Read At the Mercy of Tiberius Page 23


  The apartment eight by twelve feet possessed the redeeming feature of ahigh ceiling, and on either side of the southwest corner wall, a windowonly two feet wide allowed the afternoon sunshine to print upon thebare floor the shadow of longitudinal iron bars fastened into the stonesills. A narrow bedstead, merely a low black cot of interlacing ironstraps, stood against the eastern side, and opposite, a broad shelf,also of iron, ran along the walls and held a tin ewer and basin, a fewbooks, and a pile of clothing neatly folded.

  Across the angle niche between the windows a wooden bench had beendrawn; in front of it stood a chair and oval table, on which lay somesheets of paper, pen and ink, and a great bunch of yellow jasmine, andwild pink azaleas that lavishly sprinkled the air with their delicatespicery. Pencils, crayons, charcoal and several large squares ofcardboard and drawing-paper were heaped at one end of the bench, andbeside these sat the occupant of the cell, leaning with folded arms onthe table in front of her; and holding in her lap the vicious,ocelot-eyed yellow cat.

  Against the shimmering glory of Spring sunshine streaming down uponher, head and throat were outlined like those of haloed martyrs thatMantegna and Sodoma left as imperishable types of patient suffering.

  When the visitor came forward to the table that barred nearer approach,she made no attempt to rise, and for a moment both were mute. He sawthe noble head shorn of its splendid coronal of braids, and coveredthickly with short, waving, bronzed tendrils of silky hair, that heldin its glistening mesh the reddish lustre of old gold, and the deepshadows of time-mellowed mahogany. That most skilful of all sculptors,hopeless sorrow, had narrowed to a perfect oval the wan face, waxen inits cold purity; and traced about the exquisite mouth those sad,patient curves that attest suffering which sublimates, that belongalone to the beauty of holiness. Eyes unusually large and shadowy now,beneath their black fringes, were indescribably eloquent with thepathos of a complete, uncomplaining surrender to woes that earth couldnever cure; and the slender wasted fingers, in their bloodlesssemi-transparency, might have belonged to some chiselled image ofdeath. Every jot and tittle of the degrading external badges of felonyhad been meted out, and instead of the mourning garment she had worn incourt, her dress to-day was of the coarse dark-blue home-spun checkedwith brown, which constituted the prison uniform of female convicts.

  As Mr. Dunbar noted the solemn repose, the pathetic grace with whichshe endured the symbols that emblazoned her ignominous doom, a dark redglow suffused his face, a flush of shame for the indignity which he hadbeen impotent to avert.

  "Who dared to cut your hair--and thrust that garb upon you? Theypromised me you should be exempt from brands of felony."

  "When one is beaten with many stripes, a blow more or less matterslittle; is not computed. They kindly tell me that illness and thedoctor's commands cost me the loss of my hair; and after all, whyshould I object to the convict coiffure? Nothing matters any more."

  "Why not admit at once that, Bernice-like, you freely offered up yourbeautiful hair as love's sacrifice?"

  He spoke hotly, and an ungovernable rage possessed him as he realizedthat though so near, and apparently so helpless, she was yet soimmeasurably removed, so utterly inaccessible. Her drooping white lidslifted; she looked steadily up at him, and the mournful eyes held nohint of denial. He stretched his hand across the table, and all thegnawing hunger at his heart leaped into his voice, that trembled withentreaty.

  "For God's sake give me your hand just once, as proof that you forgivemy share in this cruel, dastardly outrage."

  "Do not touch me. When we shake hands it must be as seal upon a verysacred compact, which you are not yet ready to make."

  She straightened herself, and her hands were removed from the table;fell to stroking the cat lying on her knee.

  "What conditions would you impose upon me?"

  "Sit down, Mr. Dunbar, and let us transact the necessary business whichalone made this interview possible."

  With an imperious gesture, befitting some sovereign who reluctantlyaccords audience, she motioned him to the chair, and as he seatedhimself his eyes gleamed ominously.

