Read Aquari Page 16

  Chapter 5: Aquari Departs Goag Ralus

  At the galactic core of the past where the hub of mighty Magphoreus violently turns, and churns the matter, energy, and forces of the universe into powerful soup, that deadly soup ironically is the source of life in the galaxy. No life could exist this close to the galactic hub called Ralus Xnoga, the super-massive black hole. Ralus Xnoga faintly glowed silently in the only dark area of the sky, still content after his mighty feast in the first age of Magphoreus when the galaxy had been a quasar, and life had been photonic. That didn’t mean Ralus Xnoga slept because nothing could be further from the truth. Ralus Xnoga sinks his gravitational claws deep into the mass of stars hundreds of times the size of the Earth star, and it spins them into orbits that are many millions of miles per hour. Ralus Xnoga produces gravity waves at the speed of light that shape the galactic arms. Gravity is often referred to as the virtual particle phenomenon, which defines the direction of the gravitational force also producing at times, (when virtual particles appear and disappear,) a sub-atomic particle known to Earthlings as dark matter. No life can exist in the environment of the galactic core, but life continually makes exceptions to every rule that nature establishes.

  Within the galactic core of unbelievably large objects, stars, and all-powerful singularities existed the greatest exception to the rule of them all, Goag Ralus. Goag Ralus had been created a being of incomprehensible proportions who orbited Ralus Xnoga. Goag Ralus had Its own gravitational claws that held seven enormous stars in orbits around Its seven points. Goag Ralus had been evolved into existence by the fabled Eagolim who were ancient Nephapricans of the second age that migrated for over 100,000 Earth years to the galactic core. The Eagolim that came here are all gone now, but they created Goag Ralus the Star Constructor to be a place for life to exist and evolve in the uninhabitable core.

  Since the creation of Goag Ralus over 4 billion Earth years ago, many species of beings have traveled here from all over Magphoreus. Goag Ralus became kind of an exclusive club for galactic beings because only a species that had undergone evolution to reach the status of galactic could possibly brave the technological feat of coming here at all. All were welcome on Goag Ralus for there would be no end of green fields and space because the mass of Goag Ralus consisted of a seven-pointed ring wider than four average solar systems. Within the ring Goag Ralus drinks in the deadly soup of the core to spit it out as nebula, pregnant with pre-programmed planets that would be created having elliptical orbits. This served as the other purpose of Goag Ralus who had been called the Star Constructor. The galactic inhabitants on Goag Ralus, who had long since proved their ability to travel the stars, seldom traveled very far from this oasis of life amidst the uninhabitable core. More existed to Goag Ralus alone than any species could explore in the course of an existence, and Goag Ralus had become so much more interesting than the vast distances of empty space out there. They lived and evolved on the surface of Goag Ralus who kept them all safe, lovingly protecting all life in a galactic core too violent to be anything but a wasteland of no life.

  No terrestrial being could really fathom the depths of the layers and layers of alien civilizations who have colonized Goag Ralus in the last 4 billion or so Earth years. Goag Ralus measured five times the size of Earth’s entire solar system. The ancient beings of the second galactic age had learned how to control the virtual particle phenomenon, and thus wielded control of the flow of this phenomenon of what the gravitational force actually is. When a species evolved to the point of controlling sub-atomic particles and quantum states, then computer processing became revolutionized by quantum bits that then infiltrated all aspects of reality. A species evolved to such a point could easily laugh off the idea that a planet required an escape velocity before anybody could leave and go into orbit. The Eagolim took these and many other technologies with them on the migration to the core. Quantum processing evolved into the Golimechoid who, for a time, served the Eagolim on their journey. After the Golimechoid revolted, the Eagolim found their way beyond the radiation border of the core by creating quantum programmed matter, which they evolved over thousands of years while they orbited the non-passable border of radiation that made the galactic core uninhabitable. The Eagolim solved that problem by creating Goag Ralus to live upon. The incredible size of Goag Ralus served the purpose of steadying the poles of Ralus Xnoga so that they pointed away from the ellipse of the galaxy where most life exists. There were no Eagolim on Goag Ralus today because inescapable radiation had flipped DNA switches in the Eagolim that did remain here, and evolved them into the Eigalli.

