Read Assassin's Mate (Supernaturally Shipwrecked Book 1) Page 1

  Assassin’s Mate

  Supernaturally Shipwrecked Series


  Jami Brumfield


  Scarlett Jennings is on the run from a sadistic ex-fiancé. She takes refuge on a supernatural cruise liner as a dancer. She doesn’t makes plans for her future because she knows he will find her someday. Brock Martin is part of an order of assassins. He hops the supernatural cruise to kill his next target but is intercepted by a red-headed tigress. After one kiss he makes plans to take out his mark and spend the rest of the week courting the beautiful dancer. There’s only one problem with those plans, his Scarlett has a hefty price on her head and he’s been dispatched to collect.

  Disclaimer and Copyright

  Copyright @ 2015 Jami Brumfield

  Proofreading and editing by Michele Gwynn

  This ebook is licensed for your personal entertainment and enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with someone else, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work. This book is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents depicted herein are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Chapter One

  Scarlett Jennings caught a movement out of her peripheral vision as she was working through the new choreography for the coming night’s performance backstage. Damn cat vision was more of a curse than a blessing. Being the only one scheduled for the stage for the next thirty minutes the appearance of another person was suspicious. The hair that rose on the back of her neck had her running softly after the intruder when she landed from her leap across the stage. Something wasn’t right. If she was smart she’d call the cruise line’s security team, but she and authorities didn’t mix well and she’d feel idiotic if she called the cops on a fellow dancer that was simply getting ready for his scheduled time on the stage. It wasn’t the best way to make a first impression with whoever the stranger was, and she couldn’t afford the drama that might come from narking on a colleague who wasn’t doing anything wrong. Without this job, she only had one other option and sanctuary wasn’t the right move at the moment. It would put those she loved in danger. She needed this dancing gig far more than she’d ever admit out loud.

  Her slippered feet padded silently across the floor as she followed the shadowy figure that went deeper into the unauthorized area of the ship. She was pretty sure this intruder wasn’t a fellow performer and began to rethink her pursuit. The cat that shared her mind warned of danger and flooded her body with adrenaline. The instinct to turn and escape was strong, but the urge to chase prey was stronger. The cat and human were at odds, and once again the tigress would win the battle for control. Her speed picked up as she continued to follow the mysterious figure further into the ship.

  He, (she assumed he was a he because of his build), took a left down a restricted hallway. She continued her stalking, and was taken by surprise when strong arms snaked around her waist and slammed her against the ship’s wall. “What the…” the impact took her breath away and his dangerous looks robbed her of her second breath.

  His hand covered her mouth as he moved closer to her neck and whispered, “Why are you following me?”

  Her heart beat double time. Her eyes grew large, pupils dilated as fear flooded her system. She felt a primal need to escape, but another, deep down, wanted to stay. This wasn’t the same fear she felt in Joshua’s presence. This was different. She tried to talk, but his large hand muffled her words. “Mrph um mph.”

  “I’m going to remove my hand. If you scream, I’ll break your neck, understand?”

  Scarlett nodded. His words should’ve chilled her to the core, should have, but they didn’t. His intensity excited her. Something was obviously wrong with her mind. She’d never felt so many mixed feelings. Her first inclination was to fight the man, and her second was to kiss his rugged lips. Everywhere he touched a spark lit in her nerves and sent her brain into panic mode. Her fight-or-flight instinct should take over, only, instead, she wanted to curl up in the man’s lap and purr.

  Slowly, he moved his hand from her lips, but kept his other hand on her waist, fingernails digging softly into her flesh holding her against the wall, and keeping her from fleeing even if she wanted to, which was the farthest thing from her thoughts in that minute.

  “Why are you following me?” The snarl in his voice was far from scary, more sexy and primal.

  Gods, Scarlett. Pull it together, she chastised herself silently. “I saw you backstage and was curious,” she lied.

  “So you put yourself at risk out of curiosity?” He sounded irritated with her. Why? He was the one doing suspicious things.

  She shrugged. “You know what they say, ‘curiosity kills the cat’.”

  Uncomfortable silence spread between them as he stared into her eyes, like he could see into her soul and read her thoughts. Finally he said, “I suppose you’re going to tell me you’re a cat shifter.”

  His grip on her waist eased up, and she felt sad at the loss of pressure from his hand. She never liked the bad boy types, probably because her ex-fiancé was the worst of the devils, but something about this man made her ignite. “I’ll share what I am if you’ll reciprocate.”

  A tiny tick started in his cheek, just below his dimple, and his mossy green eyes narrowed on her with distrust. “Panther.”

  “Tiger,” she replied, thankful he gave in enough to share his alter ego with her. “What are you doing down here? It’s restricted.” She whispered loudly.

  He readjusted the strap to the shoulder bag she just realized he was carrying. The action caused a lock of his black hair to fall into his eyes. She resisted the urge to reach up and brush it back. It had been too long since she’d found comfort in a man’s arms. It was the only way she could describe the feelings whirling around her body like a tornado.

