Read Anthony Page 8

  Something tugs on my sleeve and I glance back, expecting to see Jacey, but find Nina instead. There is worry as she looks from me to Marco and back again. “Where are you taking him? I know I was a bit bitchy, but he’s welcome to stay here. It’s probably not a good idea to move him right now.”

  Despite the irritation I’m feeling at pretty much everything and everyone, I take a moment to mentally compose myself. What she said earlier was right. She could have called the cops—most anyone would have. Regardless of her reasons, she did us a favor, and I owe her at the very least some common courtesy. “He’ll be well taken care of; I can promise you that. There’s no need to worry.” I extend a hand, and after a brief hesitation, she places her own inside it. “I owe you a debt for what you did tonight.” I release her hand and pull my wallet from my jacket pocket and extract a white card. My personal cell phone number is printed on it and nothing more. “When you’re ready to call in your marker, let me know.”

  She stares at the card as if it’s a snake poised to strike. I’m on the verge of tossing it down on her coffee table when Jacey reaches over and plucks it from my fingertips. She rolls her eyes as she sees it doesn’t contain my name. Then she hands it to Nina, who takes it this time. “I know this all looks like a bad gangster movie, but I’ll vouch for these guys. If you’re in a jam, then they’re definitely who you want in your corner.” She turns as if to walk away before whirling around once more. “Wait, let me give you my card as well. You know, in case you need to reach Tony and he’s not answering, or if you’d just rather talk to someone a little less…intimidating.”

  Nina takes the second card from Jacey and peers at it. She appears puzzled as she murmurs, “Wrenn. Where do I know that name from?” She makes a quick motion with her hand as her eyes widen. “You’re married to Lee Jacks. Victor Falco’s right hand.” There’s something akin to awe in her words as well as trepidation.

  Jacey shudders before shaking her head. “God, no. That’s my sister.”

  Something doesn’t add up here. I cross my arms and study her body language. “You seem to have a lot of knowledge for someone who claims to have nothing to do with Franklin’s lifestyle. Care to explain that?” And there it is. That telltale shift of the eyes. The tensing of the body. Little signs of distress that most people overlook.

  Nina laughs, but it’s forced. “This is Asheville, North Carolina, Mr. Moretti. Not exactly a huge city. People such as Lee, Victor, Draco, and even you are legends around here. Heck, you’re probably required reading for some college courses.”

  “That might be true”—Jacey nods— “but it doesn’t explain how you knew Lee Jacks is married to a Wrenn. It was kept out of the papers, and I’m damn sure Lee made certain it wasn’t a Google alert. He’s rather protective of my sister.”

  Nina sighs loudly, then throws her hands up in the air. “All right, damn you’re both like a couple of drill sergeants. My best friend Minka is—”

  “Minka Gavino,” Nic hisses in disgust. “Raymond Gavino’s hellion daughter.”

  “We should start keeping a closer eye on the Gavino women. They appear to be coming out of the woodwork,” Mike points out quietly.

  A headache begins to pound at my temples. This has been a complete mindfuck of an evening, and I’m ready to put it behind me. It’s tempting to leave without any further questions, but I ask one more. “So, you have nothing to do with your stepfather and brother, but you’re best friends with Minka? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of distancing yourself from the Gavinos? After all, she’s the daughter of the second most powerful man in their organization. Not exactly a nobody.”

  Nina doesn’t bother to argue my logic. The tilt of her head says she agrees with my words. “We’ve watched out for each other since the beginning. It’s not a life either of us chose for ourselves. But whereas I’ve been able to put some distance between the family and me, Minka doesn’t have that luxury. She’s bound to them by blood—I am not. And before you ask, she’s met Lee a few times through the years at various functions. She was surprised when her father mentioned he’d gotten married. I won’t betray my friend’s confidences any further, but trust me when I say that there is no sinister motive behind it.”

  Jacey appears to read something in the other woman’s words that satisfies her curiosity because she nods, then turns away. I don’t exactly feel the same, but I’m done. Nic picks up on my silent command, and as one, we all fall into line to leave. Marco hisses a few times when he stumbles, but we make slow and steady progress. Within a few short moments, he’s in the back seat of Nic’s SUV. “I’ll drop Mike at Marco’s car, and he can drive it back. Where shall we go?” Nic asks.

