Read Ashley & Milo Page 12


  Ashley backed the jeep out of the garage at her house and we loaded it with snacks and the extra bedding for the kids. This was to be a relaxing day for me and I didn't plan on doing anything except maybe a hike in the woods. First it was the parade. It was one of the smaller ones that the city supported that wound in and out through some of the neighborhoods on the south side.

  I put the jeep in the same lot where I had parked for nine years when I owned the restaurant. We were early and went inside to get a beverage. Some of the people that had worked for me greeted me as a long lost friend and I was. The girls were often here before the divorce, but hadn't been in since that event. They didn't say much until we got outside. Lindsey said, "It is not as clean as when you owned it, is it Daddy?"

  "Doesn't appear to be. There aren't as many patrons either like there could be on parade day." In one way I missed my old business, but I was pretty damned satisfied with my life right now, especially with Ashley coming into the picture. Standing where I did, I met several of the people I had served in the restaurant and all were glad to see me and said they missed my presence. All in all this would be the last time I would be coming here to visit and I certainly wouldn't be eating here.

  When we hit the road for the camp, my spirits were lifted. Soon I would be back where my life had changed for the better. I looked over at Ashley. God, I was glad I had been at camp that day. How bad it would have been if I had been a half hour later and Ashley had been able to accomplish what she set out to do. I shuddered at the thought.

  I was able, just barely, to put the jeep through the mud hole. I left the chains and grasshopper poles still hidden in case we got stuck getting out of here. The girls were bouncing around on the back seat, not only from the rough trail, but from the excitement of seeing the camp again. "Here we are, kids, you help Ashley carry the groceries. I'll bring the cooler and then I will come back for our bag with our nightclothes."

  Shortly after we arrived Marie came in saying, "Daddy, how come the bathroom doesn't stink like it did the last time we were here?"

  "First of all, it isn't a bathroom, it's an outhouse. And it doesn't smell because nobody has been using it."

  "I didn't want to come because it is usually so gross. I'm glad I came this time."

  "It will be better this summer for I brought some lime to help take away the smell. That's the white powder in the coffee can I set in the corner."

  "Why didn't you do that before?"

  "Because before it was usually me and Uncle Calvin and we were macho men. Now that there are three young ladies here it is different."

  Ashley laughed and said, "Yes and they ran around pounding their chests like George of the jungle." This set the tone of our camping out.

  Home fried potatoes and thin sliced pork were the main dish, cooked with my secret ingredient. I had four large thick-sliced ripe tomatoes swimming in oil and vinegar flavored with garlic and onion powder with just a couple packets of sweetener. Curious, Ashley wanted to know what my secret ingredient was. "Accent shook on a hot frying pan with a minimum of pan grease to fry the pork in. Of course if you add a little mountain air and some sweet companions, a person can't go wrong."

  My efforts were well received. Ashley watched me. I suppose I showed off my cooking expertise a little more than necessary. So she was rich. I had to do something to counter that and what I was doing was a form of wooing. I had pretty much declared my intentions.

  Not her fault that she was well-to-do. Of course thinking on her situation, her position as prosecutor couldn't return much more than I did when I was running my restaurant. It was just that she was from old money and I was still trying to make mine. I'm sure we would discuss this sometime in the future.

  After our meal, we all hiked up to the mountain peak behind the cabin. There we sat down on the stone that comprised the mountaintop. The view from the cabin was spectacular, but this was even more so. We stayed until it was almost dark and even though it was July, the breeze was chilly. The girls took off for camp and this gave me a chance to ask Ashley if she was happy. "Milo, when I'm with you I think I'll always be happy. You are just such a together person. Do you ever lack confidence?"

  "Of course I do. I have just learned not to show it. So far the Lord has seen fit to reward me by keeping my secret when it looks dark and troubles beset me."

  "I have never heard you speak of God before. Are you religious?"

  "Not really as most people look at a religious person. I do believe in God. I don't go to church much, although I did some as a child so I know my way around the Bible. God has been good to me, and I send up a word of thanks now and then. Like now for instance, He is being very good to me. I have you and I have the girls and it looks like I have a very good chance of things getting better for me."

  "Did you feel that way when Jean left you for another man?"

  "Not at first, but then I sat back and waited ? waited for the Lord to show me the way. In the meantime I helped my friends out, giving them a hand to make their life a little easier. I lived with Patrick and Linda. My being there wasn't a burden for them.

  "I helped with the kids and it gave them a chance to show their love for each other instead of keeping their nose to the grindstone after several years of parenting. To be honest I came up here the day we met because I was ready for something to happen. It did, and it was you that happened.

  "From that moment on it has all been good. While I was waiting all that time until you came along, I kept my hands busy for my friends and my head clear for the opportunity that someday would present itself. I figured the Lord would get around to me eventually and He did."

  "But you work so hard. Is that part of the plan?"

  "What I do isn't hard work for me. I love to keep busy and I love helping people. Right now I'd like my two girls with me permanently. That is what I am working on. Would you like to help me set Jean up?"

  "Of course. What did you have in mind?"

  "I've already hinted that I would sell my share of the camp in return for custody of Lindsey and Marie. I would like full custody, but I would share if that is the only way I could have them with me. What I would like is to sweeten the pot just a little. Would you write me a note agreeing to advance me $5,000 until I have sold the furniture you gave me? Just make it clear that this is a loan only, for it really is."

  "How is that going to help? How will she know all of this?"

  "Jean is a snoop. I thought I would ask her to baby-sit the girls at my home Wednesday night. I'll leave my desk unlocked and I know she will go through it."

  "What excuse are you using for having to go out?"

