Read At the Mercy of Tiberius Page 12


  It was midnight in November, keenly cold, but windless; and in thepurplish sky, the wintry crown of stars burned with silvery lustre,unlike the golden glow of constellations throbbing in sultry summer,and their white fires sparkled, flared as if blown by interstellarstorms. The large family of Lazarus huddled over dying embers ondarkening hearths, and shivered under scanty shreds of covering; butthe house of Dives was alight with the soft radiance of wax candles,fragrant with the warm aroma of multitudinous exotics, and brimmingwith waves of riotous music, on which merry-hearted favorites offashion swam in measured mazes. The "reception" given by Judge Parkmanto the Governor and his staff, on the occasion of a review of Statetroops at X--, was at its height; and several counties had been skimmedfor the creme de la creme of most desirable representatives of wit,wealth and beauty.

  Miss Gordon had arrived unusually late, and as she entered the room,leaning on her uncle's arm, she noticed that Mr. Dunbar was the centreof a distinguished group standing under the chandelier. He was gentlyfanning his hostess, who stood beside the Governor, and evidently hewas narrating some spicy incident, or uttering some pungent witticism,whereat all laughed heartily. The light fell full on his fine figure,which rose above all surrounding personages, and was faultlesslyapparelled in evening dress; and Leo's heart filled with tender pride,at the consciousness that he was all her own. The exigencies ofetiquette prevented for more than an hour any nearer approach, but whenMr. Dunbar had rendered "Caesar's things" to social Caesar, and paidtribute of bows, smiles, compliments and persiflage into the coffer ofcustom, he made his way through the throng, to the spot where hisbetrothed stood resting after her third dance.

  "Will Miss Gordon grant me a promenade in lieu of the dance, whichmisfortunes conspired to prevent me from securing earlier in theevening?"

  He drew her hand under his arm, and his eyes ran with proprietorialfreedom over the details of her costume, pale blue satin, creamy foamof white lace, soft sheen of large pearls, and bouquet of exquisitehalf blown La France roses.

  Since their betrothal, he had claimed the privilege of sending theflowers she wore, on special occasions, and she had invariablyexpressed her appreciation through the dainty lips of a boutonnierearranged by her own fingers. Now while he recognized the roses restingon her corsage, her eyes dwelt on her favorite double lilac violets,nestling in the buttonhole of his coat.

  "You were very late to-night. I loitered in ambush about the precinctsof the dressing-room, hoping for the pleasure of conducting youdown-stairs; but 'the best laid schemes o' mice and men gang aftaglee', and I became the luckless prey of similar tactics. Thatmarauding Tomyris, Mrs. Halsey, sallied out at the head of her columnof daughters, espied me lurking behind the portiere, and proclaimingher embarras de richesse, 'paid me the compliment' of consigning onefair campaigner, Miss Eloise Hermione, to my care. Fancy the strain oncourtesy, as I accepted my 'quite unexpected good fortune'!"

  He spoke with a nervous rapidity, at variance with his usualimperturbable deliberateness of manner, and she thought she had neverseen his eyes so restless and brilliant.

  "I was unusually late, owing to the fact that the Governor and staffdined with Uncle Mitchell, and they lingered so long over their cigarsand wine, that I was delayed in the drawing-room, waiting for them;consequently was very late in changing my dress. We were sorry you wereprevented from joining us. Uncle pronounced the dinner a perfectsuccess; and certainly Governor Glenbeigh was in his happiest mood, andparticularly agreeable."

  "Given his hostess, and entourage, could he possibly have been less?Rumor's hundred tongues wag with the announcement, that his Excellencyis no longer inconsolable for his wife's death; and desires to testifyto the happiness of conjugal relations, by a renewal of the sweetbondage; a curiously subtile compliment to the deceased. If I may bepardoned the enormity of the heresy, I think Shakspeare blunderedsupremely, when he gave Iago's soul to a man. Diabolical cunning,shrewd malevolence pure and simple, armed with myriads of stings forhypodermic incisions that poison a man's blood, should be appropriatelycostumed in a moss-green velvet robe, should wear frizzled bangs asyellow as yonder bouquet of Marechal Neils, so suggestive of thewarning flag flying over pest-houses!"

