Read Any Other Way Page 1

  Any Other Way

  A Roane Publishing Free Read

  by Michelle Ziegler

  © Copyright 2014 Michelle Ziegler

  Cover Artist: Rebecca Hart

  Editor: Rebecca Hart


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Chapter One

  Angela cocked an eyebrow. “So, tell me again why you’re wearing makeup to go camping?”

  Rebecca hauled a small tent from the trunk of the car. “How many times do I have to say this? I’m going to find someone this weekend and I’m going to have a one night stand.”

  “On a mountain? You’re going to find someone, up here. On this mountain?”

  Rebecca sighed, the tent dangling from her hands. “It’s Memorial Day…”

  Angela pulled out a pillow. “It’s Labor Day.”

  “Right. So, Labor Day weekend.” Rebecca tossed the tent into her small pile of gear and turned back to retrieve the sleeping bag from the stuffed to the brim vehicle. “Anyway. It’s been too long. I’m getting desperate. Desperate is not a good look for me. So, I’m finding a one night stand and shaking off the cobwebs.” She stopped unloading and faced Angela, who gaped at her while choking the pillow. Her best friend worried too much. Rebecca’s eyes flicked around the campsite.

  Trees. Lots of them. Dirt, no shortage there.

  Angela’s voice cut into her speculation. “And, you and Tyler aren’t together because…”

  “Seriously it’s a long story. In the end it’s your medaling fault. You all think I’m so hopeless. Well, no more. I’m proving you wrong. There will be plenty of dirt bikers, hikers, and ATV riders camping this weekend. There’s bound to be someone.” Rebecca turned back to the car, snatched at the handle on the cooler, and yanked. The thing moved all of an inch. “What the heck did we put in this thing?”

  “You guys probably packed enough to feed an army,” said a far too familiar male voice.

  Rebecca felt her insides constrict. Her cheeks heated. She blew out a slow deep breath.

  My stupid heart and its rotten judgment.

  “Hi, Tyler. Good timing. We were just talking about you,” Angela piped in.

  Rebecca couldn’t resist a quick peek at the man she’d been lusting after the past few years. She loved the way his frayed t-shirt stretched across his muscled chest. He was confident in himself, but not cocky. He was nice, too. Too nice to tell his friends to bug off. Wasn’t that what got him stuck on a pity date in the first place?

  Friendships had invisible lines that weren’t meant to be crossed. Too bad her love life was so pathetic her friends felt like blurring said lines.

  A few more seconds passed before she noticed his dimpled smile was directed at her.


  She’d been caught starring.

  He turned toward Angela, allowing her a moment to divert her attention to something—anything else.

  “Were you, now? I certainly hope you were the one doing the talking. Your friend seems to have some pent up anger toward me.” His arms cross over the chest she itched to touch. “It might be because her phone’s broken.”

  Tyler chuckled as Rebecca spun so fast she nearly fell over. “My phone? What? No, it isn’t.”

  He cocked a brow and frowned. “No? Oh, good. So, you got all my calls and messages, then? And, here I thought your phone had to have died for you to ignore me.”

  * * * *

  A burn, somewhere between frustration and anger, churned his stomach. He took several steps closer to her, eyes intent. “That, or maybe you hit your head and couldn’t remember how to work the darn thing?”

  He stood a mere two inches from her face. She smelled so good. Flowers and spring and female. His hands ached to reach out and hold her. Ever since that night a week ago, he’d grown desperate for her. It had been so different loving her from afar in the past, but to have gotten so close just to have it blow up in his face was…torture.

  “I, uh…well. You’re such a jerk. You know what happened…” Her mouth continued to move, but she uttered no words. Her eyes roamed his face.

  It would only take a quick step forward and he could kiss her.


  He’d already made that mistake once. He wouldn’t repeat it. Instead, Tyler reached out his left arm and gripped the cooler, fingers brushing hers before she jerked away.

  Stubborn woman.

