Read Ashley Fox - Ninja Babysitter Page 65

  Chapter 63 – Surrounded

  Thursday, July 30, 2308

  On the National Guard complex, Von Kalt rose some time after sunset. He had tossed his phone, but apparently he hadn’t been divested of his powers as Deputy Director of National Intelligence. He walked from the medical ward to the command and control center of the Angel City National Guard Armory.

  When he demanded the Officer on Watch turn over the ready response teams, the man did so without thinking twice. Von Kalt, discovered, however, he had no commands to give.

  Von Kalt apologized to the watch commander for his abrupt tone and submitted that a government sedan would be a perfectly acceptable method of transportation for the few logistical errands he needed to run.

  The commander nodded and reassured Von Kalt that they were there, should he need them. Von Kalt left the facility and just drifted in a loop on the urban freeways.

  Using the Metachron, the director sought out Bergstrom on District Thirteen. The doctor didn’t answer his call. Bergstrom had been badly burned during the assault that destroyed his hangar.

  Friday, July 31, 2308

  The next morning, Ashley and Geoff drifted through the local mall. Whenever Geoff asked why they weren't on their way to Canada, Ash replied that she wanted to wait until it was safer to travel. In truth, she wanted to find out just who Stanwood and Von Kalt were, but she didn't dare tell Geoffrey, for fear that he'd go looking in cyberspace and run into the Eel or other equally sinister fellow, someone capable of causing him serious harm.

  When he mentioned that she’d said no more shopping, she changed the subject. They checked out stores, played sample video games and tried out furniture. Ashley noticed several different sets of people in the mall around them.

  She knew that anyone could be there to abduct her and Geoff. At any given moment, someone might approach them, produce a weapon and bark clipped commands, as the agents in the library had.

  Ash realized she was increasingly reluctant to search for Stanwood or his deputy online, it was her search for her father that had brought the other agents to the library. This time she seriously doubted that there would be another Major Ross waiting to rescue them. From here on out, they had to be more careful. They couldn't be making stupid mistakes.

  She did consider walking through one of the busiest shopping centers in one of the busiest cities something of a mistake, as did Geoff. However, she told him they were hiding in plain sight.

  She also understood that all the guns and research in the world couldn't get her any closer to what she wanted. She needed evidence, solid, concrete, undeniable evidence. If it existed, there was only one place she was going to find it. She just needed a way to convince Geoff the returning home was the best idea.

  Meanwhile, Ross, Reid, Croswell and Reverend Wolfe all took turns hovering above the children.

  Ambassador Becket had been called back to his post in Jerusalem shortly after Lt. Grey returned with a small fleet of mobile mortar platforms. This was close to being a breach of the non-proliferation agreement for the tinderbox of an area, but Grey had fairly distributed them to all the front line units and thus avoided a major international incident, and possibly war crime charges.

  Croswell had rolled his eyes and asked Becket to forcefully remind Grey of the difference between a ‘couple’ and a ‘fleet.’

  Saturday, August 1, 2308

  Tired of the cramped sleeping conditions inside the car, Ash convinced Geoff that they should go camping. Being the middle of summer, there were dozens of campsites throughout the city.

  That evening, they registered a space over the car's online connection and landed a short time later. They laid out their sleeping bags, and watched the stars as thin pale clouds rippled through the sky overhead.

  "Geoff," Ash said. "We have to go home again.”

  "We can't, Ashley! They'll catch us if we do."

  "It's the only way," she said.

  "What about Canada? We could almost be there by now."

  Ashley didn't answer.

  Brother and sister fell asleep together beneath a carpet of stars.

  At midnight, Chief Warrant Officer Reid joined the ex-major general on post, hovering over Dr. Andrew Fox’s sleeping children.

  “Bet you never thought you’d be standing post again, huh, Sir?”

  “You’d be surprised, Chief. Some things never change. What’s your Seventh General Order?”

  “What general order?” Reid smiled, as he saluted Croswell.

  Croswell returned the salute “Clever.”

  Sunday, August 2, 2308

  At dawn, Ashley awoke under the bright, morning sky.

  Geoff woke up a short time later. "I'm hungry. Let's get breakfast."

  "Look, you agreed. We're not going back into town."

  "We are in town. We're just not out in public."

  Ashley said nothing.

  "Come on, really? You want to stay out here?"

  "You agreed," Ashley said.

  "Yeah, but seriously, forever?" Geoff argued.

  "For right now. Hiding is all we'd be doing in Canada. Why not here?"

  "But to never go into town? I'm almost out of comics," Geoff said.

  "So read them twice."

  "You don't want raisins and nuts for breakfast, do you?" Geoff asked.

  "Geoff. If we don't leave, they will catch us," Ashley said.

  "Then let's leave! At least if we're camping in Canada we can go into town for comics, right?" he asked.

  "We will go to Canada, but we have to get the evidence first. So, for now, we camp out until it's safe to go get it. We're not that far from home. All we have to do is get the security footage, and we'll go. Okay?"

  "Today?" Geoff asked.

  "Yes, today. Tonight. We'll go at night."

  "I don't care if we go to Canada. I just want to stay together. We'll be safe; Dad said, whatever happens, just stay with Ashley and you'll be safe."

  Ashley didn't say anything.

  "I have to go to the bathroom," Geoff said.

  Ash gestured for him to walk well away from their camp.

  "It's too cold," Geoff said. "And I gotta go number two."