  Deliadre was an Eigalli born and raised on Goag Ralus in this third age of Magphoreus today. She sat on the patio of the house and lab building that she inherited from her mother in order to build upon the research she also inherited. Her mother had been long dead however, today her mother walked out there on a solitary journey exploring Goag Ralus, brought back to life by a cosmic being named Aquari who wore the body of her mother like clothing. This didn’t bother Deliadre at all because it happened to be the research she inherited from Nieniel her mother. She contacted her mother’s old boyfriend Rayalial with her mind and told him to follow her mother to the teleportation station before she leaves. The Eigalli were telepathic, thanks to a second brain they had evolved giving them faster than the speed-of-light speech with other minds they might seek to contact almost regardless of distance. The second brain existed in a blunt round ended horn on Deliadre’s head, which also projected a language of lights and shapes that the Eigalli were born knowing how to speak.

  At that moment while Deliadre sat on the patio overlooking the city of miracles and virtual particle drive vehicles, which flew beneath the clouds like birds and insects chasing each other on a summer’s day. It turned out to be a good day for her mother, Nieniel to go and explore. Of course there were no bad days on Goag Ralus, but no rains or harsh weather effects where scheduled to occur anywhere Nieniel planned to go today, except for the Silicone lands where never any good weather had been planned for that part of Goag Ralus. Deliadre enjoyed the view lit by the red star Haflaxo of over sixty blazing solar masses. While she watched her proud Eigalli city of birth named Occuitah, she telepathically accessed the famous Eigalli databanks that meticulously had recorded the history and knowledge of her kind all the way back to the Nephapricus of the 2nd age of Magphoreus. She chuckled as she read about the Eagolim who departed the still-evolving Goag Ralus over 12 million teks ago when they discovered how the core radiation evolved them into shorter beings with a horn on their heads. She chuckled because, at the time, the Eagolim had useless hair on their heads, which they were famously proud of. Therefore they fled the core on a return course back to Nephapricus to save their hair. Deliadre knew some Eagolim in the galaxy today, and they had long since evolved away their heads of hair anyway. Deliadre telepathically viewed memorabilia and history that reached back to when the Eagolim that stayed on the evolving Goag Ralus evolved a horn in exchange for hair, and along with it, telepathy and a more advanced ability to think and communicate. For millions of teks Goag Ralus orbited the edge of habitability as it grew in size and strength gathering an abundance of matter to quantum program from out of the dense molecular clouds in the area.

  Many Eagolim finally abandoned the quest while Goag Ralus still evolved into final form. Many turned back to avoid evolving near the core. Deliadre telepathically dug further back into the Eigalli databanks before the creation of Goag Ralus, through name after name of significant Eagolim that carried the band of virtual particle fusion warp drive ships from one historic point of the journey to the next. Deliadri read about during the time that the journey had been commanded by Aaragni the Far Seeing. Deliadre dug through the data to seek some connection of Aaragni to the Golimechoid rebellion that would support her theory that the rebellion had been orchestrated intentionally. The connection became lost in the mysteries of a religion that had been adopted by t
he Eagolim in order to help them keep the faith required to stay united in the purpose of traveling to the black hole at the core of Magphoreus.

  The Eagolim were served by the Golimechoid at that time, which were quantum programmed robots that evolved into an actual life form with male and female sexuality. This freed the Eagolim from more mundane terrestrial tasks in order to turn their concerns more toward the higher evolved interests of galactic beings, which to lesser-evolved beings must have looked a lot like the simple pursuit of pleasure. At the edge of the Norma arm of the galaxy the Golimechoid made a final revolt from being servants to Eagolim whims. Commander Aaragni got the Eagolim to finally depart the Norma arm for the final couple hundred light years of the journey. With a sizeable fleet of the Eagolim faithful that were still around in the dark molecular clouds that surrounded the core, it became finally revealed that the dual-sex Golimechoid life form could be replaced by an even deeper quantum program that would produce a single sex species of Golimechoid. Near the end of Aaragni’s life of over 6000 Earth years he died after seeing the beginning of the evolution of Goag Ralus. With an abundance of energy and resources near the core, the Eagolim created a self-aware galactic object with enough power and mass to establish a stabilizing orbit around Ralus Xnoga for all time. Thus they fulfilled the original purpose of the quest to the core for a Nephapricus so far away that they would never return to it in a single lifetime.

