Read Anthony Page 21

  “It doesn’t sound crazy at all to me because I’ve felt much the same about you.” I’ll tell her about the dream one day. But for now, we gingerly make our way to the shower. We kick our shoes off and then step inside with our bubble-covered clothing on and let the spray wash us clean. We giggle like kids as we steal kisses and lingering touches. It takes both of us to remove my shirt. “We may have to cut the rest of our clothing off.” The prediction ends up being a close call, but with a team effort, we’re finally naked. Why is this beautiful woman mine? I finally understand the look of wonder that has crossed Lee’s face more than once in the past fourteen months. I had no clue before now. Once we’ve washed and dried off, she becomes shy, crossing her arms over her chest and shifting uncertainly on her feet. I hate the fuckers who caused her to doubt how fucking magnificent she is. I take her face in both of my hands, tilting her head to look at me. “Do you have any idea how much I want to make love to you, Duchess? To take my time kissing, tasting, and touching every inch of your body?”

  “I…please,” she whispers. “I’ve never had that before. Never made love.”

  Me too, baby. I want to carry her to the bedroom, but the floor is still slick and dropping her again will certainly be a mood killer. Instead, I take one of her hands, threading our fingers together as we walk into the bedroom. The low lamplight creates an almost dreamlike setting as I lift and place her on the bed. I think for a moment that she’s going to pull the covers over her naked body, but at the last moment, her fingers dig into the sheets instead. I move next to her, taking my time touching her body. “You’re so unbelievably beautiful, baby,” I murmur and mean every word. She is every fantasy I’ve ever had come to life. A low moan escapes her throat as my lips close around one rosy nipple, then the other. Teeth nipping the peaks into erect points. My tongue trails down her flat stomach to the apex of her thighs. My mouth is inches away from her sex when I feel her tense. “Relax, Duchess, let me love you.” Then my tongue touches nirvana, and we’re both lost. Her fingers dig into my hair, and she pulls and pushes as if undecided if she wants more or has had all she can stand. I’ll be the judge of that. I bring her to orgasm three times with my fingers buried inside her while my mouth sucks on her clit. Oh fuck, I love the sounds she makes. She’s trembling when I finally move over her. Missionary may not be adventurous, but it is one I consider the most intimate, which is why I’ve always tended to avoid it. But now, as I slide inside her tight, wet heat, I think it may well be my favorite. My mouth fuses to hers as our bodies move perfectly in sync. I put one hand under her ass, lifting her into my thrusts as I quicken my pace. Her legs are around my waist, and every inch of our bodies touch as we come together in an earth-shattering climax that has us both crying out. “Ah fuck,” I hiss as my cock throbs inside her. I’ve never come that fast in my life. Fuck.

  “I…wow.” She sighs in wonder. “I had no idea—“

  “That makes two of us,” I agree as I regretfully separate our bodies before I crush her. She curls drowsily against my chest, and I wrap both my arms around her protectively. Mine. My world has just been rocked in more than one way. Not only is the girl of my dreams finally in my arms, but our love is real. There is nothing I won’t do to protect this beautiful woman. Tomorrow, I will kick the game into a dangerous territory when I go to Rutger. But tonight, I’ll lie awake and cherish every moment I have before the morning makes our future more uncertain than ever. How the hell did I deserve this woman? I don’t. But I will love her how she needs to be loved.





  I drifted around in one of those sappy glows all morning. Tony and I made love in the shower before Clint arrived to take me to the office. He even kissed me thoroughly in front of the other man, leaving me flustered, and I nearly face-planted on the way out his apartment door. He loves me. Although it seems that neither of us is the type to tell each other constantly. In fact, after his declaration the previous night and my own admission, we haven’t said it again. It is so new that we both need time to get comfortable with it.

  It’s one of the rare days that I have no meetings, which is normally a good thing, but today I’m not in the mood to work. Instead, I wander around my office, resenting the gilded cage more than ever. I’m selling Wrenn.

  And there it is.

