Read Archie the Royal Hot Water Bottle Page 31

  Chapter 31

  Crystal and Jeff had lived at Claremore for some time before Crystal's grandparents were able to spend a weekend with them and see the house for the first time. It was a rare event, a family visit when they could all relax. Crystal fussed, making sure everything was ready but a few days before her grandparents were due to arrive she went into a panic,

  'Jeff, Chloe and her grandmother are due to stay on Saturday. We arranged it weeks ago. How could I have forgotten?' She looked stricken, 'Grandmother was looking forward to spending time just with us.'

  'Will she really mind?'

  'I don't know; I'll make a call.'

  But the Queen was happy to spend her weekend with Chloe and it was obvious to everyone as Saturday progressed that they had entered into a conspiracy and weren't sharing their secret. During the afternoon, while Jeff was showing Crystal's grandfather the grounds, the Queen and Chloe disappeared upstairs, with a reluctant Jessie as their guide. Jessie said to the Queen,

  'I don't know Ma'am, they might not like it.'

  'Take us to them dear girl, I'm sure it will be all right.'

  They went into the room where Archie and Terri looked up at their regal visitor and her companion from their place sitting on a sunny couch. The Queen said to them,

  'Good afternoon.'

  Terri didn't know what to do and hid her face in Archie's shoulder. Archie didn't speak; he looked at Jessie who gave him an 'I don't know look.' The Queen brought Chloe closer to the couch and told her to say hello as well. She did but silence reigned. The tension was heightened by Crystal coming in to see why everyone was in her bedroom,

  'Grandmother,' she said, 'is something wrong?'

  'Not at all, I'd just like Chloe to meet the hot water bottle and cover.'

  Crystal was apprehensive because they had all decided it was best not to have Archie and Terri speak to Chloe,

  'But why would you want to do that?' she asked.

  'Because my dear, I have one just like it and it has been my dear friend for many years. Chloe has the gift of being able to speak to objects and as she returned these two to you I think they should trust her to keep their confidence.' She picked Archie and Terri up, held them in front of her and said,

  'Don't you?'

  Archie whispered to Terri who nodded and said,

  'We are pleased to meet you both but we have been a little nervous of Chloe because, well you know...' Her voice trailed off and she looked very embarrassed. Archie cleared his throat and said,

  'Hello Your Majesty, Chloe, forgive us if we seemed rude.'

  'Chloe,' Her Majesty said, 'Will you tell anyone about Archie and Terri?'

  'Of course not. I'm so sorry you were frightened at Dad's. He can be stupid but I promise not to say a word, ever.'

  In the midst of this conversation Crystal took in what her grandmother had said,

  'You mean you talk to your hot water bottle?'

  'Oh yes, he and his cover are retired now and I have a new one but it's not special at all. No, if I want a chat, it's the old one for me. He was lent to me when I was on a tour; India it was.

  'I had terrible backache and the maharajah's ayah brought it to me in a very beautiful yellow silk padded cover. A glorious colour it was; but it's a bit faded now. He says he belonged to the Maharani.

  'Well, we've been friends every since. He insisted on coming home with me. I had to smuggle him out in one of the bags. They probably still think I stole him.'

  Crystal couldn't believe what she'd heard but Chloe said,

  'You can always tell nice objects from the other sort.'

  'How?' Crystal asked.

  'They have kind faces like Archie and Terri. The ones who don't always look a bit sour.'

  After breakfast on Sunday morning when they were alone in the kitchen Chloe asked Crystal for her help,

  'I can't ask Gran to buy me one because she doesn't know about some of them talking and I don't want one that doesn't, but I could do it if you tell me where he came from.'

  'You mean Archie, you want a hot water bottle...?'

  'And a cover, of course,' Chloe added.

  'Like Archie and Terri. Of course I can do that, it'll be easy.'