  "It is very evident you are not equally generous in surrendering theamiability of Timon, along with the depravity of Iago, to the arsenalof feminine weapons. What corroding mildew of discontent has fallenfrom Mrs. Parkman's velvet dress, and rusted the bright blade of yourchivalry?"

  "The very breath of Iago, filling my ears and firing my heart with thearchitectural details of her coveted 'castle in Spain.' Glenbeigh isher cousin. The ladder of his preferment is set up before my eyes, andhis Excellency springs up the rounds, from Governor to Senatorship,thence to a place in the Cabinet, certainly to an important foreignembassy; where, in the eternal fitness of things, somebody, somebodywith tender brown eyes like a thrush's, and the voice of a siren, andthe red lips of Hebe--will be invited to reign as l'ambassadrice! If Iam not as mad with jealous despair as Othello, attribute my escapeeither to a sublime faith in your adorable constancy andincorruptibility, or to my own colossal vanity, fatuous beyondabsolution."

  He pressed her arm closer to his side, and covered with one hand thegloved fingers resting on his sleeve; then added:

  "You must permit me to congratulate you upon your beautiful toiletteto-night. The harmony of the dress, and the grace of the wearer leavenothing to be desired. Although debarred the pleasure of dining withyou, I had hoped to enter, at least, with the coffee, but the freighttrain upon which I returned, was delayed; and I had no choice but toawait your arrival here."

  He indulged so rarely in verbal compliments, that she flushed withprofound gratification at flip fervor of his tone.

  "I am glad you like my dress, to which your roses lend the loveliestgarniture. I was not aware that X--could furnish at this season suchsuperb La France buds. Where did you find them?"

  "They travelled several hundred miles, for the privilege of nestlingagainst my Leo's heart."

  Spartan thieves are not the only heroic sufferers who smile and make nomoan, clasping close the hidden fangs ravening on their vitals.

  "As you mentioned in your note that very important business had calledyou unexpectedly away, I hope your mission proved both pleasant andsuccessful."

  A shadow drifted over his countenance, like that cast by some summercloud long becalmed, which sets sail before a sudden gust.

  "Only a modicum of success to counterbalance the disagreeable featuresof a journey in a freight train caboose."

  "Why do you hazard that dangerous schedule, instead of waiting for thepassenger express?"

  "Business exigencies narrow the limits of choice; moreover, had Iwaited for the express, I should have missed the coveted pleasure ofthis meeting with you. The rosy glamour of happy anticipation conquerseven the discomfort of a freight caboose."

  Did she suspect that some sullen undercurrent of intense feeling drovethese eddying foam bells of flattery into the stream of conversation;or was her reply merely a chance ricochet shot, more accuratelyeffective than direct fire?

  "This afternoon I had a note from Sister Serena, asking for a fewarticles conducive to the comfort of a sick room; and I really cannotdetermine whether we should feel regret, or relief at the tidings thatthat unfortunate girl--can scarcely--"

  "Spare me the Egyptian mummy at my feast! The memento mori when I wouldfain forget. Let me inhale the perfume of your roses, without hearingthat possibly a worm battens on their petals. Will you ride with metomorrow afternoon?"

  "I am sorry that an engagement to dine will prevent, as the afternoonsare so short."

  "Are you going to the Percy's?"

  "Yes. Will you not be there?"

  "Too bad! I have just declined attending that dinner, because I hadplanned the horseback ride. Formerly fate seemed to smile upon me; nowshe shows herself a scowling capricious beldam. I have lost thisevening, waiting to see you, and now, I must s
teal away unnoticed;because of an important matter which admits of no delay. Have youpromised to dance with Mayfield? Here he comes. Good-night, my dearLeo, expect to see me at 'The Lilacs' at the earliest possible moment."