  Without hesitation, I state flatly, “To the compound. There are too many people at the club, and we need to get off the fucking streets for now.” I take Jacey’s arm and lead her to my Range Rover. I open the door for her, and she’s securing her seat belt as I get in the other side and do the same.

  “Where or what is the compound?” she asks as she turns in her seat to look at me.

  My home. No matter where I run, it’s always waiting for my return. “It’s my old family home. Or rather my father’s. I rarely use it. I have a couple who live in the guesthouse and keep an eye on it.”

  “Why are we going there? Shouldn’t we go somewhere more public? Or maybe hang out with others…as in your kind?”

  I grin, amused as always by her attempt to put a label on what she can’t possibly understand. She’s not exactly an innocent. I still consider her kill shots self-defense. She did what she needed to do to protect her sister and herself, because it was clearly a “kill or be killed” situation that night. Wrenn would have instructed his goons to take us all out—including his daughters—because he wouldn’t have been known if they’d be loyal to him after finding out he’d had their mother killed. “You’ll have your answer when you see where we’re going.”

  I fully expect more questions about my childhood home, as she’s proven to be relentless in her quest for information. So, the subject change catches me off guard. “Did you find it odd that Nina wanted Marco to stay? I would have been helping you guys carry him out the door, not trying to keep him.”

  “I didn’t notice,” I say nonchalantly.

  “Please. You’re full of it, Moretti. You’re like some sort of Mafia FBI agent. There’s no way you missed it.” She’s quiet for so long that I think she’s decided to let it go. Then she fans her face before adding, “I guess it’s to be expected. Marco is kind of hot. He reminds me of that guy on Chicago Fire—Taylor Kinney. Only he’s taller and has a better body.”

  Two thoughts go through my mind. Firstly, this Jacey is worlds apart from the shattered girl who spent night after night in my arms nearly a year ago. She was…broken. Understandably. My eyes narrow as something I don’t want to acknowledge as jealousy pumps through my veins. You’re just tired. That’s all it is. Too many unanswered questions tonight. “Seems as if you’ve studied Marco quite a bit. I’m sure he’d be happy to know you’re an admirer of his body. Shall I set you two up? Maybe break the ice. You fancy a double date?”

  And naturally, she refuses to back down. She really has no self-preservation instincts whatsoever. “Well, he did give me the nifty nickname of Lucy, which is a bit better than Duchess. But I don’t know. Who would you bring on the date? I don’t think I could stomach an evening with Amber. Plus, I may have ruined that whole thing for you earlier.”

  “Oh, I don’t think so. Trust me when I say that Amber is very…understanding. I feel certain she’d be more than happy to forgive and forget.” I’m speaking out of my ass. The girl has offered more than once, but I don’t dip in the pool at my clubs. Especially not for someone like Amber who is looking for more than one night with the right man. And that’s not me. Why I’m not telling Jacey this is what I’m more confused about.

  “Don’t forget the part about her rolling over on her back with her legs in the air,” Jacey adds sarcastic
ally. “After all, I’m sure it’s a position she’s very familiar with. Probably stays in it most of her waking hours.”

  She’s jealous. Her display of jealousy has my temper cooling. The uncertainty of our places in each other’s lives is bound to fuck with both of our heads. You’ve agreed to have a baby with her but don’t know if you’re exclusive. Fucking nuts. This is far from the perfect time to have a relationship conversation, yet we must define the ground rules very soon. Otherwise, things could quickly spiral out of control. I need some uninterrupted time to decide exactly what I want. You know what you want. Her. Any way you can have her. Why else would you agree to something like this? “I never knew you were this catty, Duchess. Amber is a single mother trying to find her place in the world. Shouldn’t you have a bit more sympathy for that?”

  She exhales on a sigh. “I wish I were a good enough person to wish her nothing but good things, but we both know I’m not. So, before I spout more evil words, we should change the subject.”

