Read At the Fall of Port Arthur; Or, A Young American in the Japanese Navy Page 28



  Larry was taking a nap when the call came to clear the ship for action.It had been discovered that the Russian fleet was trying to escape fromPort Arthur harbor, and the news was flashed from vessel to vessel ofAdmiral Togo's fleet, and all were ordered to prevent the movement atany cost.

  "Now I reckon we are in fer it!" ejaculated Luke, as he and the youthrushed over to their gun. "Larry, it's in my mind we have some tall workcut out fer us this trip!"

  "Let it come--I am in just the humor for fighting!" cried Larry. "I hopewe can smash them just as we smashed the Spanish ships in Manila Bay."

  Sailors and gunners were hurrying in all directions, and orders werecoming in rapid succession. At first the Russian ships had turned in onedirection, now they were turning in another, and, later still, theyseparated. A distant firing could already be heard, but where it camefrom those on the _Shohirika_ could not tell.

  So far no ships of the enemy could be seen with the naked eye. Thelookouts kept a close watch, and the flashlights continued to play allover the bosom of the rolling sea.

  It was almost daylight when a distant explosion was heard. A Russiantorpedo boat had run into a mine and was so badly damaged that she sankinside of ten minutes, carrying a large part of her crew with her.

  This disaster proved a warning to the other Russian ships and theyproceeded on their courses with added caution. The Japanese warshipswere equally on the alert, yet, just as the sun came up, one brushedagainst a mine and received such damage that she was practically put outof the contest.

  "There is one of the enemy's ships!" was the cry, as the mist swept awayas if by magic and the sun came out strongly. "Now is our chance._Banzai!_"

  "And there is another ship!" came a moment later, "and one of our ownpounding her as if she was a witch!"

  Guns were now booming over the water constantly, and from the forts onshore came shots and shells in rapid succession. Soon the _Shohirika_was in the midst of the battle, and then Luke and Larry worked over thegun as never before, doing their full share towards disabling the shipthat was trying to escape up the Manchurian coast.

  For over an hour the running fire kept up. Neither ship dared to put onfull speed, for fear of running into a mine. Solid shot was hurled inall directions, and the _Shohirika_ received one below the water linewhich for the moment looked as if it might sink the craft. But theship's carpenter and his crew got at the leak immediately, driving in awedge which quickly stopped the flow of water.

  It was hard, exhausting work between decks, and at the end of an hourLarry felt he must have some fresh air. Both he and Luke applied forpermission to go on deck, and this permission was readily granted, forthe guns on their side of the warship were not then in use.

  On the deck of the _Shohirika_ they could see what this battle reallymeant. Dirt and debris were to be seen in many places, and half a dozensailors and marines had been killed or wounded. Everybody was bathed inperspiration and grime, and some of those who worked the big guns werepanting like dogs after a chase.

  "It's work, that's what it is," said Luke, running the perspiration fromhis begrimed forehead with his finger. "Ain't no child's play about it!"

  "And dangerous work at that," added Larry. He gave a look toward theenemy's ships. "I declare, Luke, I believe they are running back to PortArthur harbor!"

  "I think the same, lad," responded the Yankee gunner. "Reckon they arefindin' it is goin' to cost too much to get away. As soon as they getaway from them land batteries we can pound 'em for keeps and they knowit."

  "And get away from the mines. That's the worst with fighting aroundhere--you don't know how soon you'll hit a mine and be blown up."

  "Oh, I reckon our captain is watching out fer them pesky things."

  Larry was interested in watching the sharpshooters and range-finders inthe tops, and he walked across the deck to get a better look at them.Luke followed, and as he did so, one of the nearest of the Russian shipssent out a roaring broadside at the _Shohirika_ which raked her fore andaft and sent another hole through her side, but this time above thewater line where it did scant damage.

  "Gee Christopher!" began Luke, when he chanced to glance upward. "Larry,look out!" he screamed. "The top's coming down on ye!"