  'Maybe not that easy Crystal.' Chloe became very serious, 'You see I think Archie and Terri came from a special place and if I bought my hot water bottle there it might be special too. Not all of them are you know.'

  Crystal agreed with Chloe's view and considered it as Chloe said,

  'I'd have to know where Terri came from as well because I'd hate to think my hot water bottle would go through life without someone to love. That would be really sad, don't you think?'

  'Yes it would. We'd better talk to the Queen,' Crystal said, 'She bought them.'

  'I wonder where,' she thought.

  Her Majesty was happy to help and wrote down the addresses Chloe needed. But she also offered to take Chloe to the shops herself, one day after school. When Crystal asked her how she'd do that her Majesty enlightened her as to her shopping methods. It appeared the Queen liked to go out to the shops often and had devised an anonymous persona she adopted to avoid detection.

  Her method, and she was a little embarrassed to admit it, had been developed after watching the Palace servants. In the end her elderly maid and one of the housekeepers had been her models. Her Majesty had watched the housekeeper leaving the Palace at times carrying her woven basket decorated with flowers and seen how she tended to plod. The reason for the plodding seemed to be the orthopedic shoes she wore.

  The maid was a lady who tried to hold herself upright as her Majesty did but she was, in her latter years, suffering with a slight curvature of the spine. As a result she stooped a little. The combination of these characteristics, together with some plain clothes, convinced her Majesty that she could go about among her subjects undetected.

  The final touch was to borrow the housekeepers' basket which was rather worn and had a definite smell of Irish whiskey. She always used a cheap vinyl purse that was kept in cash solely for her shopping excursions.

  'It does tend to spill though, I don't know why,' she said in concluding her story. The purse had a sad history of motion sickness but her Majesty was as yet unenlightened about it.

  'Would you like to come with me Chloe?'

  Chloe could hardly contain her excitement at the prospect of a shopping expedition with her Majesty who placed a caveat on their prospects,

  'Terri was a piece from a remnant bin. I don't think we'll be able to buy the same fabric but I'm sure we'll find something pretty.'

  So on a sunny afternoon a new hot water bottle was purchased by Chloe from the same shop Archie had come from. Her choice was a blue one and she said,

  'I'd like to buy it myself, from my pocket money.' 

  'I think that's very wise but I'll have my seamstress make the cover. Now let's go to the haberdashers.'

  The cover was to be very special but they agreed to try the same remnant bin. There were many fabrics to choose from but nearly all were rejected. The final choice was between a pink minky fleece and a very good, but plain, terry towelling.

  'Perhaps we should let the hot water bottle decide,' Chloe suggested.

  The hot water bottle, who's name turned out to be Rufus, was quietly consulted and shyly nodded to the pink fleece,

  'She's so beautiful, don't you think? But please give my apologies to the towelling,'

  'No need,' it said in a deep voice, 'I don't think we'd get on.'

  Chloe had another wonderful experience with her new hot water bottle, having his cover made by the Queen's seamstress, Constance. She was taken upstairs to Constance's workroom and introduced to everyone. Constance asked her,

  'What have you bought for your cover?'

  Chloe unwrapped the minky fleece from its brown paper wrapping and handed it to Constance. As yet the fabric hadn't spoken to her but Chloe thought that would be too much to ask with strangers in the room and before the cover met
Rufus. Constance set to work laying out her pattern on the fabric and with quick hands she cut it out and gave it to one of the seamstresses. They left the cover to its maker and Constance said,

  'Come over here Chloe and meet our embroideress. This is Sylvia, she creates all the embroidery on her Majesty's clothes.'

  'I would love to learn to do that,' Chloe said.' Could you show me a little?'

  Sylvia, who had a granddaughter of seven, smiled and brought up a chair for Chloe,

  'Sit here and we'll embroider your name for the cover.'

  Chloe concentrated hard as Sylvia drew her name on a piece of cloth with a light pencil and chose some silk. They discussed the colour and decided on a teal blue for the monogram. Chloe worked hard to follow the design in the tiny stitches Sylvia showed her but ran out of time that day to finish it. 

