Read Athaliah, Daughter Of Jezebel Page 13

Next morning Yehosheva came to the palace gate. She requested to enter, but the gatekeepers would not let her in. She used her hands for struggling with the guards’ commander, trying to push him away.

  “Princess,” he said, “Queen Athaliah has ordered me personally - to avoid entry of anyone. Whoever it may be.”

  “Is she alone?” asked the Queen’s daughter.

  “The Laws’ scribe is with her.”

  Yehosheva decided to wait. After while that man was seen leaving the palace hall. Yehosheva repeated her request to the officer.

  “Please tell the Queen,” she said, “that her daughter has brought very important news, so she said. It’s very urgent.”

  The officer whispered something to a guard. He gazed shortly again at Yehosheva, and was running to the palace. He knocked at the hall’s entry door.

  Athaliah got to the front door herself, opened it and approved to bring her daughter in.

  “I have brought a message Jehu, the killer of Ahazia,” said Yehosheva.

  “Is Jehu going to deliver us the dead body?” asked Athaliah.

  “No, mother,” told her Yehosheva, “Only a delegation will be allowed to see- where he had been buried.”

  “I understand, that your husband had received that message,” said Athaliah,

  ”But how can I be sure that Jehu is not cheating, regarding that? He may arrest – or kill the men that I will send. We know how treacherous he is.”

  “The high Priest had met the messenger, and he seemed reliable to him.”

  “Your husband may tell me lies!” scolded Athaliah,” our relations had never been kissable, so to say!”

  “My husband would never lie about that, Mom.” Athaliah’s daughter became angered, “He is High Priest of God. Our religion is based on truth telling. Unlike your Baal’s rude religion and corrupt believers…”

  “And what if your husband just wishes to torture my Soul?!” Athaliah asked severely, and her face became distorted, “He hates me. Like you!”

  “You are the worst of mothers! You had caused king Ahaziah’s death.”

  “Bite your tongue!” roared Athaliah, “You’re speaking to the Queen!” She ran to her small chest of two drawers, pulled her golden crown out of it, and wore it.. She was showing the flashing article to her daughter in front and by profile.

  “For me- you are only my mother,” said Yehosheva calmly, and irritated her Mom even more than before.“You had encouraged my beloved brother to go to Samaria, remember? To see your folks. And now you wish to inherit his crown!”

  “My family in Samaria had needed military help,” Athaliah said, lowering her tone, “against Aram’s threaten on our two kingdoms. Ahazia went there to see in what he could help, not for a mere family meeting...Yes, I had recommended it.” Now she raised her voice again, in irritation: “The God of Israel had opposed every step we had taken…He fought against us all along. He caused the Killing of my son.You…You… should not be a family relative to us! Ugly soul! Now- go out!”

  Athaliah sent her hands on Yehosheva. She tried to push her to the front door, but she had escaped from her touch. Both women began striding in circles – moving in the big hall, as pursuing one another - while they continued to argue very loudly.

  “I didn’t do wrong,” said Athaliah, “sending my son…I couldn’t know about Jehu’s rebellion.”

  “You have told Ahaziah,” said Yehosheva, emphasizing each word, “to take with him- also his wife and his little baby. All were lost, woe to us!”

  “Enough! Why do you remind me the terrible event? Go away.”

  Athaliah tried to retreat to the door leading to her private bedroom, but her daughter banned her way.

  “Now you’ve usurped the crown, against God priests’ opinion!”- shouted Yehosheva, “My husband told me, that people had become outrageous this morning about your Queenship.”

  “Maybe you want to be queen, eh?!” mocked Athaliah, “never!”

  “You know it’s not true,” said her daughter, “Becauset no woman should be crowned, so say our holy scriptures.”

  “You are a slave of God,” said Athaliah sarcastically, “the God who had killed our family.”

  “You are a woman without God: a slave to your desires and lusts, to momentary pleasures, to pursuit of luxury and false dignity.”

  “I shall kill you, crazy woman!” shouted Athaliah and waved with her hand.

  “You have always hated living in small Jerusalem,” saids Yehosheva mockingly, “It wasn’t thrilling and joyful enough to you…”

  Athaliah spat on Yehosheva’s face and she retreated.

  “How delighted you were,” the daughter said in a sarcastic pain to her mother, “taking part in the erotic festivals of the idols. You travelled to Samaria - almost every year for that. Ahaziah had known about that, too!”

  Athaliah was outraged, shaking her hands and shouting a few times: ‘Out’. She ran outside and headed to the Gate, indicating the Guards to come to her help.

  Two strong gatekeeperss ran toward Yehosheva. They grabbed her arms, to pull her out of the palace courtyard. Athaliah returned to the Hall.

  At that moment Mathan rushed into the hall. He approached the queen and bowed, then was fully kneeling. She gave her hand to him, and while he rose he kissed Athaliah’s wrist. His eyes were gazing at her face in a ‘know all’ expression..

  “You look upset, Queen I’ve just seen your daughter taken away.”

  “She still does not understand what it does mean, that her mother is now the queen.”

  “Oh,” said Mathan, “you’ve just had rhymed your sentences. Fine…If you need- we can arrange some accusation against Yehosheva. That will set her in the right place.”

  “No! Don’t touch her. She is only a stupid believer in God. But she is my own flesh and blood. My last drop.” She uttered a sigh.

  “I’ve come to tell you,” said Mathan, “that there are rumors about the murders. . .You know, King David’s dead offsprings had friends. They complained to some generals, and they demand that the case should be investigated.”

  “I know that already,” said Athaliah, “therefore I have taken some steps to cool off the spirits. Had I known who are exactly my opponents inside the army…I will visit Abner today, and explain him how I’ll deal with the murders’ inquiry. I will trick them, so help me Baal! ”

  “Do you need my participation there?” asked Mathan.

  “Better not,” she said. You take your task of promoting the Baal’s worship by organizing dances and entertainment, you know. Report to me tomorrow. Today I’ll be too busy for … having good time with a muscled male like you, sir. I begin to fall in love with you.”

  ”See you when your Highness finds it necessary,” said Mathan. They kissed each other, pressing their lips about a minute while standing very close, and then departed.

  A golden coated carriage ( more simply built than a chariot), drawn by a bright grey horse, harnessed with golden yoke, appeared at the palace gate. The driver helped the queen to climb, after bowing to her very respectfully. He was going to drive her to a far away army camp in the east, toward which there was a secure way. She was escorted by four horseriders, that she had chosen from her personal guard, and assumed they would be loyal to her.

  Athaliah was haunted with doubts about what she should tell her Generals. But as she entered the Army Command big tent, she was encouraged. Abner was there, his deputy and other three colleagues seated besides him, and their faces seemed calmed and complacent.