Read Arsène Lupin versus Herlock Sholmes Page 5



  Herlock Sholmes said nothing. To protest? To accuse the two men? Thatwould be useless. In the absence of evidence which he did not possessand had no time to seek, no one would believe him. Moreover, he wasstifled with rage, but would not display his feelings before thetriumphant Ganimard. So he bowed respectfully to the brothers Leroux,guardians of society, and retired.

  In the vestibule he turned toward a low door which looked like theentrance to a cellar, and picked up a small red stone; it was a garnet.When he reached the street he turned and read on the front of the housethis inscription: "Lucien Destange, architect, 1877."

  The adjoining house, No. 42, bore the same inscription.

  "Always the double passage--numbers 40 and 42 have a secret means ofcommunication. Why didn't I think of that? I should have remained withthe two policemen."

  He met the policemen near the corner and said to them:

  "Two people came out of house No. 42 during my absence, didn't they?"

  "Yes; a gentleman and lady."

  Ganimard approached. Sholmes took his arm, and as they walked down thestreet he said:

  "Monsieur Ganimard, you have had a good laugh and will no doubt forgiveme for the trouble I have caused you."

  "Oh! there's no harm done; but it was a good joke."

  "I admit that; but the best jokes have only a short life, and this onecan't last much longer."

  "I hope not."

  "This is now the seventh day, and I can remain only three days more.Then I must return to London."


  "I wish to ask you to be in readiness, as I may call on you at any houron Tuesday or Wednesday night."

  "For an expedition of the same kind as we had to-night?"

  "Yes, monsieur, the very same."

  "With what result?"

  "The capture of Arsene Lupin," replied Sholmes.

  "Do you think so!"

  "I swear it, on my honor, monsieur."

  Sholmes bade Ganimard good-bye and went to the nearest hotel for a fewhours' sleep; after which, refreshed and with renewed confidence inhimself, he returned to the rue Chalgrin, slipped two louis into thehand of the concierge, assured himself that the brothers Leroux had goneout, learned that the house belonged to a Monsieur Harmingeat, and,provided with a candle, descended to the cellar through the low doornear which he had found the garnet. At the bottom of the stairs he foundanother exactly like it.

  "I am not mistaken," he thought; "this is the means of communication.Let me see if my skeleton-key will open the cellar reserved for thetenant of the ground floor. Yes; it will. Now, I will examine thosecases of wine... oh! oh! here are some places where the dust has beencleared away ... and some footprints on the ground...."

  A slight noise caused him to listen attentively. Quickly he pushed thedoor shut, blew out his candle and hid behind a pile of empty winecases. After a few seconds he noticed that a portion of the wall swungon a pivot, the light of a lantern was thrown into the cellar, an armappeared, then a man entered.

  He was bent over, as if he were searching for something. He felt in thedust with his fingers and several times he threw something into acardboard box that he carried in his left hand. Afterward he obliteratedthe traces of his footsteps, as well as the footprints left by Lupin andthe blonde lady, and he was about to leave the cellar by the same way ashe had entered, when he uttered a harsh cry and fell to the ground.Sholmes had leaped upon him. It was the work of a moment, and in thesimplest manner in the world the man found himself stretched on theground, bound and handcuffed. The Englishman leaned over him and said:

  "Have you anything to say?... To tell what you know?"

  The man replied by such an ironical smile that Sholmes realized thefutility of questioning him. So he contented himself by exploring thepockets of his captive, but he found only a bunch of keys, ahandkerchief and the small cardboard box which contained a dozengarnets similar to those which Sholmes had found.

  Then what was he to do with the man? Wait until his friends came to hishelp and deliver all of them to the police? What good would that do?What advantage would that give him over Lupin?

  He hesitated; but an examination of the box decided the question. Thebox bore this name and address: "Leonard, jeweler, rue de la Paix."

  He resolved to abandon the man to his fate. He locked the cellar andleft the house. At a branch postoffice he sent a telegram to MonsieurDestange, saying that he could not come that day. Then he went to seethe jeweler and, handing him the garnets, said:

  "Madame sent me with these stones. She wishes to have them reset."

  Sholmes had struck the right key. The jeweler replied:

  "Certainly; the lady telephoned to me. She said she would be hereto-day."

  Sholmes established himself on the sidewalk to wait for the lady, but itwas five o'clock when he saw a heavily-veiled lady approach and enterthe store. Through the window he saw her place on the counter a pieceof antique jewelry set with garnets.

  She went away almost immediately, walking quickly and passed throughstreets that were unknown to the Englishman. As it was now almost dark,he walked close behind her and followed her into a five-story house ofdouble flats and, therefore, occupied by numerous tenants. At the secondfloor she stopped and entered. Two minutes later the Englishmancommenced to try the keys on the bunch he had taken from the man in therue Chalgrin. The fourth key fitted the lock.

