Read Araman Page 40

Chapter Thirty One

  Raliena woke with light shining in her eyes. It was a warming light that came from the large window of the room she was in. She realised that she was in a bed and vainly tried to recall how she had gotten there. An irritating silver glint in her eye made Raliena sit up.

  Looking around she saw that she was in a castle room, elaborately decorated in blue and gold curtains and bed spread. She must be in Verxia, but this was not her room. The only room she could think of that would be this finely designed would be the Kings. Raliena suddenly remembered that the King was dead and then also remembered she had been named his successor. But that still did not explain how she was here. Dergen would have...

  Everything came back in a rush that made her head spin. The battle, the Lagania, the bridge that she had thrown herself from... How in Fardonmeria was she still alive? And was Dergen too?

  A creamy net curtain was blowing in from the balcony with a shadow behind it. Raliena panicked and made to get up when a soft voice she recognised floated through to her.

  “Do not get up yet.” Armon Lozni came through from the balcony. “You need to preserve your strength.”

  “Am I..?” Raliena began, sinking back into the pillows.

  “You are in Verxia, safe and very much alive. Not a scratch on you my dear.” Lozni replied sitting on the chair that was placed facing Raliena’s bed.

  “How?” She asked.

  “The Unisayan returned your spirit to you and I am assuming General Kassen returned you the power you gifted to him, making it possible for you to heal yourself. No one knows that this is possible to do other than you, I and the General it seems and they need not know if you do not wish them to. It would mean hiding who you are again, but you would be safe from any other that wish to use your power.”

  “Kassen is alright? And what about Sherin? And Jaya and Yaline?” There were too many to name. Lozni put her hand up to stop her.

  “They are all fine, but grieving. Many people were lost in the battle, including Prince Derend of Attashar, killed by Lord Lishini.”

  Raliena thought of Kassen and Sherin and hoped they were coping.

  “Is Dergen..?” Raliena tried to ask.

  “Dead? Yes. He will not bother Fardonmeria again.”

  Raliena subconsciously reached for her neck to find that the chain Dergen had used to bind her was gone for good. She looked at Lozni who smiled again.

  “It was lost when you were.”

  “How long have I been asleep?” Raliena noticed she was wearing a clean nightdress that matched her gold surroundings.

  “Just over a week.” Lozni straightened her own dress absently.

  “Have you been waiting here all this time?”

  “No.” Lozni laughed. “Everyone has been taking shifts. You have not been left unattended. We have not yet found Lord Lishini. They surrendered soon after the army from Attashar arrived, most escaped back to Namare. Those that were chased down and caught by King Dagerten’s men are being transported back to Attashar, where they will decide what to do with them, as Verxia was without a ruler when the decision was made.”

  “They have not chosen one yet?”

  “They have.” Lozni answered and gestured to the room.

  “The people still want me? Even though I gave into Dergen and brought this upon them?”

  “Dergen brought this upon them, as did the Lagania.” Lozni replied firmly. “You are no more to blame than us and they all know of how you sacrificed yourself for them.”

  Raliena did not find hearing this as comforting as it should have been, but she had already agreed to look after the Kingdom and it was what Baynil wanted.

  “Kassen took the most shifts watching you.” Lozni said, smiling secretly. Raliena blushed. “He would have been here now had I not told him to get some rest.”

  Staring at Lozni, Raliena tried to remember everything while listening to the Armon explain what had happened since she had died.

  “The Lagania have stayed here while they make plans to create trade routes to their Kingdom with King Dagerten. They are rebuilding it to what it once was. They are also discussing a mass treaty between them, Verxia and Attashar, but of course need the Queen of Verxia present.”

  Raliena sat up again making her hair fall over her shoulder. She gasped and grabbed it. She had silver strands running through it between the dominant blonde.

  “A side effect of what the Unisayan did.” Lozni explained. “It rather suits you.”

