one he'd readily and eagerly accepted, but he'd broken his part of the deal.

  "So this is it? This is where we end?" He couldn't believe her reaction. What he'd said to her, he'd never come close to saying to another woman.

  But maybe she was right. This had all been a fantasy, play time, as far from real life as they could get. That's why it was called a vacation. They'd vacated reality for a time and now it was over. He'd been an idiot to let it go too far.

  "This is it. The end." Chest heaving in the thin sarong, face flushed with satisfaction, and eyes full of tears, she looked heartbreaking.

  He held up his hands in mock surrender and stepped backward toward his cabana. "Fine. This was always your story and I was just a bit player, wasn't I?"

  Turning his back on her, he stomped inside and slammed the door. Okay, so that hadn't gone as planned.

  He slammed his partially packed suitcase onto the floor and cursed himself for opening up. He should have kept his mouth shut. All he'd needed to do was keep his feelings to himself for one more night.

  He sank onto the bed, put his hands on his knees, and took several deep breaths. He'd never felt like this before and didn't know how to handle it. Defeat sank into his bones.

  * * *

  Chapter Thirteen

  Pre-dawn gray light shone through the slats covering the windows of his cabana. He looked around the room for any forgotten items. This place had felt like home for two weeks, one with his family and the last with the only woman in the world he'd think about every damn day.

  At least now he knew he was capable of loving someone.

  Cursing, he zipped his suitcase and left the room. A group of scuba divers boarded a dive boat. Reggie's giant speedboat pulled up to the pier where another bunch of tourists waited to go on the Lamanai tour.

  He paused on the beach, suitcase in tow, and waved at the old man who saluted him in return. Looking over his shoulder to Alyssa's cabana, he sighed. They'd had their goodbye and, maybe it hadn't been pretty, but it had been final.

  He'd known going in what her terms were, but somehow he'd let his guard down. Maybe it had been the anonymity of their relationship that stripped them of initial expectation, making it easier to open up and let her inside. Whatever the reason, knowing her had changed him for the better.

  The hammock on her porch swayed, making him smile with memories.

  As if in a trance, he checked out, boarded the small plane in San Pedro that would take him to Belize City, looked out the window at the island of Ambergris Caye, and felt a pang in his chest that he couldn't explain.

  * * *

  Alyssa watched a couple head out on a kayak built for two and touched her fingers to the diamond-encrusted palm tree at her neck. As for resolutions, she'd already screwed up when it came to going after what she wanted. Here she'd thought she'd come so far only to be tossed backward because of some ridiculous notion that he'd break her heart. That's the risk someone took when it came to love. It's a risk she'd gladly take if only she could see him again.

  "Time for me to go home, Rosie." She sat down for one last drink before checking out. New faces surrounded her, other tourists arriving, laughing, and letting go of inhibitions. She looked around the bar leading to the beach and sighed. "Dave the Gringo will be here tonight," she whispered. "The tourists are temporary but you all remain the same. I suppose you forget us, don't you? Well, I'll remember you, Rosi
e. I will definitely remember you."

  "Why are you so melancholy? Luke left earlier?" Rosie leaned against the counter, her old-soul eyes locking onto her. "You're going to see him in the States, ya?"

  "I sort of fucked that up. I behaved badly, acted crazy, and now he's gone. It is what it is." She rolled her shoulders back and grinned at the woman. "I'm glad I came here. I had the best time of my life."

  Rosie frowned at her, arms folded across her chest. "What about Luke?"

  "It was only a vacation thing," she said weakly, unable to stand the scrutiny. She cleared her throat. She motioned to the framed article hanging behind the door. "That looks good hanging behind the bar."

  "Did you at least say goodbye?"

  "You could say that." She blushed at her ridiculous outburst fresh out of sex in the shower. If Luke hadn't thought she was insane before that, he definitely had afterward because she certainly did. She'd walked up to his door last night to apologize but hadn't knocked. What good would it have done? Their goodbye would have come either way.

  Rosie came around the bar and wrapped her in giant hug that left her breathless. "You take care of yourself, girl."

  "I will. I have to go."

  She hugged her new friend and, in a fog, ended up on the shuttle flight to Belize City. She stared out the window at the boats in the water, the mangroves, and smaller islands that dotted a turquoise sea.

  It wasn't until she'd passed airport security and sat at the proper gate when the reality of going home hit her like a cold shower. She'd traveled to Belize seeking escape and had found everything she'd ever wanted. The right man—a stranger—had ignited her fire. They'd laughed, hiked through a jungle, kayaked, snorkeled, talked in the moonlight, and made love like honeymooners; it had been the most honest relationship she'd ever had. No strings. No bullshit.

  She touched the palm tree necklace. No matter what she had to do, she'd make it back for that reunion and pray that he'd show up.

  "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Luke stood in front of her, passport and boarding pass in hand. "Deal's over now that we're off the island. I expect answers."