  Notwithstanding the darkness of the rooms, he perceived that they wereabsolutely empty, as if unoccupied, and the various doors were standingopen so that he could see all the apartments. At the end of a corridorhe perceived a ray of light and, by approaching on tiptoe and lookingthrough the glass door, he saw the veiled lady who had removed her hatand dress and was now wearing a velvet dressing-gown. The discardedgarments were lying on the only chair in the room and a lighted lampstood on the mantel.

  Then he saw her approach the fireplace and press what appeared to be thebutton of an electric bell. Immediately the panel to the right of thefireplace moved and slowly glided behind the adjoining panel, thusdisclosing an opening large enough for a person to pass through. Thelady disappeared through this opening, taking the lamp with her.

  The operation was a very simple one. Sholmes adopted it and followed thelady. He found himself in total darkness and immediately he felt hisface brushed by some soft articles. He lighted a match and found that hewas in a very small room completely filled with cloaks and dressessuspended on hangers. He picked his way through until he reached a doorthat was draped with a portiere. He peeped through and, behold, theblonde lady was there, under his eyes, and almost within reach of hishand.

  She extinguished the lamp and turned on the electric lights. Then forthe first time Herlock Sholmes obtained a good look at her face. He wasamazed. The woman, whom he had overtaken after so much trouble and afterso many tricks and manoeuvres, was none other than Clotilde Destange.

  * * * * *

  Clotilde Destange, the assassin of the Baron d'Hautrec and the thief whostole the blue diamond! Clotilde Destange, the mysterious friend ofArsene Lupin! And the blonde lady!

  "Yes, I am only a stupid ass," thought Herlock Sholmes at that moment."Because Lupin's friend was a blonde and Clotilde is a brunette, I neverdreamed that they were the same person. But how could the blonde ladyremain a blonde after the murder of the baron and the theft of thediamond?"

  Sholmes could see a portion of the room; it was a boudoir, furnishedwith the most delightful luxury and exquisite taste, and adorned withbeautiful tapestries and costly ornaments. A mahogany couch, upholsteredin silk, was located on the side of the room opposite the door at whichSholmes was standing. Clotilde was sitting on this couch, motionless,her face covered by her hands. Then he perceived that she was weeping.Great tears rolled down her pale cheeks and fell, drop by drop, on thevelvet corsage. The tears came thick and fast, as if their source wereinexhaustible.

  A door silen
tly opened behind her and Arsene Lupin entered. He looked ather for a long time without making his presence known; then heapproached her, knelt at her feet, pressed her head to his breast,folded her in his arms, and his actions indicated an infinite measureof love and sympathy. For a time not a word was uttered, but her tearsbecame less abundant.

  "I was so anxious to make you happy," he murmured.

  "I am happy."

  "No; you are crying.... Your tears break my heart, Clotilde."

  The caressing and sympathetic tone of his voice soothed her, and shelistened to him with an eager desire for hope and happiness. Herfeatures were softened by a smile, and yet how sad a smile! He continuedto speak in a tone of tender entreaty:

  "You should not be unhappy, Clotilde; you have no cause to be."

  She displayed her delicate white hands and said, solemnly:

  "Yes, Maxime; so long as I see those hands I shall be sad."


  "They are stained with blood."

  "Hush! Do not think of that!" exclaimed Lupin. "The dead is past andgone. Do not resurrect it."

  And he kissed the long, delicate hand, while she regarded him with abrighter smile as if each kiss effaced a portion of that dreadfulmemory.

  "You must love me, Maxime; you must--because no woman will ever love youas I do. For your sake, I have done many things, not at your order orrequest, but in obedience to your secret desires. I have done things atwhich my will and conscience revolted, but there was some unknown powerthat I could not resist. What I did I did involuntarily, mechanically,because it helped you, because you wished it ... and I am ready to do itagain to-morrow ... and always."

  "Ah, Clotilde," he said, bitterly, "why did I draw you into myadventurous life? I should have remained the Maxime Bermond that youloved five years ago, and not have let you know the ... other man that Iam."

  She replied in a low voice:

  "I love the other man, also, and I have nothing to regret."

  "Yes, you regret your past life--the free and happy life you onceenjoyed."

  "I have no regrets when you are here," she said, passionately. "Allfaults and crimes disappear when I see you. When you are away I maysuffer, and weep, and be horrified at what I have done; but when youcome it is all forgotten. Your love wipes it all away. And I am happyagain.... But you must love me!"

  "I do not love you on compulsion, Clotilde. I love you simply because... I love you."

  "Are you sure of it?"

  "I am just as sure of my own love as I am of yours. Only my life is avery active and exciting one, and I cannot spend as much time with youas I would like--just now."

  "What is it? Some new danger? Tell me!"

  "Oh! nothing serious. Only...."