  “Do you make a habit of asking strangers questions that could get you killed?”

  The bluntness of his words were like a kick to the gut. The man had already threatened to break her neck and now he was implying her actions could get her killed? She’d seen danger all her life, her home was virtually a warzone. It was why she couldn’t go back. She couldn’t lose this job because far worse hazards waited for her there.

  “If threatening a girl is your usual pick…” her words were cut off when his lips pressed against hers. At first, she denied his advance, but the slide of his tongue along her lips tempered any resistance, and she opened up to him and the pleasures he was offering. He didn’t hesitate to deepen the kiss. His grip on her waist tightened, and his other hand eased into the red curls at the nape of her neck forcing her head back allowing him more control.

  She’d never been kissed by a handsome stranger before, and she intended to enjoy the moment. His tongue took authority and rolled over hers like an ocean wave driving her desire up a notch, stealing her breath away. Tension tightened in her middle and grew needy as his hot, ready body pressed her harder against the cold metal wall of the ship. They began the primal dance pressing their bodies together at the center and grinding to a silent rhythm that made them want more.

  Her leg rose of its own accord and wrapped around his waist pulling him harder against her as he masterfully thrust his hardness against her. His fingers on her
waist moved to her thigh and she felt a pleasurable sting as his fingernails bit slightly into her flesh. Desire and want rose in her and threatened to send her soaring into the sky like one of the jumps in her dance.

  “What are you two doing in here?” The harsh tone of a security guard hissed at them, washing over Scarlett like a cold shower.

  The bastard kissed me to keep from getting caught! They broke from the kiss, both short of breath, staring oddly into each other’s eyes. A connection was made, no doubt. What that connection was she couldn’t say with her mind all jumbled and confused.

  He grinned, and with inhuman speed, picked her up and held her in his arms. “Sorry, officer, we just got married and were looking for a little privacy.”

  Married? She didn’t even know the man’s name, and she was suddenly his alibi for some sort of criminal activity, she was sure, but the passion he lit in her from a single kiss kept her from saying what her brain knew was right. She simply blushed – blushed, and allowed him to carry her off as the security guard escorted them out of the restricted area.

  Chapter Two

  Brock Martin stared at the ballsy redhead that interfered with his mission from across the metal lunch table located on the food deck of the ship. He was supposed to be on and off the ship before it exited the port, but this little vixen destroyed those plans like a hurricane takes down coastal towns. Something told him she was good at bringing men to their knees with the way she maneuvered that spoon around her tongue as she spoke. He was in trouble and had the good sense to acknowledge it. From the moment they kissed he felt something deep down open, something he thought he’d never feel. If he was smart, he’d walk away and never look back. He wasn’t in the position to continue the spark that ignited between them, but his panther wouldn’t allow it. The need to possess her was overpowering. The cat was in the driver’s seat and he was restricted to the back seat.

  She spoke to him like he was a normal guy. If she only knew how terrible he really was. What he was here to do. Why he needed to get back to work so he could jump ship at the next port. Being onboard was a compromising position for him, and one that put his entire organization in jeopardy. If she only knew the crimes he’d committed she’d run away so fast his head would spin from the speed of her departure.

  His training told him to use her as a cover. She worked on the ship as a dancer. She was obviously interested in him, and she’d already been implicated in his crime so what was the harm? His panther told him she was far too precious for that and warned those actions would have negative results. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think he found his mate, impossible as that would seem. He’d lost his mate thirty years ago to the war that made him the monster he is now. He’d heard of shifters getting a second chance, but he was far from deserving such a blessing. The bodies he’d left in his wake reserved him a seat in the deepest recesses of hell. He definitely didn’t deserve a blessing from the gods.

  Scarlett took another scoop of her ice cream sundae and asked, “So, Brock, are you going to tell me what you were doing down there?”

  He still couldn’t believe he’d told her his real name. He had more than enough aliases he could use, but the moment he opened his mouth his real name tumbled from his lips. It was like she was a lie detector only her power was to force the truth from him. What was wrong with him? He grinned his sexiest grin, allowing the dimple to poke out before he continued, “I think it’s best we keep business and pleasure separate, don’t you?”

  She shrugged and took another bite of her sundae. “Not really. If you want me to keep covering for you, you definitely need to tell me why I’m helping.”

  Watching her eat was torture. The way her tongue wrapped around the spoon put visions in his head of what she could do to him in bed. He didn’t have time to think about sex. He had a job to do, but this woman wrapped a noose around his neck and led him down the sexual path with ease. Being around her made it impossible to think of little else, but burying himself deep inside her and never letting go. He never should’ve kissed the woman. He simply reacted to the peril and used the closest thing around him as cover. It just happened to be a warm, inviting woman that held an uncomfortable power over him.

  She wiped her cupid’s bow-shaped lips and allowed a frown to cross her face. “Okay, so I guess that’s that.” She stood up and began to leave.

