Read Ashley & Milo Page 24


  Mark was at Home Depot waiting when I pulled in with my car. The first thing he said was, "I saw Mom last night. I took Steve with me. I think he misses Mom more than Becky and I do because he is younger. He was only eleven when she started to get sick. I told Jean where I was going and she thought that was nice. Dad just grunted and didn't say anything. I can't understand him sometimes."

  "Becky didn't go?"

  "No, but she wished she did when I told her how happy it made Mom to see us."

  Ashley brought the girls into the deli at eight-thirty. She was laughing and said they were mad at me for not waking them up so they could come in with me. She promised she would return in the afternoon for them. Karen the cashier, and Henry the owner, made much of the girls and put them to work filling the candy counter. They were surprised when they refused a candy bar when offered. "That's all right, Dad will buy us one just like he used to when we helped him in the restaurant."

  "Your dad used to run a restaurant?"

  "Yes, but he had to give it up when Mom left." Nothing more was said. Too personal, especially with me within hearing.

  Mark was doing just what I hired him for. If I needed the saw, it was in my hand and as he became more familiar with what was needed, I didn't even have to ask for a particular tool. Ashley was there in the afternoon for the kids and watched Mark and I work.

  My estimate, time-wise, was pretty close, maybe a half hour longer than I had told Henry. He was very pleased and wanted to pay when we finished the job. I said I would have to figure up the costs of the material, etc. I'd bill him in a day or so and give it to him next week. When Mark and I drove away, he was standing there pleased as could be with the job we had done.

  "What do you think Mark? Do you like this kind of work?"

  "Yes and it makes me feel good that Henry liked it so much."

  "I don't ever expect to get rich at this, but having money isn't all there is to living. I love working like this, one day here and another for someone else. Of course it is Mrs. Winslip that is making this possible. She hired me to do work for her, but doesn't mind my working for others as long as I plan on finishing her work someday."

  "Maybe she wants to have you stay around. If you finish her work she wouldn't have any way to keep you here."

  "That thought crossed my mind. I have done some things for her she appreciates. Say, I'm not using the truck tomorrow. You can have it to use again if you want. We'll stop at the house and I will pay you for yesterday and today. I'm working for Mrs. Winslip tomorrow. I'll meet you at Home Depot to pick up the stuff for the Grover project early on Monday."

  "You're being awful good to me. Why?"

  "Well my kids like you and you treat them just as if they were your sisters. That means a lot. They have had it pretty rough in the last few months without me being able to see them. I know you have helped them while they missed me so much. This is my way of thanking you. Not only that, you are a good worker and want to learn how to do different things. Not one minute have you goofed off and again, thank you." Mark was all smiles at my approbation.

  When I came to pay him, he had almost one hundred and twenty-five dollars coming after taxes. "Can you keep a hundred for me and give me the twenty-five dollars in cash? That will be more than enough for the weekend. I don't have a way to cash a check or keep much money except in my wallet."

  "Sure, I can do that. I'll just set up a separate account that you can draw on if you wish until you get to the bank."

  We had dinner that night at Ashley's. She, with the help of my two young girls, had prepared a delicious meal. Later, while the girls were watching television, she questioned, "I see your truck left with your hired man again. Do you think that is wise?"

  "It is matter of trust. Ashley, over the years I had all sorts of people I hired when I was running the restaurant. Some I trusted and some I didn't. Usually it didn't take long for me to decide which ones I did and which I didn't, and I usually was correct in my assumptions. There is only one person in my life that I trusted who failed me. Thinking back on it, the signs were there, but I just didn't see my trust was being misplaced."

  "Okay, I just wondered if there was something connected to Jean that was influencing you."

  "No. Mark has gained my trust on his own. Any kid that can have two little girls come into his home that are lost and lonely and befriend them, will have my trust. The boy is trying very hard to do a credible job in his work too. He has accomplished that. Honest, I can't think of one thing I have directed him to do that he hasn't done to my satisfaction. Bottom line, I trust him."

  "But you don't know, he may have taken the truck and gone out and picked up some girls and some beer and made a night of it."

  "He did pick up someone last night. He took his fourteen-year-old brother and went to visit his lonely mother whom his father has discarded, which made her very happy."

  Ashley broke into smiles, "I guess you are right, Milo. I watched you two this afternoon. I could see he was trying to anticipate what your next move was so he could have the correct tool or material ready for you. He wasn't sucking up either. I guess your trust will bear fruit over time."

  "Let's change the subject. Lindsey is going to have a birthday next Saturday. I'd like to surprise her. Last year I was home with Jean. This year we aren't together, but I would like to invite her to be present at the birthday party. Would that upset you?"

  "No definitely not. This is for Lindsey. Her mother should be here. You should invite Mark and his sister and brother too. What are you giving her for a present?"

  "I don't know. Maybe I will ask someone to take her shopping. That reminds me, I'm working on your house tomorrow."

  "You can't, Milo. You work all the time."

  "Yes I can. I haven't worked for you at all this week."

  "Doesn't matter. I only have one more week of vacation. You can work all you want the week after I go back to work. What were you going to do anyway?"

  "I thought I would start painting the front porch here on the big house."

  "Just the morning then. We need to do something together with the girls in the afternoon."

  "Geeze, you're sounding more and more like a wife everyday."

  Ashley looked in on the girls and found both sleeping, tired from the busy day at the deli. "Milo, I have something that has come loose in my bedroom. Could you take a look at it and see if it needs adjusting?" I looked and it did require immediate attention. I made adjustments and promised to make more when needed.

