Read Ask DNA Page 14

  That was after he’d spun her head in the good way by playing the Dom card on her.

  He didn’t let up, his fingers still moving, playing, stroking her sensitive clit as he drove her up to the edge again.

  There was about a second where she pondered the irony of the situation, that Davis was mind-blowing when it came to sex, before she felt the start of her second orgasm hit her and she closed her eyes, riding the waves of pleasure. Finally, he started fucking her, driving her closer to yet another release as his fingers on her clit never slowed.

  For the first time, it felt like she had a guy—guys—who weren’t just interested in themselves or proving a point. The soft groan Davis made as he climaxed didn’t just fill her pussy with hot cum, it warmed her heart.

  Especially when he wrapped both his arms around her and held on tightly, his face pressed against the back of her neck, his teeth gently raking across her flesh.

  She laid her hands over his and leaned back against him.

  “I love you,” he softly said.

  Tipping her head back, she smiled up at him. “I love you, too, Sir.”

  Then he smiled at her, and it wasn’t just a handsome curve of his lips, or a little quirk at the corner of his mouth.

  It was a smile.

  He slid his softening cock from her and turned her in his arms to kiss her again. “Was that good?”

  “That was great. Everything was great.”

  He pulled her arms around his shoulders, draping his around her waist. This time when he kissed her, she pressed her body against his and held on tightly.

  “I read all those books to learn,” he said. “But I didn’t realize how much fun that would really be.”


  He reached up and fisted her hair again. Her clit throbbed in response as he eased her head back so he could nip along the edge of her chin. “Taking control.”

  She wanted to drop to her knees again and go after his cock a second time, but he turned her so she was under the water, finally releasing her hair.

  “Let’s finish our showers so we don’t keep Kirby waiting when he gets here.”

  * * * *

  They had a good dinner, but Davis once again surprised her by wanting Kirby to drive her back to her place and he would meet her there. He sprang that on them as Kirby was driving them back to the men’s house from Sigalo’s.

  “Okay, but why?” she asked, leaning forward from where she sat in the backseat.

  “I want you to have alone time with him. To talk about today.”

  She shared a glance with Kirby, who shrugged.

  No help there.

  “I’m okay with that if Kirby is.”

  “Yeah, no problem.”

  “Thanks,” Davis said.

  When they reached the men’s house, she got out and gave Davis a kiss before he helped her into the passenger seat.

  “Did you leave anything in our house that you need?” he asked.

  “My stuff’s all sitting by the front door.”

  “I’ll bring that for you. See you soon.”

  He walked inside as Kirby backed them out of the driveway.

  “Wow,” he said. “That was unexpected. So, honestly. How did today go?”

  They’d told him about the basics of where they’d gone and what they’d done. “It really was fun.”

  “Good. He can be your outdoorsy guy. I’ll be your couch potato.” He grinned.

  She didn’t want to reveal too much and breach Davis’ trust. “He’s really deep. He showed me another side of himself today.”

  Kirby’s smile faded. “Most people don’t get to see that about him. He guards himself. Too many misunderstandings in his life, and too many bullies. If he opens up to you, it means he trusts you.”

  Now that it seemed whatever they had was going to be long-term, she took a moment to let reality sneak in. “I need to figure out how to break this to my family,” she said.


  “The two of you.”

  “Yeah, we need to tell our parents, too. I don’t want to exclude you. We go there to eat usually every couple of weeks. I’m not hiding you.” He reached over and held her hand. “You’re part of our life.”

  “Please don’t be offended if I don’t introduce you both around work as my boyfriends. My bosses are great, but they are very conservative.”

  “No worries. Work is different.” He gently squeezed her hand. “What else did he say today?”

  “He did tell me he wants this to be permanent between us. For life.”

  “Yes!” If Davis was her introverted guy, Kirby wore his emotions on his sleeve. They balanced each other out.

  “You going to be okay tonight?” she asked.

  “Sweetie, you’ve already spent a couple of nights with me.”

  “Yeah, but after all three of us were together. You didn’t get me all to yourself.”

  “It’ll work out. I’m fine. I’m so happy that he’s into you.”

  “Is it horrible that I’m waiting for some shoe to drop? I mean, isn’t this the part in the movie or the book where something horrible happens?”

  “That’s called life. Shit happens. It’s what you make of the time around those periods that matters. That’s what our parents have always said. They had a good friend of theirs who used to live with them, right after college. He was killed in a car wreck when we were babies. I think facing loss like that really helped them see things in a different light. That’s why when Davis started showing issues, they jumped in immediately to make sure he got the help he needed.”

  “So he is or isn’t on the autism spectrum?”

  “I think using today’s standards, yes, definitely. At one time he probably would have been diagnosed with Asperger’s.”

  “Where do we go from here?”

  They rolled up to a red light and Kirby brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. “Wherever you want, baby. I’m good with going at Davis’ speed for right now if that keeps him happy. Let him settle in and get comfortable. See what happens tonight. If he’s serious, then he’s serious.” He let out a snort. “Guess Felicity will have a surprise in store for her.”