  Unobserved he made his escape, and hurried away. At a livery stable hestopped to order his horse saddled, and brought to his door, and a fewmoments later, stood before the grate in his law office, where the redglow of the coals had paled under ashy veils. From the letter-rack overthe mantel, he took a note containing only a line:

  "She has reached the crisis. We have no hope." "SINGLETON."

  In the hot embers, it smoked, shrivelled, disappeared; and the attorneycrossed his arms over his chest to crush back the heavy sigh strugglingfor escape. The long overcoat buttoned from throat to knee, enhancedhis height, and upon his stern, handsome features had settled anexpression of sorrowful perplexity; while his keen eyes showed thefeverish restlessness that, despite his efforts, betrayed heartache.Above the heads of the gay throng he had just left, he had seen allthat evening a slender white hand beckoning to him from the bars of adungeon; and dominating the music of the ball room, the laughter of itsdancers, had risen the desperate, accusing cry:

  "You have ruined my life!"

  Was it true, that his hand had dashed a foul blot of shame upon thefall pure page of a girl's existence, and written there the fatalfinis? If she died, could he escape the moral responsibility of havingbeen her murderer? Amid the ebb and flow of conflicting emotions, onegrim fact stared at him with sardonic significance. If he had ruinedher life, retribution promptly exacted a costly forfeit; and hishappiness was destined to share her grave.

  He neither analyzed nor understood the nature of the strangefascination which he had ineffectually striven to resist; and he groundhis teeth, and clinched his hands with impotent rage, under thestinging and humiliating consciousness that his unfortunate victim hadgrappled his heart to hers, and would hold it forever in bondage. Noother woman had ever stirred the latent and unsuspected depths of histenderness; but at the touch of her hand, the flood burst forth,sweeping aside every barrier of selfish interest, defying the rampartsof worldly pride. Guilty or innocent, he loved her; and thewretchedness he had inflicted, was recoiling swiftly upon himself.

  Unbuttoning his overcoat, he took from an inside pocket, the torn halfof a large envelope, and unlocking the drawer of his desk, hunted for asimilar fragment. Spreading them out before him, he fitted the zigzagedges with great nicety, and there lay the well-known superscription:"Last Will and Testament of Robert Luke Darrington." One corner of thelast found bit was brown and mud-stained, but the handwriting was inperfect preservation. As he stooped to put it all back in a secretdrawer, something fell on the floor. He picked up the daintyboutonniere of pale sweet violets, and looked at it, while a frowndarkened his countenance, as though he recognized some plenipotentiarypleading for fealty to a sacred compact.

  "Poor Leo! how little she suspects disloyalty. How infinite is hertrust, and what a besotted ingrate I am!"

  He tossed the accusing flowers into the grate, took his riding-whip andwent down to the door, where his horse was champing the bit, and pawingwith impatience. Along the deserted streets, out of the sleeping town,he rode toward the long stone bridge that spanned the winding river.When he had reached the centre, his horse darted aside, because of thesudden leap of a black cat from the coping of the nearest pier, whenceshe sped on, keeping just ahead of him. The spectral sickle of a waningmoon hung on the edge of the sky, and up and down the banks of thestream floated phantoms of silvery mist, here covering the water withimpalpable wreaths, and there drifting away to enable Andromeda toprint her starry image on the glassy surface.

  Behind stretched the city, marked by lines of gas lamps; in front rosethe hill clothed with forests; and frowning down upon the rider, thehuge shadow of the dismal dungeon crouched like a stealthy beast readyto spring upon him. Dark as the deeds of its inmates, the mass of stoneblotted the sky, save in one corner, where a solitary light shonethrough iron lattice work. Was it a beacon of hope, or did the raysfall on features cold under the kiss of death?

  Spurring his horse up the rocky hill, Mr. Dunbar was greeted by thebaying of two bloodhounds within the enclosure; and soon after, Mr.Singleton conducted him up the steps leading to the room where Berylhad been placed.

  "She is alive; that is all. The doctor said she could not last tillmidnight, but it is now half-past one; and my wife has never lost hope.She has sent the nurse off to get some sleep, and you will find Susiein charge."