   'You can take it home with you,' Sylvia said. 'We'll stitch it to the cover when you come back.'

  So the work was packed into a small calico drawstring bag with a pair of tiny scissors and spare silk and Chloe finished it at home. When she returned her cover was ready and Chloe could see Rufus was smiling. Chloe thought the cover was very beautiful. A tiny crimson and gold tag was sewn to the side of the bottle - her Majesty's own cipher.

  'We put it on so if ever it's lost it can be returned to the Palace.' Constance said. The Princess's was lost once in New Zealand and it was the tag that brought it back. So there you are, except for your monogram.'

  Sylvia helped Chloe stitch the monogram to the neck of the cover which whispered,

  'That's so pretty, Chloe. You are clever,' in a decidedly Cockney voice.

  Chloe whispered back,

  'Thank you. What's your name?'

  'It's Isobel,' Rufus said, 'Isn't she beautiful?'

  Isobel blushed and when they went home Chloe was careful to store them carefully in a drawer by themselves,

  'They do like to be alone,' Crystal had said. She hadn't told Chloe why.

  Crystal and Jeff enjoyed having Chloe stay with them and it was probably her sweetness and the joy she brought with her despite her troubled parents that helped them decide to have a baby themselves. It would happen in its own time but in the meantime they decided to go out more and having heard about her Majesty's anonymous outings they employed the tactic themselves, with a slight variation.

  Crystal had never been on a bike until they moved to Claremore. Jeff took her out on his dirt bike; she loved being close to him as he powered the bike over the estate's roads and small tracks. He was fearless and there were times when she had to close her eyes and bury her face in his back but he always brought them back safely, if covered in mud. 

   She found she loved it and it gave her an idea. She said to Jeff as they soaked in the bath after one of their rides,

  'Couldn't we go out on the bike in town? With the helmets no-one will know us.'

  'I don't see why not. The guys won't like it but we'll try it and see how it goes.'

  Their first outing was to the movies; they arrived after the lights went down and left during the credits. No problem, but their protection officers did have to follow in the car.

   Racing through the traffic closely shadowed by a big black Range Rover with three guys in suits did tend to make them rather conspicuous. A solution was found when one of the guys offered to follow on a bike and radio to the car if they were separated. It wasn't ideal but it gave Jeff and Crystal so much freedom they didn't want to lose it.

  After a few outings they had a system going and decided to try something new, going to a cheap and cheerful bistro for a meal. It should have been easy.

  Jeff and Crystal were doing well: they'd come on the bike and parked it outside. When they'd walked into the restaurant they were just another young couple out for a meal. They sat down at their table, a booth half way down the room. From long habit Jeff took in their fellow diners and the staff, looking for anyone who might be a problem. Their waiter was a young guy, a student Jeff thought, who was bright and quick as he took their order. The owner was at the bar, serving a few customers who were having a drink while they waited for a table. The kitchen was behind them; its swing door in constant motion as the waiters went in and out. The place was popular, and full. The wooden floors threw the customers' chatter up, creating a cloud of noise that made it hard to hear.

  They weren't alone though, two of their protection officers were at a table at the front of the restaurant where they could see the whole room, including their booth by watching in the mirror that ran the length of one wall. Jeff knew them both well but they were new to their detail. The man, Riordan, was about six three, thirty five, very quiet, very efficient. His female companion was no less experienced but slight and wiry. Kathy Blake had been a royal protection officer for ten years and knew her stuff.

  'We might get out,' Jeff thought, 'but not by ourselves.' He looked at Crystal who was enjoying herself, the buzz in the room, the snatches of conversation she could overhear and the plates of food streaming out to other tables.

  'I'm starving,' she said, watching a huge plate of seafood pasta glide past her at eye level. She smiled at Jeff and had to lean toward him to say,

  'How do you know this place? It's wonderful.'