  He felt an unnerving loss at her retreat. He should just let her go. Stay put, he told himself. She’s an unnecessary distraction. Before he knew what was happening he stood up and followed her. “Would you be interested in dinner with me tonight?”

  “I have a performance tonight, and I really need some practice with the new changes to the choreography.” She sounded disinterested in spending any more time with him which cut deep and stung worse than he could’ve imagined.

  He should take her hint and run like hell, but her refusal only made him more interested. The chase, it was what cats lived for, and she was an expert in maneuvering out of her predator’s grasp. It only made him more captivated. Her claws were sinking into his psyche, and she didn’t even know how wrapped around her tail he was becoming. “Okay, after your performance?”

  “There won’t be many places open.”

  The sashay of her hips was intoxicating and kept his attention far more than he was comfortable with. His mind kept wondering how many ways he could steer those hips and the rest of her tight dancer’s body in bed. He wondered if she’d let him have mastery over her or if she’d attempt to take dominance from him. Either option had him licking his lips in anticipation. “That’s fine.”

  She stopped in the hallway and let out an exaggerated breath. “You’re not going to take no for an answer, are you?”

  “Probably not.” He shrugged.

  She could fight the feelings she was developing for this man. They were unnaturally strong and terrifying with how fast they were growing, but life was short. She’d learned that lesson too many times in the last few years. She didn’t want regrets, and something told her she’d rue the day she walked away from this man without seeing what could be. “Okay.”

  They made plans to meet later that night as he walked her back to her cabin. She turned to open the door, and Brock spun her around to face him. The suddenness of the movement made her lose her breath. Locking her eyes with his only intensified the chemistry between them. “May I kiss you?”

  “You didn’t ask before,” she replied breathlessly.

  He twirled a strand of her red hair around his finger, using the close proximity as a way to brush his thumb across her cheek and down to her neck. She shivered, and he reveled in his effect on her. Knowing he made her weak in the knees actually turned him on even more. “So?”

  She didn’t answer him in words. Instead she closed the gap and crushed her lips to his. With a jump she wrapped her legs around his waist and he pressed her back against the room door as he thrust his tongue past the barrier of her lips. She tasted like chocolate strawberries which drove him on. The woman was beyond unpredictable and fantastically sexy.

  Scarlett allowed him access as his fingers roamed up and down her sides, the feather light touch made her shiver inside. She didn’t understand why she felt this way. Just being in the same vicinity of the man made her want his body. She suspected there was more to him, things he was hiding. It was unsettling because she didn’t just want his body, her instinct wanted more. She couldn’t contain the moan when his hand slipped under her shirt and skimmed over her lace-covered chest. She was suddenly thankful she decided to slip on her sexy bra.

  The ample mound in his hand drove his need to possess her to the next level. “Unlock the door, Scarlett.” Keeping control of his animal instinct was becoming difficult. His breathing went shallow and his pulse was racing with anticipation.

  His teeth scrapped against the sensitive skin under her ear and she felt herself losing control. She unwrapped her legs from his waist and nodded obediently as she went to open her cabin door. He pu
lled her buttocks against his body, showing her his need for her as her shaky hands slipped the key card from her purse. Her knees gave out when he nibbled on her ear lobe, but he kept her from falling. Her head fell back against his chest as the door opened.

  It pleased his inner beast with how well she obeyed his commands. Satisfaction filled him with the knowledge that he’d be the alpha in the bedroom. His hand slipped up her shirt and cupped her breast. “We’ll finish this tonight after dinner.” He promised as he placed a possessive hand on her upper thigh while he slipped his finger under the lacy material of her lingerie.

  “But…” She wanted to continue. Gods help her, she wanted to see where this little liaison would lead, but arguing with him only gave him more power over her.

  “Yes?” He grinned. She was playing right into his hands.

  She took a deep breath. “You’re right. We can pick up with this after dinner.”

  He’d be a liar if he didn’t say her response wasn’t disappointing. He’d love to cross that threshold and claim her immediately before she changed her mind, but the idea of waiting was scintillatingly erotic. “I’ll see you tonight. Break a leg.” He grinned, swatted her shapely behind, and left her staring after him attempting to catch her breath. Her kitty started purring and her human half decided she needed a cold shower.

  Chapter Three

  Brock picked up the envelope that was slipped under his cabin door. He was thankful his handler finally contacted him and sent the target information. The sooner he finished his assignment the faster he’d be able to get back to courting his redheaded dancer. It was ironic. If she hadn’t followed him earlier he would’ve met his contact and had the opportunity to do the deed before the cruise left port. He may have never had the opportunity to meet Scarlett. Fortunately, her interference kept him from the meeting, and now he was stuck on the twelve day cruise - unless he got off on the next port. If things kept progressing with Scarlett he may have to enjoy the cruise, and do the job after the trip. It was the first time in years that he wasn’t hastily opening the envelope and getting the job done.