Read Assassin's Against Corrupt Organizations Page 2

enough to get enough rubbing alcohol to flow own the width of my back and reach the bottom. I whimper as the alcohol hits the lashes and I hold back with all might not to let out a blood curling scream. I hold onto the edge of the sink and turn my screams into silent tears. After repeating the process two more times, I carefully follow up by applying polysporin the each open wound.

  I slip my t-shirt over my head and head back out to the main sitting area to find Maria typing away on her laptop.

  “Hey how are you feeling?”

  “I’m okay. Are we taking off soon?”

  “Yes, we were just waiting for last minute details, but we are ready to go. You might want to sit down for take-off.” Maria chuckled to herself, thinking that she was hilarious.

  I walked over the chair facing Maria and strapped myself in waiting for takeoff. Before I know it and without warning, we were taking off and quickly gaining height. Within minutes we were at cruising level and given the go ahead to wonder around the cabin. I took off my seat belt and informed Maria I'm headed to the bedroom as I made my way there. I quickly made my way into what I assumed was my room and closed the door behind me. I went straight for the bed and buried myself underneath the covers. I dosed off with my last thoughts of being looked in a dingy cell being chained up and beaten.

  I wake up to find myself drenched in sweat and Maria standing over me.

  “Jen are you okay? I could hear you screaming from the lounge area. You don’t have to be scared anymore. You will never be back there ever again.”

  “I know. I know. It’s just going to take time. I’m good. I’m ok. Thanks Maria.”

  “Glad to hear and not to seem rude but perfect timing for the wakeup call. We are landing soon. I need to return to the lounge.”

  “We just took off how are we there already?”

  “We’ve been in the air for the last fourteen hours Jennifer. You slept the entire time.”

  “Oh. Okay. I will be out there in a minute.”

  “Before I forget, make sure you dress professionally. You will want to when you see where we land.”

  Just as I open my mouth to ask were we are landing, Maria was out the door. I got up and quickly found my black slacks, white buttoned blouse, black low heeled shoes, and blazer. Looking in the mirror I welcomed back the sight of the previous jail cell version of me. I fished through my purse and quickly found my hair tie and threw my hair up in a bun. I stare at myself in the mirror at the finished product to see a big brown eyed girl with dingy shoulder length hair twenty four year old staring back. I head out to the lounge and take my place next to Maria who is, once again, working in her laptop. I look out the window to be welcomed by the sight of clouds and the mystery of where we are.

  After a bumpy landing, we are given the clear to unstrap our seat belts and to gather our belongings.

  “Maria, I appreciate everything you have done for me, but you still haven’t told me were we are.”

  “All in due time Jen. Follow me. There is someone that would like to meet you.”

  I follow Maria off the plane to find ourselves in a tunnel of sorts. I look around to see hundreds of vehicles and huge stacks of metal crates. I keep my pace up with Maria who just seems to glide in and out of every turn, but while also trying to find any clue to where we are. We head towards the most southern wall from the plane to meet the elevator which is being held open for us. I look up near the ceiling and that’s when the butterflies entered my stomach. Holy crap. We are in the CIA!

  “Really the CIA is interested with me? Actually?”

  “Believe it or not Jen but you are more important than you think you are. Come we are almost there.”

  We slip into the elevator and Maria presses the button for the very top floor, twenty.


  “Not quite.” Maria glances my way to give me a smile but quickly turns her head back towards the door.

  When we finally get to the top the elevator doors open to reveal a huge lobby with absolutely no color whatsoever. Everything from the ceiling to the decorations to the outfits people wore were white. Geez, who took all the fun of this room and threw it away? I follow Maria out the elevator and take a sharp left to find another elevator with no call button. Maria quickly grabs her card and scans it to open the doors. I step in and she follows right behind.

  “What's with everything being white?”

  “New director. He hasn’t chosen what he wants yet.”


  “Before I forget, I just have one little piece of advice before we get in there.”

  “Okay, shoot.”

