Read At the Mercy of Tiberius Page 10


  When Leo Gordon celebrated her twenty-second birthday, Judge Dent,appreciating the importance of familiarizing her with the businessdetails and technicalities of commercial usage, incident to themanagement of her large estate, had insisted upon terminating hisguardianship, and transferring to her all responsibility for the futureconduct of her financial affairs. New books were placed in her hands,in which he required her to keep systematically and legibly all heraccounts; she drew and signed her own checks, and semi-annuallyfurnished for his inspection a neat balance-sheet.

  As adviser, and agent for the collection of dividends and rents, thechange or renewal of investments, he maintained only a generalsupervision, and left her untrammelled the use of her income. As adangerous innovation upon time-honored customs, which under the antebellum regime, had kept Southern women as ignorant of practicalbusiness routine, as of the origin of the Weddas of Ceylon, Miss Pattybitterly opposed and lamented her brother's decision; dismallypredicting that the result must inevitably be the transformation oftheir refined, delicate, clinging "Southern lady", into that abhorredmonster--"a strong-minded independent business woman".

  Intensely loyal to the social standard, usages and traditions of anaristocracy, that throughout the South had guarded its patrician rankswith almost Brahmin jealousy, she sternly decried every infringement ofcaste custom and etiquette. Nature and education had combined todeprive her of any adaptability to the new order of things; and sherejected the idea that "a lady should transact business", with the samecontemptuous indignation that would have greeted a proposition to wear"machine-sewed garments", that last resort of impecunious plebeianism.However unwelcome Leo had found this assumption of the grave duties ofmature womanhood, she met the responsibility unflinchingly, andgathered very firmly the reins transferred to her fair hands forguidance. Judge Dent and Miss Patty were the last of their family,except the orphan niece who had been left to their care, and as theirearthly possessions would ultimately descend to her, she had beenreared in the conviction that their house was her only home.

  Study and travel, potent factors in the march of progress, had soenlarged the periphery of Leo's intellectual vision, that shefrequently startled her prim aunt, by the enunciation of views much tooextended and cosmopolitan to fit that haughty dame's Procrustean limitsof "Southern ladyhood". Blessed with a discriminating governess andchaperon, who while fostering a genuine love of the beautiful, hadendeavored to guard her pupil from straying into any of thosefashionable "art crazes", which in their ephemeral exaggerationapproach caricatures of aestheticism, Leo became deeply imbued with thespirit of classic literature and art; and grew especially fond of thestudy of Greek and Roman architecture.

  Believing that the similarity of climate in her native State, justifiedthe revival of an archaic style of building, she ardently desired andfinally obtained her uncle's consent to the erection (as an addition tothe Dent mansion), of a suite of rooms, designed in accordance with hertaste, and for her own occupancy. Hampered by no prudential economicconsiderations, and fearless of criticism as regarded archaeologicalanachronisms, Leo allowed herself a wide-eyed eclecticism, thatresulted in a thoroughly composite structure, eminently satisfactory atleast to its fastidious owner. A single story in height, it containedonly four rooms, and on a reduced scale resembled the typical house ofPansa, except that the flat roof rose in the center to a dome.Constituting a western wing of the old brick mansion which it adjoined,the entrance fronting north, opened from a portico with clusteredcolumns, into a square vestibule; which led directly to a large,octagonal atrium, surrounded by lofty fluted pillars with foliatedcapitals that supported the arched and frescoed ceiling. In the centre,a circular impluvium was sunk in the marble paved floor, where insummer a jet of spray sprang from the water on whose surface lily padsfloated; and in winter, shelves were inserted, which held blooming potplants, that were arranged in the form of a pyramid. The domeoverarching this, was divided into three sections; the lower frescoed,the one above it filled with Etruscan designs in stained glass; theupper, formed of white ground glass sprinkled with gilt starsrepresenting constellations, was so constructed, that it could beopened outward in panels, and thus admit the fresh air.