  "Only what?" she asked.

  "Well, he is on our track."

  "Who? Herlock Sholmes?"

  "Yes; it was he who dragged Ganimard into that affair at the Hungarianrestaurant. It was he who instructed the two policemen to watch thehouse in the rue Chalgrin. I have proof of it. Ganimard searched thehouse this morning and Sholmes was with him. Besides----"

  "Besides? What?"

  "Well, there is another thing. One of our men is missing."



  "The concierge?"


  "Why, I sent him to the rue Chalgrin this morning to pick up the garnetsthat fell out of my brooch."

  "There is no doubt, then, that Sholmes caught him."

  "No; the garnets were delivered to the jeweler in the rue de la Paix."

  "Then, what has become of him!"

  "Oh! Maxime, I am afraid."

  "There is nothing to be afraid of, but I confess the situation is veryserious. What does he know? Where does he hide himself? His isolation ishis strong card. I cannot reach him."

  "What are you going to do?"

  "Act with extreme prudence, Clotilde. Some time ago I decided to changemy residence to a safer place, and Sholmes' appearance on the scene hasprompted me to do so at once. When a man like that is on your track, youmust be prepared for the worst. Well, I am making my preparations. Dayafter to-morrow, Wednesday, I shall move. At noon it will be finished.At two o 'clock I shall leave the place, after removing the last traceof our residence there, which will be no small matter. Until then----"


  "Until then we must not see each other and no one must see you,Clotilde. Do not go out. I have no fear for myself, but I have for you."

  "That Englishman cannot possibly reach me."

  "I am not so sure of that. He is a dangerous man. Yesterday I came hereto search the cupboard that contains all of Monsieur Destange's oldpapers and records. There is danger there. There is danger everywhere. Ifeel that he is watching us--that he is drawing his net around us closerand closer. It is one of those intuitions which never deceive me."

  "In that case, Maxime, go, and think no more of my tears. I shall bebrave, and wait patiently until the danger is past. Adieu, Maxime."

  They held one another for some time in a last fond embrace. And it wasshe that gently pushed him outside. Sholmes could hear the sound oftheir voices in the distance.

  Emboldened by the necessities of the situation and the urgent need ofbringing his investigation to a speedy termination, Sholmes proceededto make an examination of the house in which he now found himself. Hepassed through Clotilde's boudoir into a corridor, at the end of whichthere was a stairway leading to the lower floor; he was about to descendthis stairway when he heard voices below, which caused him to change hisroute. He followed the corridor, which was a circular one, anddiscovered another stairway, which he descended and found himself amidstsurroundings that bore a familiar appearance. He passed through a doorthat stood partly open and entered a large circular room. It wasMonsieur Destange's library.

  "Ah! splendid!" he exclaimed. "Now I understand everything. The boudoirof Mademoiselle Clotilde--the blonde Lady--communicates with a room inthe adjoining house, and that house does not front on the PlaceMalesherbes, but upon an adjacent street, the rue Montchanin, if Iremember the name correctly.... And I now understand how ClotildeDestange can meet her lover and at the same time create the impressionthat she never leaves the house; and I understand also how Arsene Lupinwas enabled to make his mysterious entrance to the gallery last night.Ah! there must be another connection between the library and theadjoining room. One more house full of ways that are dark! And no doubtLucien Destange was the architect, as usual!... I should take advantageof this opportunity to examine the contents of the cupboard and perhapslearn the location of other houses with secret passages constructed byMonsieur Destange."

  Sholmes ascended to the gallery and concealed himself behind somedraperies, where he remained until late in the evening. At last aservant came and turned off the electric lights. An hour later theEnglishman, by the light of his lantern, made his way to the cupboard.As he had surmised, it contained the architect's old papers, plans,specifications and books of account. It also contained a series ofregisters, arranged according to date, and Sholmes, having selectedthose of the most recent dates, searched in the indexes for the name"Harmingeat." He found it in one of the registers with a reference topage 63. Turning to that page, he read:

  "Harmingeat, 40 rue Chalgrin."

  This was followed by a detailed account of the work done in and aboutthe installation of a furnace in the house. And in the margin of thebook someone had written these words: "See account M.B."

  "Ah! I thought so!" said Sholmes; "the account M.B. is the one I want. Ishall learn from it the actual residence of Monsieur Lupin."

  It was morning before he found that important account. It comprisedsixteen pages, one of which was a copy of the page on which wasdescribed the work done for Mon. Harmingeat of the rue Chalgrin. Anotherpage described the work performed for Mon. Vatinel as owner of the houseat No. 25 rue Clapeyron. Another page was reserved for the Barond'Hautrec, 134 avenue Henri-Martin; another was devoted to the Chateaude Crozon, an
d the eleven other pages to various owners of houses inParis.