  He bit back the grin threatening to curl his lip. He’d just have to make sure Rebecca couldn’t say no to him this weekend.

  Chapter Two

  Rebecca knelt next to the rumpled pile that was supposed to be a tent.

  Why did I come on this stupid trip again?

  She bit her lower lip and started to attach one stick to another. Footsteps crunched on the gravel behind her. She held her breath, wanting it to be Tyler more than anything.

  “What in the heck are you doing?”

  Her heart sank. “It’s always so awesome to hear your voice, Angela. I’m attempting to get my tent put together. Go play matchmaker with someone else.”

  Angela knelt down next to her. “You know that isn’t what I meant, and besides, everyone except you and Tyler are paired already.”

  “Thanks for the reminder. So, what did you want to know since you weren’t asking the obvious?” She motioned at her mess.

  “You’re an idiot,” Angela scolded.

  Rebecca laid the two poles on her lap and glared at her. “Being my best friend doesn’t give you the right to call me names. It also doesn’t give you the right to meddle in my life. Please, just go back to your husband. I appreciate your concern, really, but I’ll be fine.”

  Angela shook her head. “I will never understand you. Fine. Get your tent put up. Dinner’s in an hour and you’re helping me, so shake a leg.”

  “Of course I’ll help you. Cooking weenies over a fire is pretty hard.”

  Angela pushed up. “Don’t give me that attitude. I know you’re hurt about something Tyler did. I have no idea what, but, eventually, I’ll get it out of you.”

  Rebecca refocused on the tent and swallowed back her retort. It wasn’t complicated. She just wanted Tyler to want her, not pity date her. She bit back the sting of tears. If she could squelch her feelings for him for two solid years, she could do it for another three days.

  * * * *

  “I’m telling you, man. There is something wrong with that woman.”

  Angela turned around and slapped her husband’s shoulder before he could say anything. “Tyler, that wasn’t very nice. Here.” She shoved a package of paper plates at him. “Open them while you finish complaining.”

  “Angela, I’m being serious here. One minute I’m about to kiss her and the next she’s storming into her house. Now, all she does is scowl at me.” He tore at the plastic as if the plates had offended him instead of Rebecca. “She barely looks at me. And, what’s with all this one night stand crap?”

  “Oh, she looks at you.” Angela flashed him those stupid, all knowing mom eyes. She had a habit of doing that. “She looks at you every chance she can. And, I wouldn’t worry about anything. She isn’t going to wander off to find someone. She hates men too much for that. Anyway. Recount the date. Let’s find your mistake.”

  He ground his teeth together.

. It wasn’t his darn fault, though.

  “I took her to that wing place she likes. I know she loves it. We were having a great time. She laughed at all my jokes and she smiled. A lot. We even got dessert.” He paused. “Isn’t dessert a good sign?”

  Angela smiled. “Yes, it’s a good sign. So, where did things go wrong?”

  He looked over to where Rebecca hunched over her sagging tent, pounding a stake into the ground. He buried the urge to go help her. “To make a long story short, right before I went to kiss her, I think I said something about how glad I was you pushed me to ask her out.” He glanced back at Angela. She stood gaping at him. “What?”

  “You didn’t?” Angela’s face turned paper white.

  “Uh. Yeah. I did. Wait…what did I say?” Tyler’s stomach rumbled, reminding his Rebecca obsessed mind he had to remain alive in order to date the woman. As if she ever would.

  “Tyler. You can be so dense sometimes.”

  “So, are you helping me, too, or are you just going to insult me?”

  “Men.” Angela glared at him. “Tyler. You know how she is. She’s so hung up on crossing friendship lines, you had to know she’d be skittish about dating you. Remember the whole drama with her brother? Then, you bring up her second big issue. She hates being second best. You basically told her the idea to ask her out wasn’t yours at all. You basically said she was an afterthought.”

  Tyler’s mouth gaped. “Yeah. Um. That isn’t what I meant. Why do woman have to go and put words in our mouths? For crap’s sake.” He scratched his goatee. The one he’d grown because Rebecca said they were hot.