  'We used to come here a lot, before I was transferred to your detail.' Crystal's eyebrows went up,

  'We?' she asked and Jeff remembered that he'd never told her about the lovely Ursula, as he'd once told the Queen he would. His promise had been made when she was worried Crystal would fall in love with him. Those fears were long gone.

  The truth was events had overtaken his promise; he'd fallen for Crystal early and hard, even though he hadn't admitted it to himself for months. When Ursula had given him an ultimatum, New Zealand as Crystal's protection officer or her, his decision had been a foregone conclusion. Ursula was now so far from his thoughts that it was difficult for him to remember what he'd loved, 'No, not loved,' he thought; 'wanted from her.' Experience was what he'd wanted and got.'

  He said to his smiling wife,

  'A very lovely woman named Ursula, who I left for you.'

  'Oh...' she said, 'I never knew you were going out with someone.'

  'We were just about living together and she wanted me to commit but then, you were going to New Zealand and she said choose, so I did.'

  'Do you have any other secrets, my lord Duke?'

  'Yes he does,' a huge man said as he pushed his way onto the bench beside Jeff, 'Me.'

  Jeff felt the knife in his ribs even as the man's weight was settling on the bench.

  'Introduce me to the Princess Jeff, remember your manners.'

  Jeff had no intention of playing any games,

  'What do you want Murdoch?'

  'A little chat Jeffie boy, outside.'

  'No chance,' Jeff said. He stared at Murdoch, keeping his complete attention as he pressed his boot down on Crystal's foot. He saw the surprise in her eyes but willed her not to speak. He tapped her foot again and she moved her hand to her jacket lying on the seat beside her. She knew what Jeff wanted her to do but she froze as Murdoch said,

  'Going somewhere, Crystal? That's your name, isn't it, Crystal?'

  'Listen Murdoch,' Jeff said pulling the man's attention back to him, 'Say what you've got to say and then get out.'

  Crystal had never heard Jeff speak so coldly, he was controlling the man with his will, determined to dominate him. As she felt Jeff tap her foot again she looked up into the mirror and saw their minders were talking to a waiter, menus in hand, and then listening as he apparently recited the specials.

  'Look up,' she pleaded with her eyes but they didn't. Murdoch was speaking to Jeff, hissing in his ear, Crystal could smell his tobacco breath across the table but she wasn't listening, she got her hand into her jacket pocket and pressed her panic button. The Head of Special Branch had insisted they both have one if they were going to 'mingle', as he put it.

  She saw both protection officers look up immediat
ely and take in Murdoch's bulk filling the seat beside Jeff. Riordan got up and slid out the front door like a wraith, leaving Kathy Blake watching in the mirror. Crystal saw her nod her head slightly and thought she knew what would happen next but she was amazed when a man's hand came down from behind Murdoch and slammed across his throat. Murdoch collapsed, his body falling onto Jeff who was pinned against the wall.

  There was the clatter of a large knife hitting the bare floorboards and she heard Jeff's muffled voice say,

  'You took your time.'

  'Sorry Sir, I had to go out to the lane and come in from the back.'

  Riordan and Blake pulled Murdoch off Jeff and sat him up in the booth, his head lolling as the owner nearly ran over to see what was going on. People were turning to stare and the conversations halted in mid sentence.

  'Just keep everything going as normal,' Jeff said to him, 'Go back to the bar; the Police will be here in a minute and take him away.' The man looked at the mountain of unconscious flesh occupying his cheerful restaurant and then into Jeff's steely blue eyes,

  'Go,' Jeff said, 'Someone will talk to you soon.' The owner turned and moved back through the tables. Jeff heard him say,

  'I'm afraid the gentleman had a little too much to drink. Please, please, continue with your meals.'

