Read Ashley Fox - Ninja Babysitter Page 44

  Chapter 42 – One Shot, One Kill

  Fox was halfway down the stairs when Ana screamed from the kitchen. He cleared several steps at a time, reached the doorway and stopped. A neighbor.

  Fox recognized him, Mr. Dunkirk. He stood, hiding behind Ana.

  She was in shock; she didn't seem to be breathing.

  Dunkirk had one hand behind Ana's back. In the other, he held a knife, the sleeve of his sweatshirt wrapped around the handle.

  Fox glanced at the carving block. There were two empty slots.

  Fox rushed toward them as Dunkirk jammed the second blade into Ana's body and pulled them both out, just as Fox reached her.

  Ana collapsed into his arms, blood sprayed all over the floor.

  Dunkirk dropped the knives and exited through the kitchen door.

  Fox held his wife as the color drained from her face. She couldn’t speak, but Andrew held her close.

  Fox could hear them arranging themselves outside his front door, getting ready to breach and clear.

  Andrew held his wife close, protecting her from the concussive blast that followed. They came and pried her from his arms. The agents strapped her to a gurney and wheeled her out.

  Fox followed.

  Several soldiers raised their weapons at Dr. Fox, but none fired.

  Stanwood was standing at the end of the driveway.

  Von Kalt was behind him and on his right.

  First Sergeant King stood on Stanwood’s left.

  Fox showed no recognition of King. He was focused on Stanwood. "Joe, you have to help, Ana. Please...”

  National Intelligence Director Joseph Stanwood raised his handgun to Doctor Andrew Fox's face and fired.

  Deputy Director Rudolph Von Kalt watched Fox fall to the ground. This was of no concern of his. The Micronix was not here. It was no longer in the house. It was the only thing he was interested in.

  The Metachron rested in his pocket, his hands folded behind his back. He didn’t need to hold it anymore.

  Von Kalt watched Fox die. He didn’t move.

  No one did.

  Having escaped the house for a distant ridgeline, Ashley noted that the sound of the shot came some time later than the shot itself and the splash of blood.

  Ashley didn't say anything to Geoff. Being older meant being taller, and in this case, that meant being able to see the man who shot her father. From where they were on the ridge, it was likely that Geoff didn't see it. She was frozen in place, staring at the scene below.

  Her emotions threatened to overwhelm her.

  Her father had mentioned help. He’d said help would find them.

  She hoped it was soon.

  Von Kalt turned and looked toward her. He saw her, but he made no gesture nor did he tell anyone.

  Ash turned and ran as fast as her feet would carry her, focused on putting one foot in front of the other, pulling Geoff along, deeper into the forest.

  There were a couple of dozen federal agents standing around in suits, while Von Kalt had only eight soldiers dressed in tactical uniforms.

  Before he could issue an order, Stanwood gestured to King and waved to the bodies of Doctor and Missus Fox. “Get them out of here.”

  Stanwood turned to Von Kalt, “I want those kids within the hour.”

  Von Kalt nodded, “Bravo team, handle the bodies. Alpha, we’re going into the forest.”

  Stanwood objected, interrupting again, “You aren’t going anywhere.” Stanwood pointed to Lt. Hernandez. “Lieutenant, You handle it. You have all these agents at your disposal” Stanwood waved to the suited agents.

  He then turned to Von Kalt and gestured for him get in their vehicle.

  Lt. Hernandez nodded and addressed the Federal Agents, “Gentlemen, we’re going to go out ahead of you on the ground. Half of you will follow us on foot, the other half will pilot your vehicles overhead and search from the air. Leave no stone unturned.”

  Hernandez signaled and Sergeants Angstrom, Di Biase and Steinkirk set out at double-time, pursuing Ashley and Geoffrey into the forest.

  Bravo team. King, Washington, Johnson and Welter, moved Dr. Fox into a white plastic body bag and then loaded he and Mrs. Fox into one of the idling trucks.

  Major Ross, Secretary Croswell and Chief Warrant Officer Reid watched from overhead, silent for the moment.

  Ross swallowed and looked over to Reid. “King, I’m sending Reid with you. When you’re ready, he’ll help you make the switch.”

  “Copy that,” King answered.

  “You want to do it?” Croswell asked, looking at Ross.

  “What’s that?”

  “Light up the decanter, maybe?” Croswell smiled.

  “Oh, yeah, of course, already done,” Ross answered.

  Doctor Fox tried to close his eyes and realized that would be impossible. He'd crossed over. Those eyes had closed, forever.

  After Stanwood shot him, Ross must have flipped the switch.

  It was the ambient light and the chemicals in the tank that caused the visual sensations. It had been awhile since he'd experienced the changeover. Decanting would take four to six months.

  Fox never kept an imprinted clone on ice; it was too big a risk. Even though he had created the technology, it was owned by the government and restricted to the Three AM bodyguard program.

  In a few moments, the drugs would kick in, and Fox would sleep until it was time. He savored these last few moments of consciousness as the chemicals worked their way into his mind.

  Focusing became difficult and then he slept.