  Sholmes made a list of those eleven names and addresses; after which hereturned the books to their proper places, opened a window, jumped outonto the deserted street and closed the shutters behind him.

  When he reached his room at the hotel he lighted his pipe with all thesolemnity with which he was wont to characterize that act, and amidstclouds of smoke he studied the deductions that might be drawn from theaccount of M.B., or rather, from the account of Maxime Bermond aliasArsene Lupin.

  At eight o 'clock he sent the following message to Ganimard:

  "I expect to pass through the rue Pergolese this forenoon and will inform you of a person whose arrest is of the highest importance. In any event, be at home to-night and to-morrow until noon and have at least thirty men at your service."

  Then he engaged an automobile at the stand on the boulevard, choosingone whose chauffeur looked good-natured but dull-witted, and instructedhim to drive to the Place Malesherbes, where he stopped him about onehundred feet from Monsieur Destange's house.

  "My boy, close your carriage," he said to the chauffeur; "turn up thecollar of your coat, for the wind is cold, and wait patiently. At theend of an hour and a half, crank up your machine. When I return we willgo to the rue Pergolese."

  As he was ascending the steps leading to the door a doubt entered hismind. Was it not a mistake on his part to be spending his time on theaffairs of the blonde Lady, while Arsene Lupin was preparing to move?Would he not be better engaged in trying to find the abode of hisadversary amongst the eleven houses on his list?

  "Ah!" he exclaimed, "when the blonde Lady becomes my prisoner, I shallbe master of the situation."

  And he rang the bell.

  * * * * *

  Monsieur Destange was already in the library. They had been working onlya few minutes, when Clotilde entered, bade her father good morning,entered the adjoining parlor and sat down to write. From his placeSholmes could see her leaning over the table and from time to timeabsorbed in deep meditation. After a short time he picked up a book andsaid to Monsieur Destange:

  "Here is a book that Mademoiselle Destange asked me to bring to her whenI found it."

  He went into the little parlor, stood before Clotilde in such a mannerthat her father could not see her, and said:

  "I am Monsieur Stickmann, your father's new secretary."

  "Ah!" said Clotilde, without moving, "my father has changed hissecretary? I didn't know it."

  "Yes, mademoiselle, and I desire to speak with you."

  "Kindly take a seat, monsieur; I have finished."

  She added a few words to her letter, signed it, enclosed it in theenvelope, sealed it, pushed her writing material away, rang thetelephone, got in communication with her dressmaker, asked the latter tohasten the completion of a traveling dress, as she required it at once,and then, turning to Sholmes, she said:

  "I am at your service, monsieur. But do you wish to speak before myfather? Would not that be better?"

  "No, mademoiselle; and I beg of you, do not raise your voice. It isbetter that Monsieur Destange should not hear us."

  "For whose sake is it better?"

  "Yours, mademoiselle."

  "I cannot agree to hold any conversation with you that my father may nothear."

  "But you must agree to this. It is imperative."

  Both of them arose, eye to eye. She said:

  "Speak, monsieur."

  Still standing, he commenced:

  "You will be so good as to pardon me if I am mistaken on certain pointsof secondary importance. I will guarantee, however, the general accuracyof my statements."

  "Can we not dispense with these preliminaries, monsieur? Or are theynecessary?"

  Sholmes felt the young woman was on her guard, so he replied:

  "Very well; I will come to the point. Five years ago your father madethe acquaintance of a certain young man called Maxime Bermond, who wasintroduced as a contractor or an architect, I am not sure which it was;but it was one or the other. Monsieur Destange took a liking to theyoung man, and as the state of his health compelled him to retire fromactive business, he entrusted to Monsieur Bermond the execution ofcertain orders he had received from some of his old customers and whichseemed to come within the scope of Monsieur Bermond's ability."

  Herlock Sholmes stopped. It seemed to him that the girl's pallor hadincreased. Yet there was not the slightest tremor in her voice when shesaid:

  "I know nothing about the circumstances to which you refer, monsieur,and I do not see in what way they can interest me."

  "In this way, mademoiselle: You know, as well as I, that Maxime Bermondis also known by the name of Arsene Lupin."

  She laughed, and said:

  "Nonsense! Arsene Lupin? Maxime Bermond is Arsene Lupin? Oh! no! Itisn't possible!"

  "I have the honor to inform you of that fact, and since you refuse tounderstand my meaning, I will add that Arsene Lupin has found in thishouse a friend--more than a friend--and accomplice, blindly andpassionately devoted to him."

  Without emotion, or at least with so little emotion that Sholmes wasastonished at her self-control, she declared:

  "I do not understand your object, monsieur, and I do not care to; but Icommand you to say no more and leave this house."

  "I have no intention of forcing my presence on you," replied Sholmes,with equal sang-froid, "but I shall not leave this house alone."

  "And who will accompany you, monsieur?"

  "You will."