  “Whatever you do, don't argue, slump, talk unless asked, interrupt, talk without permission, or sit before invited. Follow those simple things and you will do perfectly fine.”

  “So pretty much I can only breathe?” I respond with an attitude.

  “Yeah pretty much, but don’t breathe too obvious.”

  “Of course my apologies.” I responded with sarcasm. I’m very grateful for what they have done for me but they have to realize that in a way, they are still in prisoning me!

  Before Maria gets a chance to verbally smack me upside the head, the elevator doors open up to reveal a very glamorous yet professional office. The walls were paint a very deep blue with white wainscoting and trim. There was a library and lounge area that took up the corner next to door with a fireplace and everything. The back wall was fitted with all windows overlooking the DC metropolitan area. In front of the windows sat a huge L shaped desk that housed three computer monitors and a separate work area. On the wall to the right featured many works of art with lights focused on each one.

  We walked towards the desk and stood there until, who I assume is the director, finished with his phone call and turned his attention towards us.

  “Jennifer Grays, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Please, take a seat you two.”

  I glance over at Maria to her gracefully sitting down and mimic her actions.

  “Jennifer, I’m Director Jackson. I imagine you are wondering why you are here.”

  “Um something about being debriefed or something.” I mumble.

  “Sure we can call it that.” He replies uncertainty, “Jennifer, gave you ever thought about leaving your current job?”

  “Uhh, sure doesn't everyone dream that?”

  “What I mean to say is, have you ever thought about coming to join the CIA.”


  “Um. No? May I ask why you are asking that?”

  “Jennifer, we here think that you would make a wonder asset to our, shall we say, incognito information gathering team. I believe that you could be the best.”

  “Why would I want a new job? I have a job that I love. It may not be all fun and bullets, but I enjoying working in retail. I think I'll pass. Thanks.” I cross my arms and flop back in the chair only wincing a little when I land on the cuts. I glare over at Maria and see a look of shock and a look of being apologetic for the situation.

  “I don’t think you quite understand Jennifer. We know you can handle the job. Germany proved that. You may not think you are up for it but you've already proved you can. Maria you can take her to her room. Jennifer, lets meet tomorrow. Someone will walk you back over around two. That’s all for now.”

  “Director Jackson.” Maria calmly states by over pronouncing his name.

  We silently walk back to the elevator and ride down to the foyer in an awkward silence. When we get there I follow her out the elevator to the elevator directly in front of us.

  “Why do I have to stay here over night?”

  “Protocol. The Director just wants to make sure we don't need know anything else about what happened.”

  “Oh.” I go back to the awkward silence and debated about trying to break out of here in the middle the night.

  We enter the elevator and Maria presses the button for floor thirty six. Marked residents. The elevator stops a couple time picking up others who also are headed up t
o the same floor as us. After a very crowded and silent ride, the elevator finally comes to a stop and when the doors open everyone flooded off to their apartments. I follow Maria who takes a sharp right leaving everyone else, who is walking down the hall.

  “Why aren't we going that way?”

  “Those apartments are for permanent residents. You will be staying in the visitors rooms. Come.”

  I follow Maria to the ended of the hallway to the second last door on the right.

  “This here is your room until you go. If you need help my number is by the bed and there will be a guard in the hallway when you need help getting anywhere. There is enough food in the kitchen for a week, just in case. Tomorrow I will be here at one forty-five to walk you back to Director Jackson’s office. Here is your copy of the key. Any questions?”

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  “Alright, have a goodnight. I will see you tomorrow.”

  I wait until Maria is almost halfway down the hallway before entering my room. I unlock the door and walk into a massive suite. The entry way had its own in wall fireplace that also looked into an ultra-sleek kitchen. The living was decorated in the same sleek ultra-modern design with various shades of. I went into the bedroom and was greeted with four post king size dark wooden bed. On each side there was metal side tables with crystal lamps. Across from the bed sat a medium size dresser that matched the bed with a 60” flat screen resting above it. On the far way next to the door leading out to the patio was a walk in closet so big you could fit at least two military vehicles. On the opposite wall was the