  What I’ve wanted to do since my father’s death. I’ll never be free of him while I’m tied to the business he created at the expense of others. At the expense of me. I need a fresh start, and I have no doubt Jade will agree with my decision. Remembering the box she dropped off yesterday, I take it to the seating area in the corner. I upend the contents on the coffee table and take a seat on the sofa.

  There are stacks of receipts for deposits and reimbursements from Wrenn Wear, the company she ran before Draco took it over. The rest appears to be bank statements—which hold no interest to me. I’m in the middle of putting everything back when a folded set of papers falls out from where they’d been wedged between the other paperwork. I almost toss it into the box without looking, but since I plan to have it all shredded, I double-check it’s nothing of importance. An insurance policy? I scan the first page and am surprised to see that it’s a life insurance policy for one million dollars in my mother’s name. My mother died so long ago that I have no idea if my father even knew of this policy, much less claimed it. I quickly flip to the last page to look for the contact information of the company who issued it. With something this size, I should follow up on it. Then I see it—something that gives me a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I get to my feet to call Tony but am interrupted by a knock on the door. Clint sticks his head inside before saying, “Ms. Jacey, Tony wants me to take you to the compound.”

  “Now?” I frown, wondering what has him summoning me. That’s weird. He planned to meet with the head of the family today, so did something go wrong? The house was swept for bugs yesterday and given the all clear, which means we still have no idea how whoever killed Caulder knew Tony would go after him. I’m surprised we’re meeting there, considering the unknowns, but maybe there’s new information. I grab my purse and stick the papers I’ve been clutching inside it. I let Marsha know on the way out that I’ll be gone for the rest of the day. Even if I’m not at the compound long, I don’t plan to return here afterward. I’ve been a slave to this company for far too long, and I’m amazed at how much lighter I feel simply from the decision to sell it. Surely things can only get better.

  The ride to the compound is short thanks to the absence of rush-hour traffic. I don’t see Tony’s vehicle in the circular drive when we arrive, but given the estate is huge and he’s likely parked elsewhere, I don’t think much of it. Clint helps me from the car and escorts me to the door where he opens it for me. “Tony needs me to run an errand, so I’ll drop you here, Ms. Jacey. He’ll take you back to the city with him but go inside and wait in the study.”

  I nod, feeling a little unsettled as I return to the study. Both times I’ve been to the compound, I haven’t felt terribly comfortable. It’s hard to imagine Tony growing up in this house. It’s beautiful, but almost a little…lonely. I walk into the study, pondering what his life was like. Was he happy—

  “Well, hello again, Jacey. Why don’t you have a seat while we wait for the others to join us?” Marcel Moretti glances at his watch, a small frown pulling at the corners of his mouth. What is he doing here? The expression on his face is almost…snide, rather than the easygoing uncle I met a few weeks ago. Odd. “I do hope they’re not late. I prize punctuality. It’s a lost art.”

  “I…what’s going on?” I ask nervously as my earlier unease returns. I put my hand over my purse, thinking of the documents I put inside it. He gives me a pleasant smile—but something’s off. This feels all wrong. “It’s rude to question your host, my dear. I believe I’ve told you that we’re waiting on more guests. And I detest repeating myself, so if you’ll please.” He points toward
the sofa, and I grudgingly perch on the edge.

  It seems surreal when he asks, “Where are my manners? Can I offer you some refreshments while we wait?”

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to refuse, but it occurs to me that it might give me an opportunity to escape. Because even though he hasn’t said it in so many words, I feel certain that leaving is not an option. “I’d love some water. I’d be happy to get it myself,” I offer, getting to my feet.

  “Stay where you are,” he snaps. Then his face smooths out as he assumes the role of the perfect host. He crosses to a bar in the corner and steps behind it. “There is a bit of everything stocked here.” He returns, handing me a chilled bottle.

  I open it and take a small sip, which earns me an approving nod. “Um…how long until the…others arrive?” Hurry, Tony.

  “Very soon. Tony was informed before you.” He crosses his arms and stares at me as if fascinated. “You’re very like her. Even with the hair color—which is hideous—the resemblance is striking. Your other sister wasn’t so fortunate. I believe she looks more like Hunter. Such a pity.”