  "Yes, mademoiselle, we will leave this house together, and you willfollow me without one word of protest."

  The strange feature of the foregoing interview was the absolute coolnessof the two adversaries. It bore no resemblance to an implacable duelbetween two powerful wills; but, judging solely from their attitude andthe tone of their voices, an onlooker would have supposed theirconversation to be nothing more serious than a courteous argument oversome impersonal subject.

  Clotilde resumed her seat without deigning to reply to the last remarkof Herlock Sholmes, except by a shrug of her shoulders. Sholmes lookedat his watch and said:

  "It is half-past ten. We will leave here in five minutes."


  "If not, I shall go to Monsieur Destange, and tell him----"


  "The truth. I will tell him of the vicious life of Maxime Bermond, and Iwill tell him of the double life of his accomplice."

  "Of his accomplice?"

  "Yes, of the woman known as the blonde Lady, of the woman who wasblonde."

  "What proofs will you give him?"

  "I will take him to the rue Chalgrin, and show him the secret passagemade by Arsene Lupin's workmen,--while doing the work of which he hadthe control--between the houses numbered 40 and 42; the passage whichyou and he used two nights ago."


  "I will then take Monsieur Destange to the house of Monsieur Detinan; wewill descend the servant's stairway which was used by you and ArseneLupin when you escaped from Ganimard, and we will search together themeans of communication with the adjoining house, which fronts on theBoulevard des Batignolles, and not upon the rue Clapeyron."


  "I will take Monsieur Destange to the chateau de Crozon, and it will beeasy for him, who knows the nature of the work performed by Arsene Lupinin the restoration of the Chateau, to discover the secret passagesconstructed there by his workmen. It will thus be established that thosepassages allowed the blonde Lady to make a nocturnal visit to theCountess' room and take the blue diamond from the mantel; and, two weekslater, by similar means, to enter the room of Herr Bleichen and concealthe blue diamond in his tooth-powder--a strange action, I confess; awoman's revenge, perhaps; but I don't know, and I don't care."


  "After that," said Herlock Sholmes, in a more serious tone, "I will takeMonsieur Destange to 134 avenue Henri-Martin, and we
will learn how theBaron d'Hautrec----"

  "No, no, keep quiet," stammered the girl, struck with a sudden terror,"I forbid you!... you dare to say that it was I ... you accuse me?..."

  "I accuse you of having killed the Baron d'Hautrec."

  "No, no, it is a lie."

  "You killed the Baron d'Hautrec, mademoiselle. You entered his serviceunder the name of Antoinette Brehat, for the purpose of stealing theblue diamond and you killed him."

  "Keep quiet, monsieur," she implored him. "Since you know so much, youmust know that I did not murder the baron."

  "I did not say that you murdered him, mademoiselle. Baron d'Hautrec wassubject to fits of insanity that only Sister Auguste could control. Shetold me so herself. In her absence, he must have attacked you, and inthe course of the struggle you struck him in order to save your ownlife. Frightened at your awful situation, you rang the bell, and fledwithout even taking the blue diamond from the finger of your victim. Afew minutes later you returned with one of Arsene Lupin's accomplices,who was a servant in the adjoining house, you placed the baron on thebed, you put the room in order, but you were afraid to take the bluediamond. Now, I have told you what happened on that night. I repeat, youdid not murder the baron, and yet it was your hand that struck theblow."

  She had crossed them over her forehead--those long delicate whitehands--and kept them thus for a long time. At last, loosening herfingers, she said, in a voice rent by anguish:

  "And do you intend to tell all that to my father?"

  "Yes; and I will tell him that I have secured as witnesses: MademoiselleGerbois, who will recognize the blonde Lady; Sister Auguste, who willrecognize Antoinette Brehat; and the Countess de Crozon, who willrecognize Madame de Real. That is what I shall tell him."

  "You will not dare," she said, recovering her self-possession in theface of an immediate peril.

  He arose, and made a step toward the library. Clotilde stopped him:

  "One moment, monsieur."

  She paused, reflected a moment, and then, perfect mistress of herself,said:

  "You are Herlock Sholmes?"


  "What do you want of me?"

  "What do I want? I am fighting a duel with Arsene Lupin, and I must win.The contest is now drawing to a climax, and I have an idea that ahostage as precious as you will give me an important advantage over myadversary. Therefore, you will follow me, mademoiselle; I will entrustyou to one of my friends. As soon as the duel is ended, you will be setat liberty."

  "Is that all?"

  "That is all. I do not belong to the police service of this country,and, consequently, I do not consider that I am under any obligation cause your arrest."

  She appeared to have come to a decision ... yet she required a momentaryrespite. She closed her eyes, the better to concentrate her thoughts.Sholmes looked at her in surprise; she was now so tranquil and,apparently, indifferent to the dangers which threatened her. Sholmesthought: Does she believe that she is in danger? Probably not--sinceLupin protects her. She has confidence in him. She believes that Lupinis omnipotent, and infallible.