  He desperately wanted to punch something. He’d wanted to ask Rebecca out forever. Nearly everything he did was somehow shaped by her. Angela and Nick had simply given him the final push to do it. To ask out the one woman who completely unmanned him.

  Nick slapped Tyler on the shoulder. “I’ve got nothing here. Women are crazy.” He glanced sideways and said, “except you honey.”

  Tyler laughed. He wanted a relationship like Angela and Nick’s more than anything. The kicker was the woman he wanted it with didn’t appear to want anything to do with him.

  Chapter Three

  “Junk. Some stupid man designed this. I just know it. Ouch.” Rebecca released a tent pole and threw it aside.

  A male chuckle spun her around. Her stomach flipped. She hardened her gaze. “What do you want?” She tried to sound irritated, but the sight of him made her nerves quiver.

  “Want some help?” Tyler asked

  She sighed. Why did he have to go and ask her out? He was such a great friend. Sure, he could make her knees weak and her heart race, but she’d loved having him as a friend. She wanted to kill her brother and Angela for messing it all up. Some friends.

  She bit her lip. “Sure. Yes. I guess I could use help, since I was abandoned by everyone. I hate that I have to sleep in my own tent this year.”

  Way to make yourself seem less pathetic.

  “Bee, I’ve got room in mine if you want. It would be warmer.” Tyler paused and seemed to stumble over his next words. “Prime spot closer to the fire pits.” He angled the rubber mallet in is hand toward where his tent stood—erect and pristine. An obvious display of manly testosterone.

  “Yeah. No thanks. I don’t need a pity tent. Why did everyone have to go off and get married or engaged?” She pivoted back toward her mangled pile of nylon. The picture on the box made everything look so easy.

  “It’s not a pity anything.” He rolled his eyes and bent down next to her. “At least let me help you with your tent.”

  She had a hard time not shivering, and it wasn’t from the sudden chill in the early autumn air. He affected her in ways she couldn’t explain. Inhaling, she caught a hint of spices and musk. Everything that was Tyler.

  If only he felt the same way I feel about him.

  “Hey, guys? Are you almost done? Hotdogs and beans are about ready.” Angela’s voice was followed by a giggle only Nick could induce.

  Her gaze shifted back to Tyler. “You ever hate being the third, or fifth, or whatever wheel we are on this crazy train?”

  One more thwap and her tent was domed and standing tall. Tyler didn’t even look up. “I don’t think we’re the odd men out, being there are two of us and all.” He pulled gently on a leg of the tent before declaring, “Well, it should be good to go. Not the most robust tent, but it’ll work.”

  Rebecca watched him walk away without a second glance.

  * * * *

  Tyler couldn’t hide the smile as he stalked away.

  She was going to be his. He’d noticed the way she looked at him.

  Distracting himself, he tossed aside the hammer and grabbed up a plate and plastic ware. Envy filled him as he glanced at his friends seated around the circle. “So, did you eat all the food?” Before anyone could answer, the cordial atmosphere was interrupted.

  “Hey, girls. Anyone want to walk down stream?” asked Rebecca’s familiar voice.

  “Why are you going up stream?” Tyler narrowed his eyes on her. He loved the way her curves filled out her sweater and hated knowing she was up to something.

  She walked past him as if he hadn’t said a word.

  “Girls? Anyone? I think I heard some of those guys from the next campsite up.”

  Tyler’s face burned.

  “I just need a wing lady. Some kind of back up. Maybe, we can ask them for suggestions on good ATV trails around here?”

  Angela spoke up. “You don’t have an ATV.”

  “Hey, Bee, hate to tell you, that group is all married up. Better luck next time. If you want advice on trails, though, I’d be more than happy to help. You always ride with me, anyway, and if you want to pick a trail this time…”

  Rebecca’s head whipped his way. “Ugh really? Married? Anyone seem unhappily married?”