  The history Deliadre accessed had been over 13,504,823 teks in the past. A tek had been considered a year on Goag Ralus, marked by an aspect of Its orbit that took it deep into the molecular clouds near its place of birth every 311 or so Earth years. That had become what would be known as a tek. This part of the orbit of Goag Ralus through the molecular clouds marked the winter season of Goag Ralus. Deliadre skimmed through 450,160 generations of Eagolim as they evolved along with Goag Ralus to this day and age. Somewhere along that line of history the Doldorian religion that guided the journey became lost and its program disappeared and would eventually be forgotten. Deliadre observed evidence of missing data about that lost religion program. The son of Aaragni was Dalhad who established the first city on Goag Ralus called Sed, which was long gone and lost in this day and age. Dalhad begot Theydor who departed Goag Ralus with many Eagolim when it became understood how the core would change their DNA. After that departure of the Eagolim, Pado ruled Sed when Goag Ralus just started to evolve as an enormous proto-planet with a single star in orbit about It. Jada was the great great great grandson of Pado who established the kingdom of Greshnon where new virtual particle generators were evolved to capture another star and make a dual star Goag Ralus. Nephapricus dared to send them here to correct the unpredictability of these gamma ray blasts that have the power to exterminate all life on a planet. Only a galactic species with an appreciation for millions of years of history can be this determined to do something like that in response to the most remote of possibilities. The Nephapricans however, understood that if Ralus Xnoga shot these blasts into the ellipse of Magphoreus there would be planets in the path, and possibly precious civilizations. Goag Ralus became the solution to that problem.

  Deliadre looked up to see the Sun Haflaxo starting to go behind the point of Goag Ralus to begin the dimming that became the closest thing to night in the well lit galactic core, which always glowed everywhere with a brilliant ambience. She had lost track of time while telepathically thumbing through the databank of recorded history, expecting to be hearing from Rayalial by now. He had been instructed to arrange a date with Nieniel for the sake of her research into the ego phantasm phenomenon that had been known to happen at times when Aquari animated the corpse of dead aliens. Deliadre hurried through the history files from 11,816,720 teks ago when Goag Ralus began star construction. Between 5 and 6 million teks ago the galactic bar began to thin thanks to Goag Ralus controlling the axle tilt of Ralus Xnoga. This began the age of the Fybrolus arm of the galaxy that Goag Ralus has been constructing to this day.

  Deliadre decided to seek out Rayalial telepathically to see what held up his report. “Rayalial, where are you? Have you discussed dinner with Nieniel yet?”

  A voice arrived in Deliadre’s head, which only she could hear. “Hi Deliadre. I’m at the teleportation station waiting for her to arrive.”

  “You were supposed to bump into her on the way there.”

  “I know. There was a set back on my way to that. I guess she noticed me following her, and well …, she ditched me.”

  Deliadre became worried. “There is a good chance that Aquari is onto us. She will probably show up at the teleportation station anyway. Don’t try to be discreet. Wait right there for her where she can find you. Remember you’re trying to find her to ask her on a date so there’s nothing unusual about that.”

  “I understand. I’ll let you know when, where, and if I manage to get her to agree to this.”