  "Mademoiselle," he said, "I told you that we would leave here in fiveminutes. That time has almost expired."

  "Will you permit me to go to my room, monsieur, to get some necessaryarticles?"

  "Certainly, mademoiselle; and I will wait for you in the rue Montchanin.Jeanniot, the concierge, is a friend of mine."

  "Ah! you know...." she said, visibly alarmed.

  "I know many things."

  "Very well. I will ring for the maid."

  The maid brought her hat and jacket. Then Sholmes said:

  "You must give Monsieur Destange some reason for our departure, and, ifpossible, let your excuse serve for an absence of several days."

  "That shall not be necessary. I shall be back very soon."

  "They exchanged defiant glances and an ironic smile.

  "What faith you have in him!" said Sholmes.


  "He does everything well, doesn't he? He succeeds in everything heundertakes. And whatever he does receives your approval andcooperation."

  "I love him," she said, with a touch of passion in her voice.

  "And you think that he will save you?"

  She shrugged her shoulders, and, approaching her father, she said:

  "I am going to deprive you of Monsieur Stickmann. We are going to theNational Library."

  "You will return for luncheon?"

  "Perhaps ... no, I think not ... but don't be uneasy."

  Then she said to Sholmes, in a firm voice:

  "I am at your service, monsieur."


  "Quite so."

  "I warn you that if you attempt to escape, I shall call the police andhave you arrested. Do not forget that the blonde Lady is on parole."

  "I give you my word of honor that I shall not attempt to escape."

  "I believe you. Now, let us go."

  They left the house together, as he had predicted.

  The automobile was standing where Sholmes had left it. As theyapproached it, Sholmes could hear the rumbling of the motor. He openedthe door, asked Clotilde to enter, and took a seat beside her. Themachine started at once, gained the exterior boulevards, the avenueHoche and the avenue de la Grande-Armee. Sholmes was considering hisplans. He thought:

  "Ganimard is at home. I will leave the girl in his care. Shall I tellhim who she is? No, he would take her to prison at once, and that wouldspoil everything. When I am alone, I can consult my list of addressestaken from the 'account M.B.,' and run them down. To-night, or to-morrowmorning at the latest, I shall go to Ganimard, as I agreed, and deliverinto his hands Arsene Lupin and all his band."

  He rubbed his hand, gleefully, at the thought that his duel with Lupinwas drawing to a close, and he could not see any serious obstacle in theway of his success. And, yielding to an irrepressible desire to givevent to his feelings--an unusual desire on his part--he exclaimed:

  "Excuse me, mademoiselle, if I am unable to conceal my satisfaction anddelight. The battle has been a difficult one, and my success is,therefore, more enjoyable."

  "A legitimate success, monsieur, of which you have a just right to beproud."

  "Thank you. But where are we going? The chauffeur must havemisunderstood my directions."

  At that moment they were leaving Paris by the gate de Neuilly. That wasstrange, as the rue Pergolese is not outside the fortifications. Sholmeslowered the glass, and said:

  "Chauffeur, you have made a mistake.... Rue Pergolese!"

  The man made no reply. Sholmes repeated, in a louder voice:

  "I told you to go to the rue Pergolese."

  Still the man did not reply.

  "Ah! but you are deaf, my friend. Or is he doing it on purpose? We arevery much out of our way.... Rue Pergolese!... Turn back at once!... RuePergolese!"

  The chauffeur made no sign of having heard the order. The Englishmanfretted with impatience. He looked at Clotilde; a mysterious smileplayed upon her lips.

  "Why do you laugh?" he said. "It is an awkward mistake, but it won'thelp you."

  "Of course not," she replied.

  Then an idea occurred to him. He rose and made a careful scrutiny of thechauffeur. His shoulders were not so broad; his bearing was not so stiffand mechanical. A cold perspiration covered his forehead and his handsclenched with sudden fear, as his mind was seized with the convictionthat the chauffeur was Arsene Lupin.

  "Well, Monsieur Sholmes, what do you think of our little ride?"

  "Delightful, monsieur, really delightful," replied Sholmes.

  Never in his life had he experienced so much difficulty in uttering afew simple words without a tremor, or without betraying his feelings inhis voice. But quickly, by a sort of reaction, a flood of hatred andrage burst its bounds, overcame his self-control, and, brusquely drawinghis revolver, he pointed it at Mademoiselle Destange.

  "Lupin, stop, this minute, this second, or I fire at mademois

  "I advise you to aim at the cheek if you wish to hit the temple,"replied Lupin, without turning his head.

  "Maxime, don't go so fast," said Clotilde, "the pavement is slippery andI am very timid."

