Read Another World Page 1

  Another World

  By Star Edwards

  1. Booking The Tickets

  My name is Serena Beckett. I'm 17 years old, and I'm a die-hard 1D super fan.  I'm writing this so I can tell you about my unbelievable summer with the most unlikely of, here I go.

  Serena's P.O.V

  It was a hot day. The last day of school until the summer holidays. I woke up, and got dressed into my fave One Direction t-shirt, with a huge snapshot of Niall Horan on it. It was perfect. I tugged my shorts on, and went to school. I walked in to my registration class and sat down next to my best friends, Abby, Bella, Gemma and Vala, who are all One Direction fans too. They all grinned at the sight of my t-shirt. I smiled as they showed me their t-shirts. Vala had a Zayn Malik t-shirt, Gemma had a Louis Tomlinson t-shirt, Bella wore a Harry Styles printed tee, and Abby wore a Liam Payne shirt. They looked gorgeous. Then I suddenly realized what I was meant to tell them. "Guys, guess what?! My mom is letting all of us go away this summer, on our own!" We squealed and hugged each other. "So, where are we going?!" Vala asked me. "We are going to....drum roll please!" They sang the instrumental of What Makes You Beautiful, and then I raised my hand to stop them. "Hawaii!!" I whisper-shouted. They squealed yet again. Then they started talking all at once. "What should I wear-" Should I pack sunscreen-" "What about this top-" "When are we going, Serena?" Bella interrupted. "That's the thing- it's tomorrow!" I said quietly. "They all stopped talking and turned to look at me. "Oh. My. GOD! Serena this is awesome!!" Then they all started talking again. This time I joined in, excited for the trip tomorrow. It was going to be the best summer ever!



  2. The Next Day

  Abby's P.O.V

  The next day, at precisely 11 am, we all gathered in Serena's house, ready to go. We were all super excited. I had a nervous fit, stammering my words. Then I looked around the room. I could tell I wasn't the only one who was excited. Gemma was rocking back and forth with a manic grin on her face and staring into space. Vala was just talking gibberish, about what she would wear, and what boys she would meet along the way. But Bella was as cool as a cucumber, flicking through our resort brochure with a big smile spreading across her lips. Then Mrs B shouted "Girls, the taxi is here!" "Venientum Mama! Coming!" Serena shouted as we got our bags. Her Latina accent only comes through when she speaks the language. Most of the time she is total English. Her voice is so pretty. We looked at each other and screamed at exactly the same time. We gathered our luggage and rushed downstairs. We ran out the door, well, ran as fast as we could with dozens of bags of luggage in our hands. I got into the cab first. Then Serena, Val, Bella and Gemma. We left the luggage outside for the driver to put it in the boot. We looked at each other and squealed simultaneously. Mom sat in the front. The driver asked "Where to?" Mom replied "To the airport please" She turned and looked at us all and smiled. Somehow I knew that this would be a summer I would never be able to forget.

  Gemma's P.O.V

  We were all at Serena's house. Everyone was excited and/or panicking about what to wear, what makeup should they take, blah blah blah. Me? I was daydreaming about the awesome Hawaii boys. I was interrupted by the sound of Julia, Serena's mum's Latina voice shouting. "Girls, the taxi is here!" "Venientum Mama! Coming!" Serena shouted. Her family is Latin, and she only moved down last year. Her accent isn't so thick as her mum's though. We all screamed, grabbed our luggage and rushed down the stairs. We weren't going very fast mind you, with all the luggage and all. We put the luggage down on the pavement for the driver. Abby got in first, then Serena, Vala, Bella, and me. We pulled out onto the main road, and I knew this summer was gonna be awesome!