  The silver glint that was not her hair caught Raliena’s eye again. It came from the table beside her, the source being the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. It was sat snugly in a velvet cushion, next to it neatly laid a white Lillixia with a red ribbon tied round its stem.

  A symbol of the Lillixia that had cut both Raliena and Kassen’s skin when she had told him of her power.

  Raliena’s looked puzzled towards Lozni, who just smiled and said.

  “He had to leave it here for when you woke up.” She stood gracefully and with ease despite her age. “I shall be waiting outside for when you are ready to face your subjects.”

  She left the room closing the door behind her and leaving Raliena to her thoughts.

  Raliena found clothes for her neatly lain out at the end of her bed. She washed her face in the warm water by the mirror and changed into the light blue silk dress, one she would not have chosen for herself but the wardrobe was filled with clothes she felt were all too regal for her.

  Examining her features in the mirror on the desk, Raliena then brushed her new hair, took another look at the ring on the table and left the room to meet Lozni in the corridor.

  "Ready?" She asked after Raliena had closed the door to her new room.

  "I think so." Raliena replied.

  "Maybe later I shall take you to see Eni?"

  "I would like that." Raliena said perking up a bit, but she still felt nervous at the responsibility she was about to take on.

  They walked down the stairs and headed to one of the small halls, the one where they had held the welcoming banquet for the General. It seemed so long ago now. People bowed on their way past which Raliena politely returned with a nod and a smile. She could see no trace of the battle that had commenced only a week ago apart from the absence of decor that had been damaged. Everything had been cleaned and replaced.

  They reached the big double doors at which Lozni paused and turned to face Raliena. They looked at each other for a moment, both part of the same breed and yet following different paths.

  Raliena nodded slowly and took a deep breath. Lozni placed an encouraging hand on her shoulder, smiled, then turned and pushed one of the doors open slightly.

  Taking another deep breath, Raliena followed her in.

  Only a few people were in it, all sat round the tables that had been pushed to the centre of the room, creating one large table. They seemed to be discussing something but stopped when she and Lozni stepped in the room.

  All stood as she entered and stared at her. They all looked very tired but none as tired as Kassen.

  Yaline and Jaya came forward and both embraced Raliena. She greeted them heartily. General Samde stepped forward and gave a short bow; he had lost an arm since she had last seen him.

  Then General Kassen stepped forward to greet her. He bowed slightly when he reached her and she offered him her hand, which he gently took in his ready to kiss. Before he did he noticed the ring on her finger. She had given him her left hand.

  Kassen lifted his head slightly and looked Raliena in the eyes, a huge smile on his face. He looked the happiest he had ever been and Raliena returned his smile while he gently touched his lips to her hand and straightened himself.

  Kassen opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a large man wearing the royal burgundy colours of Attashar.

  “We wel
come you back from the dead, your highness.”

  “And I welcome you to Verxia, King Dagerten.” Raliena curtsied politely to him and he waved his hand.

  “A Queen is not required to bow to her equal.” He said.

  “I am not yet a Queen.” Raliena replied straightening again.

  Dagerten smiled in reply and indicated to the table on which a huge breakfast had been set out.

  Her stomach rumbled as she took in all the food.

  “We thought you might be hungry." Jaya said as they all sat back in their chairs.

  “Thank you." Raliena replied.

  Kassen took her arm and led her to sit in the chair beside him.

  There was so much food to choose from, Raliena didn't know where to start, so had a bit of everything. She even drank wine, deciding she had had enough of water for the time being. By the end of it she felt back to normal, her strength returned quickly the more she was awake and she wondered if this was how Kassen had felt when she had healed him.

  Once everyone had finished and Raliena had a full stomach, her mind was once again clear.

  “I am saddened to hear about the loss of the Prince, your highness.” She said glancing at Kassen also.

  “Yes, it is a great loss.” He looked down at his empty plate then back up at Raliena. “Princess Sherin is now my heir.” He looked up at Kassen meaningfully and Raliena wondered what had gone on between them.