  On the east side of this atrium, Leo's bed-room connected with thatoccupied by Miss Patty in the old house; and opposite, on the west, wasa large square Pompeian library, with dark red dado, daintily frescoedpanels, and richly tinted glowing frieze. At the end of this apartment,and concealed by purple velvet curtains lined with rose silk, an archopened into a small semi-circular chapel or oratory, lighted by stainedglass windows, whose brilliant hues fell on a marble altar upheld bytwo kneeling figures; and here lay the family Bible of Leo'sgreat-grandfather, Duncan Gordon, with tall bronze candelabra on eachside, holding wax candles. At the right of two marble steps that led tothe altar, was spread a rug, and upon this stood an ebony reading-deskwhere a prayer-book rested. Filling a niche in the wall on the leftside, the gilded pipes of an organ rose to meet a marble console thatsupported a Greek cross.

  In order to secure an unobstructed vista from the front door, thatportion of the building which corresponded to the ancient tablinum, wasused merely as an aviary, where handsome brass cages of various shapesshowed through their burnished wires snowy cockatoos, gaudy paroquets,green and gold canaries, flaming red and vivid blue birds, and one hugewhite owl, whose favorite perch when allowed his freedom, was a bronzePallas on a projecting bracket.

  Conspicuous among these, was a peculiar cage made of tortoise shell,ivory and silver wire, which Leo had assigned to a scarlet-crested,crimson-throated Australian cockatoo. Beyond this undraped rearvestibule stretched the peristyle, a parallelogram, surrounded by alofty colonnade. The centre of this space was adorned by a rockerywhence a fountain rose; flower beds of brilliant annuals and coleusencircled it like a mosaic, and the ground was studded with orange andlemon trees, banana and pineapple plants; while at the farther sidedelicate exotic grape vines were trained from column to column.

  In summer this beautiful court was entirely open to the sky, but at theapproach of winter a movable framework of iron pillars was erected,which supported a glass roof, that sloped southward, and garnered heatand sunshine. Neither chimneys nor fireplaces were visible, but ahidden furnace thoroughly warmed the entire house, and in eachapartment the registers represented braziers of classic design.

  Except for the external entrances, doors had been abolished; portieresof plush, satin, and Oriental silk closed all openings in winter; andduring long sultry Southern summers were replaced by draperies of lace,and wicker-work screens where growing ivy and smilax trained their coolgreen leaves, and graceful tendrils. Wooden floors had accompanied thedoors to Coventry; and everywhere squares of marble, and lemon and bluetiles showed shimmering surfaces between the costly rugs, and fur robesscattered lavishly about the rooms. Surrounded by a gilded wreath ofolive leaves, and incised on an architrave fronting the vestibule, thegolden "Salve" greeted visitors; just beneath it, on an antique shapedtable of topaz-veined onyx, stood a Vulci black bowl or vase, decoratedin vermilion with Bacchanal figures; and this Leo filled in summer withcreamy roses, in winter, with camellias. Where the shrines and Laresstood in ancient houses, a square, burnished copper pedestal fashionedlike an altar had been placed, and upon it rose from a bed of carvedlilies, a copy in white marble of Palmer's "Faith".

  From the front portico, one could look through the vestibule, theatrium, the aviary, and on into the peristyle, where among vinebranches and lemon boughs, the vista was closed by a flight of stonesteps with carved cedar balustrade, leading up to the flat roof, whereit sometimes pleased the mistress to take her tea, or watch the sunset.In selecting and ordering designs for the furniture, a strict adherenceto archaic types had been observed; hence the couches, divans, chairs,and tables, the pottery and bric-a-brac, the mirrors and draperies,were severely classic.

