Read Athaliah, Daughter Of Jezebel Page 16

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  “These stars are shaping - a simple box!” said Athaliah.

  “Yes,” agreed Mathan, “They tell us, that there is a large treasure in it. This box is in God’s Temple. When I had been God’s priest - I heard about it.”

  “We should go to sleep now,” she said with a yawn, “thank you, Mathan, if you are a real truth teller prophet of Baal…Dear priest, now I’ve decided about our program for tomorrow. To hurry to God’s Temple, arrive there surprisingly. Let God’s men wonder and protest. I’ll take twenty guards to defend ourselves, in case of a strong contradiction.”

  “Good,” he said, “There are wild flower priests, who are ready to die for their holy shrine, I know that.”

  The Temple’s Hall had an arched front entry. Two ornamented Pillars had been erected inside the Hall, at the two sides of the entry, with Shield of David’s signs on their Capitals; their lower parts were frequently wrapped with olives’ branches.

  In the middle of the Hall, about twenty steps from the main entry’s double door, there was the altar, made of un-carved stones. At its side there was a wide table, where the oxen and sheep and pigeons and lambs would be put after being sacrificed. (Some of the sacrifices had to be fully burned into ashes, but there were others, which were allowed to be eaten by the priests or even by the simple people, after a sacrificing-butchering ceremony…)

  ‘Thrown blood’, flowing from the sacrifice butchery stained the altar, and remnants and small particles of animals limbs were stinking the air all around. The Priests and Levitins serving in the Temple had been used to it. But Athaliah murmured a curse while she came in, and began breathing those un-enjoyable smells.

  A big Six-Canes Candles’ Lamp was stated beside the altar, based on a high cupboard. Some utensils, used for sending vapours of scents and incense to the air, were set up there, too. But only the senior priests had known how to use that ‘machinery’. Mathan was in the past one of those seniors, but now he was concentrated in guiding Athaliah and her headguards toward a crimson curtain: It had been hanging behind the temple’s six canes Lamp and the Altar. The curtain was very close to the back wall, and the name of God ‘Jehova’ - was embroidered on it. Simple people generally would close their eyes, while being in the Temple and unintentionally looking at it: They had been told by the priests, that such a glimpse on the ‘Explicit Name’ could cause a curse.

  God’s name was also embroidered on the cotton white gown of High Priest Yehoyada, who was standing at that moment between the altar and the lamp. Queen Athaliah discerned him, standing erect thereby, on his head a tall white turban. When he saw her he was in the middle of some prayer, and so he alone nodded to the queen, and soon turned to walk toward the crimson Curtain. He stopped there and grabbed it in his hands, then ardently kissed it and continued praying in a whisper.

  Trumpets blows were heard. Mathan indicated Queen Athaliah to slow her approach toward the crimson curtain. Her personal guards, who had followed her, stopped stepping, too. Now Mathan signed to an Officer Herald that they had brought with them– to announce Athaliah’s wish to hold a speech.

  “Silence, all of you!” he shouted to the few priests and small crowd attending the regular morning ceremony, “Long live the queen! She has some words to say to you.”

  “High Priest Yehoyada,” exclaimed Mathan, “You- please listen, too.”

  Ten flower priests, who till that moment continued praying by whisper, became silent. Yehoyada alone continued praying with a murmur.

  “Dear High priest and flower priests, “ said Athaliah, “As you know- no coronation ceremony of me, your Queen, has taken place here. Nor anywhere else. It has come out because of my deep mourning, and due to the hard military situation on our borders...However, you can welcome me just now! You see, I am visiting this holy place and I’m satisfied to see you…Dear High Priest Yehoyada, say hello to your wife’s Mom…sir!”

  He did not react to her scolding. But soon there came a tumult of protests from the Flower Priests. Some were shouting like rioters: “The hell with such a queen!”

  “So- you don’t wish to welcome me!” she said, looking at Yehoyada, “I have really expected that. I have to thank you, my son-in-low, for that!”

  “Dear queen! We are God believers.” Yehoyada said, as he could not restrain himself any more, “Alas- you...have already permitted and promoted the worship of idols in Judea. We hate that, you know. And we will do the upmost we can - to stop it.” He raised his hands. All the Priests and other audience were declaiming unileterally in enthusiasm: “Hear, O’ Israel! Our Lord is God, the only one God!”

  Athaliah approached Yehoyada and was pointing on his chest.

  “If you don’t hush your young men, my soldiers will do it. I have not arrived here to argue, but to command!”

  “Command – what?”

  “I order you, priests, to stop your incitement against me,” said Athaliah.

  “What’s wrong in our decleration, that there is only one truth: Our Lord’s truth?”

  “That’s not the issue: You plot how to throw me out of my throne. You deny it, but I know. . .well, now listen to my second demand: It’s very simple,” she halted her speech to tense her listeners nerves, “You bring me … your gold!”

  “What gold?” The beard of High Priest Yehoyada’s was trembling.