  "It pleases you to ignore our past relations?"

  "Even so. To-day we meet merely as attorney and client to arrange thefinal QUID PRO QUO. You have brought the paper?"

  "I inferred from your message that you desired as exact a copy asmemory permitted. Here it is."

  He took from his pocket a long legal envelope.

  "I believe you stated that your father originally drew up this paper,and that recently you altered and re-wrote it?"

  "Those are the facts relative to it."

  "Can you recall the date of the revision?"

  "Nearly a year ago. Last May it was signed in the presence of DoctorLedyard and Colonel Powell, who also signed as witnesses, thoughignorant of its contents."

  "You offer me this as a correct expression of Gen'l Darrington's wishesregarding the distribution of his estate, real and personal?"

  "At your request I furnish from memory a copy of Gen'l Darrington'swill, which I have faithfully endeavored to recall, and Iconscientiously believe this to be strictly accurate. Shall I read it?"

  A severe and prolonged fit of coughing delayed her reply; and when sheheld out her hand for the paper, her breathing was painfully rapid andlabored.

  "I will not tax you. Let me glance over it."

  Spreading the long sheets open before her, she leaned over the tableand read.

  In the palm of her right hand rested her temple, and the left smoothedand turned the leaves. Crossing his arms on the top of the table, theattorney bent forward and surrendered himself to the coveted delight ofstudying the face, that had made summary shipwreck of his matrimonialfortune. No slightest detail escaped him; the burnished locks curledloosely around the forehead smooth as a sleeping baby's, the broad archof the delicately-pencilled black brows, the Madonna droop of the lidswhose heavy sable fringes deepened the bluish shadows beneath the eyes,the straight, flawless nose, the perfect chin with its deeply-inciseddimple, the remarkably beautiful mouth, which despairing grief hadkissed and made its own.

  Pale as marble, the proud, patrician face was pure as some bending lilyfrozen on its graceful, rounded stem: and the tapering fingers withdaintily curved, polished nails would have suited better the lace andvelvet of royal robes than the rough home-spun sleeves folded back fromthe white wrists.

  Mr. Dunbar had met many lovely, gracious, high-bred women, yet escapedheart whole; and even the nobility and sweetness of his pretty fiancee,enhanced by the surrounding glamour of heiresship, failed to touch theflood gates of tender love that a pauper's hand had suddenly unloosed,to sweep as a destroying torrent through the fair garden of his mostcherished hopes. What was the spell exerted by the young convict whenshe grappled his heart, and in the havoc of her own life carried downall the possibilities of his future peace? Personal ambition,calculating mercenary selfishness had melted away in the volcanicmadness that seized him, and to his own soul he acknowledged that hisdominant and supreme wish was to gather in his arms and hold foreverthe condemned woman, who wore with such sublime serenity the livery offelony.

  After all, have we misread our classics? Had not Homer a prevision ofthe faith that Aphrodites' altar belonged in the Temple of the Fates?

  Beryl refolded the paper and looked up. In the face so close to hers,she saw all the yearning tenderness, the over-mastering love that hadconvulsed his nature, and before the pleading magnetic eyes thatessayed to probe her soul, hers fell.

  As out of a cloud, some burst of sunlight striking through the rubyvestments of apostles in a cathedral window falls aslant and suddenlycrimsons the marble features of a sculptured angel guarding the highaltar, so unexpectedly a vivid blush dyed the girl's cheeks. Her lipstrembled; she swept her hand across her eyes as though blotting outsome fascination upon which it was not her privilege to dwell; then theglow faded, she moved back on the bench, and leaned her head againstthe wall.

nbsp; "Where are the bonds and other securities described in this paper?"

  "In a compartment of the safety deposit vault of the--Bank, of whichGen'l Darrington was a large stockholder and director. His box wasopened last week in presence of his adopted son, and we hoped to findperhaps a duplicate of the lost will; but there was not even amemorandum to indicate his last wishes."