  I strive to make my voice as casual as possible, thinking he’s more likely to keep talking if he believes this is idle chitchat. “How well did you know my mother?” I don’t know if she ever visited the compound or if they met…elsewhere.

  “Oh, my dear,” he begins enthusiastically. “I introduced my brother to your beautiful mother, which turned out to be a tragic mistake for all involved.”

  My heartbeat quickens as I attempt to make sense of his words. The insurance policy. If my mother met Marcel while taking out the policy, then how had the relationship turned friendly enough for him to introduce her to Draco? By chance at Marcel’s office? No, that doesn’t feel right. There’s something more here. “Yes, it was tragic that they both died so young.” Even to my own ears, my response sounds forced, but I don’t want to risk upsetting him by calling it murder.

  A muscle clenches in his jaw, and I think I’ve gone too far, but he merely snorts indifferently. “There are no real tragedies in this world, my dear, only karma. Something none of us are immune to.”

  I hear what might be a car door slamming seconds before there is a sound in the foyer. Marcel doesn’t bother to greet the new arrival; he simply stands waiting with that plastic smile plastered on his face. He makes my skin crawl. When Tony strolls in, he doesn’t look surprised to see his uncle. But when his eyes land on me, there’s confusion there, then wariness. He senses it too. Something is off. “Ah, my nephew”—Marcel actually claps his hands— “right on time. You’ve always had much better manners than your father.” There’s movement in the doorway, and I forget to breathe.


  Lee steps into the study with Jade at his side. Oh, dear God. Why are they here? “Lee, welcome,” Marcel calls out. “And you brought your beautiful wife. I hoped you’d bring your son as well. It’s been quite some time since I’ve seen Victor.”

  As always, Lee’s expression gives little away. But not so for Jade. She looks pleased to see me, but I can tell she’s picked up on the strange vibe in the room. “We came directly from the office,” Lee replies as he walks Jade to take a seat next to me. He remains on his feet a few inches away with a look of inquiry on his face.

  “Let me go ahead and dispense with the confusion so we can move past it. I’m the one who contacted each of you. Tony didn’t summon you and Jade here, Lee, nor did he ask Jacey to come.”

  “Cass called me,” Tony states. “Something about a fire in the kitchen. Lester was supposed to be waiting for me in the house.”

  “Yes, that’s right,” Marcel says. “I felt as if personal contact would be more likely to get you here with a minimum amount of questions. Fortunately, your relationship with Lee and Clint is such that a text was acceptable.”

  Tony’s patience appears to have been exhausted. He puts his hands on his hips before asking, “What in the fuck is this all about? And since when have you resorted to trickery when you want to see me? I need to get to a meeting soon, Uncle.”

  “Oh yes, I know all about your meeting with Rutger. How you plan to ask for his help in flushing your father’s murderer out. So very exciting, Anthony. I must admit, I’ve wondered if you’d ever reach that point. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I know it’s weighed on you. We’ve spoken of it many times. Yet you could never see what was right before you.”

  Oh, dear God. Jade slides one of her hands on top of mine and squeezes it hard enough to cut off the blood flow. I’m grateful for the discomfort, though, as it keeps me centered. Tony is clearly struggling to make sense of what Marcel is alluding to. “And what would that be, Uncle?” he asks softly.

  I see Tony’s fist clench when Marcel walks behind Draco’s desk and takes a seat as if it’s his rightful place. “Before I answer that question, Anthony, let me fill in a bit of background information. Otherwise, it will make no sense to you, and I very much want you to finally understand why things happened as they did. Marcel’s eyes seem to drift off, and he’s clearly somewhere else when he says, “Your father and I had a long history of falling in love with the same women. I’d find them first; then he’d swoop in and take them away. Claimed it was simply a game between brothers. My parents were certainly no help. They doted on their beloved Draco. I was simply the quiet one they didn’t understand. I must say, I certainly didn’t mourn their passing in that house fire. I don’t think Draco did either since he benefited from the small insurance policy they left behind.”

