Read Ashley Fox - Ninja Babysitter Page 28

  Chapter 26 – The Oval Office

  Monday, July 6, 2308

  Dr. Fox and Secretary Croswell entered the Oval Office, greeting the assembled directors and citizens. The last time Fox had been here, under the previous administration of President Stagwell, he had given the President an amplifier. He knew that President Stagwell had handed the amplifier down to President Conway as part of his Oath of Office. Croswell had instructed the President in its use, but Conway and Fox had never discussed it.

  For this meeting, the President was not in the room. Fox knew the men present, but Croswell made a round of introductions anyhow. Fox shook hands with the President's Chief of Staff, John Phillips, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and Secretary of State, a few senators and Director Stanwood.

  Fox sat in the open chair, the hot seat, as it were.

  The other significant difference, Fox noticed, was that now, instead of the Micronix device, which he had carried for over twenty years, now Fox had the Metachron in his pocket. This device was different, but only slightly. In fact, the device seemed to have, or rather give him, a distinct approach.

  "What the hell, Fox?" Phillips did not sound friendly.

  "How are you, Mr. Phillips?" Fox asked.

  "Seems there may be a couple of issues you failed to mention to us."

  "Probably more than a couple," Fox said.

  ”How about you explain this business about detonating terillium?"

  "It’s just a concept.”

  "And two hours later the Epsilon Facility place explodes? Does that seem like a coincidence to you?”

  "It seems unrelated to me," Fox said.

  "Cut the shit. You know what we want," Phillips said.

  "I suppose I do," Fox answered.

  "So are you going to give it to us?" the Chief of Staff snapped.

  Fox smiled, "Right here, in front of everybody?"

  No one laughed or even smiled.

  Fox swallowed. "It was an idea sir. It didn't work, thank God. Even if you introduced the transcript of the call as evidence, even if you could extradite Dr. Te, it was just an idea. It was never going to work.” Fox looked at Stanwood. "It might easier to convict me if I were pursuing this, that would really be treasonous.”

  "There would never be a trial," Phillips smiled.

  "Look, I tried with the interface. You saw what happened," Fox said.

  "Try harder," Phillips said.

  “How about you get me some real volunteers, not death row inmates.”

  “You don’t sound very cooperative, doctor.”

  "Do you realize what this cost? Not even in terms of actual human life, just in cash money? The installments were chump change. I spent more than that out of my own pocket.”

  "We're not asking," Phillips said.

  Fox looked him in the eyes. "Has it occurred to you that if God wanted you to know what I know, he'd have made you smarter?”

  "He didn't make you President, and I don't think you believe in God.”

  Fox remained silent, his lips a tight, thin line.

  "I'm going to give you a week to think this over, Doctor Fox. You start again in a week, or you say goodnight. Do you understand?” Phillips asked.

  Fox laughed. "Let me get this straight. You suspect I have the ability to detonate terillium… And your response is to threaten me? I contributed more in eighth grade than all of you have, put together.

  “You want to lecture Me? You dare?

  “I created the cyber-tanks that ended the war. Hell, you still use the Three-AM guards. I don't owe you anything, and I'm the last person you should want to threaten, let alone to try and kill.

  “By your logic, if I had this power and you exposed yourselves as such ignorant bullies, I would be obligated, as a patriot, to kill all of you.”

  No one spoke.

  "If you have evidence against me? Produce it. You think I’m a traitor? Get a warrant. You consider me a threat to national security? I am National Security. I am the first among equals. Your job is to protect me.”

  Fox stood and looked over to Stanwood, "This is you, isn't it? You're still bitter and so you convinced him to try and strong-arm me?”

  Fox returned his attention to Mr. Phillips. "Sir, I regret to inform you, you've been played. When I have something worthwhile, something safe, you're the first person I'll bring it to. Until then, good day to you, sir."

  Fox walked from the room.

  Behind him, Phillips said, "What's he talking about, Stanwood? You two have history?"

  Croswell burst into laughter.