  Luckily, that’s not necessary. A few seconds later, Nic turns off the main road and onto a long, winding driveway with us following closely behind. I notice Jacey looking around in curiosity as we travel about two miles before reaching two mammoth iron gates. Nic pulls to the side, and I move around him, rolling my window down to punch in the code to open the gates. The codes are changed so often that neither Nic nor Mike bother to keep up with them. “Welcome to Devil’s Cove,” I say absently as we pull into the courtyard in front of the huge stone mansion. Well over two hundred years old, the house was designed with a timeless architecture that has kept it from appearing outdated.

  “Devil’s Cove,” she repeats as she strains to see more of the house in the darkness that surrounds us. The grounds are well lit, which makes the house appear almost eerie.

  “There’s a lake with a cove and waterfall a short distance from the house.” Shrugging my shoulders, I add, “I’m certain my father felt the devil part was self-explanatory.”

  “I’d love to hear more about your father sometime. I’ve picked up bits and pieces here and there, but not enough to form a clear picture of who he was.”

  I cut the engine and unbuckle my seat belt before leaning over to tap her chin softly. “He could be your best friend or your worst enemy. And if you were smart, you wouldn’t want to be either. In fact, you’d hope to never be on the radar of a man such as Draco Moretti. He was my father, and I loved him, and he was never hesitant to show his love for me. Yet I, more than perhaps anyone, was privy to the many sides of him. He was a complex person, and I’m not sure even he fully understood who he was. I respected him because he was brilliant at most everything he attempted, but he could also be ruthless and single-minded.” I glance at my hands as images of the man I had such a complicated relationship with flash through my head. “Like Lee, he had an extremely high IQ. He was always adamant I attend college, but he never did himself. Said he got his education on the streets. Fuck,” I hiss at Nic’s tap on the window. So caught up in my trip down memory lane… What in the fuck is wrong with me tonight?

  “Put your game face on, Tony,” Jacey whispers before she straightens and opens her door. “Sorry, I was looking for something,” she calls out across the car. Great, now she’s covering for me.

  “Doc is on her way,” Mike calls out. “Should be here in less than thirty. Let’s get inside.”

  Lester meets us as we reach the front door. He and his wife are my caretakers, and silent alarms would have alerted him of our arrival. Sensors cover the entire ten acres of the estate. Lester may be retired, but he’s far from elderly. He’s a retired Navy SEAL who worked for the FBI for over twenty years. He’s smart, and better than that, he’s well connected. Some would find it ironic that I have a former law enforcement agent working for me, but I call it smart. He’s not involved in the Moretti organization. He’s an old-school mate of my uncle’s, which is how I met him. He knows I’m the son of the founder, and naturally, he’s aware that lines not easily explained away are still crossed. But he also believes I’m a good man at heart and understands how hard I’ve tried to distance myself from the sins of my father. It’s something he can relate to since he also has a past that could well have defined his future had he let it. His wife, Cassandra, or Cass as she prefers to be called, is also retired military. Together, they’re a force to be reckoned with. They have my back as surely as I have theirs. He pauses a few feet away to ensure that each of us has seen and recognized him before he comes closer. Smart man. Never charge into a pit of vipers. He shoots me a questioning look when he notices Marco’s condition. He knows him well as the three of us regularly have a drink together. “What do you need?” he asks simply before nodding politely in Jacey’s direction. “Ma’am.”

  “I’ll update you when we get inside,” I say quietly, then motion for him to open the door. He turns and enters another code on a panel to the side, then places his palm on the display that slides out. My life is like a fucking Mission Impossible movie.

  The house looks as it has for most of my life. A huge chandelier lights the entryway in front of an ornate, curved staircase. Our footsteps echo off the marble floor as we cross the foyer and into the study. Nic and Mike lower Marco to one of the leather sofas, and I’m relieved to note that although he’s still pale, he appears more alert. I go to the bar in the corner and pour a generous measure of bourbon into a crystal snifter. I hold it up silently, asking if anyone else wants one. Nic waves his finger and to my surprise, so does Jacey. “What?” she snaps in exasperation. “It’s been a long night, and I, for one, could use a little liquid courage.” When I simply stare at her, she adds, “Don’t judge me, Moretti, just do it.” I hear Lester snort in amusement, but he wisely keeps his comments to himself.