  It was still light when I carried Marie in one arm and guided a sleepy Lindsey with the other, home to bed. As I entered my building I looked at the stuff still in the garage and thought, crap, I have to get rid of all of this soon.

  After I put the girls to bed, I called Linda and Patrick. "Linda, you know about antiques and old stuff. You saw what I have in my garage. How would you like to sell the stuff for me?"

  "You got to be shitting me. That's good stuff and you want to get rid of it? I can do it, but once it's gone it'll cost you a mint to replace it."

  "I won't want to replace it. I would like to make a few bucks on it. I've decided to set up a little business and I need the space. I'm going to have a truckload of stuff coming in the week after next. Can you help me?"

  "What's in it for me?"

  "What do you want?"

  "You know what I want, but Pat would object to you giving me that so how about I get ten percent of what I sell the stuff for?"


  "What do you mean no?"

  "You get twenty percent, the use of my little truck and a young man to help move it. All except this Monday, I need both for myself."

  "You got a deal. Are you going to be around in the morning so I can look at it?"

  "I am in the morning, not in the afternoon. I'll be over at the big house working so just come over and get the ke
y from me."

  Linda was at my door before I had the girls fed. She had notepads and books to look up the value of the items she remembered seeing when she was here before. The two girls were all over her and would stay with her until she left. She came over to the big house and talked to me, saying she needed to see a viable statement from Ashley giving title of ownership to me. Ashley sat at her desk and produced one with Linda watching her write it.

  I was busy and only glanced at it, tucking it away in my wallet. Then Linda wanted authorization to sell the items with the terms that I had stipulated. Ashley typed up the agreement and I signed it giving it to Linda.

  "I know who I can place most of this with. Those items he wants, he will buy outright and the more valuable items he may want to place on consignment. You will have to wait until the items are sold, but I will keep on his ass and it shouldn't be too long before you get your money."

  "The main thing is to empty out the garage."

  "Maybe, but a few thousand won't hurt. You got some landlady there, Milo. One in a million, I'd say." Linda had a smirk on her face when she left. Something must have been said while Ashley and Linda were doing the paperwork that Linda needed. I'm sure it had something to do with me and I'm sure eventually I would find out what it was.

  Ashley took us out to lunch at a club she belonged to. I guess she didn't go there often for she had to show her membership card to get in. After a short wait and an apology for keeping us waiting we were seated and served. I was proud of the way my girls behaved. Being a former restaurant owner, I had seen the best and the worst of diners of all ages. My two were taught how to behave and always received good marks from me.

  Later, I asked what everyone would like to do. Marie wanted to go to camp, but it too far, too late, and not enough time. Ashley wanted to go down by the river and watch the boats. Lindsey wanted to go to the zoo. This was another, too far. "How about going to a petting farm to see the little animals and you can even touch them?"


  Ashley had as much fun as the little ones. She cuddled one rabbit all of the time we were there.

  I asked the attendant if they had any ponies that the girls could ride. They didn't but he gave me the name of a place that did have them. They would be closing before we could reach there. We wound up the day at my place eating waffles and sausage. Later we went in and watched the stars pop out on the ceiling. I knew Lindsey was really tired for she let me run the lights and fan.

  Ashley said she would put the children to bed. I went in to hug and kiss the girls goodnight. "Daddy, would it be all right if we kissed and hugged Ashley? Marie and I really love her a lot."

  "Of course, sweetheart, I think she would like that. I'll send her back in to say goodnight again."

  I lay on the couch with Ashley cuddled next to me. I guess we both dropped off, for when I woke up she was still in my arms and it was after midnight. "Ash Baby, it is getting late."

  "I know. I haven't slept. I was just lying here thinking how wonderful this is being here with you."

  "You want to get married sooner than we planned in December?"

  "I do, but I don't want Calvin's child to be lost from the heritage of his father."

  "We could give the baby Calvin's name. If a boy, we could name him Calvin Cody Winslip Burns or if a girl, she could be Kallen Cody Winslip Burns." I waited for Ashley's reaction.

  "You given this some thought too, haven't you?"

  "How could not? I think if Calvin could tell us, he would be okay with our plans to marry and give the child his name."

  "Okay, let's move our nuptials up. It is going to create a lot of gossip, but I don't care."

  "I know. People are going to say I seduced you into bed and made a baby as soon as your husband was killed. And people are going to say I seduced you so I could get your money. You are the one that could be hurt by all of this. I hate the thought of it. I love you and don't ever want to see you hurt."

  "Nothing in this world could hurt me again like I was hurting the day we met. Calvin aside, you are my rock and you are making me very happy. I feel I am stronger and ready to face anything as long as you are here with me."

  "I plan on being around for a long, long time."

  "Good, how about the six-month anniversary of the baby's conception? That would be the fifteenth of September."

  "How is this going to affect your work?"

  "I plan on resigning just as soon as I finish up a couple of cases on the docket. I won't have to spend all of my time at work either, only when something pertains to those two cases."

  "You know, I want to support you on what I make. I really want to get this little handyman business going."

  "I can live with it if you let me help you get it up and running. The only thing that should be kept separate is this property and the expenses related to it. Otherwise I think I can live on what you make. Our agreement still holds then, if you work on this place or the big house, I pay."

  "Then I pay rent too, the same as always."

  "That's foolish, Milo, but I'll put it on the books that you owe me. I want you to use the money for the business. That way you will be in the black that much sooner. Enough talk of business, I'm going up to the house. You go to sleep. I think you have a job in the morning."