  An expensive whim certainly, far exceeding the original estimate of itscost; and Mis
s Patty bewailed the "wicked extravagance of squanderingmoney that would have built a handsome church, and supported for lifetwo missionaries in mid-China"; but Judge Dent encouraged and approved,reviving his classical studies to facilitate the successfulaccomplishment of the scheme. When the structure was completed and Leodeclared herself perfectly satisfied with the result, it was her unclewho had proposed to celebrate her twenty-fourth birthday by a mask-ballin which every costume should be classic, distinctively Roman or Greek;and where the mulsum dispensed to the guests should be mixed in agenuine Cratera.

  To this brilliant fete, one cloudless June night, friends from distantStates were invited; and fragrant with the breath of its glowing roses,the occasion became memorable, embalmed forever in Leo's happy heart,because then and there, beside the fountain in the peristyle, she hadpledged her hand and faith to Mr. Dunbar.

  Sitting to-day in front of the library window, whence she had loopedback the crimson curtains, to admit the November sunshine, Leo wasabsorbed in reading the description of the private Ambar-valiacelebrated by Marius at "White Nights". Under the spell of the Apostleof Culture, whose golden precept: "BE PERFECT IN REGARD TO WHAT IS HEREAND NOW," had appealed powerfully to her earnest exalted nature, shefailed to observe the signals of her pet ring-doves cooing on the ledgeoutside. Finally their importunate tapping on the glass arrested herattention, and she raised the sash and scattered a handful of rice andmillet seed; whereupon a cloud of dainty wings swept down, and into thelibrary, hovering around her sunny head, and pecking the food from heropen palms. One dove seemed particularly attracted by the glitter ofthe diamond in her engagement ring, and perched on her wrist, maderepeated attempts to dislodge the jewel from its crown setting.Playfully she shook it off several times, and amused by itspertinacity, finally closed her hands over it, and rubbed her softcheek against the delicate silvery plumage.

  "No, no, you saucy scamp! I can't afford to feed you on diamonds frommy sacred ring! Did you get your greedy nature from some sable Dodoneanancestress? If we had lived three thousand years ago, I might besuperstitious, and construe your freak into an oracular protest againstmy engagement. Feathered augurs survive their shrines. Clear out! youheretic!"

  As she tossed it into the garden and closed the window, the portiere ofthe library was drawn aside, and her maid approached, followed by afemale figure draped in a shawl and wearing a lofty turban.

  "Miss Leo, Aunt Dyce wants to see you on some particular business."

  "Howdy do, Aunt Dyce? It is a long time since you paid us a visit.Justine, push up a chair for her, and then open the cages and let thebirds out for an hour. What is the matter, Aunt Dyce, you looktroubled? Sit down, and tell me your tribulations."

  "Yes, Miss Leo, I am in deep waters; up to my chin in trouble, and myheart is dragging me down; for it's heavier 'an a bushel of lead. Youdon't remember your own ma, do you?"

  "I wish I did; but I was only five months old when I lost her."

  "Well, if she was living to-day, she would stretch her two hands andpull me out of muddy waves; and that's why I have come to you. You see,Miss Marcia and my young Mistiss, Miss Ellice, was bosom friends,playmates, and like sisters. They named their dolls after one another,and many a time your ma brought her wax doll to our house, for me todress it just like Miss Ellice's, 'cause I was the seamstus in ourfamily, and I always humored the childun about their doll clothes. Theyhad their candy pullins, and their birthday frolics, and their shetlan'ponies no bigger 'an dogs, and, oh Lord! what blessed happy times themwas! Now, your ma's in glory, and you is the richest belle in theState; and my poor young mistiss is in the worst puggatory, the onethat comes before death; and her child, her daughter that oughter beliving in style at 'Elm Bluff', like you are here, where is she? Whereis she? Flung down among vilyans and mallyfactors, and the veryoff-scourings of creation, in the penitenchery! Tears to me like, ifold mistiss is as high-headed and proud as she was in this world, herspeerit would tear down the walls and set her grandchild free. When Isaw that beautiful young thing beating her white hands agin the ironbars, it went to my heart like a carving knife, and--"

  Dyce burst into tears, and covered her face with her apron, Leo pattedher shoulder softly, and essayed to comfort her.

