Read Antecedent Page 11

Two young-looking cops slowly stalked up the steps with their guns drawn. I walked out on the porch to meet them. Having two guns pointed at me surprisingly didn't intimidate me as much as it should have. I'd just been in an epic battle between two evil vampires, my not so evil vampire boss, and a half vampire seed. So, two measly little mortals pointing guns at me just didn't seem quite so serious. Once they determined this was my house, I was bombarded with questions. I had to think fast. I couldn't say that nothing happened because the front door was wide open, my window was broken, and there was probably some blood on the floor.

  "A man broke into my house, but I was able to scare him away. He ran that way." I pointed to the right side of the house, hoping they would go after him to buy me a few minutes to make sure there was nothing unexplainable in the house.

  "Go back inside, ma'am," an officer instructed. "We'll make sure he's gone."

  Good! I didn't have long. I hurried inside to evaluate the destruction and mess left in the wake of the fight. There was a small pool of blood from where I stabbed baldy with the broken bat, and I knew I didn't have time to clean it properly, so I threw Bacon's bed on top of it. Bacon! In the commotion, I didn't think to look for him. I hoped he was alright. I righted the table next to the couch and picked up my torn shirt. I wiped up a few spots of blood with the shirt then stuffed it into the couch cushion. I picked up the top half of my bat and tossed it into the fire. I was looking for the bottom half but couldn't find it. The police were back by that point.

  "Did you guys see my dog out there? He chased the guy away and I haven't seen him since." I asked.

  "No ma'am, and it looks like the guy is long gone. Did he come in through the window?" the younger officer asked. This guy must be a rookie because he didn't look much older than eighteen.

  Breaking in the window probably made more sense than him walking in the front door and throwing my dog out the window, then jumping out himself once things started turned bad.

  "Yeah, he busted my window and once we scared him off he ran out the door."

  "Was your door locked, ma'am?" the other asked.

  "Ah, yeah, I think so, I don't remember."

  "He must have thought no one was home," the rookie said to his partner.

  "Yeah, I hadn't been home very long," I said.

  I walked toward the kitchen hoping they would follow. I didn't want them fishing around the living room in case I missed something. I didn't want to have to explain the pool of blood the dog bed was hiding or the bottom of the broken bat- wherever it ended up- covered in blood.

  As they followed behind me, the older officer stopped suddenly and kneeled down. He'd found a drop of blood I'd missed.

  "My dog bit him. Then, he hit my dog pretty hard, that may be my dog's blood. I'm very worried about him, you sure you didn't see him outside anywhere?"

  "No, ma'am. The blood could be yours, also. Did the perpetrator hit you?" He gestured to my face. If they did think he hit me, would their protective instincts kick in and make them determined to catch the guy? A guy they would keep looking for but would never find? I wanted rid of these guys!

  "Oh no," I said trying hard to make myself look embarrassed. "That's actually kind of a funny story. When I heard the glass break I came running down the stairs and tripped. I rolled all the way down." I forced a laugh. "I guess that scared the guy and then when my dog went after him he just ran away."

  I continued into the kitchen and opened the cabinet, grabbing the first bottle I came in contact with and poured myself a drink. Turning around I noticed the officers were no longer behind me, then I heard their faint voices. The older officer was explaining to the younger one about dusting for fingerprints and taking photos. The younger guy was definitely a rookie.

  "Is all that really necessary?" I asked downing my drink and pouring another.

  They looked at me puzzled.

  "It's been a really long day and a pretty crappy night. You just said yourself that the guy is long gone and really I can't blame him-a crazy lady rolling down the stairs and being attacked by a dog. I really don't think he's going to ever come back, he didn't take anything, and nobody really got hurt. Can we just call it a night, guys?"

  "That's up to you, ma'am. Do you have a boyfriend or a family member who could come and stay with you?"

  "No, I have neither. I'll be fine, really." I forced a smile through my rattled nerves.

  "I suggest you get that window fixed as soon as possible, for your own safety, and cover it with something until then."

  "I'll do that, thank you." I tried herding them toward the door.

  "We could help you find something right now if you'd like," the older one offered.

  "Oh no thank you, you've done enough really. I'd hate to keep you from important police work just to cover a window."

  The young officer walked down the steps to the police car, leaving the older man lingering behind. I held the front door open for him, silently pleading with him to leave.

  "It would be no trouble really."