  “Ask Cass to come in?” I know it’s not necessary, but they need to know to be extra vigilant right now. It’s not just the situation with Marco; it’s also the hornet’s nest we’re in the process of stirring within the family.

  “She’s on her way, son,” Lester says as he takes a seat across from the sofa. “When we saw your car on the monitors, we knew something was up. You don’t normally drop by without letting us know. Especially with company.”

  Jacey takes the glass I extend her and tosses it back without hesitation. I must give her credit for controlling her grimace at what I know to be the fiery feel of bourbon going down. She straightens her shoulders and takes the chair next to Lester, then extends her hand to him. “I’m Jacey Wrenn. It seems to be up to me to make the introductions tonight.” Lester freezes as his gaze flies to mine. But he trusts me. Knows me. He gives her hand a brief shake before releasing it quickly. A fact she doesn’t miss. She frowns before dropping into the chair. “I see you’ve heard of me or at least my father. I can assure you that I feel the same disdain for the late Hunter Wrenn.”

  Lester gives her a bored look that I know is anything but. “My loyalty is to the son of Draco Moretti. If he wants you here, then that’s the way of it.”

  Nic snorts in amusement at the older man’s words. “Might as well try, Les. Don’t think she’s going anywhere.”

  I welcome the interruption as Cass walks in. She’s a trim brunette who could never be mistaken for someone’s sweet grandma. Thanks to her morning runs on the estate, her formfitting jeans show a body that could pass for a woman twenty years younger. She smiles at me before perching on the arm of Lester’s chair. She shoots Marco a concerned look, then nods to Mike and Nic. “It’s good to see you, Cass,” I say as I take the remaining chair near the fireplace. No doubt Lester will update Cass on who Jacey is, but this is her domain, so I ensure they’re introduced to each other. “Jacey, Cass. Cass, Jacey,” I say to both women. They nod at each other, which makes me respect Jacey even more. She’s holding her own in this situation remarkably. “I wanted to update you both on what’s been going on. I realize we’ve discussed some of the things that I’ve set in motion and not a lot has changed on that front. But I have suspicio
ns about what happened to Marco tonight.” I recap the phone call from Nina and the specifics of Marco’s condition. “Dr. Atwell is on her way. Hopefully, we’ll have some answers after that.”

  Cass asks Marco to go over what he remembers, specifically the moments after he first felt sick. She studies his face, then gets to her feet and crouches in front of him. “His eyes are dilated. That could be from numerous things, but my gut feeling is he ingested some sort of poison. The things he’s described are what I’d expect in that scenario. I can’t be certain without some tests being run, but I’ve seen this type of thing before.”

  “You mean like food poisoning?” Nic asks, then nudges Marco. “Dude, what’d you eat today? Told you that Chinese food would kill you. The MSG alone is enough to have you riding the porcelain throne for hours.”

  “Fuck you,” Marco grumbles, then rubs his stomach. “Swear to God, I’ll never have another hamburger again.”

  Cass rubs his arm soothingly. “I don’t think it was anything like that. Well, the food may have been the carrier, but I’d bet money it was tampered with. Most poisons are fast acting. So, if it wasn’t your last meal, it could have been coffee or anything you had a short time before that. No doubt it was tasteless, so you’d never pick up on it.”

  The buzzer sounds at the gate, and I get to my feet and open one of the hidden panels behind my father’s old mahogany desk. Dr. Atwell waves a hand, and I push a button to open the gates. Lester leaves the room to await the doctor. I run a hand through my hair and take a few moments to decompress.

  I smell her before a hand touches my back.


  What was I thinking bringing her into my world? I turn, and her eyes flicker over my face as if she can see into my soul. I shift, uncomfortable with the scrutiny. “You’re not responsible for everyone you know,” she murmurs quietly. “They’re adults, and they make their own decisions.”