  Luke was right. One of the shots from the enemy had struck the foremast,above the fighting top, and it was crashing down, carrying a portion ofthe ship's flag with it. One end struck the gun turret, and then thewreckage hit Larry on the shoulder, hurling him on his back.

  The foremast was heavy and had it struck the youth before landing on theturret and the surrounding works it might have killed the young gunner'smate on the spot. As it was, Larry lay like a log where he had fallenand when Luke raised him up the old tar found him unconscious.

  "If he ain't got his shoulder broke then I miss my guess," muttered theYankee gunner. "Larry! Larry! Can't ye speak to me?"

  "That was a nasty one," came from one of the officers of the deck."Better carry him below." And then the officer gave orders to remove thewreckage and hoist the flag once more.

  With the unconscious youth in his arms, Luke hurried below and to thesick bay of the warship. Here the surgeon got to work immediately andexamined Larry thoroughly.

  "No bones broken," he announced. "But the bruise is severe and he issuffering from shock. He will soon come to his senses."

  Luke had to return to his gun, for duty is duty in the navy, regardlessof what is happening around one. It was true, the Russian warships werenow doing their best to sneak back into Port Arthur harbor and AdmiralTogo wanted to do all the damage possible before the forts made itimpossible to follow them further. All of the warships' guns were workedto their utmost, and when the Russian vessels did get back they were sobadly crippled that they were of small consequence for future fightinguntil undergoing repairs.

  When Larry opened his eyes again he found himself lying on a clean whitecot in the ship's hospital with an attendant standing over him bathinghis face.

  "Oh!" he murmured and stared around him. "Oh, my shoulder! That was afearful crack I got!"

  The attendant did not understand, but smiled blandly and continued tobathe his face and also his head. Soon the full realization of what hadhappened came to the young gunner's mate. Then he asked about Luke.

  The fighting was at an end and presently Luke came to him, to find Larrysitting up in a chair.

  "I feel stiff and sore all over, Luke," said the youth. "It was just asif a house came down on me."

  "Thank fortune you wasn't killed, or didn't have your bones broken,"returned the Yankee gunner.

  "I am thankful. Were you hurt?"

  "Not in the least."

  "What about the fight?"

  "The Russians have sneaked back into the harbor like a lot of whippeddogs."

  "What is our ship doing?"

  "Putting up the coast. I don't know where we are going," answered Luke.

  Larry remained in the ship's hospital for three days and then resumedhis duties as before. His shoulder still felt stiff and sore and liftinganything was a good deal of labor. But Luke favored him, so he got alongvery well.

  A week passed and the _Shohirika_ remained at sea, moving in a widecircle, on the lookout for Russian warships or supply boats. But nonewere encountered, and then the cruiser was ordered to escort a transportfilled with soldiers bound for the front.

  The transport landed at a point some miles north of Dalny and the troopswent ashore without delay. They were bound for the railroad, and were toparticipate in the advance upon Port Arthur from that point.

  As the warship remained in the harbor several days, both Luke and Larrywere allowed a short run on shore. They enjoyed this trip very much,until, much to their surprise, they learned that Major Okopa's commandwas in the vicinity. Then they hunted this up, to learn the sad newsfrom Gilbert that Ben was missing.

  "Missing!" ejaculated Larry, in horror. "Taken by Chunchuses! Oh,Gilber
t, this is dreadful!"

  "Well, I don't know as you feel any worse than I do, Larry," answeredGilbert. "It makes me wild to think of it."

  "But couldn't you find any trace of him at all?"

  "Not the slightest, although I think he was carried off in a boat."

  "But why should the Chinese brigands make him a prisoner?"

  "I'm sure I don't know, excepting to hold him for a ransom. But if theyintended to do that it is likely we should have heard from them beforethis."

  The matter was discussed as long as Larry and Luke could remain onshore. But nothing came of it, and with a heavy heart the young gunner'smate returned to his place on the warship.