  "Can you tell me whether Mr. Prince Darrington will take any legalsteps to recover the legacy which the loss of the will appears to havecancelled?"

  "He certainly has no such intention."

  "Are you quite sure of his views?"

  "Absolutely sure, having talked with him this morning. I speakauthoritatively."

  "He was entirely dependent on Gen'l Darrington?"

  "Wholly so with regard to pecuniary resources."

  "At present he is as much a beggar as I was that day when I first sawX--? Is it true that want of money obliged him to quit Germany beforehe obtained the university degree, for which his studies were intendedto fit him?"

  "Strictly true. He sorely laments his inability to complete the courseof study, and hopes at some future day to return and reap thedistinction which he feels sure awaits him in scientific fields."

  A brief silence followed, and the girl's thoughts seemed to drift farfrom her gloomy surroundings to some lofty plane of peace beyond theills of time. Once more a spasm of coughing seized her; then she lookedat the attorney.

  "I learned in court that the destruction of Gen'l Darrington's willwould secure to my mother the possession of all his estate. She hasentered into Rest; into possession of her heritage in Christ's kingdom.Am I, her child, the lawful heir of Gen'l Darrington's fortune? Arethere any legal quibbles that could affect my rights?"

  "I am aware of none. The estate is certainly yours, and the law willsustain your claims."

  "Claim? I only claim the right to repair as far as possible a wrong forwhich I suffer, yet am not responsible. I sent for a copy of the willbecause--"

  "May I tell you why? Because in order to execute its provisions, it wasessential that you should know them accurately."

  The assurance that he interpreted so correctly her motive, brought aquick throb to her tired Heart, and a faint flush of pleasure to herthin cheeks.

  "Had you read as accurately my intentions, six months ago, when youwoke me from my sleep under the pine trees, how different the currentof many lives! Mr. Dunbar, my ignorance of legal forms constrains me toaccept your assistance in a matter which I am unwilling to delay--" Shehesitated, and he smiled bitterly.

  "You need be at no trouble to emphasize your reluctance. I quiteunderstand your ineradicable repugnance. Nevertheless good luck ordainsthat only I can serve you at present, so be pleased to command me."

  "Thank you. I wish you to help me make my will."


  "How long do you suppose I can endure this 'death in life?' I ampatient because I hope and believe my release is not far distant.Galloping consumption is a short avenue to freedom."

  He caught his breath, and the blood ebbed from his lips, but he hurledaside the suggestion as though it were a coiled viper.

  "Life has for you one charm which will successfully hold death at bay.Love has sustained you thus far; it will lend wings to the years thatmust ultimately bring the recompense for which you long, the sight ofhim whose crime you expiate."

  He could not understand the peculiar smile that parted her lips, northe far-away, preoccupied expression that crept into her sad eyes.

  "Nevertheless I have decided to make my will. I desire that in everydetail it shall duplicate the provisions of the instrument I ampunished for having stolen and destroyed; and I charge you to write itso carefully, that when all the legacies shall have been paid, theresidue of the estate cannot fail to reach the hands of the son forwhom it was intended. To Mr. Prince Darrington I give and bequeath,mark you now, ALL MY RIGHT AND TITLE to the fortune left by Gen'lDarrington."

  "Before I pledge myself to execute this commission, I wish you to knowthat of such testamentary disposition of your estate, I should becomeremotely a beneficiary. Mr. Darrington has asked my only sister to behis wife, and their marriage is contingent merely on his financialability to maintain her comfortably. Mine is scarcely the proper handto pour the rich stream of your possessions into his empty coffers."

  "I am well aware of the tie that binds your sister and Mr. Darrington."

  "Since when have you known it?"

  "No prison walls are sufficiently thick to turn the stream of gossip;it trickles, oozes through all barriers. Exactly when or how I becameacquainted with your family secret is not germane to the subject underconsideration."