  3. The Airport

  Bella's P.O.V

  The taxi cab pulled up at the airport. I looked at my friends eagerly. They all gave me that look that my dog Jess gives me when she wants a treat. We all got out of the taxi. Julia paid the taxi driver, and he replied with "Thanks, Madam. I'll get your luggage out of the trunk now." And with that he carried our bags on to the pavement, each of them packed full to the brim. We entered the airport lobby, and checked in. I looked at our tickets. 12:30 we had to board. "Julia, what time is it...?" I asked. She unlocked her phone. "Shit!" she cursed. It was 12:25. We looked at each other. "RUN!!!" Suddenly there was a mad rush to the boarding area. Once we got there, we showed the lady our tickets. She looked about 20, with bright candy floss pink hair, and a piercing in her nose. She noticed me staring, and smiled kindly. She took our tickets and a stewardess came out to show us the way. We hugged Julia goodbye, and Serena kissed her mother and said. “Non solliciti mater, nos erit denique!” We soon found out that she said we would be fine on our own. We went through a huge corridor that had glass windows instead of walls. I looked down and saw that the corridor was outside, and attached to the airport. It was above the ground. I shuddered at the thought of being up so high, I hated heights. I decided to move as quickly as possible to the plane. It was best that I didn't look out the window in the plane either, just to be safe. The girls tried to keep up with me, understanding my situation. The stewardess stopped at the entrance to the plane, and smiled a big, cheesy, plastic grin, allowing us to go through first. She looked like Barbie. But, without the pointy boobs. Although....ugh. I shook that thought out of my head straight away. We entered the plane. There were two rows of seats going through the plane. I decided to sit next to Abby, Vala and Serena sat together, and Gemma sat alone because she had airplane sickness and always get crabby on planes. We sat down. Abby turned to me. "Bella, tell me something. Promise you won't let that jerk Ashley hurt you again. Please find another boy this summer who treats you properly." I hesitated, not knowing what to say. Then I had an idea. "Look who can talk! You haven't had a boyfriend since Callum, captain of the football team! Remember what he did to you?!" She looked hurt. "Look, I didn't mean it like that. How about we make a deal, to find a boy this summer who likes us for who we are, not because they think we would put out or something." Abby sighed. "Fine. I'll text the other girls with the details" She texted them, while I flicked through a magazine. This was gonna be a good summer this time, I decided.

  Gemma's P.O.V

  I sat alone. I always get crabby and I didn't want to take it out on my friends. Serena learnt the hard way. My phone bleeped. A text from Abby came up

  Me and Bella have made a deal. Find a boy this summer who likes you for who you are. You have to sign the contract we are making when we get to the resort:) I suddenly had a flashback. Oh, it would be hard finding a boy that likes me. Especially after last time, with Ben...No, I wasn't gonna think about him. This summer was about me. And my happiness. Not him. I decided that this year was gonna be the best.

  Vala's P.O.V

   "So, I want to ask you something." I turned to face Serena. "Sure, you can ask me anything, you know that." She looked unsure. "Well, I was hoping you would...maybe...I dunno...find a boy this summer.....?" She froze. She looked straight past me. I sighed. This was gonna be hard. "Listen, Serena. I know this is very hard for you. Especially with your dad, and--" "Don't say his name ever again on this side of the grave." She interrupted in a trembling voice. I sighed yet again. "No. We have been going on about this for too long. I know what Jake did to you and I swear I will hunt him down like a dog if he ever tries to do that again. Jake Adams is a monster. You've been hurt once. Don't let him get to you again." She winced when I said Jake's name. I looked at her neck, at the scar that went across her throat. I remember when I found her in that dark alleyway, with no clothes. She had been cut almost everywhere, but that cut was the worst of them all. She was lying in her own blood. She could of died. I couldn't bare the thought of my best that. Used and a
bused. Serena attempted to cover it up, I said, "You don't have to hide it anymore." I glared at her. She got her iPod out of my pocket and turned on 'I Wish'. She started to fall asleep. I sighed, noticing how peaceful she looked. When Jake was around, she had great big dark bags under her eyes. Those had cleared up now, and she looked as beautiful as ever. But she didn't dare to go into the water, because of her scars. It was such a shame, because she was absolutely amazing at swimming. She was even better at Latin and salsa dancing. Suddenly my phone pinged. It was a text from Abby.

  We all need to make a deal. To find a boy this summer who likes us for who we are. You need to sign the contract when we get to the resort:) 

  That was gonna be hard, especially for Serena. I have had my own boy problems too. Reece....Serena's phone pinged. I read the text from Bella.

  Listen, I know it's gonna be really hard,but please find a boy this summer:)

  That was gonna be hard, especially for Serena. I replied with:

  Serena's asleep. I already told her that. I think she needs advice like this to get her out of that trance that Jake put on her.

