Read Another Day, Another Dollar Page 40

It took a full two days before Director Milton finally tracked me and Nate down to tell us his decision. We gathered in the dining room and sat at the table for the big discussion. In the days we’d been waiting for his ruling, I was introduced to individual uniques who the different leaders thought had good stories to tell, if we made it to the news.

  I have to say, there were a lot of very dedicated people in our group. They made me proud to be representing them.

  “Let me start off by saying, wow,” the director said. “I can’t believe there’s this sort of whole other world out there and it’s nothing at all like the movies and books portray it. You really are just people trying to live normal lives. You have such extraordinary powers, and you don’t do a thing to exploit the rest of us. It really is amazing.”

  So far it sounded positive, but I was always on the lookout for the other shoe. “Thank you, Sir. I’m glad you were able to see that,” I replied.

  “I’ve heard about what’s really going on here. You’re being attacked by a thing you call a warlock, which if I understand right is a human who no longer has a soul. I had no fewer than fifteen people come up to me and ask for my help, in any form I can give, to help save your life. Your mother was literally in tears, asking me to help facilitate this transition into public knowledge,” he stopped and shook his head a little. “Sorry, still having troubles getting used to the fact you don’t age. There’s no way that woman should really be your mother.”

  “Believe me, she has actually birthed me twice, and I hear the most recent one is on video tape if you want to watch,” I said.

  “No, thank you. Anyway, getting back on topic here. I’ve come to believe you uniques are actually a diagram on how the rest of the world should live. You’re all so different, but yet you can come together as a family whenever you want. You don’t have wars amongst yourselves, or suffering, and quite a few of you have actually helped do amazing things in the human world. You have volunteered to fight and help defend humans since the beginning of time,” he said.

  “We only have one planet, and we have to learn to share it,” Nate said. “We have talents that make it easier for us to do some things, so it make sense for us to help out.”

  “Yes, and I think it’s time us humans were able to see how it can be done. I’m sure you know that even with my help, things won’t be easy, but I’m willing to be your liaison, and will help you pave the way for peace among our different kinds.”

  “Really?” I asked.

  “It’s what you wanted, isn’t it?” he replied.

  “Of course, but I guess I never expected it to really happen. This is great, not even a suggestion of letting scientists play with us for a little while,” I said.

  “I think it’s already been mentioned that that particular request from me wouldn’t be allowed. So what’s the next step?” he asked. “I’ve heard you were talking about going on a news program. How soon do you want to get the ball rolling?”

  I looked to Nate for an answer. I knew we wanted to get it out of the way as soon as possible to figure out what the damage was.

  “I’ve asked, and they can do a breaking news report at any time. It’s a local D.C. channel, but we’re hoping some of the bigger news stations will pick it up.”

  “Does now work for you, Director Milton?” I asked.

  “You might as well call me Steve. It seems we’re going to be spending a lot of time together,” he said. “And yes, now would be fine.”

  We let the others know our plans, and then I zapped us back to Steve’s office. He hadn’t changed clothes for a couple of days, so we left him while he freshened up and changed into his spare suit. When he was done, we hopped in his car and headed to the news station. After waiting two days for news, things were moving fast.

  We went inside and were directed to where we could find Sonya. She was our deer friend, no pun intended. We found her sitting in make-up, getting ready.

  “Hi guys, I’m so glad you chose to do this with me. I’m hoping it will be a huge ratings boost,” she said when she saw us. “It’s also an honor to meet you two. I hear you made a big splash at the inaugural meeting of the uniques.”

  “We managed to get out of it unscathed, so I ruled it a success,” I said. “So, how do you want to do this?”

  “I figure I’ll just sit back and let you give an introduction at first. They did a good job picking you as our spokesperson. You have a very likable quality to you. Lots of power too, I imagine people will be drawn to you,” she said, smiling.

  “After the introduction, where you say there are special people out there, I figure I’ll just start firing off questions that most normal people would have. Then at the end, you can do a big reveal. I don’t think people will believe it without seeing it, and even then, they’ll probably think it was something done digitally.”

  I looked over at Nate and he nodded. “Sounds good to us. Let’s get the show on the road,” I told her.

  It didn’t take Sonya long to finish getting glamorous. One person tried to come at me with some kind of powder, but the look I gave the woman had her backtracking. When everyone was ready, we were escorted over to a set. The number of cameras made me feel a little like the world was closing in around me.

  “Good evening, I’m Sonya Fisher and we’re interrupting your usual programming for an important message,” Sonya said, while looking into one of the camersa. “I’m here with the director of the FBI and two of his agents. They have something they want to say to all of you out there. Please take it away.”

  That was my cue, and the butterflies in my belly exploded. I was surprised none of them flew out in front of the camera. Nate grabbed my hand for support and I felt myself calming down.

  “Hello everyone, I’m Avery Clavens and what you’re about to hear and witness may seem like something out of a science fiction or horror movie, but believe me it’s real. There were no computer graphics done for this segment. My partner here is Nathaniel Barnes and we believe it’s time to let everyone in on a little secret.

  “I’m not one to beat around the bush, so I’ll just come out and say it. Humans are not the only species inhabiting this planet. For millennia, before humans even existed, there have been other beings who are still around today. Me and Nate happen to be a couple of those first species and we decided, along with a group of others, that it was time to stop living in hiding.

  “I know this may shock and scare some of you out there, but please don’t be afraid. We really want to continue on living our lives how we have all these years. We just thought it was unfair to keep it from you any longer.”

  I’d said what I wanted to, so I stopped for a little air. Director Milton took the break to mean it was time for him to speak, and I was all for someone else taking the spotlight.

  “I’m here to assure you that these people really mean no harm. I’ve been included on talks with all of their leaders and they are no threat to the human population. Unlike the horror books indicate, there’s no chance you can get bitten or infected by something that will change you into one of them. They were born this way and have lived peacefully amongst us longer than any of us have been alive.”