  “My father never said anything about them dying in a fire. I mean, I knew they died young but—“

  “Oh yes, dear old Dad died of a heart attack and Mom of a broken heart? Certainly, a better story and considering you never met them, probably easy to pass off. If you had known them, you would have realized that Mom’s heart wouldn’t have been in the least broken had the old man died first. She’d have been the first to celebrate. But I digress. Let’s get back to Draco and me. We spent much of our youth and early adulthood in a kind of weird competition. Until two things happened. The first was he met your mother, and she ended up pregnant. He seemed to care about her, which of course required that I destroy that relationship. And truthfully, it was quite easy considering she was active military and surrounded by men daily. A few faked photos and eyewitness reports and his sweet little Cassandra became just another expendable whore. Only she had no family and no way to care for a child while deployed. So, the moment she had the baby, it was handed over to your father, and she was paid and threatened never to contact him again. Of course, as he gained fame and power as the head of the Moretti family, she would have been a fool to come anywhere near you. And she didn’t…until his death.”

  “Cass,” Tony murmurs in shock.

  “Oh, yes.” Marcel grins. “You’ve been kind enough to employ your own mother all these years.”

  “And Lester?” Tony asks appearing dazed.

  “No, Lester doesn’t know that you’re her son. He isn’t privy to any of this. Which has proved difficult, considering he’s so good at his job. Had he worked for Draco, I’d never have been able to kill him without getting caught.” There are indrawn breaths all around the room at Marcel’s admission. Tony looks almost ashen as he stares at his uncle. “I realize that Hunter Wrenn took credit, but that fool could have never pulled it off.”

  “Why?” Tony hisses. “How could you possibly murder your own brother out of jealousy? What woman could have possibly been worth it?”

  Marcel raises a brow, then pivots in his seat until his eyes land on Jade and me. “Why, their mother, of course. Jasmine Wrenn, my soul mate. The woman I had an affair with for two years before I made the mistake of introducing her to your father.”

  “No,” Jade whispers in horror, and I see Lee place a hand on her shoulder, lending his support.

  “Yes, it’s quite true. We met when she took out a life insurance policy with my company. Pretty standard when you’re the head of a corporation. We j
ust clicked from the first moment. We became friends, then more. She was miserable at home, longed to leave Hunter to be with me, but you girls were always in the way. Then my brother showed up at my place one evening unannounced and saw her.” He appears on the verge of tears for a moment as he says, “From that day forward, it was the beginning of the end. Draco pursued her, and she succumbed to his charms as so many before her had. They were quite the happy little family. She came over here and brought either one or both of you and spent the afternoon at the pool with Draco and Anthony. I know you were all too young to remember, but you spent a lot of time together. Your mother told you it was playdates with her friends so if you slipped and said something in front of Hunter, he wouldn’t be suspicious. After all, your mother was quite the social butterfly.”

  I’m shocked when Tony says, “I remember.” He looks at me in wonder before adding, “I always thought it was a dream. Thought I loved you before I met you that night. But the little girl and boy, they were us. I can’t believe it.”

  “Very good.” Marcel nods approvingly. “She was going to leave Hunter for him but was simply biding her time. But something happened. Wrenn got wind of it and threatened you and your sister, said she could leave, but it would be alone. She’d never see you girls again. She panicked and ended it with my brother, and he lost his fucking mind. First, there was the drinking and depression. Until finally, with my prompting, of course, he wanted revenge.” He points at Lee. “So you took Wrenn Wear and with it the last of her hope. She turned into as much of a drunk as my brother. Apparently, they actually loved each other, which wouldn’t do. The funny part of this is that Hunter thought out their murders, hired someone to do both, and I’m the one who executed them. The bastard never knew.” Oh my God. I killed my father, thinking he killed my mother. But...he’d planned to, would have…so…he deserved to die. He was an evil man. Still, Marcel played us all. Will we never be free of monsters? Can no one be trusted? But for Tony…this will destroy him.