Read Araman Page 20

  Kassen waited patiently at the bottom of the stairs for Raliena to arrive. He was wearing his best black trousers and white shirt with the gold patterned waistcoat Sherin had told him he must wear. She had also ordered him to leave his sword off the black belt he wore as it was ‘not suitable for a ball’. He had reluctantly agreed but made sure to tuck a dagger down the side of his black leather boots, just in case.

  The General had never been keen on the waistcoat he was wearing. The King had ordered it made for him for when they attended important events, such as being made a knight of Verxia, but he had always found it uncomfortable and tried to ignore how nervous he was feeling.

  It wasn’t because of everything he had learnt the day before, about the Araman’s gift that had ultimately saved his life, but because he had feelings for Raliena and was not sure how she would react to them. He had been planning how he would tell her all day but couldn’t quite find the words. He had never felt this way about a woman before, he had been with women but there were never any feelings involved; not on his part anyway.

  The hallway where he was stood was now empty. Most of the guests had entered the ballroom, ready for the entrance of the Araman. Kassen was alone with his thoughts but did not have to wait for long.

  The General turned towards the stairs and saw the Araman stood at the top looking down at him.

  Kassen’s jaw dropped at the sight of her.

  Raliena wore a blue silk dress that hugged against her slim figure and fell neatly from her waist like gossamer. It shimmered as she walked slowly towards him and trailed behind her, taking on the appearance of water as it cascaded down the stairs. The gold panel at the front and floral gold net for sleeves, brought out the colour of her hair, as the blue did her eyes. Her hair was tied to one side down her shoulder in swift curls and the crystals that had been twisted into it, made colours dance off the waves.

  “It is just a dress, General Kassen.” Raliena said once she had reached the bottom of the stairs.

  Kassen shook himself and smiled then held out his hand for her to take.

  “It was not the dress I was admiring.” Kassen replied, making Raliena blush as they made their way to the ballroom doors.

  A round of applause greeted them as the doors were pulled open and they entered the room. It was beautifully and elaborately decorated with both the colours of Verxia and Attashar, which complimented each other greatly.

  Blue fabric was wound in a spiral with white and burgundy, and hung in drapes around the room. Candles on tall golden stands basked the room in a warming glow, and there were tables of food set up around the walls, with chairs for the guests to rest on. The throne of the King was at the far end of the room beneath the viewing balcony, also decorated in blue and red flowers on the banister and a golden carpet leading down the stairs.

  It was beyond beautiful and far more elaborate than any done before. The King had made a big effort for the importance of this hunt. Baynil stood at the top of the few stairs leading to his throne. He had a big grin on his face and looked more regal than usual in his finery of blue and gold.

  Raliena and Kassen walked the length of the hall towards him, through the isle the guests had made. Most were also wearing blue and gold but the fabrics were not as fine.

  Raliena spotted Sherin where she stood with Sitnen and Derio at the base of the stairs, and she smiled at the awed look on the Princess’s face, winking as they passed.

  The General and Araman knelt to the King in respect, the rest of the guests followed suit, bowing to the King and to the honoured arrivals.

  “Please stand, my guests.” King Baynil gestured to the whole hall who straightened again. “We are very fortunate to be welcoming a new knight to our court, and even more fortunate that he is a nobleman of Attashar. May the bond you find with your Araman on the hunt, strengthen the bond between our two kingdoms for many more years to come.”

  The audience applauded again and Baynil signalled for the first dance to begin.

  Raliena moved to the centre of the dance floor with Kassen. She saw Dergen in the crowd as they passed. He was staring at her intently, even as he grabbed Lady Nanerter by the arm and pulled her with him to dance.

  Raliena also noticed the King asking Princess Sherin to join the dance with him, which she was most pleased about. Baynil had always been good with children. It had saddened everyone when it became clear he did not wish to take a second Queen to bear him another child.

  The music started up and Raliena curtsied, keeping her focus on the dance and not on unfortunate happenings. There was very little contact with the other dancers and much spinning and swapping places involved in the first dance of the hunt. The moves were supposed to represent the journey the knight and Araman go through together and the slaying of the Unisayan, which was the only time in the dance the partners would touch.

  Raliena let the music flow through her, dancing was one thing she did enjoy, even if it was about something cruel. You could let your body be carried by the notes of the instruments and feel your cares disappear.

  She found herself giggling at Kassen when he forgot certain moves and she would have to correct him or pull him into the right position again. Eventually, the music slowed and the couples broke off from the group to dance in their twos.

  “I thought King Baynil sent someone to teach you this dance?” Raliena mocked Kassen.

  “I have never been very good at dancing.” Kassen admitted.