  She was smiling; her eyes were fixed on the pavement, over which thecarriage was traveling at enormous speed.

  "Let him stop! Let him stop!" said Sholmes to her, wild with rage, "Iwarn you that I am desperate."

  The barrel of the revolver brushed the waving locks of her hair. Shereplied, calmly:

  "Maxime is so imprudent. He is going so fast, I am really afraid of someaccident."

  Sholmes returned the weapon to his pocket and seized the handle of thedoor, as if to alight, despite the absurdity of such an act. Clotildesaid to him:

  "Be careful, monsieur, there is an automobile behind us."

  He leaned over. There was an automobile close behind; a large machine offormidable aspect with its sharp prow and blood-red body, and holdingfour men clad in fur coats.

  "Ah! I am well guarded," thought Sholmes. "I may as well be patient."

  He folded his arms across his chest with that proud air of submission sofrequently assumed by heroes when fate has turned against them. Andwhile they crossed the river Seine and rushed through Suresnes, Rueiland Chatou, motionless and resigned, controlling his actions and hispassions, he tried to explain to his own satisfaction by what miracleArsene Lupin had substituted himself for the chauffeur. It was quiteimprobable that the honest-looking fellow he had selected on theboulevard that morning was an accomplice placed there in advance. Andyet Arsene Lupin had received a warning in some way, and it must havebeen after he, Sholmes, had approached Clotilde in the house, because noone could have suspected his project prior to that time. Since then,Sholmes had not allowed Clotilde out of his sight.

  Then an idea struck him: the telephone communication desired by Clotildeand her conversation with the dressmaker. Now, it was all quite clear tohim. Even before he had spoken to her, simply upon his request to speakto her as the new secretary of Monsieur Destange, she had scented thedanger, surmised the name and purpose of the visitor, and, calmly,naturally, as if she were performing a commonplace action of herevery-day life, she had called Arsene Lupin to her assistance by somepreconcerted signal.

  How Arsene Lupin had come and caused himself to be substituted for thechauffeur were matters of trifling importance. That which affectedSholmes, even to the point of appeasing his fury, was the recollectionof that incident whereby an ordinary woman, a sweetheart it is true,mastering her nerves, controlling her features, and subjugating theexpression of her eyes, had completely deceived the astute detectiveHerlock Sholmes. How difficult to overcome an adversary who is aided bysuch confederates, and who, by the mere force of his authority, inspiresin a woman so much courage and strength!

  They crossed the Seine and climbed the hill at Saint-Germain; but, somefive hundred metres beyond that town, the automobile slackened itsspeed. The other automobile advanced, and the two stopped, side by side.There was no one else in the neighborhood.

  "Monsieur Sholmes," said Lupin, "kindly exchange to the other machine.Ours is really a very slow one."

  "Indeed!" said Sholmes, calmly, convinced that he had no choice.

  "Also, permit me to loan you a fur coat, as we will travel quite fastand the air is cool. And accept a couple of sandwiches, as we cannottell when we will dine."

  The four men alighted from the other automobile. One of them approached,and, as he raised his goggles, Sholmes recognized in him the gentlemanin the frock coat that he had seen at the Hungarian restaurant. Lupinsaid to him:

  "You will return this machine to the chauffeur from whom I hired it. Heis waiting in the first wine-shop to the right as you go up the rueLegendre. You will give him the balance of the thousand francs Ipromised him.... Ah! yes, kindly give your goggles to Monsieur Sholmes."

  He talked to Mlle. Destange for a moment, then took his place at thewheel and started, with Sholmes at his side and one of his men behindhim. Lupin had not exaggerated when he said "we will travel quite fast."From the beginning he set a breakneck pace. The horizon rushed to meetthem, as if attracted by some mysterious force, and disappearedinstantly as though swallowed up in an abyss, into which many otherthings, such as trees, houses, fields and forests, were hurled with thetumultuous fury and haste of a torrent as it approached the cataract.

  Sholmes and Lupin did not exchange a word. Above their heads the leavesof the poplars made a great noise like the waves of the sea,rhythmically arranged by the regular spacing of the trees. And the townsswept by like spectres: Manteo, Vernon, Gaillon. From one hill to theother, from Bon-Secours to Canteleu, Rouen, its suburbs, its harbor, itsmiles of wharves, Rouen seemed like the straggling street of a countryvillage. And this was Duclair, Caudebec, the country of Caux which theyskimmed over in their terrific flight, and Lillebonne, and Quillebeuf.Then, suddenly, they found themselves on the banks of the Seine, at theextremity of a little wharf, beside which lay a staunch sea-going yachtthat emitted great volumes of black smoke from its funnel.

  The automobile stopped. In two hours they had traveled over fortyleagues.

  A man, wearing a blue uniform and a goldlaced cap, came forward andsaluted. Lupin said to him:

  "All ready, captain? Did you receive my telegram?"