  "I'll just say I have a date. By-the-way, how about a date? I'm going to have a room at the Best Western. Would you be interested?"

  "You're serious about following up on this aren't you?"

  "Yes I am. I can't imagine being with anyone but you."


  "All night."

  "So Jean is going to be spending all night in your bed and I'm going to be spending all night in a motel?"

  "Yes, but I'm going to be with you and she's going to be sleeping alone."

  "Okay, it's a date."

  We came down to the camp and the girls questioned what took us so long. "We were just enjoying the view. It is dark enough now for the stars to come popping out. Let's go out on the porch and watch."

  "But Daddy, it isn't big enough for all of us. There are only two chairs."

  "I know, but if Marie sits on Ashley's lap and I hold you, we can all see them come out together."

  "Okay, I guess so, but aren't we too big to be held?"

  "Nope, never too big to be held."

  An hour later we took the sleeping girls and put them in the bunk beds. Ashley and I sat and held hands until three in the morning. At that time Ashley went in and put pajamas on and came back out and sat on my lap. This was the
closest we had ever been. "Am I being unfaithful to Calvin's memory?" Ashley asked.

  "I don't believe so. Do you feel this is wrong?"

  "No, but for tonight let's just snuggle a little and wait for Wednesday."

  "Okay, but I'm going to make you pay for making me wait."

  There was a pause and then she continued, "I never thought I was a passionate person, but Calvin opened me up to a whole new world. Are you a passionate person?"

  "I used to think I was, but Jean killed it for awhile. Being with you has awakened feelings I thought were long dead."

  "I can tell."

  I couldn't help it, Ashley was a desirable person and she was sitting on my lap. I did a little exploring until Ashley whispered, "I think I will go in and crawl in with Marie. What are you going to do?"

  "I'm staying right here and watch the sun come up. I'll see you in the morning. Is it too early to say I love you, Ashley Winslip?"

  "Not if you really do."

  "I do." My hand lingered in hers until her fingers slowly slipped from my grasp as she passed into the cabin.

  "Wake up Daddy and see the sun. It's like a big red ball." I could smell coffee. I guess I overslept or didn't want to let go of the dream I was having. Ashley brought out a cup of what she had brewed and sat next to me. The kids watched with us until the sun was completely sitting on the horizon. I made my excuses and headed out back to the outhouse. Ashley had put the washbasin out with a jug of water.

  I came in asking, "Does anyone want a bath?"

  Ashley snickered. "Not me, the tub is too small and you have to stand up in it." I laughed out loud and Ashley blushed.

  "Someday it will happen. You taking a bath in the wash tub. It will be an experience." I almost said "again."

  "Maybe." We were flirting and it had to stop before the kids got on to it.

  Pancakes, eggs, bacon and orange juice out of the cooler and more of that mountain air made breakfast.

  We all hated to leave. It felt as if Ashley and I had a nest here and the two girls our chicks. They turned around as we passed down the trail and I could see they felt something for this place as well as Ashley and I. "We'll be back kids, and it won't be long either."

  After we hit the blacktop we motored right along at a steady pace. I was happy. Going up to the cabin always did that to me. I hadn't been checking behind me. I was startled when I heard a short burst on a siren. I pulled to the side and waited for the trooper to get out and come up to me. "License and registration please."

  Ashley sat looking straight ahead. The girls sitting behind me were afraid that I was going to jail. "Was I speeding?"

  "No, but I recognized the jeep. I didn't realize the Prosecutor was a passenger at first. I was just checking. Also I see you have two passengers in back. I'm glad to see you have them restrained. This address you have on your license. Is that current?"

  "No. I have only just rented an apartment from Mrs. Winslip. Before that I haven't had any permanent address for a few months due to a divorce." I waited for the next question.

  Ashley spoke. "Officer Hanify isn't it? Why did you stop us?"

  "Ma'am, when I realized you were the passenger, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

  "You will be seeing this jeep often if you patrol along here a lot. Mr. Burns and I own a cabin up in the hills together. It is my jeep, but Mr. Burns will be driving it alone and with me. He is my employee and also my tenant. Is there anything further you need to know?"

  "No Ma'am. Maybe I was a little quick to stop you, I apologize."

  This was awkward for him. I honestly thought he meant well. "I'm glad you did stop us. At least I am reminded to notify the DMV of my address change. I also thank you for watching out for Ashley along the road here. I will feel safer if she travels here alone with you on the job. These are my two children, Marie and Lindsey, sitting in the back. Oh, and thank you for only giving Ashley a warning for speeding the last time you stopped the jeep. It would have been embarrassing for her to get a ticket."

  "Milo is right. I did appreciate just the warning you gave me last time. I have been watching how I drive since then. Honest."

  "I believe you have. Nice talking with you Mr. Burns. You have two lovely children. I have two boys myself. Nice seeing you again Ma'am." He went back and got in the cruiser and pulled around us and went on down the road.

  "That was a nice little social visit. How do you do it, Milo? Didn't you feel bad about being stopped?"

  "Not really. I knew I wasn't speeding. If something was wrong with the jeep I wanted to know about it. You of all people should know the police are here to protect us."

  "I know. You are right as usual. Why did I resent being stopped? You almost forced me to thank him again."

  "I know that too, but aren't you glad you did?"

  "Now I am, but I wasn't to begin with. I felt he had no right."

  "But last time he did have a right. This time he didn't really and he pretty much apologized, which he didn't have to do. I suspect he is one of the better officers on the force. At least that was the way I read him."

  We passed him later as he sat waiting for a speeder. We all waved as we went by and Ashley smiled. I glanced at her later and could see she had a satisfied look on her face.