  "Hey Sarg," the young cop yelled from the car, "we've got another call."

  "Coming, Nate," He yelled back. "Well, take care, ma'am, and be sure to lock your door."

  "I will, thank you."

  I shut the door, locked it, and breathed a sigh of relief.

  "I think he liked you." I heard behind me, and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

  "Holy crap, Wu, you scared me to death! Now is not the time to be sneaking up behind me!"

  "Sorry," he chuckled. "You ok?"

  "Yes, I'm fine. Are you ok?"

  "Yep, no worries," he winked at me. "I'm going to go see if I can help Bo."

  "Ok," I said. "Be careful."

  He left out the back door. I got a bowl of bleach water and a rag and started cleaning up the blood on the floor.

  Once the sticky stains were scrubbed clean, I covered the window with a thin piece of cardboard. It wouldn't keep a vampire out, but at least, it would keep out the cold wind. I wasn't sure if Bo and Wu were coming back, but I was still very much on edge and couldn't relax. I jumped at every sound and was constantly looking around the house. I ended up sitting down in the living room floor with my back to the corner so nothing or no one could sneak up behind me. Finally, Bo walked in the door.

  "I'll tell you what, I am so glad I didn't eat this dog!"

  He set Bacon down and he ran and jumped into my lap. I admit, I may have cried just a little and had a Lassie has come home kind of moment. This dog may have very well saved my life!

  "I found him chasing after the seed hunter," Bo said.

  "So you caught him?" I asked.

  "No, we lost him, but it was a valiant effort on Bacon's part."

  "You should've seen him attack the guy before you guys got here," I said. "He was so brave. The guy threw him out the window! I was afraid he was hurt."

  "He's got just a slight limp, but he's perfectly fine," Bo said.

  "So what now, will those guys be coming back?"

  "Well, one of them is currently burning in a dumpster down on 5th, so I know he won't be back," Bo joked. "The other one, I'm not sure. He's seen how well Wu can fight, so they are going to want to find him and turn him even more than before."

  The thought of those guys coming back scared me. I knew Bo couldn't stay here, but I didn't want to be alone. What if those guys came back to kill me?

  "Where's Wu, do you think he would stay here with me?"

  "He went home. Wu staying here with you would be a very bad idea. A human and the man they're after?who would be protecting whom?"

  "I guess you're right, he needs to stay hidden. I'll call Brian to come stay with me. I don't want to be alone."

  "Two mortals? That's even worse odds. You'll come home with me," he stated firmly.

  "I'm not leaving Bacon!" I protested.

  "Then bring him with you."

  Back at Bo's, it felt nice to be behind the locked door of the shop and the key-padded door of his apart
ment. I finally felt like I could relax a little. Bacon, Thor, and Loki were having a butt sniffing session in the corner, and I headed for Bo's fridge where I knew there was a bottle of liquor. I poured myself a drink and sipped it with shaky hands.

  "Come here, Em," Bo ordered.

  I walked over and he took my face in both his hands and examined it.

  "May I?" he asked.

  Ummm, may he what? Kiss me? Then, I remembered the police officer saying that my head was bleeding. I didn't know where or from what. Bo was asking permission to lick my wounds.

  "Umm yeah, I guess," I said.

  Bo leaned his head down and licked the side of my forehead above my temple a few times. This was odd, but I knew his spit had magical powers or whatever. He then tilted my head up and licked the side of my mouth. Ok, so that wasn't so weird. That was kind of hot.

  "You can go ahead and have the bed, I'm going to be up for a few more hours."

  I looked at my watch, it was 3 a.m. but it felt a lot later. This had been the longest night ever. I wasn't sure if I could sleep after everything that happened. I finished my drink and hoped a hot shower might help me relax enough to sleep.

  When I got out of the shower my jeans were gone and the silk boxers I'd worn the last time I was here were lying in their place. Agh, Bo was in here?while I was in the shower? while I was naked? I wasn't a bit surprised, but I was annoyed.

  "Bo, you didn't look at me naked did you?" I accused once I was dry and dressed.

  "Does that sound like something I would do?" he joked.

  "Go beyond the limits of what is polite and proper, yes that sounds exactly like you!"

  "No, I didn't, we don't need another prostitute fiasco, now do we?" He smiled a broad fang-revealing smile.

  I rolled my eyes and went to lie down, but I couldn't sleep.