  The hazel eyes of the gaoler's wife were humid with tears, as sheglanced up at the attorney, and motioned him to the low chair shevacated.

  "I knew you would come, and when I heard you gallop across the bridge,I sent Sister Serena off to bed. There is nothing to be done now, butwatch and pray. If she ever wakes in this world she will be rational,and she will get well. The nurse thinks she will pass away in thisstupor; but I have faith that she will not die, until she clears hername."

  Nature makes some women experts in the fine art of interpretingcountenance and character, and by a mysterious and unerring divination,Mrs. Singleton knew that her visitor desired no companion in hisvigils; hence, after flitting about the room for a few moments, sheadded:

  "If you will sit here a while, I can look after my babies. Should anychange occur, tap at my door; I shall not be long away."

  What a melancholy change in the sleeper, during the few days of hisabsence; how much thinner the hollow cheek, how sunken the closed eyes;how indescribably sharpened the outlines of each feature. The facewhich had formerly suggested some marble statue, had now the finertracery as of an exquisite cameo; and oblivion of all earthly ills hadset there the seal of a perfect peace. She lay so motionless, with herhands on her breast, that Mr. Dunbar bent his head close to hers, tolisten to her respiration; but no sound was audible, and when his eartouched her lips, their coldness sent a shiver of horror through hisstalwart frame. Pure as the satin folds of an annunciation lily pearledwith dew, was the smooth girlish brow, where exhaustion hung heavydrops; and about her temples the damp hair clung in glossy rings,framing the pallid, deathlike face.

  At her wrist, the fluttering thread eluded his grasp, and kneelingbeside the cot, he laid his head down on her breast, dreading to findno pulsation; but slow and faint, he felt the tired heart beat feeblyagainst his cheek; and tears of joy, that reason could neither explainnor justify, welled up and filled his eyes. Leaning his head on herpillow, he took one hand between both his, and watched the profoundsleep that seemed indeed twin sister of death.

  Softened by distance came the deep mellow sound of the city clockstriking two. Down among the willows fringing the river bank, somelonely water-fowl uttered its plaintive cry, whereat the bloodhoundsbayed hoarsely; then velvet-sandalled silence laid her soothing touchupon the world, and softly took all nature into her restful arms.

  In the searching communion which he held with his own heart, duringthat solemn watch, Mr. Dunbar thrust aside all quibbles and disguises,and accepted as unalterable, two conclusions.

  She was innocent of crime, and he loved her; but she knew who hadcommitted the murder, and would suffer rather than betray the criminal.The conjecture that she was shielding a lover, was accompanied by sokeen a pang of jealous pain, that it allowed him no room to doubt thenature or intensity of the feeling which she had inspired.

  In her wan loveliness, she seemed as stainless as a frozen snowdrop,and while his covetous gaze dwelt upon her he felt that he could layher in her coffin now, with less suffering, than see her live to giveher brave heart to any other man. To lift her spotless and untrampledfrom the mire of foul suspicion, where his hand had hurled her, was thesupreme task to which he proposed to devote his energies; butselfishness was the sharpest spur; she must be his, only his, otherwisehe would prefer to see her in the arms of death.

  So the night waned; and twice, when the warden's wife stole to thedoor, he lilted his head and waved her back. When the
clock in thetower struck four, he felt a slight quiver in the fingers lying withinhis palm, and Beryl's face turned on the pillow, bringing her headagainst his shoulder. Was it the magnet of his touch drawing herunconsciously toward him, or merely the renewal of strength, attestedalready by the quickened throb of the pulse that beat under his clasp?By degrees her breathing became audible to his strained ear, and once asigh, such as escapes a tired child, told that nature was rallying herphysical forces, and that the tide was turning. Treacherous to hisplighted troth, and to the trusting woman whom he had assiduously wooedand won, he yielded to the hungry yearning that possessed him, andsuddenly pressed his lips to Beryl's beautiful mouth. Under thatfervent touch, consciousness came back, and the lids lifted, the dulleyes looked into his with drowsy wonder. Stepping swiftly to the doorwhich stood ajar, he met Mrs. Singleton, and put his hand on hershoulder.