  She noticed the way his hand tensed around hers. “Um, he didn’t mention her?”


  “Fuck. Um, well, she’s his boss, the daughter of the guy who started Murality. But Davis hasn’t slept with her in a while, like several months. He really didn’t tell you about her?”

  “No. He said he wasn’t involved with anyone.” She wondered if there were any other women Davis had neglected to mention. “And he works for her?”

  “I guess he usually doesn’t have a lot of contact with her. Definitely not on a daily basis.”

  “Was he trying to hide her from me?”

  She knew getting upset wouldn’t help anything, but maybe this was the other shoe falling that she’d worried about.

  “No. I’m sure he wasn’t trying to deliberately hide her. Remember, Davis is very—”

  “Davis. Yeah, I get it.”

  He made a turn, pulling into a parking lot, where he shifted it into park and turned to face her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Sweetie, we need to talk about this right now. One thing I can tell you about Davis is he’s not a liar. If he told you he hasn’t been sleeping with anyone, he hasn’t. If he told you he loves you, he does. Because that’s not a word he throws around casually. I know you’ve been with assholes, but please don’t assume we are. You’ve seen the way Davis is. If you’re not going to trust him after having spent time with him and knowing how he is, that’s a serious problem because that means you won’t trust me, either.”

  “Have you been sleeping with anyone you haven’t mentioned?”

  “No, but if you want a detailed list of my past, I’ll give it to you. It’s not that long. I can write it down for you right now.”


“If this is going to scare you away, don’t drag your feet making your mind up about that. It’ll kill Davis if you suddenly decide you can’t do this.”

  “We’re not guaranteed we’re going to work out anyway.”

  “No, we’re not. But are you dedicated to at least trying and giving us one hundred percent, or are you going to sit there wondering if you can trust us? Because we trust you.”

  She thought about the day she’d spent with Davis. About their date on Tuesday night.

  Walking along the beach with him.

  How they’d talked.

  “I trust you. Both of you.”

  “Good. Because I trust you, too, and I know Davis does or he never would have gotten involved with you. Please, talk with him about this and make sure you’re okay.”

  “I will.”

  He leaned in and kissed her. “He won’t cheat on you. Neither of us will.”

  “Sorry I overreacted.”

  “Overreacting would have been jumping out of the car. I get that you’re nervous. But please talk to him.”

  They finally got back on the road. When they arrived at her complex, Kirby walked her to her apartment, standing inside the door and hugging her.

  “Feeling better?” he asked.

  “Yeah. You’re right.”

  He swatted her on the ass, smiling down at her. “Yes, I am.”

  She managed a smile for him. “Yes, Sir.”

  “That’s better. I’m really liking the sound of that.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Melanie knew it wasn’t logical that she’d feel more nervous about being alone with Davis than she was about being alone with Kirby.

  Except she did want to answer the Felicity question and put it behind her. Kirby was right—Davis wasn’t evasive. Not on purpose. You asked a question and he answered it directly. No, she hadn’t specifically asked for him to list everyone he’d slept with and exactly how long it’d been since he had, or if he still had contact with them.

  Okay, lesson one—specificity.

  When Davis arrived, he carried an overnight bag.

  “Hey.” She hoped her nervous smile didn’t belie just how nervous she felt.

  He hesitated before he leaned in to kiss her. Not a quick, brief uncomfortable peck on the cheek, and not a passionate lip-lock, either, but a sensual smooch just in between the two that left her happy.

  Until she remembered Felicity.

  “How was the ride with Kirby?” he asked.

  Davis was not a person to dance around a topic with. And the faster she handled this, the sooner they could relax and enjoy their evening. He wouldn’t get it if she hinted or played stupid games.

  That wasn’t the person she wanted to be anyway.

  She knew how difficult tonight was for him, spending the night at her place, in her bed, with her.

  Not like he could go to a guest room, since she didn’t have one.

  “Kirby brought something up he thought I knew about and I didn’t.”



  Davis still hadn’t put his overnight bag down. “What about her?”

  “That you used to sleep with her.”


  Clueless. It made it nearly impossible to be angry with him. If she was angry with him over this, she’d likely spend her entire life angry because Davis was…Davis.

  “Let’s start over,” she tried again. “Are things over between you and Felicity?”


  “You told her that?”

  “She didn’t ask me, but if she comes back to me at some point wanting to resume our relationship, I’m not doing it. Even before I met you I’d made that decision. I heard her having sex with someone in her office and she hadn’t told me we were taking a break. In the past, she always told me when she started dating someone.”

  “Wait. What?”

  “Can I put my bag down?”

  “Oh, sorry. Yeah.”

  He did. “Felicity and I don’t socialize. She would come to me when she wanted sex, when she wasn’t dating someone. Since I rarely dated, it wasn’t an issue for me.”