  Tyler winced. God, what in the heck had he done to deserve such anger? He would have sworn she was into him. The chemistry was there. She’d practically undressed him with her eyes. Or, maybe he’d just hoped she had.

  “Rebecca!” Angela gasped.

  “Fine. Okay. I know. I’m just going to throw myself off the cliff, now.”

  Tyler’s gaze followed Rebecca as she settled down on a stump set away from the group. He shrugged and figured sulking was better than running off hunting other men. He’d use the time to get some food in his belly, then see what he could do about putting together some kind of peace offering.

  Chapter Four

  The charred marshmallow at the end of her stick matched her mood. Rebecca looked around and noticed one by one, the couples were retreating to their tents. Thank God she’d secured a space near Tyler on the other side of the clearing. She squirmed.

  Or, maybe not so lucky.

  “So. Well. I think I’ll go read. I’ll see you in the morning,” she said.

  Tyler reached out and caught her hand in his. Part of her wanted to snuggle up close to him. The fire was warm and inviting. Yeah…the fire.

  “Let me walk you to your tent.”

  She tilted her head and tentatively nodded.

  Moments later, standing out front of her small insignificant tent, loneliness crept in.

  “Do you have a warm enough sleeping bag? It’s going to be a cold one, might even rain.” His lips turned up at the corner. “The offer still stands. You can stay with me. I’ll be a gentleman.” He offered a full smile, completely devastating smile. “Promise.”

  “Yeah. Too bad.” Rebecca felt herself lean closer, leaching off his heat and eager for more of his scent. She stopped herself. “No. I’ll be fine thanks.”

  He reached out and placed his hands on her upper arms, then ran them along the sleeves of her sweater. His touch was enough to ignite a small flame in her stomach.

  “Okay then. Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite. If you need anything. I’m right here.” He pulled back and nodded.

?Yeah. I know. Thanks.” Rebecca ducked into her little piece of solitude and picked up her e-Reader while she tried to calm her heart rate. She snuggled down into her sleeping bag.

  This is going to be a long weekend.

  A chill ran over her as the wind picked up and started to wave the tent sides around her.

  * * * *

  Tyler tossed and turned. He’d tried to read. He’d tried to focus on the magazines he’d brought or the movie on his tablet. Music, he needed music.

  As he thumbed through his mp3 player, he scoffed. He didn’t need anything except the stubborn female in the tent behind him. Thank goodness his tent wasn’t big enough to pace in. Granted, it probably would have helped.

  While he absently laid there staring at the tent ceiling, a loud crack of thunder broke the silence. Might as well rain. The cold showers might help calm down his emotions.

  Several strikes of lightning later, the pounding of rain beat down on his nylon roof. With a sigh, he turned off the lantern and settled in for a long night.

  Only a few seconds passed before a scream broke the angry rhythm of the night.

  Without hesitation he flew from his sleeping bag and sprinted out into the storm, straight toward Rebecca’s tent.

  Shrieks of panic came from the mess of collapsed fabric weighted down by the deluge. It billowed in one particular place. Running his hands over the fabric, he clutched a zipper. Tearing it open, he reached in, felt for warm flesh, and pulled.

  Chapter Five

  Rebecca’s teeth wouldn’t stop chattering. She was freezing and there was no way to start a fire in this weather.

  “You have to get out of those clothes.” Tyler rifled in his duffle.

  “Not. In. A. Million. Years.” The words stuck between chatters and her n’s dragged.

  “Relax. I’m not going to take advantage of you.” He smiled. “Not yet, anyway.” Tyler tossed her a dry sweatshirt of his.

  Rebecca held it up. She couldn’t smile. She wouldn’t smile. He was simply taking pity on her. It was hard to keep thinking that, though, while holding his sweatshirt. She wanted to thank mother nature for the excuse to be so close to him.

  “I never thought I would say this, but God must be on my side.” Tyler relaxed next to her and leaned back on his elbows.