  "Cognizant of the fact that Gen'l Darrington's adopted son was myprospective brother-in-law, you have paid me the compliment ofbelieving that selfish, pecuniary motives incited my zeal in securingyour prosecution, for the loss of the fortune I coveted? Your heartgarners that insult to me?"

  The only storm signal that defied his habitual control, was the intenseglow in his eyes where an electric spark rayed out through the bluedepths.

  "I might tell you, that my heart is a sepulchre too crowded with deadhopes to hold resentment against their slayer; but you have a right tosomething more. I pay you the just tribute of grateful admiration forthe unselfish heroism that prompted you to plead so eloquently indefence of a forsaken woman who, living or dead, defrauded your sisterof a brilliant fortune. You fought courageously to save me, and I amquite willing you should know that it is partly due to my recognitionof your bravery in leading that forlorn hope, that I am anxious byimmediate reparation to restore matters to their original status. Lifeis so uncertain I can leave nothing to chance; and when my will issigned and sealed, and in your possession, I shall know that even if Ishould be suddenly set free, Mr. Darrington and your sister will enjoytheir heritage. When you will have drawn up the paper send it to Mr.Singleton. I will sign it in his presence and that of the doctor, whichwill suffice for witnesses."

  "In view of the peculiar provisions of the will, I prefer you shouldemploy some other instrument for its preparation. Judge Dent, Churchillor Wolverton, will gladly serve you, and I will send to you whomsoeveryou select. I decline to become the medium of transferring the accursedmoney that cost you so dearly, to the man whom my sister expects tomarry."

  "As you will; only let there be no delay. Ask Judge Dent to prove hisfriendship for Gen'l Darrington by enabling me to execute his wishes."

  "Judge Dent went this morning to New York; but by the latter part ofthe week you may expect the paper for signature."

  "That relieves one anxiety, for while I was so ill I was tortured bythe thought that I could not make just restitution to innocentsufferers. Mr. Dunbar, a yet graver apprehension now oppresses me. If Ishould live, how can I put the rightful owners in immediate possession?What process does the law prescribe for conveying the property directlyto Mr. Darrington?"

  "Ordinarily the execution of a deed of gift from you to him, wouldaccomplish that object."

  "Will you please write out the proper form on the paper in front ofyou?"

  "I certainly will not."

  "May I know why?"

  "For two reasons. Personally, the deed of gift would embarrass me evenmore than the will. Professionally, it occurs to me you are not of age;hence the transfer would be invalid at present. Pardon me, how old areyou?"

  "I was eighteen on the fourth of July last. Grim sarcasm is it not,that the child of Independence Day should be locked up in a dungeon?"

  "The law of the State requires the age of twenty-one years to insurethe validity of such a transaction as that which you contemplate."

  "Do you mean that my hands are tied; that if I should live, I can donothing for more than two years?"

  "Such is the law."

  "Then the justice that fled from criminal law, steers equally clear ofthe civil code? What curious paradoxes, what subtleties of finesse lurkin those fine meshes of jurisprudence, ingeniously sprea
d to succorwary guilt, to tangle and trip the careless feet of innocence! All theworld knows that the dearest wish that warmed General Darrington'sheart was to disinherit and repudiate his daughter, and to secure hisworldly goods to his adopted son; and yet because a sheet of paperexpressing that desire could not be produced in court, the will of thedead is defied, and the fortune is thrust into the hated hands whichits owner swore should never touch it; hands that the law says murderedin order to steal. When the child of the disowned and repudiated,holding sacred the unfortunate man's wishes, refuses to accept theblood-bought heritage, and attempts to replace the fatal legacy in thepossession of those for whom it was notoriously intended--this Tartufeof justice strides forward and forbids righteous restitution; postponesthe rendering of 'Caesar's things to Caesar' for two years, in order tosave the condemned the additional pang of regretting the generosity ofher minority! Human wills, intentions and aims, no matter how laudableand well known, are blandly strangled by judicial red tape, and laidaway with pompous ceremonial in the dusty catacombs of legal form.Grimly grotesque, this masquerade of equity! Something must be done forMr. Darrington, to enable him to finish his studies and embark on thecareer his father designed."