  They spun passed the King and Sherin who were both giggling away. Her long cream dress hid her feet, but Raliena could tell by the way they moved that she was stood on Baynil’s feet.

  When the song finished, most of the dancers moved away to the tables to eat. Raliena pulled an uncomfortable looking Kassen out of the fray and they joined Sitnen and Derio on the sidelines.

  Kassen tucked into the many foods that were on display and socialized with people who came to wish him and Raliena good fortune on their hunt.

  The night passed by quickly but no one showed signs of tiring and there were always people dancing.

  Raliena looked towards the King who was sat in the throne, a happy grin on his face. Dergen was making his way to the King’s side and Raliena watched as he leant down to whisper something in Baynil’s ear and then made his way towards where she stood with Kassen.

  She jumped when she felt someone pull at her dress, absorbed as she was in watching Dergen. She looked down to find Welver stood next to her. She had never noticed how short he was, even compared to her, and was taken aback by his presence. Welver was hardly seen not grovelling at Dergen’s side and he never spoke to anyone, especially Raliena.

  “Lady Araman, I must speak with you.” Welver said quietly, keeping one eye on the dance floor where Dergen had disappeared into the crowd.

  “You may speak freely.” Raliena said, confused by the urgency in his voice.

  “Not here.” He replied. “He might...”

  Welver stopped and quickly turned away from Raliena, pretending to collect the empty glasses from the table as Dergen emerged from the surge of dancers and approached Raliena.

  “The King wishes for you to have this dance with me, Lady Araman.” Dergen said as he reached her, eying Welver suspiciously.

  “The King wishes? Or you do?” Raliena replied curtly, pulling his attention back to her.

  Dergen smiled slyly and held out his hand to her.

  “The King,” he said.

  Raliena glanced at the throne again and saw King Baynil watching her. He smiled and nodded eagerly. Raliena took a deep breath and one last look at Kassen before taking Dergen’s unusually cold hand and allowed herself to be led onto the still crowded floor. Welver’s request swiftly forgotten.

  New music started flowing around the hall again. Raliena tried not to show her abhorrence at being so close to Dergen while they began spinning in slow circ
les around the floor.

  “How edible you look tonight, Raliena.” Dergen drooled and yanked her closer to him in the dance.

  “You disgust me, Dergen.” Raliena turned her nose up at him and tried to lean away. “I will know what you are planning.”

  “Your accusation stings almost as much as your touch.” Dergen forced her hand onto his chest where she hoped there was now a nasty blister. “What you did to me really hurt, Raliena.” He mocked her.

  Raliena pulled her hand away but he gripped it harder and continued to dance.

  “I would gladly do it again.” She spat.

  “Please do.” Dergen leaned in and dropped his voice darkly. “But would we really want to cause a scene?”

  Raliena looked at the King’s smiling face at the festivities around him. Then, as she span in the dance, at Kassen deep in contented conversation and at Sherin, pulling at Sitnen to dance with her despite how tired she looked.

  “Why have you not told the King?” Raliena turned her gaze away from the people she had grown fond of over the weeks and stared at the man she despised.

  “For the same reason you have not. He does not need to know, and maybe you too feel a little curious...” He stroked her cheek gently, almost lovingly.

  “What do you want from me?” She pulled her face away in disgust but he just smiled cruelly.

  “You will know soon enough, as will everyone.”

  “I will not let you use me.” Raliena said determinedly. “I will stop you.”

  “Will you?” Dergen mocked.

  They passed Kassen again and Raliena’s eyes locked with his. The General stopped smiling when he saw the look in her eyes that she had failed to hide and put down his glass.

  Then they were lost again in the crowd.

  Dergen pulled Raliena’s face to look at him and leant in close enough for her to smell his sickly scent.

  “You are mine to have, Araman,” he said with pleasure. “You will know me soon enough.”

  She pulled her head free and started to strain against his grip but he snaked an arm around her waist and held her to him, her arms vainly trying to push against his chest. She could match the strength of any man in Fardonmeria, but he was unaffected by her.

  “Your mother was opposed to obedience too, but was too afraid to find out the power of giving in.”

  Raliena stopped struggling and stared wide eyed at Dergen who grinned wickedly. As the music stopped Dergen released her from his too strong grip and bowed to her, his dark eyes locked with hers.

  Then he leant in close again. Raliena could see Kassen over Dergen’s shoulder as he turned and spotted them. Raliena stared at him as Dergen muttered in her ear, “think of the power she would have had, had she not fallen from that cliff...”

  The round of applause for a new dance woke Raliena and she stumbled back, pausing before she pushed through the crowd away from Dergen.

  No one noticed her distressed escape, except Kassen who tried to reach her, but she had already made it to the door, a wisp of blonde curls disappearing through it.