  "Yes, I got it."

  "Is _The Swallow_ ready?"

  "Yes, monsieur."

  "Come, Monsieur Sholmes."

  The Englishman looked around, saw a group of people on the terrace infront of a cafe, hesitated a moment, then, realizing that before hecould secure any assistance he would be seized, carried aboard andplaced in the bottom of the hold, he crossed the gang-plank and followedLupin into the captain's cabin. It was quite a large room, scrupulouslyclean, and presented a cheerful appearance with its varnished woodworkand polished brass. Lupin closed the door and addressed Sholmesabruptly, and almost rudely, as he said:

  "Well, what do you know?"


  "Everything? Come, be precise."

  His voice contained no longer that polite, if ironical, tone, which hehad affected when speaking to the Englishman. Now, his voice had theimperious tone of a master accustomed to command and accustomed to beobeyed--even by a Herlock Sholmes. They measured each other by theirlooks, enemies now--open and implacable foes. Lupin spoke again, but ina milder tone:

  "I have grown weary of your pursuit, and do not intend to waste any moretime in avoiding the traps you lay for me. I warn you that my treatmentof you will depend on your reply. Now, what do you know?"

  "Everything, monsieur."

  Arsene Lupin controlled his temper and said, in a jerky manner:

  "I will tell you what you know. You know that, under the name of MaximeBermond, I have ... _improved_ fifteen houses that were originallyconstructed by Monsieur Destange."


  "Of those fifteen houses, you have seen four."


  "And you have a list of the other eleven."


  "You made that list at Monsieur Destange's house on that night, nodoubt."


  "And you have an idea that, amongst those eleven houses, there is onethat I have kept for the use of myself and my friends, and you haveintrusted to Ganimard the task of finding my retreat."


  "What does that signify?"

  "It signifies that I choose to act alone, and do not want his help."

  "Then I have nothing to fear, since you are in my hands."

  "You have nothing to fear as long as I remain in your hands."

  "You mean that you will not remain?"


  Arsene Lupin approached the Englishman and, placing his hand on thelatter's shoulder, said:

  "Listen, monsieur; I am not in a humor to argue with you, and,unfortunately for you, you are not in a position to choose. So let usfinish our business."

  "Very well."

>   "You are going to give me your word of honor that you will not try toescape from this boat until you arrive in English waters."

  "I give you my word of honor that I shall escape if I have anopportunity," replied the indomitable Sholmes.

  "But, sapristi! you know quite well that at a word from me you wouldsoon be rendered helpless. All these men will obey me blindly. At a signfrom me they would place you in irons----"

  "Irons can be broken."

  "And throw you overboard ten miles from shore."

  "I can swim."

  "I hadn't thought of that," said Lupin, with a laugh. "Excuse me, master... and let us finish. You will agree that I must take the measuresnecessary to protect myself and my friends."

  "Certainly; but they will be useless."

  "And yet you do not wish me to take them."

  "It is your duty."

  "Very well, then."

  Lupin opened the door and called the captain and two sailors. The latterseized the Englishman, bound him hand and foot, and tied him to thecaptain's bunk.

  "That will do," said Lupin. "It was only on account of your obstinacyand the unusual gravity of the situation, that I ventured to offer youthis indignity."

  The sailors retired. Lupin said to the captain:

  "Let one of the crew remain here to look after Monsieur Sholmes, and youcan give him as much of your own company as possible. Treat him with alldue respect and consideration. He is not a prisoner, but a guest. Whattime have you, captain?"

  "Five minutes after two."

  Lupin consulted his watch, then looked at the clock that was attached tothe wall of the cabin.

  "Five minutes past two is right. How long will it take you to reachSouthampton?"

  "Nine hours, easy going."

  "Make it eleven. You must not land there until after the departure ofthe midnight boat, which reaches Havre at eight o'clock in the morning.Do you understand, captain? Let me repeat: As it would be very dangerousfor all of us to permit Monsieur to return to France by that boat, youmust not reach Southampton before one o'clock in the morning."

  "I understand."

  "Au revoir, master; next year, in this world or in the next."

  "Until to-morrow," replied Sholmes.

  A few minutes later Sholmes heard the automobile going away, and at thesame time the steam puffed violently in the depths of _The Swallow_. Theboat had started for England. About three o'clock the vessel left themouth of the river and plunged into the open sea. At that moment Sholmeswas lying on the captain's bunk, sound asleep.

  * * * * *

  Next morning--it being the tenth and last day of the duel betweenSholmes and Lupin--the _Echo de France_ published this interesting bitof news:

  "Yesterday a judgment of ejectment was entered in the case of ArseneLupin against Herlock Sholmes, the English detective. Although signed atnoon, the judgment was executed the same day. At one o'clock thismorning Sholmes was landed at Southampton."