  "He is a man, and can learn to carve his way unaided."

  She sighed wearily, and a troubled look crossed her face; while thevisitor followed with longing eyes the slow motion of her delicatehand, beautiful as Herses', that softly stroked the cat purring againsther shoulder.

  "Surely there is an outlet to this snare. You could help me if youwould."

  "I? Do you imagine that after all the injuries I have inflicted on you,I can consent to help you beggar yourself?"

  "You know that I would sooner handle red-hot ploughshares, than touch adollar, a cent, of that fortune. It would greatly relieve my mind andcomfort me, if you would indicate some method by which I can convey toMr. Darrington that which really belongs to him. Unless he can enjoyit, it might as well be in the grave now with its former owner. Do helpme."

  The pathetic pleading of face and voice almost unnerved him, but he satsilent.

  "Cannot I dispose at least of the income or interest? If a definiteamount should be allowed me each year, during my minority, could I doas I please with that sum?"

  "Certainly you have that right. I may as well tell you, there is onemethod of accomplishing your aim, by applying to the Legislature tolegalize your acts by declaring you of age. At present the estate is inthe hands of Mr. Wolverton, whom the Probate Court has appointedadministrator; and at the expiration of eighteen months from the dateof Gen'l Darrington's death, the control of the whole will devolve tosome extent upon you. Meanwhile the administrator will allow youannually a reasonable amount."

  "Do you know what sum Mr. Darrington required while abroad?"

  "I am told his allowance was four thousand dollars per annum.Histology, morphology, and aetiology are whims too costly forimpecunious students. Prince must reduce his stable of hobbies."

  "No, he is entitled to canter as many as he likes, and the money couldnot be better spent than in promoting the noble work of the advancementof Science. The problem is solved, and my earthly cares are at an end.Leave the copy you brought, and ask Mr. Wolverton to see me to-morrow.He shall write both the will and the deed of gift, which you think canbe made valid, and meanwhile the annual allowance must be paid asformerly to the son. Whether I live or die, the wishes of the dead willbe respected, and Prince Darrington shall have his own. It is anintense relief to know that two innocent and happy lives will neverfeel the fatal chill of my shadow; and when your sister enters 'ElmBluff' as its mistress, the balance-sheet will be complete."

  As if some dreaded task had been finally accomplished, she drew a deepsigh of weariness that was cut short by a spell of coughing.

  "There is a Scriptural injunction concerning kindness to enemies, whichamounts to heaping coals of fire on their heads; and to my unregeneratenature, it savors more of subtile inquisitorial cruelty, than ofChristian charity."

  "Your sister is not my enemy, I hope, and need I so rank your sister'sbrother? There is one thing more, which even your sarcasm shall notprevent."

  She drew from beneath the cardboard a paper box, placed it on the tableand removed the lid.

  "I presume the Sheriff meant kindly when he sent me this as myproperty, which having testified to suit the prosecution, was returnedto the burglar in whose possession it was found. The sight of it was ashumiliating as a blow on the cheek. Some gifts are fatal; nevertheless,you must ascribe no sinister motive to me, when I fulfil thatinjunction of Gen'l Darrington's last Will and Testament, which setapart these sapphires for his son's bride. They are just as I receivedthem from his hands. My mother, for whom they were intended, never sawthem; I thank God that she wears the eternal jewels that He providesfor the faithful and the pure in heart. I wish you to deliver thiscase, and the gold pieces, one hundred dollars, to Mr. Darrington; andit will be a mercy to rid me of torturing reminders."

  She looked at the azure flame leaping from the superb stones, andpushed the box away with a gesture of loathing.

