Read Anticipations Page 23

I waited a good twenty minutes after Elissa left to make my way closer to the lock. I looked down the hall and listened carefully for anyone coming near. I heard two voices upstairs discussing something trivial. Miranda seemed confidant she had me out for the count with her little magic suffering, no one was worried about me down here. Perfect.

  Picking the lock and getting the son of a bitch open took two minutes. I’ll admit in hindsight I was cocky, I thought luck would be on my side and I could get out of my nightmare pretty easily, which makes me ever the fool.

  The lock on the gate had been pretty easy for a reason; it was reinforced with an alarm.

  The loud blaring would make a less determined person fall to their knees clutching their ears in hopes for some peace. I hauled ass. There was no way out but up and that meant facing the witches upstairs.

  Miranda was there, so was Rex with murder lining his dark eyes. “The Coven should’ve known better than to use you two again.” I was in pain and angry, of course I was baiting my captors like any idiot would.

  With a wave of her hand the blaring alarm stopped. “There’s no way you’re getting out of here.” Miranda was very sure of herself and that meant there was some back up around, more witches or wards around the house securing my imprisonment.

  “Really?” while I was baiting them I took the time to look around my surroundings, commit them to memory and size them up. I knew what to expect with Miranda, we had grown up together and I knew her weakness to use against her. Rex made me nervous.

  Slowly I let my magic build up inside of me, slowly so they wouldn’t notice and react too harshly.

  “You look antsy.” I said to Rex as the three of us stood around the kitchen like it was an everyday occurrence.

  “One wrong move traitor and I’m going to rip you to shreds.” Like his brother he favored fighting as an animal.

  I smiled, further pissing him off. “I’d enjoy the chance to size you up. I doubt you’d be much of a problem.” His eyes flared at my little dig aimed toward his deceased brother. I wasn’t normally that much of a bitch, I felt remorse for what I had done to him. His death haunted me but right now, I had to save my own butt and the baiting was working in my favor.

  “Relax.” Miranda hissed as Rex stepped forward. “She’s just trying to get under your skin so you’ll make the first move.” She knew me better than I would’ve given her credit for.

  “Where’s everyone else?” I asked. “I thought you’d want to rub your relationship with Kevin in my face.” It was something she’d do given half the chance so that meant he didn’t want to be here. Hmm, maybe my old traitorous friend felt guilty.

  “She’s stalling.” Rex said about me.

  “Yup.” Miranda still didn’t seem fazed. “The Elders reinforced this land. You can annoy us all you want but you’re not getting out of here.”

  The Elders’ magic was far superior to my own, than all of us of the last generation. Getting old seasoned your powers like a fine wine. I laughed and faintly in the back of my head thought I was going crazy. “Wanna bet?” I threw all the energy I had simmering just below my skin.

  Miranda and Rex were both knocked back to the floor. With a quick muttering of an old spell the room filled with fog to block their vision of me. I dashed out the door I had spotted behind Miranda.

  I ran a few feet before I was hit with the magic sealing the property. “Shit.” I thought back to the barrier that had surrounded Caleb’s childhood home, that had been a bitch to get through and that ward had originated from Miranda. This one came from an Elder.

  I touched my fingers to the invisible barrier I felt there like a tall ten foot wall. It had a watery effect like you were touching water but burned as if it was acid instead.

  Tears burned my eyes. I could very well die trying to get through this barrier or I can face Rex and Miranda inside which would only drain my powers and I’d still be trapped until the Elders came and really did a number on me. There was only one option; going through the barrier.

  I closed my eyes for a moment to think about why I had to do it and what drove me forth was the promise I made to Elissa. I had to help her or die trying. I thought of Jamie too and how upset she’d be if I decided to give up.

  I hoped the vampire virus would let me survive. It’d hurt and I’d have to heal but it’d be nothing as long as my heart kept beating.

  I calmed my heart beat down as low as possible before stepping into the powerful magic. If I panicked it would only take longer and hurt more. I let my own magic rush to the surface to ease the pain of breaking something this potent. I felt like I was touching the sun, it was bright, my skin burned from the inside out, my head wanted to pop from the building pressure surrounding my skull.

  A little more and I’d be free.

  I kept the faces of everyone I cared about close in my mind’s eye for strength. I thought of Michael and how nice we had left things, it wasn’t a confession of love or something but it had been peaceful. You can never underestimate the feeling of peace, we fought wars over it, struggled daily to achieve a small glimpse of it. I liked my peace with Michael and hoped it could continue. Maybe one day my heart wouldn’t break when I looked at him.

  I thought about Elissa and getting her free from the Coven. I wondered what she’d want to do with that freedom. I thought about Jamie next and how her party went. Caleb must’ve gone all out to please her with his present topping all others. He was a good man and a damn good kisser.

  Now facing death and torture I could admit that to myself; Caleb Nikolas was a good kisser and if our lives weren’t cut out the way they were maybe…no I couldn’t let myself think of that.

  I went past half the barrier with half more to go. Today’s barriers weren’t so thick but the Elders were powerful enough to build something that large without too much effort. It was obvious they wanted me to be trapped and hadn’t considered I’d be insane enough to try an escape.

  Freedom was a powerful motivator.

  Chapter 23