  "Don't cry so bitterly; try to be hopeful. It is very, very sad, but ifshe is innocent, her stay in prison will be short."

  "There ain't no 'ifs'--when it comes to 'cusing my mistiss' child ofstealing and murdering. Suppose the sheriff was to light down here thisminute, and grab you up and tell folks 'spectable witnesses swore youbroke open your Uncle Mitchell's safe, and brained him with a handi'on?Would you think it friendly for people to say, if she didn't they willsoon turn her aloose? Would that be any warm poultice to your hurtfeelin's? It's the stinging shame and the awful, disgrace of being'spicioned, that you never would forgive."

  "Yes, it is very dreadful, and I pity the poor girl; but it seems thatappearances are all against her, and I fear she will find it difficultto explain some circumstances."

  "If your ma was here to-day, she wouldn't say that. When she was afriend, she was stone deaf and mole blind to every evil report aginthem she loved. Miss Marcia would go straight to that jail, and put herarms 'round Miss Ellice's child, and stand by her till her last breath;and the more she was pussecuted, the closer she would stick. Miss Leo,you must take your ma's place, you must heir her friendship just likeyou do her other property. I have come to you, 'cause I am going awayto New York, and can't feel easy 'till you promise me you will do whatyou can. Miss Ellice is laying at the pint of death, and her poor childis so deestracted about her needing comforts, that I tole her I'de goon an' nuss her ma for her, 'till she was sot free and could hurryback. I dreampt last night that ole mistiss called me and Bedney, andsaid 'Take good care of Ellice'; and I got right out of bed and packedmy trunk. I'm just from the penitenchery, and that poor tormented childdon't know me, don't know nothing. Trouble have run her plum crazy, andwhat with brain fever and them lie-yers, God only knows what's tobecome of her. Handi'ons ain't the only godforsaken things folks aremurdered with. Miss Leo, promise me you will go to see her while I amgone, and 'tend to it that she has good nussing."

  "I will do what is possible for her comfort; and as it will be anexpensive journey to you, I will also help you to pay your passage toNew York. How much money--"

  "I don't want your money, Miss Leo. Bedney and me never is beholdin' tonobody for money. We was too sharp to drap our savings in the'Freedman's Bank', 'cause we 'spicioned the bottom was not sodderedtight, and Marster's britches' pocket was a good enough bank for us. Wedon't need to beg, borrow, nor steal. As I tole you, I was theseamstress, and just before Miss Ellice run away from the school, olemistiss had a fine lot of bran-new clothes made ready for her when shecome home to be a young lady. She never did come home, and when olemistiss died I jist tuck them new clothes I had made, and packed 'em ina wooden chist, and kept 'em hid away; 'cause I was determed nobody butMiss Ellice should wear 'em. I've hid 'em twenty-three years, and nowI've had 'em done up, and one-half I tuck to that jail, for that pooryoung thing, and the rest of 'em I'm gwine to carry to Miss Ellice.They shan't need money nor clothes; for Bedney and me has got too muchfamly pride to let outsiders do for our own folks; but Miss Leo, youcan do what nobody else in this wide world can. I ain't a gwine to walkthe devil 'round the stump, and you mustn't take no 'fence when I jumpsplum to the pint. Mars Lennox is huntin' down Miss Ellice's child likea hungry hound runs a rabbit, and I want you to call him off. If hethinks half as much of you as he oughter, you can stop him. Oh, MissLeo, for God's sake--call him off--muzzle him!"

  Leo rose haughtily, and a quick flush fired her cheek; but as shelooked at the old woman's quivering mouth and streaming eyes,compassion arrested her displeasure.

  "Aunt Dyce, there are some things with which ladies should not meddle;and I cannot interfere with any gentleman's business affairs."