  Deliadre wondered if Rayalial would pull this off, and wondered what her mother ever saw in him. Then she thought he had been charming in a bumbling kind of way. Nieniel, her mother, had been Rayalial’s lover right before she finally died, and Rayalial always looked grateful for the privilege. This had been all her mother’s idea, and Nieniel had chosen Rayalial for this before she even died. Nieniel had been one of Aquari’s closest friends on Goag Ralus and they shared many teks of meeting as friends whenever Aquari ventured to this area of the galaxy. Before Nieniel died she made Rayalial promise to assist in this experiment with her dead body and perhaps also her spirit. Deliadre had also been sworn to assist with this, and since Aquari first arrived she had been doing things to remind Nieniel’s body of her life in order to invoke the ego phantasm (spirit?) phenomenon. This had long been a point of debate between Aquari and Nieniel her mother, and Deliadre had been well aquatinted with Aquari’s opinion on the matter. Aquari claimed that this ego phantasm was nothing but a construct of the body’s brain. Never the less Nieniel had arranged to have a hypnotic trigger planted in her mind before she died, which should cause the phenomenon to occur for the sake of obtaining more scientific data on this. On this point the inquisitive Eigalli do not take Aquari’s opinion on the matter as fact, even though Aquari has been causing this phenomenon in millions of different alien species on millions of different planets for millions and millions of teks.

  Teleportation had been invented as a short range time/space bending effect that began an offshoot technology discovered when the legendary 15 star-doors were simultaneously created in the original Nephaprican cluster of stars. The Eigalli excelled at duplicating the long lost technologies, and had established teleportation stations in many major locations throughout Goag Ralus. The stations provided teleportation platforms in a variety of sizes from large industrial stages to individual platforms for a single individual. Nieniel/Aquari thought she would come on down to the station and visit some friends in other locations on the enormous worlds upon worlds that made up the surface of Goag Ralus. Aquari wanted to visit silicon Coltorn friends and a reptile friend who probably would still be alive since his last visit. Nieniel thought she would start with a teleport to the Silicone colony of Revay under the star Klegon. The body of Nieniel needed a protective suit for the journey since the Coltorn breathed an ammonia atmosphere in that area of Goag Ralus, and Nieniel would be sure to also consider the temperature to be drastically low for her tastes. She received an environmental suit from the teleportation operator when she noticed that creepy Rayalial guy again following her. It wouldn’t be easy to discreetly ditch him this time. Nieniel’s memory informed Aquari that he had been an old boyfriend, and that they were very close and intimate. He probably wanted to get back together, which really didn’t interest Aquari at all.

  “Hi Nieniel, I mean Aquari.” Rayalial spoke nervously as he nodded to the round glowing image of Aquari that still constantly hovered in front of Nieniel’s telepathy horn. “I don’t know if Nieniel’s memories have told you or not, but I used t
o be Nieniel’s boyfriend before she died.”

  “Her memories have informed me Rayalial, but Nieniel is no longer here, she’s long since died, and ceased to exist.”

  “I understand that Nieniel, or Aquari, but I’ve been thinking since seeing her body alive again that it would be really nice to have dinner with her again for the sake of humoring my old memories. I thought I would at least try to ask you while there was this one brief chance to do this one more time.”

  Aquari pondered the mystery of mortal love for a moment. “Well … I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have dinner with you, but you have to keep your hands to yourself. You won’t be getting any sex you know.”

  “Of course. Just a dinner between two old friends.”

  They said their goodbye and Nieniel began to slip into the environment suit. They would meet during the next daytime orbit of Haflaxo for dinner. Rayalial watched his old lover get on the individual teleportation platform with a suit covering her form from horn to toe. She smiled over at Rayalial who still watched, before a flash of light engulfed the platform and Nieniel became long gone with the flash. Teleportation technology had been actually a variation on the time/space bending wormhole technology created with the star-doors. You just move instantly from one location to the other, and it doesn’t destroy you to re-assemble you like other theories about forms of this technology. This form of teleportation provided a portal between two points of space/time that you just physically pass through unharmed.

  Rayalial smiled as he contacted Deliadre telepathically. “It has been done. I’m to have dinner with Nieniel tomorrow.”

  “Excellent.” replied Deliadre. “The trap will be sprung.”