Read Anstractor Vestalia Page 12

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  Abe RUS must have read Rafian’s mind because a lot of changes were made to security following the events of the cloaked ship. The pilots who died were given a memorial, and a large panel of black glass was flown in from Louine with all of their names engraved. There were no dry faces as the Admiral expressed his sorrow for their loss, and Rafian and Camille was satisfied with his apology.

  They continued to grow close as the days went on, and one day Rafian asked her to accompany him on a personal mission. He had always wanted to go to the place where Samoo disappeared in hopes of feeling something of his old teacher being there. This was a personal quest that he would happily do by himself, but he needed an excuse to get her alone where the other nosy pilots wouldn’t be watching them.

  He had found out through Aurora that the pilots were exchanging bets on when the two Captains would cross the line. Their friendliness had been noted and it seemed as if everyone was watching, including Vani, who reported it to the admiral. Abe RUS had told Rafian in so many words that their fraternizing was against the rules but on Helysian he didn’t care. “Soldiers need to blow off steam,” was what he said, but Rafian appreciated him letting him know that sneaking around was unnecessary.

  He thought that Camille liked him; there was no other reason why she would be talking to him day after day. There had been plenty of suitors she’d told him about, but she didn’t seem interested in any of them. Taking her to Samoo’s resting place would accomplish two important things in his life. He could see if the love he felt for her was mutual, and he could see his teacher off properly.

  When they finally got onboard the Reaper transport vessel, Camille immediately took the controls and began pressing buttons and sliding diagrams. “I love flying these things,” she said.

  “I can tell; you’re like a kid with a new toy. You’re so cute,” Rafian said before catching himself and Camille glanced at him with a look of surprise.

  She slid a lock of her golden hair behind her ear and tried to hide her embarrassment. “So you don’t mind me driving, Captain?” she asked after an uncomfortable silence had gone on for several forevers.

  “Not at all,” Rafian said, appreciating her attempt to break the awkward air. He fidgeted with the controls even though he mentally kicked himself for the awkward faux pas. Now he felt like keeping his mouth shut for the entire trip. He didn’t want to ruin their time together, and he didn’t want her to be uncomfortable.

  The engines of the Reaper screamed loud and fearsome as Camille pulled it out of the dock and into open space. She pushed the speed dangerously past five waves, which made the vessel feel as though it was going to tear itself apart.

  “Sorry to scare you, Raf, but at this speed, we can make it to the Elegance sector in about three Vestalian days.”

  “I’m not scared, Cammy. I’m in good hands. I’m with the best pilot on Helysian.”

  “Flattery from Rafian VCA; now that’s one for the records. I appreciate the trust, so sit back and enjoy the ride.”

  The first day of the trip gave them time to talk even further and without the chance of someone walking in to eavesdrop. They touched on more personal details of each other’s lives. Camille was divorced. Her husband had married her illegally, and the wedding was annulled when she found out that he was using her to smuggle a bomb aboard her starship. She laughed at the stories Rafian told of Vani and seemed genuinely concerned when he spoke of Kim and the baby incident with his friend.

  On the second day, they studied the star map together, speaking about places they would investigate as a team when they were back on Helysian.

  As Camille was intently talking about the Feoton star cluster, Rafian snuck his hand on top of hers, and she didn’t pull it away even though she knew he had done it on purpose. The sexual tension between the two aces was as thick as swamp air, but neither of them dared push the issue out of fear of hurting the magical chemistry they had as friends.

  In the late hours of the day, they sat together in the kitchen and watched an old vid to try to make themselves tired enough to sleep.

  “This was a very productive day, wasn’t it?” Camille said as she let her hair down and kicked off her boots to relax. When Rafian didn’t reply, she looked over to see if he was asleep and then jumped back, startled to find him moving towards her slowly, like a man possessed or crazed.

  “Raf, what are you doing?” Camille whispered as if they could be heard by anyone outside of the walls enclosing them.

  “Something I should have done a long time ago, Cammy,” he said to her softly, his eyes locked on her silver orbs as the surprise slowly crept away from them. She had put her hand up to cover his mouth, but he noticed that her other hand had taken hold of his belt as if she wanted to pull him closer.

  “Are you married, Rafian? Is there anything you haven’t told me in our talks?”

  He could barely breathe as he struggled for the words, but managed to say no as he regained his composure.

  “Okay, well, is there a woman?” She kept pressing, but by the time she finished, he had pushed past her hand to take her bottom lip into his mouth and sucked it gently before moving into a passionate kiss with their tongues finally touching. It was as if lightning went up and down her spine as Rafian kissed her, and she surrendered to his touch, letting herself melt into his arms.

  As the suits, pants, and boots fell to the floor, Camille took matters into her own hands and straddled him on the bench. They made love for what seemed like forever, and when they both had had their fill, she pushed him to the floor, undid the remainder of her hair, and started up again.

  When they were both exhausted, Camille lay on top of Rafian, whose massive arms enclosed her slender body. He breathed in deeply, trying to slow down his pounding heart. But their connection had been like a super nova and he felt as if he would die.

  “I feel silly,” she managed to say as Rafian pulled his cloak from off the bench to cover them.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Well,” she managed before she started to giggle. “I can’t feel my feet!” She laughed.