  "Oh, honey! if Miss Marcia was living, she wouldn't say that! She wouldjust put he
r arm round Miss Beryl and tell Mars Lennox: 'If you help tohang my friend's child, you shan't marry my daughter!' Your ma hadpluck enuff to stop him. Mark what I say; that poor child is innercent,and the Lord will clear up everything some day, and then He willrequire the blood of them that condemned the innercent. Suppos'nappearances are agin her? Wasn't appearances all agin Joseph's bruthrenwhen the money and the silver cup was found in their bags, and themafleein home? And if the 'Gyptian lie-yers could have got their clawson that case, don't you know they would have proved them innercent boysguilty, and a hung em? Oh, I am afeerd of Mars Lennox, for he favorshis pa mightily; he has got the keenest scent of all the pack; and hewent up yonder, and 'cused, and 'bused, and browbeat and aggervated andtormented that poor, helpless young creetur,'till she fell down in adead faint on the jail floor; and sence then, the Doctor says her mindis done clean gone. Don't get mad with me, Miss Leo; I am bound toclare my conscience, and now I have done all I could, I am gwine toleave my poor young mistiss' child in God's hands, and in yourn, MissLeo; and when I come back, you must gim'me an account of yourstewudship. You are enuff like Miss Marcia, not to shirk your duty; andas you do, by that pussecuted child, I pray the Lord to do by you."

  She seized Leo's hand, kissed it, and left the room.

  For some moments Leo sat, with one finger between the creamy leaves ofher favorite book, but the charm was broken; her thoughts wandered farfrom the stories of Apuleius, and the oration of Aurelius, and aftermature deliberation, she put aside the volume and rang the library bell.

  "Justine, is Mrs. Graham here?"

  "She is coming now; I see the carriage at the gate."

  "Do not invite her into Aunt Patty's room, until I have seen her. TellAndrew to harness Gypsy, and bring my phaeton to the door; and Justine,carry my felt hat, driving gloves and fur jacket to Aunt Patty's room."

  Confined to her bed by a severe attack of her chronic foe, inflammatoryrheumatism, Miss Dent had sent for her dearest friend and faithfulcolleague in church work, Mrs. Graham, who came to spend a day andnight, and discuss the affairs of the parish.

  "Aunt Patty, Mrs. Graham is in the parlor, and as I am well aware youcan both cheerfully dispense with my society for the present, I amgoing into town. Dyce Darrington has been here, and I have promised togo and see that unfortunate girl who is in prison."

  "Leo Gordon, you don't mean to tell me that you are going into thepenitentiary!"

  "Why not?"

  "It is highly improper for a young lady to visit such places, and I amastonished that you should feel any inclination to see the countenancesof the depraved wretches herded there. I totally disapprove of such anincomprehensible freak."

  "Then I will hold the scheme in abeyance, until I ask Uncle Mitchell'sadvice. I shall call at his office, and request him to go with me."

  "Don't you know that the Grand Jury brought in a true bill against thatyoung woman? She is indicted for murder, robbery and the destruction ofher grandfather's will. Mitchell tells me the evidence is overwhelmingagainst her, and you know he was disposed to defend her at first."

  "Yes, Aunty. I am aware that everything looks black for the unfortunategirl; but I learn she is very ill, and as it cannot possibly injure meto endeavor to contribute to her physical comfort. I shall go and secher, unless Uncle Mitchell refuses his consent to my visit to theprison."

  "But, Leo, what do you suppose Mr. Dunbar will think and say, when hehears of this extraordinary procedure?"

  "Mr. Dunbar is neither the custodian of my conscience, nor the guardianand dictator of my actions. Good-bye, Aunty dear. Justine, show Mrs.Graham in."

  "Mr. Dunbar will never forgive such a step; because, like all othermen, no matter how much license he allows himself, he is very exactingand fastidious about the demeanor of his lady-love."

  "I shall not ask absolution of Mr. Dunbar, and I hope my womanlyintuitions are a safer and more refined guide, than any man'sfastidiousness. Remember, Aunt Patty, religion's holiest work consistsin ministering to souls steeped in sin. Are we too pure to follow whereChrist led the way?"