  "Beautifully blue as those weird nebulae in the far, far South; thatbrood over the ocean wastes where cyclones are born; but to me and tomine, the baleful medium of an inherited curse. Having accomplished mydoom, may they bring only benison to your sister."

  "I would see adders fastened in her ears and twined around her necksooner than those--"

  "At least take them out of my sight; give them to Mr. Darrington. Theyare maddening reminders of a perished past. Now, to the last iota, Ihave made all possible restitution, and the account is squared; for inexchange for that life, which I am condemned as having taken, my own isthe forfeit. The expiation is complete."

  She seemed to have forgotten his presence, as her gaze rested on thering she wore, and a happy smile momentarily glorified the pale face.


  She started, winced, shivered; and threw up her hand with the haughtydenial he so well remembered.

  "Hush! Only my precious dead ever called me so. You must not dare!"

  Something she read in the face that leaned toward her, filled her withvague dread, and despite her efforts, she trembled visibly.

  "Mr. Dunbar, I am very weary; tired--oh! how tired, body and soul."

  "You dismiss me? Recollect I was warned that this would be the lastinterview accorded me, and I beg your indulgence. If you knew all, ifyou could imagine one-half the sorrow you have caused me, you wouldconsider our accounts as satisfactorily balanced as your settlementwith the Darringtons. Whether you have ruined my life, or are destinedto purify and exalt it, remains to be determined. To see you as youare, is almost beyond my powers of endurance, and for my own sake--markyou--to ease my own heart, I shall redouble my efforts to have youliberated. There is one speedy process, the discovery of the man whom,thus far, you have shielded so effectually; and next week I begin thehunt in earnest by going West."

  He saw her fingers clutch each other, and the artery in her throatthrob quickly.

  "How many victims are required to appease the manes of Gen'lDarrington? Be satisfied with having sacrificed me, and waste no moretime in search that can bring neither recompense to you, norconsolation to me. If I can bear my fate, you, sir, have no right tointerfere."

  "Then, like the selfish man I am, I usurp the right. What damnableinfatuation can bind you to that miserable poltroon, who skulks insafety, knowing that the penalty of his evil deeds falls on you? Oneexplanation has suggested itself: it haunts me like a fiend, and onlyyou can exorcise it. Are you married to that brute, and is it loyaltythat nerves you? For God's sake do not trifle, tell me the truth."

  He leaned across the table, caught her hands. She shook off his touch,and her eyes were ablaze.

  "Are you insane? How dare you cherish such a suspicion? The bareconjecture is an insult, and you must know it is false. Married? I?"

  "Forgive me if I wound you, but indeed I could conceive of no othersolution of the
mystery of your self-sacrifice; for it is utterlyincredible that unless some indissoluble tie bound you, that cowardlyknave could command your allegiance. It maddens me to think that you,so far beyond all other women, can tolerate the thought of that--"

  "Hush! hush! You conjure phantoms with which to taunt and torture. Youpity me so keenly, that your judgment becomes distorted, and you chasechimeras. Banish imaginary husbands, Western journeys, even the thoughtof my wretched doom, and try henceforth to forget that I ever saw X--."

  "What does this mean? It was not on your hand when I held it so longthat day--in my own. Tell me, and quiet my pain."

  He pointed to the heavy ring, which was much too large for the wastedfinger where it glistened.

  "What does it mean? A tale of woe. It means that when my broken-heartedmother was dying among strangers, in a hospital, she kissed her weddingring, and sent it with her love and blessing to the child--sheidolized. It means--" She held up her waxen hand, and into her voicestole immeasurable tenderness: "Shall I tell you all it means? Thislittle gold hoop inscribed inside 'I. B. to E. D.,' girdles all thatthis world has left for me; memories of father, mother, sunny childhoodin a peaceful home, lofty ambitions, happy, happy beautiful hopes thatonce belonged to the girl Beryl, whom pitiless calamity has broken onher cruel wheel. Walled up, dying slowly in a convict's tomb, the onlylight that shines into my desolate heart, flickers through this littlecircle; and clasping it close through the long, long nights, whenhorrible images brood like vampires, it soothes me, like the touch ofthe dear hand which it graced so long, and brings me dreams of thefair, sweet past."