   I haven't told anyone about Reece but it sure isn't something I would spill out soon. But this summer was gonna be brilliant and boy-filled. For us, and Serena. 



  4. Nightmares

  "No! Please! Stop! I don't want this!" I cried. His evil dark eyes glinted with pleasure. I shoved him. He fell hard on the alleyway floor. Suddenly the pleasure in his eyes went from pleasure to angry. I realized what I'd done. "Oh my god, I'm so so sorry Jake, you know I would never-" He shoved me hard into the wall. My back seared with excruciating pain. I cried out. He put his hand on my mouth and smirked. I looked down and saw a glint of silver. He had a knife! My eyes filled with panic. He laughed. He held up the knife and stroked it along my cheek. I closed my eyes, waiting for it to end. Suddenly I felt searing pain along my arm, along my leg, everywhere. He was cutting me almost everywhere! “Perfect. Now everyone will be put off by the scars and no one will want to date you, except me. Do you hear me? You are a worthless piece of filth. You’re an ugly bitch, and you’re lucky that you have me. Got it?!” Then he looked at me with lust in his and held the knife up to my throat. He pressed the silver metal into my skin. I screamed with pain. I couldn't breath. He slid the knife across my throat. I couldn't breath. I slid down the wall. I heard the knife drop and his footsteps running away. It was over. Then I heard a faraway voice say "Serena? We've landed!" I woke up and squinted my eyes to the dazzling sunlight streaming in through the airplane windows. It was just a nightmare.

  5. Hawaii Baby!

  Vala's P.O.V

  I got up, trembling. Vala noticed."Umm, hey are you okay? I heard you moaning in your sleep." Oh no. "Yeah, I'm fine!" Vala got our hand luggage from the top shelf. Curious and afraid, I asked "Just out of curiosity, what was I mumbling?" Vala looked at me and said "Nothing really, just mumbling. Not really words." A warm wave of relief swept over me. Thank God. "Hey, Vala, Serena!" Three voices called from behind. "Hey guys!" we called back. "We'll meet you outside!" we called back. I could see them nodding. We slowly moved towards the front in a single file. We walked down the steps. I looked at my HTC Wildfire S. It was 7:00 in the evening. It was a bit dark, but not much. "Aaaaaaaah!!!" We heard screams behind us. We whipped round, only to find our three best friends running towards us. We screamed and pulled them into a tight group hug. "ALOHA HAWAII!!!" I screamed. We laughed. We started singing 'Here Come The Girls' as we entered the airport lobby. We got quite a few looks. We waited for our taxi  to arrive. We were so giggly, it was unbelievable. "Beckett group? Beckett?" someone called. We turned around. A tanned teenage boy, around our age was holding a card with my name on it. I smiled at him."That's us!" We walked up to him. He said "Aah, there you are!" We followed him outside to the taxi.

  Serena's P.O.V

  The cool evening air was soothing on my skin. It was a small walk to the taxi. We hopped in. Vala first. Then me, Bella and Gemma. Being so drunk on happiness, Abby jumped into the car headfirst and landed on our laps. It was hilarious! Surprisingly, she fell asleep straight away in our laps. It was a ten minute journey. We had to drag Abby out of the car, but we stopped when we saw the resort. It was beautiful! Julia had paid the taxi in advance, so the boy, who was named Julio, helped us drag Abby in. She looked so sweet and innocent, we didn't want to wake her. Plus all that sweetness and innocence would turn into crabbiness if we did wake her. The lady at the desk said "Name?" "Beckett" I replied. "Okay, here's your door key. Call 777 for room service, and there will be continental breakfast in the morning. The maid has taken up some food for you, just in case you were hungry. We also do a midnight feast service. Call 888 for that...and umm that's it! Would you like me to send some help?" she said motioning to Abby. "It's fine, we can handle it." Bella replied, with a smile. "Well then, goodnight girls. I hope you enjoy this summer. Don't get up to any mischief!" She said with a big grin. "Okay, Michelle!" Gemma said, reading her name tag. We carried Abby upstairs to room 101, our room. We put Abby down and unlocked the door. We could not believe our eyes. It was a big and spacious room. with 5 water beds. Two along the right wall and three on the left. There was a big couch, a coffee table with the food on top. There was a 50 inch plasma screen TV, a Wii, an X-box 360 and a DVD player. "WOOHOO!!!" Gemma cried running into the kitchen. There was a a fridge loaded with food, a stove and blah blah blah. Then we went into the bathroom. Oh my god. I think Michelle knew that a group of teenage girls coming. There was a toilet and everything, but there were all our fave magazines in a basket by the toilet, and period pads and tampons too. There were also condoms by the sink. "I think Michelle likes us!" Vala cried. "Oh my god! Abby!" We had left Abby asleep in the corridor. We all rushed to help her. She was snoring, bless her. We tucked her up into bed. We sat on the couch watching Love Actually for a bit, and then we started to get tired. So we got into bed. And I started to fall asleep very....very......s...l...o...w...l...y......