  As he spoke the Police arrived, called by Kathy Blake, and took Murdoch out through the kitchen. The roar of conversation reestablished itself and Jeff hoped they'd be able to stay but Riordan handed Crystal her jacket and said,

  'I think we'll all go home in the car Ma'am, if you don't mind. We've had enough excitement for one night.'

  Jeff could only agree as he wrapped Crystal in a hug and then took her out, dropping some notes on the bar for the owner. 'Thanks, great place.'

  At home Archie and Terri were sitting up, watching Gone with the Wind,

  'We'll need something long,' they'd said to Crystal before she went out, 'You won't be here to change the disc.'

  They heard Crystal say,

  'Who was that Jeff? Why did he want to hurt you?'

  'He was an enforcer for a drug dealer. I arrested him a few years ago. He got a couple of years I think.'

  'And Riordan, what was that with the ...?'

  'Oh that's pretty good, isn't it? Murdoch's lucky he's not dead, you can kill someone doing that.'

  'What do you mean? Can you...?'

  He said very calmly, 'Yes, I can, it's all part of the training to keep you safe. And you are.' He kissed her, 'I'm really hungry now. Can we send out for pizza?'

  Crystal couldn't believe what Jeff was saying. He was being completely off hand about Murdoch, the knife, nearly being stabbed and Riordan 'luckily' not killing his attacker in a restaurant in front of fifty people. 

  She stood very still in the middle of their sitting room and became very angry. He wasn't the least bit put out or upset, but she was. She'd had to sit there and watch that gorilla threaten him but now Jeff saw it as some kind of joke,

  'Pizza,' she shouted at Jeff, 'Pizza, thoughtless...bastard.'

  She got it out in the end and that one word was enough to bring Jeff into her reality, into what she was feeling. He was somewhere else entirely but Crystal was going to make sure he knew how she felt,

  'Start talking to me Jeff, now.'

  'What?...No, I'm sorry.' He came over and put his arms around her. She was stiff and held her body away even when he put his lips to her hair, 'I'm sorry, I forgot.'

  'Forgot what?' 

  'That it's not a game to you. I also forgot that I frightened you.' She started to cry and he gave her his handkerchief. 'Come and sit down, I'll tell you about it, but why you'd want to know about that scum...'

  She stopped him with a look,

  'I don't care about him, but I do care about why he'd want to put a knife into you. I assume that's what would have happened.'

  Archie and Terri squealed together as Crystal nearly sat on them,

  'Oh you two, now I'm sorry. Come here and listen to this foolish man I married tell me why someone was trying to do him a serious injury with a kitchen knife.' She picked up Archie and Terri, who were all ears, and held them on her lap so they could see Jeff. 'Now tell us and don't leave out the part about why he's your secret.'

  Jeff was on the spot so he told them everything. He'd been working undercover for months trying to get to Murdoch's boss. He had Murdoch's confidence, 'drinking buddies, you know' and spent time cultivating him for an introduction to the dealer. 

  But it turned out Murdoch wanted out and was prepared to give Jeff his boss for a free ride with the Police. Jeff had his doubts about that happening but he kept Murdoch on the leash until the dealer was arrested then Jeff came out of his cover and Murdoch had to face the music.

  Jeff's superiors accepted Murdoch's evidence against his boss but wouldn't acknowledge his help or recommend a deal to the Prosecutor. Murdoch had killed people and those crimes were unsolved. He certainly wasn't going to confess. They had to settle for convictions for serious assault, not the murders he'd committed.

  As Jeff had told Crystal earlier, he thought Murdoch served a few years.

  'So, he's my secret. He blames me and I suppose he would have stuck me if he'd got the chance.' He let them digest that before he finished,

  'I wasn't able to work undercover again and transferred to Special Branch, then I met you and,' he had the temerity to smile, 'we're going to live happily ever after.'

  Crystal threw a cushion at him, which he ducked but it was all right. As Terri whispered to Archie,

  'He's so charming.'

  'Lucky for him,' Archie whispered back.