  Was it the mist in his eyes that showed her almost glorified by thelevel rays of the setting sun, as like a tired child she leaned herhead against the wall, a pale image of resignation?

  To lose her was a conjecture so fraught with pain, that his swart faceblanched, and his voice quivered under its weight of tender entreaty.

  "What is it that sustains you in your frightful martyrdom? Why do youendure these horrors which might be abolished? You hurl me back uponthe loathsome thought that love, love for a depraved, brutal wretch isthe secret that baffles me. I might be able to see you die, to lay you,stainless snowdrop that you are, in the coffin that would keep yousacred forever; but please God! I will never endure the pain of seeingyou leave these sheltering walls to walk into that man's arms. I swearto you by all I hold most precious, that if he be yet alive, I willhand him over to retribution."

  He had pushed aside the table, and stood before her, with the onewholly absorbing love of his life glowing in his face. She dared notmeet the gaze that thrilled her with an exquisite happiness, andinvoluntarily rose. Had she not strangled the impulse, her flutteringheart would have prompted her to lean forward, rest her head againsthis arm, and tell him all; but close as they stood, and realizing thatshe reigned supreme in his affection, one seemed to rise reproachfullybetween them; that generous, gentle woman to whom his faith waspledged. No matter at what cost, she must guard Leo's peace of mind;and to dispel his jealous illusion now, would speedily overwhelm thetottering fabric of his allegiance. Folding her arms tightly across herbreast, she answered proudly:

  "So be it then. Do your worst."

  "You admit it!"

  "I admit nothing."

  "You defy me?"

  "Defy? It seems I am always at the mercy of Tiberius."

  "Can you look at me, and deny that you are screening your lover?"

  She quickly lifted her head, with a peculiar haughty movement thatreminded him of a desperate stag at bay, and he never forgot theexpression of her eyes.

  "I deny that Miss Gordon's accepted lover has any right to catechise meconcerning a subject which, were his suspicions correct, should investit with a sanctity inviolable by wanton curiosity."

  He recoiled slightly as from a lash.

  "Miss Gordon is on the eve of sailing through the sunny isles ofGreece; and while she is absent I purpose finding my nepenthe in myhunt for murderers among Montana wilds. You have defied me, and I willdo my worst, nay, my very best to catch and hang that cowardly roguewho adroitly used your handkerchief as the instrument to aid his crime."

  She walked a few steps, putting once more between them the table,against which she leaned.

  "If you are successful, and the mystery of that awful murder should beunravelled, you will then comprehend something of the desperation thatmakes me endure even this crucifixion of soul; and in that day, whenyou discover the fugitive lover, you will blush for the taunts aimed ata defenceless and sorely-stricken woman."

  "Nevertheless, I bend my energies henceforth to his capture andpunishment."

  "Because he is my lover? Or because he may be a criminal? Ask thatquestion of your honor. Answer it to your own conscience, and to thenoble heart of the trusting woman you asked to become your wife. Mr.Dunbar, you must leave me now; my strength is almost spent."

  Baffled, exasperated, he approached the table and took something fromhis vest-pocket.

  "I hold my honor flawless, and with the sanction of my conscience Iprefer to answer to you--you alone--because he is your lover, I willhave his life."

  She smiled, and her eyes drooped; but there was strange emphasis in herwords as she clasped her hands:

  "God keep my lover now and forever. Mr. Dunbar, when you discover him,I have no fear that you will harm one hair in his dear head."