  “Director Milton, do you mind me asking how you got involved in all of this?” Sonya asked.

  “Of course not,” he replied. “Agents Clavens and Barnes are actual FBI agents. Barnes has been one for years now and Clavens is a more recent addition. When they decided to reveal themselves to the rest of us, they wanted to start with someone within the government to see how that person would react.

  “I was privileged enough that they chose me, since I’ve worked with Agent Barnes previously. At first, I was as shocked as probably most of you watching right now, but within just a couple of days I was able to see that they really are what they claim to be. Just other species living on this planet, trying to coexist amongst us.”

  “Do you mind me asking why now?” Sonya turned the conversation back to me and Nate.

?That’s a very good question,” Nate replied, taking over the talking responsibilities. “Although we’re no threat to others, a group of once humans has decided to attack my beautiful colleague here, and is set on having a war against us. We want to make sure that if they cause problems with the human population, it isn’t blamed on us. Plus, we really think this is the first time in history that we may be accepted like everyone else.”

  “You said a group of once humans. Does that mean they’re vampires?” Sonya asked. The corner of her lips turned up at the joke.

  “No,” I said right away. “Vampires do not exist, and believe me, we would know if they did. These are a group of warlocks. Without getting into all the different divisions of magic, I’ll just say that warlocks were humans who sold their souls to get their powers. They’re not nice people and their leader has decided I needed to be disposed of.”

  “Can you give us any more information on why you’re being targeted?” she asked.

  “We prefer not to go into those details,” Nate replied. “I will say that it isn’t for anything she’s ever done, but rather something good she will do in the future.”

  “What do you have to say to all those people out there who are going to say you’re crazy and that you really belong in a mental institution?” Sonya asked.

  “First, before I prove what we’re saying is true, I want to make a couple more statements,” I said, clearing my throat. “I want people to know that there are uniques, which is what we call ourselves, out there everywhere. They very well might be your neighbor, and I don’t want people turning against each other based on assumptions. If you ask a unique whether they are one, they will truthfully tell you as of now. Many were afraid before of persecution, and many probably still are, but we won’t hide anymore.

  “We’ve fought alongside you in wars for centuries. I met a unique recently, a man who can change into a cheetah, who has served with a branch of the United States military going back to the Revolutionary War. He believed so greatly back then in the idea that this country was based on, he hasn’t ever left. Many more of us are in the police forces, out there protecting you every day. We’ve always tried to help you make this a better world for all of us.

  “Also we don’t want to just come out with this information and leave everyone with unanswered questions. I’m personally going to start touring around the states and offer seminars so you can learn more about us and get all of your questions answered. The first one will be here in New York at NYU in a week. We’re setting up a website with a full schedule, so people can make plans when we’re in their area. I’m told the address is going to appear on your screen, so copy it down and please have a look. For those of you who won’t be able to make it to one of the seminars, we’ll also post videos from some of the seminars there and have general background information available on the site.”

  “You mentioned the gentleman you met recently was a cheetah; can I ask what you guys are?” Sonya asked.

  “Of course, the plan was always to show everyone. My transformation may seem a little strange at first, but it takes a bit of warming up to get through,” I said, standing up and moving the chair away from me.

  Nate stood up as well, and moved back slightly. Seeing him, Director Milton did the same. It was probably best to get him out of the shot a little just in case he felt the need to faint again. I started my wall of fire to get to the right temperature.

  “As Avery mentioned we’re the first species born to this planet,” Nate said as I found the imprint of my phoenix in my mind. Right as I changed forms he said to the camera, “We are phoenixes.”




  I warned you at the beginning

  So that’s it, another Avery Clavens adventure in the books. I had a lot of fun with the new characters, especially Eva. She was a real hoot and I look forward to writing about her again. I also enjoyed bringing Jimmy back. I haven’t decided if he is going to stick around awhile or not, but we shall see.

  It was funny, for the second time while writing this series, I wrote most of the last chapter about halfway through the book. I really had a strong opinion on where it was going to end, and I wanted to make sure I didn’t divert somewhere in the middle. I know the ending may have been a little silly, but I really wanted to leave it hanging on the enormity of what they just did.

  The next book, of course, is going to be about the fallout of going public and what new challenges face the team. Everything up until this point has gone pretty smoothly, but eventually something has to cause more than just a little bump in the road. I don’t know what that something is yet, but I am sure it’s out there.



  About the Author

  Amber has always had a passion for the written word. Along with that, she’s always had ideas for stories swimming around in her head. It finally got to the point where she couldn’t take it anymore and had to start getting her thoughts down on paper. There are still too many ideas, but she is working to get them out as fast as she can. Her hope is that one day her brain will be hers again.

  Other hobbies of Amber’s include: drawing, baking, arts and crafts, motorcycles, hockey and archery. She likes to think she has eclectic tastes where her hobbies are concerned. She loves to laugh and tries to make herself smile at least once a day. With the crazy thoughts going on in her head that usually isn't hard.

  Other books by Amber Lynn:

  Argonauts’ Adventures

  The Witch’s Web

  The Dragon’s Fire

  Daughter of Gaia Series

  Daughter of Gaia

  Queen of Aquima

  Nightwalker Saga

  The Nightwalker Knocks

  The Nightwalker Teaches

  Unlucky in Love series

  Calypso in Love

  Nani in Love

  Rhea in Love

  Hermia in Love

  Desma in Love

  Nyx Slaughter series

  Night Calls

  Night Marks

  Night Bites

  Night Howls

  Night Lurks

  Night Finds

  Night Rises

  Nyx Slaughter: Books 1-7

  More Books

  Searching for Home

  Between Blood

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