Read Anticipations Page 6

I was cleaning up the kitchen when Jared reappeared. “Where’d you go?” I asked while throwing the supply wrappers in the trash.

  “I was making a call.” He took one of the empty chairs at the table where Kevin was also sitting.

  “You are so transparent it makes me wonder how you’re still alive. I know you were calling him probably to let him know where we’re at.” I hated how suddenly Caleb was involved in everything.

  Jared didn’t like my hints at his ego. “Let’s say your ex-buddies do find you and we’re assed out, wouldn’t you want someone to know where you are?”

  “He’s your alpha not mine and I’m getting so sick of pointing that out.” If I did find trouble or not it wasn’t his concern. I cursed myself for involving him. I should’ve took the risk and gone home after the fight at the park. “He already knows how they can hurt him, what if they went after Jamie again? He needs to leave it alone.”

  “He’s stubborn.” That was the best reply Jared could give me.

  “You all are but I think it’s just a man thing in general.” I said glancing at Kevin, he didn’t need to be involved in my mess either.

  He decided to speak up next. “The Coven’s main priority is always exposure, they won’t risk sending someone else after you, at least not tonight.” Kevin explained.

  “I don’t think so either. Rex and Miranda would have to re-juice and I’m sure I’m not the only problem they have. They don’t need anymore laid up witches.”

  Jared spoke. “Is this your way of telling me it’s safe and I can go?” he asked of me.

  “Yes. I’m sure you have other things that need your attention too.” He was third to a pretty large pack, his time was better used elsewhere than playing babysitter to me. “Kev’s on the run too so we have to stick together. With both our powers we should be fine.”

  That seemed to make Jared feel better. “Get some rest and call me when you wake up and if you don’t I’ll be back.” He kissed my cheek and left through the living room to the front door.

  “He likes you.” Kevin said once we were alone.

  “Yeah, so he says.”

  “It’s every man you keep at an arm’s length.” He realized.

  “It’s easier that way.” At least I thought so, after the burn I got from Michael it was safer to keep my heart to myself and keep others out. “The couch is all yours.” I left to my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I got away before anyone could notice the shakes claiming me now.

  I wanted to swear to myself I’d never use that much magic again but I knew if I had to I would. I kicked my shoes off and tugged off my shirt, the material felt like a bunch of bugs crawling all over me. I scratched at my arms and gasped from the pain seeing as I was covered in bruises.

  The bedroom door opened and Kevin rushed to my side. “What is it? You’re bleeding.”

  One of the scratches on my arm went too deep. “Get it off.” I was tugging at my pants. “It itches so badly.”

  He snapped the button and tugged my jeans down. “How much magic did you use?” he took in the cuts and bruises along my arms and legs. “Forget it.” he knew to survive I had to use everything I had. “I don’t know what’s going to happen.” Neither of us did because like we discussed earlier the Coven never told us.

  “Don’t let me scratch.”

  Kevin grabbed my wrists and kept my hands down at my side. “It’s a side effect, that’s all.” He looked upset trying to find a way to help me. “Let me kiss you.”

  “What?” I rubbed my face against my shoulder, which was itching now too.

  “Like we did earlier, you can replace some of what you lost with me.” he didn’t wait for me to answer, holding onto my wrists he pulled me against his chest and kissed me hard on the mouth.

  At first I tried to pull away, we were friends and friends didn’t kiss but then the intensity against my skin started to ease. I didn’t want to use him, I didn’t want our relationship, whatever it was, to change, but again I kissed him back.

  When he was sure I wasn’t going to move, he let go of my wrists. He moved his now free hand up to my loose hair. I knew he wanted it and I knew he was enjoying it because I could feel it the same way I could feel his power.

  “Kevin, no, no.” I ducked my head down to his shoulder as he held onto me.

  He ran his hand down my back and it didn’t help that I was just wearing underwear. “Please?” he nuzzled my neck. “You know there’s no running from this, let’s just give in.” he was asking for a lot more than a kiss.

  “Kevin, no! What is wrong with you?” He knew better than anyone how I refused to give into something the Coven created. Not only that, I didn’t see him in that light either. He was a good looking guy and he was my friend but there was no desire when I looked at him. No spark.

  He let me go and looked like he realized what he had been doing. “I’m sorry. Your eyes look better.” He walked out of the room.

  “I’m sorry too.” When we were teenagers I suspected Kevin liked me a lot more than a friend would but I had never mentioned it because I didn’t want to embarrass him. Now I knew he still felt that way all these years later. I didn’t want to hurt him, that was the last thing I wanted but I also couldn’t give into want he wanted.

  I slowly got off the floor, my legs felt shaky and I still didn’t feel like my body was my own, but at least the worst of it was over. I took a shower which consisted of just water rushing down my body then changed into one of my big shirts twice my size and a pair of pants.

  When I was done I went to the living room and found Kevin lain out on the couch. I sat on the armrest. “Are you ok?” I couldn’t go to bed without seeing him first.

  “I’ve really missed you and I reacted wrong.”

  “It’s ok, really. You just helped me avoid something that was sure to be hell. I have a question though, if you missed me so much why did you avoid me after the hospital?” I had been pretty curious about that.

  “I didn’t want to put us both at risk by contacting each other. I called you today because I knew they were getting close, I just didn’t realize how close.”

  “We’re going to figure a way out of this…somehow.” I held his hand as I said it and desperately wanted to believe it no matter how scared I was.

  “Have you spoken to your parents, maybe—?”

  “No, when I saw my father months ago he told me his daughter was dead. I’m an embarrassment to them. They’d quicker sell me out to the council than help me.”

  Kevin tugged me off the armrest to sit next to him. “I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to keep saying that. When I made my choice all those years ago I knew what it’d mean. What about your folks, your mom has some in with the council.” There was no way we were going to get out of the epic mess we were in without some insider help. I hope he had someone on his side because I sure didn’t.

  “I haven’t really talked to them since I came this way but I could try. The council has probably gotten to them.” he sounded worried. “But its still worth a try have you thought about leaving Celestin? At least long enough to throw them off your scent?”

  “Yeah.” I said with a sigh as I remembered how Caleb thought it was a bad idea. “I thought about it but then I was reminded I wasn’t the only one they were coming after.”

  “The Alpha?”

  I nodded. “Caleb, he has a daughter who you can’t help but love. She’s the age I was when I ran away from home and she reminds me a lot of myself. I don’t want to leave her behind. I don’t want to leave behind my home.” I had some bad memories in Celestin but I also had some really good ones. This city was the first place I could truly call home.

  “I guess we’ll figure something out, we have too.”

  Chapter 7