  “Speaking of Queens,” Jaya interrupted. “The arrangements are made for you to be crowned tomorrow afternoon; these things must be concluded swiftly if things are to remain peaceful.”

  Raliena paused in the middle of taking a sip of wine.

  “That is if you still wish to accept the crown?”

  Raliena placed her glass down carefully and considered the question. The people had accepted her for who she was, and the King had named her his successor, but she had been thought dead since then. Would they still want her after all the pain she had caused them?

  Kassen gripped her hand under the table and absently played with the engagement ring she had accepted. Could she now accept a crown?

  “If the people will still have me. Then I will not abandon them again.” She said finally. “But I will not hide again.” She looked around the table at them, all looking pleased at her decision and paused at Armon Lozni. She asked her a silent question with her eyes and Lozni gave her an encouraging nod.

  “I must first heal my people.” Raliena said, thinking of those who were injured in the battle. “I remain Armon of Verxia.”


  It was peaceful by the waterfall where only a few weeks ago Raliena had thrown herself to death. It reminded her of who she was and that everything must fade and die eventually, no matter how much you healed them.

  She thought about how many people had lost their lives during the battle and how there was nothing she could do to save them, and now, on the eve of her coronation she felt more vulnerable than ever. Life was so precious.

  The dead had all been buried apart from Prince Derend. His burial had been put on hold as his body was to return to Attahsar with the King and Kassen who refused to leave before seeing her crowned. They had only had alone time enough to both decide to wait till after things had settled to announce their engagement.

  Not bothering to pick up the hem of her fine silk dress that she was suppose to wear to her crowning, Raliena followed the line of the lake admiring the Unisayan statue in the centre. A large horse was drinking from the water and lifted its agile head on her approach.

  “Eni.” Raliena greeted the horse and patted its hornless head.

  The former Unisayan nuzzled at Raliena just as Fahge used to do, before he died in the fire set in the stables during the battle.

  Raliena felt the stump where a horn once grew and was once again grateful for the great sacrifice they had made for her.

  She bent down and cupped water in her hands from the flowing lake and went to wash her face, but paused when she saw something in the water. It was still ordinary water, but she felt its life in it which she had never felt before. She glanced up at the statue and squinted at it. The horn on its head had begun to glow.

  She dropped the water from her hand and stood again. Eni was staring at it too, reaching his neck as far as it would go towards it.

  Raliena patted his head absently and felt the same life flowing through him as she had felt on the river. She stared at the animal and he locked eyes with her then bent his head to the water.

  Kneeling on the bank again, Raliena kept one hand on Eni’s neck and placed the other in the water. Both her hands began to glow as the statue continued to also and she felt the energy from it channelled through her body and into Eni.

  Once the sensation subsided Raliena opened her eyes, not realising she had closed them and found Eni looking at her with his intelligent blue eyes. He flicked his head and Raliena thought she saw something where the stump was.

  She stood and gently moved his mane out of the way, gasping when she saw the stump had grown. It was slightly longer and looked like crystal. Eni’s horn was growing back.

  Raliena placed a hand in her cloak pocket unconsciously and curled her mother’s chain around her fingers. She had found it still in her jacket pocket only yesterday and had kept it with her for a reason she did not know. Its strange warmth stroked through her and a verse from a song resounded in Raliena’s mind...

  The path of the past be washed away,

  Only fast waters can unchain,

  The taken, but never lost,

  Child, you shall live again.

  A note from the author...

  I remember when I was about eleven being sat on my grandparent’s sofa reading a book about mythology and thinking, “Unicorns are really underrated and girly... I should maybe change that...” It has yet to be seen if I have accomplished this but I hope I have written something you have enjoyed anyway.

  I have learnt much from this, my debut first edition and will continue writing, but it is true to say that a sword that is a labour of length is sharper and far more reliable than one made in haste!

  And people always love a happy ending.

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