  5. The Boys

  Serena's P.O.V

  I woke up in a pool of sweat. There were banging noises and laughter coming from next door. And music. Stupid boys. "Oh look, now Serena's awake. She can tell them to shut up." It was Bella's voice. I sat up. Abby was out cold. Everyone else was wide awake, due to the noises from next door. I huffed and said "Fine, I'll go, little chickens!" They started going "Cluck, cluck!" I glared at them. I shut the door behind me. I walked up to room 102. The noises got louder and louder. Suddenly I heard Abby's voice roar "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT NOISE!!" I knocked the door as quickly as possible. The door opened. I could not believe it. It was Niall Horan. I wanted to scream and shout. But, unlike the others, I was unfazed by him. I did not get starstruck."Hi! You're Niall, aren't you?" He laughed, amused by my coolness. "Yes that's me. The one and only!" We both laughed. I looked up into his crystal blue eyes. "And who might you be?" He said in his cute Irish accent. "My name's Serena." I said. "Come in!" he said. I walked in confidently. They were all there. Harry was on Louis' lap eating a carrot, Zayn was checking himself out in the mirror, and Liam was watching a Disney movie. Ariel I think. They all stopped what they were doing. "Who's this Niall? Your girlfriend?" Harry winked at me. I blushed. I looked at Niall and found that he was blushing too. "Guys this is Serena. And she came here because....?" "Well, you were making kind of a noise. My 4 One Direction crazy friends were woken up, you see. And one of them, Abby, was out cold in the taxi, and she get crabby when she is woken up." "Abby, that's a nice name. I'm guessing she's the one who was shouting earlier?" Liam's voice ringed across the room. "And may I say, you look just like Ariel." I smiled. "The least we can do is apologize to you and your friends, especially Abby. By the way, do you like carrots?" Louis grinned."Well, yes. But my friend Gemma absolutely LOVES carrots!" "Really? And where is she?" "Luckily for you, she's next door!" Louis' eyes brightened.
I led them out to  room 101. "Wait here!" I opened the door. "Serena, did you tell them off?! Cause I am soo mad right now!!" Abby's voice carried across the room. "Girls, I want you to meet the boys from next door. The have come to apologize to us. I think you'll like them. This is Liam, Louis, Harry, Zayn and Niall." I said with a grin. They walked into the room. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" they screamed. "Come sit down boys!" They sat down on the couch. "Guys this is Gemma, Bella, Vala, and Abby." "Vala! That's a pretty name." Zayn said, while patting the empty space near him. Vala blushed and got up and sat next to him. "Girls, don't be shy. Hey, Bella! Come sit!" She got up and as she sat down he put her legs across his lap. She blushed red. "Gemma sit here! Do you like carrots, by any chance?" Louis said as she edged towards him. They started talking about carrots. Weird. "Hi Abby! I've heard lots about you!" She snapped out of her daydream. "Like what?" And plonked herself down next to him. That only left me. "Hey..Serena?" It was Niall. He patted the space beside him and grinned. I grabbed the remote and headed towards him, smiling like a loon on loon tablets. "I whispered in his ear. "Do you like scary movies?" He grinned. "I love them!" "Good!" I giggled. I put on Paranormal Activity 3. It was so scary, I snuggled into Niall's chest. He put his arm around me. I smiled. Then I started to fall asleep. Zzzzzz.......