  "She is awake, and will soon be fully conscious, but perfect quiet isthe only safeguard against relapse. When she remembers, leave her asmuch alone as possible, and answer no questions."

  Holding her baby on her breast, Mrs. Singleton whispered:

  "Put out the lamp, so that she can see nothing to remind her."

  As he took his hat, and put his hand on the lamp, he looked back at thecot, and saw the solemn eyes fixed upon him. He extinguished the light,and passed into the room where Susie Singleton stood waiting.

  "She will not know Sister Serena, and for a day or two I will keep outof sight when she is awake. Mr. Dunbar, God has done His part, now seethat you do yours. Have you found out who 'Ricordo' is?"

  "Certainly, it is a thing; not a person. As yet the word has given noaid."

  "Then you have discovered nothing new during your absence?"

  "Yes, I have found the missing half of the envelope which containedGeneral Darrington's will; but ask me no questions at present. For hersake, I must work quietly. Send me a note at twelve o'clock, that I mayknow her exact condition, and the opinion of the doctor. Has nothingbeen heard from Dyce?"

  "As far as I know, not a syllable."

  They shook hands, and once more Mr. Dunbar sprang into his saddle.Overhead the constellations glowed like crown jewels on black velvet,but along the eastern horizon, where the morning-star burned, the skyhad blanched; and the air was keen with the additional iciness thatalways precedes the dawn. Earth was powdered with rime, waiting tokindle into diamonds when the sun smote its flower crystals, and thesoft banners of white fog trailed around the gray arches and mossypiers of the old bridge. At a quick gallop Mr. Dunbar crossed theriver, passed through the heart of the city, and slackened his paceonly when he found himself opposite the cemetery, on the road leadingto "Elm Bluff." As the iron gate closed behind him, he walked hishorse, up the long avenue, and when he fastened him to the metal ringin the ancient poplar, which stood sentinel before the deserted House,the deep orange glow that paves the way for coming suns, had dyed allthe sky, blotting out the stars; and the new day smiled upon a sleepingworld. The peacock perched upon the balustrade of the terrace greetedhim vociferously, and after some moments his repeated knock wasanswered by the cautious opening of the front door, and Bedney's grayhead peered out.

  "Lord--Mars Lennox! Is it you? What next? 'Pears to me, there's nothingleft to happen; but howsomever, if ther's more to come, tell us what'sto pay now?"

  "Bedney, I want you to help me in a little matter, where your servicesmay be very valuable; and as it concerns your old master's family, I amsure you will gladly enter into my plan--"

  "Bless your soul, Mars Lennox, you are too good a lieyer to be shore ofanything, but the undertaker and the tax collector. I am so old andbroke down in sperrits, that you will s'cuse me from undertaking of anyjobs, where I should be obleeged to pull one foot out'en the gravebefore I could start. I ain't ekal to hard work now, and like the restof wore-out stock, I am only worth my grabs in old fields."

  Sniffing danger, Bedney warily resolved to decline all overtures, bytaking refuge in his decrepitude; but the attorney's steady prolongedgaze disconcerted him.

  "You have no interest, then, in discovering the wretch who murderedyour master? That is rather suspicious."

  "What ain't 'spicious to you, Mars Lennox? It comes as natchal to youto 'spicion folks, as to eat or sleep, and it's your trade. You believeI know something that I haven't tole; but I swear I done give upeverything to Mars Alfred; and if my heart was turned inside out, andscraped with a fine-tooth comb, it wouldn't be no cleaner than what itis. I know if I was lying you would ketch me, and I should own upquick; 'cause your match doesn't go about in human flesh; but all thelancets and all the doctors can't git no blood out'en a turnup."

  "You are quite willing, then, to see General Darrington's granddaughtersuffer for the crime?"

  "'Fore Gord! Mars Lennox, you don't tote fair! 'Pears to me you areriding two horses. Which side is you on?"

