Read Aquari Page 9

Aquari, Goag Ralus, & Ralus Xnoga

  A circumference seeking a center is the nature of the universe from the nature of the atom to the cell, and on up to the planet and star. Even galaxies clump according to the direction of the virtual particle phenomenon that eventually created the universe itself out of nothing. In zero gravity objects tend to clump together because of the exchange of virtual particles, which also define polarity and spin. All objects exchange virtual particles with the effect of individual objects being overshadowed by a whole planet’s contribution to the phenomenon, even though the virtual particle force holding you together is far stronger than the planet’s force upon you. The Eagolim however, had figured out how to control the black hole’s virtual particle effect with heavy metal based gyroscopic energy fields. Nephapricans had the advantage of studying the corona effects of the original 15 star cluster to figure out gravity, since a corona is the virtual particle effect of a star illuminated by the photons reflecting off of the virtual particle phenomenon itself. In this the Eagolim saw the malleability of reality, and that its phantom matter, and virtual particle phenomenon could be molded like clay.

  A point of Goag Ralus orbited by an ancient red giant star called Hyderon began poking out of the void as Aquari approached. Goag spun on its orbit around Ralus Xnoga, still evidently unaware of Aquari’s approach while like a galactic sheep dog it herded stars that were born out of the compact accretion disk of gas. Goag Ralus had a complex orbit at half a million miles per hour that brought it a whole parsec out into the circumnuclear disk of molecular gas every 311 Earth years, which defined a tek, or a year on Goag Ralus. A tek had also become accepted by many galactic civilizations as the span of time in a galactic year.

  At last Goag Ralus had located its old friend Aquari. A radio broadcast announced its signal on a frequency known to be heard by Aquari, the two-dimensional cosmic being. “Hello Aquari old friend. Many here have long awaited your arrival to My lands of many atmospheres. I hope you have had good fortune in your journeys through the galactic labyrinths. I look forward to your stories of terrestrial life in the outskirts of our beloved galaxy, the mighty Magphoreus.”

  “Hello Goag Ralus old friend. I have wasted no time with exploration since departing Beagud back on the Orion arm. Beagud sent me here with salutations and assuring stories of life out there still evolving from terrestrial to galactic beings. I see new streams of stars on their way to outer arms since my last visit. I admire what You’ve done with the probabilities of life.”

  The voice of Goag Ralus said, “I season and stir the soup of life that is already here. I look forward to your stories of the life out there that is now evolving on the nebulae and molecular clouds I have flung out there millions of teks ago. Please come to the land of the Eigalli where My avatar awaits you to accomplish an embrace.”

  Aquari suddenly realized that they probably must have prepared a corpse for him to assume a terrestrial form. “Sounds like I have an avatar of sorts for myself in order to pull of this embrace.”

  “You are correct Aquari, but I think that Deliadre wants to tell you all about that.”

  Goag Ralus created pre-programmed nebulae out of the inner galactic soup of nova remnants and molecular clouds that were expelled toward the outer arms in steady orbits to produce ideal stars with even elliptical planes of phantom matter that result in habitable dry planets and other amazing wonders. Goag Ralus created the Orion nebula, which had been pre-programmed to produce the star that became the herald of morning on planet Earth.

  Aquari continued his decent into the atmospheres of a nearby point that had been orbited by another red giant star, which could swallow moons out of Jupiter’s orbit if it occupied the same location as the star of Earth. In the last four billion Earth years, thousands of life forms have come here to visit Goag Ralus after discovering Its existence. Goag Ralus has never failed to accommodate them with atmosphere and gravity to suite them, and there was still room on Goag Ralus for much much more. Clearly Goag Ralus had been designed to serve this purpose as an oasis of safety in the cruel galactic core. Each of the seven stars that were powering Goag Ralus the great oasis of life has a planet or two orbiting It on a solar ellipse independent of the orbit of the great seven pointed solar system sized ring that is Goag Ralus. Life that came to Goag Ralus did not live in orbit around these stars that were occasionally also thrown out into the void to be replaced by a new power source. There were civilizations of Golimechoid life living about those stars that orbited Goag Ralus. The Golimechoid life out there performed needed maintenance for the collection of power and other tasks related to the seven stars that orbited and powered Goag Ralus. The Golimechoid life that lived here functioned like individual cells to serve the greater whole body called Goag Ralus.

  It probably had not been a coincidence that the point that housed the civilization of the Eigalli became the point near Aquari’s approach. It had been a good forty Earth years after Deliadre talked Aquari into coming here, but Goag Ralus must have adjusted Its orbit in anticipation. Goag Ralus could easily be the most amazing being ever constructed by galactic beings in the course of galactic civilizations. Aquari knew Goag Ralus very well and descended along the familiar path into the matter shrouded by atmospheres of mostly nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen. Temperatures were suddenly fluctuating wildly around Aquari, something Aquari would be completely immune to. That allowed Aquari to transcend phantom matter currents to attain his incredible speed.