  "If you knew all you have cost me, you might understand why I willnever forego my compensation. I bide my time; but I shall win. Youasked me, as a special favor, to preserve and secure for you somethingwhich you held very valuable. Because no wish of yours can ever beforgotten, I have complied with your request and brought you this'precious souvenir' of a tender past."

  He tore away the paper wrapping, and held toward her the meerschaumpipe, then dropped it on the table as though it burned his fingers.

  At sight of it, a sudden faintness made the girl reel, and she put herhand to her throat, as if to loosen a throttling touch. Her eyesfilled, and in a whirling mist she seemed to see the beloved face ofthe father long dead, of the gay, beautiful young brother who hadwrought her ruin. Weakness overpowered her, and sinking to her knees,she drew the pipe closer, laid it against her cheek, folded her armsover it on the table and bowed her head.

  What a host of mocking phantoms leaped through the portals of theBygone--babbling of the glorious golden dawn that was whitening into aradiant morning, when the day-star fell back below the horizon, andnight devoured the new-born day. Memory comes, sometimes, in the guiseof an angel, wearing fragrant chaplets, singing us the perfectharmonies of a hallowed past; but oftener still, as a fury scourgingwith serpents; and always over her shoulder peers the wan face andpitying eyes of a divine Regret.

  The sun had gone down behind the dense pine forest stretching beyondthe prison, but the sky was a vast shifting flame of waning rose anddeepening scarlet, and the glow from the West still defied the shadowsgathering in the cell. Beryl was so still, that Mr. Dunbar feared shehad fainted from exhaustion.

  He stepped to her side, and laid his hand on the bronzed head,smoothing caressingly yet reverently the short, silky hair. Ah, theunfathomable tenderness with which he bent over the only woman he everloved; the intolerable pain of the thought that after all he might loseher. He heard the shuddering sob that broke from her overtaxed andaching heart, and despite his jealous rage he felt unmanned. When sheraised her face, tears hung on her lashes.

  "I will thank you, Mr. Dunbar, as long as I live, for this last andgreatest kindness. If I could tell you what this precious relicrepresents to me, oh, if you knew! you would pity me indeed."

  "Tell me. Trust me. God knows I would never betray your confidence, nomatter what it cost me."

  It was a powerful temptation to divulge the truth, and her heartwhispered that Bertie's safety would be secured by removing all jealousincentive to his pursuit; but she remembered the fair, sweet, heroicwoman who had dared her fiance's wrath in order to unbar those prisondoors;
who had faithfully and delicately thrown over the convict themantle of her friendship; and the loyal soul of the prisoner strangledits weakness.

  Perishing in the desert where scorching sands stifled her, she hadsurrendered to death, when love sprang to her side, lifted her into theheavenly peace of dewy palms, and held to parched lips the sparklingdraught a glimpse of which electrified her. Would starvation entitleher to drink? Over the head of pleading love stretched the arm ofstony-eyed duty, striking into the dust the crystal drops, witheringthe palms; and following her stern beckon, the thirsty pilgrim re-trodthe sands of surrender, more intolerable than before, because the oasiswas still in sight. Duty! Rugged incorruptible Spartan dame, whoseinflexible mandate is ever: "With your shield, or on it."

  Beryl put up her hand, drew his from her head to her lips, kissed itsoftly.

  "Good-bye, Mr. Dunbar. I promise you one thing. If I find I cannotlive, I will send for you. Upon the border of the grave I will open myheart. You shall see all; and then you will understand, and deliver amessage which I must leave in your hands. Give my grateful remembranceto Miss Gordon. Make her happy; and ask her to pray for me, that I maybe patient. Now leave me, for I can bear no more."

  She put aside his hand, and hid her face once more. He stooped, laidhis lips on the shining hair, and walked away. At the door he paused.The long corridor was very dim and gloomy, and the deep-toned bell inthe tower was ringing slowly. Looking back into the cell, he saw thatBeryl had risen, and against the sullen red glow on the western window,her face and figure outlined a silhouette of hopeless desolation.