  That actually didn’t sound like a relationship, and she felt simultaneously better that Felicity hadn’t been a “girlfriend,” but worse that she’d been using Davis like that. “You were okay with her doing that?”

  “As long as she was honest with me, yes. Those were the terms we’d settled on when we first started.”

  That confused her. “What about not opening up to someone except me?”

  “I’ve never opened up to her. It was just sex. To have sex with someone, I have to have a certain level of trust in them that is lower than the trust I have in you. I was physically attracted to her, she propositioned me, and I accepted on a trial basis, at first. Because I had no reason not to trust her to stick to our terms. I warned her that if I didn’t enjoy our first encounter, we wouldn’t repeat it. Or if she violated my trust once, that was it. Including she not talk about our encounters to anyone at work or personally.”

  “How can you talk so casually about sex?”

  “I’m not trying to sound like I am. I didn’t lie to you about her. You didn’t ask me for specific names of people. I will give you those, if you want them.”

  What was it about the brothers being willing to list names, for crying out loud?

  And how sad that she realized, if pressed, she might not be able to give them a complete accounting simply because she couldn’t remember them all?

  “When was the last time you saw her?” she asked.

  “At work?”

  Rephrase. “When was the last time you slept—had sex with her?”

  “A little over six months ago.”

  “But you work for her?”

  “She has been very careful not to talk about that in front of anyone else. And we don’t see each other every day. Is this a problem?”

  She took a deep breath. “What about if she comes back to you for sex?”

  He placed his hands on her shoulders and forced himself to look her in the eyes. She knew what a struggle it was for him because he kept trying to shift his gaze up to her forehead before bringing it back to her eyes.

  “I don’t cheat. I have no interest in her now, and as long as we’re together, I won’t have any interest in anyone else. Since my desired goal is to spend the rest of our lives together, that means I won’t have any interest in anyone except you.”

  That was the equivalent of a Shakespearean soliloquy, coming from him.

  It was also a heartfelt declaration of his love for her, and she knew it.

  “Is there anyone else I need to know about?”

  “I don’t understand the question.”

  That was sooo…Davis, that she nearly laughed.

  “Is there anyone else you’ve slept with recently?”

  “Slept with?”

  “Had sex with.” Specificity.


  “What if Felicity tries to get you fired at some future point for not sleeping with her?”

  “She can try. I have signs on my office door and on my desk that I videotape people in my office. I have for years. I don’t have contact with her outside of work.”

  “Wait…what? Why do you do that?”

  “Because I was young when I first started there and it was a new environment, new people, a new job. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t making mistakes interpreting people’s cues. I would show Kirby videos if I wasn’t sure. I tell people the truth—I don’t always interpret things accurately the first time around and sometimes need to review it. I claimed it was a reasonable accommodation, and Human Resources agreed, as long as I limited it to my office and had clear signage to that effect. I don’t usually save the videos longer than a day or two, once I’ve had time to review them. And it’s rare now that I need to do it, but I reserve the option.”

  She stared up into his eyes, even though, now that he was done talking, his gaze h
ad shifted down to her mouth.

  This was a brilliant man. She didn’t mean that because of his officially undiagnosed autism, or because he was so damned smart. He was brilliant because he knew he faced shortcomings in some ways and had developed coping skills to help keep him going. He didn’t bitch about it, either.

  So what’s my damn excuse?

  She’d spent how long whining about her shitty sex life, and now she had two guys who’d literally try to get the moon for her if she asked it of them.

  One of whom had to forcibly push himself out of his comfort zone, all due to the luck of his DNA draw, because he thought she was worth it.

  Had anyone ever put that kind of effort in for her before?


  His gaze met hers again. “Are you angry with me?”

  She pulled him in for a strong hug. “No, Davis. I’m not angry with you. You’re not the only one having to shift things around in your mind. Sometimes when I react, it’s not about you as much as it is about me.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Of course he didn’t. It was one of the blessings of his brain. “I have some bad triggers that are not your fault. I heard there was a woman I hadn’t heard about that you worked for, and my brain immediately went the direction it was used to going. I’m sorry.”

  His brow furrowed. “Why are you apologizing?”

  “Because I feel I need to.” She looked up into his gaze and waited for it to settle on hers. “I do trust both of you. Can you have patience with me when I get goofy sometimes?”

  He kissed her. “I want to spend my life with you. Unless you were to suddenly start acting in a completely uncharacteristic way, or deliberately violated my trust, or cheated on me, I don’t see me changing that assessment.”

  “I love you.”

  He smiled. “I love you, too. Is everything okay now? Did I resolve this for you?”

  She rested her head against his shoulder. “Everything’s good, Davis. Yes, you resolved it for me.”

  He picked up his bag and they headed for her bedroom. There, he pulled her in for a kiss, one hand sliding up to her hair and firmly grabbing hold.

  It melted her instantly, already sending her brain spinning down toward that same wonderful place she’d felt herself drop into while tied to the bench.