  The technology behind Goag Ralus embraced the power of reality creation, and Aquari could see the different realities all spread out below beyond human vision. Since gravity equals the phenomenon of virtual particle creation then this phenomenon shaped the phantom matter tides. Control the virtual particle phenomenon and you control the gravity currents. Goag Ralus had been made to do just that. This allowed It to provide customized gravity to all the civilizations of immigrants who came here. Gravity control also made it possible for Goag Ralus to avoid just collapsing into a black hole under Its own impossible gravity of over 1300 solar masses.

  After a constant decent toward the distant ground that seemed to just never get any closer, eventually the clouds parted to reveal the civilization of the Eigalli who were an evolutionary offshoot of the Eagolim who first built Goag Ralus, and then disappeared with the rest of the Nephapricans. Aquari descended now low enough to see actual Eigalli that were walking the streets of their cities. The blunt horn that crowns their dark blue humanoid heads as they looked up at Aquari flying above began to light up with colors and shapes in rapid communication. Many recognized the legendary Aquari, and also waved to him in the universal gesture of greetings.

  Deliadre sat on a patio overlooking the capital city of the Eigalli, named Occuitah on the blessed lands of the great Goag Ralus, and she quickly noticed the commotion of light and shape language. It really was a beautiful place to exist although the Eigalli were inquisitive explorers of the universe, which gave them a restlessness in their nature that always strived to learn and know more. Aquari enjoyed coming here because they never failed to cause surprise at what they’ve been up to since his last visit. This visit had already shaped up to being no different. Deliadre sat on the patio that her mother before her used to sit at when it came time to see the cosmic being called Aquari. Aquari knew to come here when he finally arrived. A two dimensional circle of light then suddenly appeared before Deliadre’s vision.

  “Hello Deliadre. I have at last arrived from the far end of the inner galaxy where we last talked.”

  “Hello Aquari. I have been waiting anxiously since our last conversation.”

  “You have grown up so much since my last visit here. Alas it is an enormous universe we all traverse to the rare occasions when our paths cross.”

  “Oh do stay awhile beloved Aquari. As usual we have much to show you from our studies of the photons that have originated on the outskirts of Magphoreus.” The Eigalli didn’t need to
travel the universe in order to explore it because they took the universe that came to them in the form of photons that recorded everything they reflect off of in their immortal light-speed journeys. The highly evolved galactic technologies used by the Eigalli make the telescopes of Earth appear one dimensional and primitive. The Eigalli were into gathering photons, which never decay, from specific galactic locations and then unlock the images actually recorded by the photon particles in the course of their 186,000 miles a second journey. Of course this has to be done very fast in order to retrieve the photonic information before the particles continue on their eternal journey at 186,000 miles a second. Consequently the Eigalli can literally play a stream of photons like a Hollywood movie. In fact, in a few thousand years the Eigalli photon hunters will probably discover Earthlings. The Eigalli then will acquire a taste for Hollywood movies that have already began their 51,018-year photon journey to the core of the galaxy.

  Aquari apologized to Deliadre for the loss of her mother Nieniel who lived as long as the Eigalli are known to live. They live lives of several thousand Earth years however, eventually even highly advanced galactic beings tend to want to experience death to see what lies beyond that.

  “That’s one of the first things I intend to show you Aquari. Come, I have her prepared for this just inside.” Deliadre led the circle of light inside the apartment overlooking an endless city, buzzing with all kinds of aircraft traffic, and the flying cars that Earthlings were supposed to be driving by the 21st century.

  Inside on a round bed lay the dead body of Nieniel, Deliadre’s deceased mother, perfectly preserved after almost a hundred Earth years.

  “She wanted you to have her body to occupy the next time you arrived here Aquari. She said you would find her memories of value on many levels both scientific and personal.”

  Aquari felt overwhelmed by the honor, but at the same time wondered why he didn’t already expect this. Aquari possesses the ability to animate recently deceased corpses of most terrestrial beings, and it is his preferred way of exploring alien worlds. As a rule Aquari confined this activity to bodies divorced of the ego constructs that occupy them while alive. It occurred to Aquari that he didn’t expect this with Nieniel because he has never occupied a body that had been dead for so long. The decomposition would make him behave and look like a zombie.

  “Don’t worry Aquari.” Deliadre anticipated Aquari’s reluctance. “She has been perfectly preserved in the exact state she had been in at the moment of her death. This had been very important to her, and she made all necessary arrangements for her corpse to not decay a single second till you occupy it.”

  Aquari didn’t delay any longer. He disappeared into the dead body on the bed, engulfing the room in a flash of bright light. The body on the bed arched her back suddenly and froze that way for an instant, before dropping back into the mattress to relax again. Then a round pinwheel of light began rotating around the telepathic horn above Nieniel’s bald Eigalli scull. The horn’s natural ability created images with light. This ball of light resembled Aquari, and would continue to spin projected by the horn to constantly advertise Aquari’s presence in this body. Nieniel’s eyes suddenly opened, and she sat up in the bed looking at Deliadre who tried to not appear terrified by what just took place.