  "Always on the side of justice and truth, and it is to help your pooryoung mistress that I came to see you; but it seems you are toosuperannuated to stretch out your hand and save her."

  "Ain't you aiming to prove she killed old marster? That's what you sotout to do; and tarrapin's claws are slippery, compared to your grip,when you take holt."

  The old negro stood with his white head thrown back, and unfeignedperplexity printed on his wrinkled features, while he scanned the swartface, where a heavy frown gathered.

  "I set out this morning to find a faithful, old family servant, whosedevotion has never before been questioned; but evidently I have wastedmy confidence as well as my time. Where is Dyce? She is worth a hundredsuperannuated cowards."

  "Don't call no names, Mars Lennox. If there's one mean thing I nachallydespises as a stunnin' insult, it's being named white-livered; and myConfederate record is jest as good as if I wore three gilt stars on mycoat collar. You might say I was a liar and a thief, and maybe I wouldtake it as a joke; but don't call Bedney Darrington no coward! Itbruises my feelins mor'n I'le stand. Lem'me tell you the Gord's truth;argufying with lie-yers is wuss than shootin' at di-dappers, and thatis sport I don't hanker after. I ain't spry enuff to keep up with thedevil, when you are whipping him around the stump; and I ain't such aforsaken idjut as to jump in the dark. Tell me straight out what youwant me to do. Tote fair, Mars Lennox."

  "I am about to offer a reward of two hundred and fifty dollars, and Ithought I would allow you privately the opportunity of securing themoney, before I made it public. Where is Dyce?"

  "You might as well ax the man in the moon. The only satisfaction shegin me when she left home, was--she was gwine to New York to hunt forMiss Ellie. I tole her she was heading for a wild goose chase, and heranswer signified she was leaving all of them fowls behind. If she washere, she'd be only a 'clean chip in your homny pot'; for she wouldn'tnever touch your job with a forty-foot pole, and what's more, she'd tiemy hands. I ain't afeard of my ole 'oman, but I respects her too highto cross her; and if ever you git married, you will find it's a mightygood rule to 'let sleeping dogs lay'. Who do you expect me to ketch fortwo hundred and fifty dollars?"

  "A lame negro man, about medium size, who was seen carrying a bundle onthe end of a stick, and who was hanging about the railroad station onthe night of General Darrington's death. He probably lives on someplantation south of town, as he was travelling in that direction, afterthe severe storm that night. I want him, not because he had anyconnection with your master's murder, but to obtain from him adescription of a strange white man, whom he directed to the railroadwater-tank. If you can discover that lame negro, and bring him to myoffice, I will pay you two hundred and fifty dollars, and give him anew suit of clothes. The only hope for General Darrington'sgranddaughter is in putting that man on the witness stand, tocorroborate her statement of a conversation which she heard. This isWednesday. I will give you until Saturday noon to report. If you do notsucceed I shall then advertise. If you wish to save Miss Brentano, helpme to find that man."

  He swung himself into the saddle, and rode away, leaving Bedne
y staringafter him, in pitiable dubiety as to his own line of duty.

  "Wimmen are as hard to live peaceable with as a hatful of hornets, butthe'r brains works spryer even than the'r tongues; and they do think asmuch faster 'an a man, as a express train beats er eight ox-team. Dyceis the safest sign-post! If she was only here now, I couldn't botchthings, for she sees clare through a mill-stone, and she'd shove me theright way. If I go a huntin', I may flounder into a steel trap; if Istand still, wuss may happen. Mars Lennox is too much for me. Iwouldn't trust him no further 'n I would a fat possum. I am afeard ofhis oily tongue. He sot out to hang that poor young gal, and now he iswilling to pay two hundred and fifty dollars to show the court he was aidjut and a slanderer! I ain't gwine to set down on no such spring gunas that! Dyce ought to be here. When Mars Lennox turns summersets inthe court, before the judge, I don't want to belong to his circus--but,oh Lord! If I could only find out which side he raily is on?"