  Aquari spoke with Nieniel’s mouth, “Hello, this body will indeed hold my interest during my stay. Nieniel is indeed long gone from here Deliadre. I know you wonder about that. She did try.”

  The doorway then opened as a male Eigalli walked in. “You must be starving in that long dead body Aquari. We must now have dinner and share stories.” Aquari and Goag Ralus went way back together for too long for Aquari not to recognize Goag Ralus in the personality of an avatar. Aquari’s cosmic vision could tell that Goag Ralus visited him in the form of a Golimechoid construct that had been made to look like a male Eigalli of middle age appearance. Goag and Nieniel smiled at each other in mutual recognition. Goag Ralus actually tended many forms of avatars throughout the many civilizations on Goag Ralus. They all lived out their individual lives of interacting with different species while at the same time they were all the immortal monolithic being that orbited the super massive black hole. Goag Ralus steadies the black hole’s axis tilt much like the Moon of Earth tames our planet’s extreme axis tilt, but that’s another story.

  Deliadre interrupted the moment. “Yes, I have a dinner with many distinguished guests who have gathered to welcome you back Aquari.”

  With that Goag wrapped Its arm around Nieniel who already wore an Eigalli dinner dress as they left into the hall on the way to dinner. Deliadre smiled at the sight of her long dead mother on her way to dinner with an android life form animated by the entity the great Goag Ralus Itself. They had much to discuss this day indeed, and the dinner became abuzz with amazing and interesting stories from all corners of the galaxy. Deliadre had been determined to make her mother’s ego construct manifest yet, being undiscouraged by Aquari’s initial resistance to the idea.

  Aquari learned pretty much everything about the Tze-Doldus-2 discovery at the dinner of various Eigalli scientists, dignitaries, and celebrities. At one point their excavations through the photon streams revealed audio and visual recordings of a civilization of beings who had evolved on the planet Tze-Doldus-2. They looked like hairy birds with arms instead of wings, and they spoke through beak-like teeth in a chirping language that tended to rhyme in a sort of chirped pentameter.

  The dinner left everyone exhausted with much to absorb, and Nieniel felt no different then the rest of them. Not all inhabitants of Goag Ralus sleep at all and time tends to just be measured in teks. The Eigalli do enjoy sleep, but don’t require a night period in their environment, which is already artificially lit. Nieniel became ready for some rest after the enormous meal that her body had been more than in the mood for. Goag said Its goodbye to Nieniel at the end of the evening till tomorrow. Deliadre escorted Aquari/Nieniel back to the round bed that had already been changed and remade since going to dinner. Sleep beckoned and it had been a very long time since Aquari had the opportunity to experience a body’s sleep. Nieniel reclined back and closed the eyes while the circular pinwheel of light projected by the telepathic horn still shining uncontrollably, spoiling the darkness of the room. Something like that always had accompanied Aquari’s occupation of deceased corpses. This pinwheel of light phenomenon would be peculiar to the Eigalli because of the highly evolved light language horn and its extra brain. It seemed as if the bodies that Aquari inhabited just found some way to announce that they were possessed by some foreign cosmic entity. Usually he just made the hair stand straight up, but Eigalli don’t have hair, and they have evolved a horn that encompasses an extra brain, which generates different colored lights and shapes that make up a sophisticated language they were even born speaking fluently. For Aquari in Nieniel’s body it just liked to say, “Aquari is in here,” over and over again nonstop.

  As she lay in bed, Nieniel began to hear the growling of long dead digestive organs that were creaking back to life, and suddenly Aquari became reminded of another activity popular with terrestrial beings as they digested food. Nieniel got back up out of the bed thinking she had passed some facilities down the hall that were made to assist her with the business she suddenly needed to take care of. A memory in her head arose from Nieniel’s brain with directions to the nearest commode.

  The next day started with a morning wake up from Deliadre and some breakfast according to tradition. Nieniel enjoyed the treatment, as if being on a luxury vacation. Aquari the cosmic being had become much appreciated on Goag Ralus. In fact, Aquari presented their only means of actually going to the fabled Tze-Doldus star-door of the Nephapricans, which they had recently discovered.

  The photon laboratories were easy enough to arrive at. It seemed all Deliadre did was take Nieniel/Aquari in an elevator further down in the same building complex she slept in last night. Nieniel/Aqua
ri shared greetings with many researchers that were at the dinner last evening. First they had to show Nieniel the star Tze-Doldus in the quanta-scope viewfinder. The white-dwarf star had become a red-dwarf probably from absorbing some of the material from the Tze nova event over 4 billion of Earth’s years ago. That indicated that Tze-Doldus had become a more unstable star, probably given to violent outbursts of sun flares. Tze-Doldus remained stable enough however, and remained one of the last known surviving star-doors from the second age of Magphoreus.