  “Only you, sir- surely know the place where the Temple’s treasure is hidden.”

  “Our only treasure- is the Bible- the Holy Scriptures, ” said the High Priest.

  “Don’t pretend! You hide something!” shouted Athaliah, “I mean: the gold that king David had hidden here, hundred years ago. I need it urgently. For covering our costs to defend Jerusalem…”

  Athaliah whispered to the Officer Herald, who was quickly leaving out by the entry door.

  A continueous drumming noise was heard. A group of additional six soldiers soon entered the Hall, with two drummers, who made their noise in order to mix up the shouts of the crowd by a perpetual tumult.

  The queen moved, stepping aside, and surveyed the Hall’s left pillar.Then she walked to the simple stoned altar and touched it by her fingers. Yehoyada jumped and was running to her, trying to ban her way from walking a step further. Her fingers still stayed still at the altar’s stones, intentionally caressing them.

  “Your sinful fingers, madam,” shouted the High Priest, “should not touch our altar.”

  Yehoyada indicated his Flower Priests’Guard to approach the soldiers, who were rounding the queen. There began a hands-quarrel, as the soldiers were striking and boxing the young priests. Teeth were broken and blood emerged from two priests’ mouths, and they began to run away. But most of the crowd, who had come just for the morning prayer - had moved toward the queen.

  Athaliah saw that and called to her men: “Enough.” She was afraid of a bloodshed, and started to retreat with her guards toward the entry.

  At that moment Mathan arrived from outside. He was dressed in a new blue gown – with the drawings of Baal and Ashera idols on its chest. Two Flower Priests attacked him, clasped his arms and avoided his further move. He tried to push them back, but they succeeded to hold him.

  Athaliah turned to Yehoyada, who was staying ten steps from her. She pointed on Mathan.

  “High Priest of God. Order your men to release the Baal priest. Or - you want us to use our weapons here? This is a holy place for all!”

  Yehoyada indicated the Flower Priests to release Mathan. The Baal priest was rushing to stand near Athaliah.

  “I see, “ said Yehoyada to Athaliah, “that you have come with one purpose: to iritate us…”

  “You take care,” she shouted, “that I shall not bring you to justice for conspiracy.”

  “Conspiracy? With who?”

  “With Jehu. You have received messages from him , I know that.”

  “You’re kidding.” said the High Priest. “Why had you sud
denly recalled that blame on me?”

  Athaliah indicated her soldiers to drive out all the crowd by force, which they did. At last only three young ardent priests had remained with their Head in the Temple.

  Athaliah, escorted by two guards, three soldiers and Mathan- walked back to the altar. From there they turned to the velvet crimson curtain hanged on the opposite wall. A soldier with a back-bag, made of sheepskin, followed them, and Mathan soon asked him to to pull out tools contained in it. The soldier showed him a shovel, an ax and a hammer, and put them on the floor..

  Yehoyada and the three Flower Priests stepped forward, towards Athaliah. It seemed that they understood for what purpose were those tools exhibited to their eyes.

  Mathan pointed to the soldiers on the crimson curtain. They were running toward it, tools in hands. Athaliah and Mathan followed them in a rush, and soon were standing to look at the soldiers: One of them tore out the curtain by a sharp spear he was holding. Behind the curtian was revealed a wooden wall. The queen approached another step forward, and the soldiers began to hack the wall’s boards by the ax and hammer.

  Yehoyada and the Flower Priests hurried toward them with terrifying cries. The Queen and Mathtan – called additional soldiers, that came running, and stayed as a living chain around the queen and her Baal Priest. They soon got a sign from Athaliah to attack Yehoyada, who was continually shouting:

  “Foreign Queen! what are you going to do?”

  His scream stopped the soldiers from using their tools to break the wall.

  “I’ll search there for your gold.” Shouted Athaliah, “Wherefrom shall I take more money to defend the land? Or to store the poor harvest? You know well, how much of our fruits and wheat had been lost recently. Either in preparing the war with Jehu, or by the winter’s frost.”

  “We have no hidden treasures here!” shouted the High Priest.

  “Stop talking, I want to pray now,” said the queen, raising her both hands and kneeling down: “God and to Baal! I call you both, Sublime Gods! Don’t you hear my cry at all?” She rose up to her feet and rebuked the Priest and his assistants: “You, Priests – don’t understand, that we are in a great despair? can’t you see our situation? Soon we will be besieged by atrocious Jehu…You had to offer me your treasures. Even without bothering me to arrive here!”

  Her eyes became full of hatred at Yehoyada, and she said:

  “Enough with games and hypocrisy, my son-in-law! Tell me - where exactly is the gold? Only you, mister, know where the treasure of king David is hidden. I don’t demand that for my selfish needs, but for our kingdom. Jehu would soon to ruin this holy Temple, and send you to hell…Or to kneel to the Calf in Beth El!…”

  “Your soldiers’ contaminated hands,” he said, “have just begun Jehu’s task! They tore down the curtian of the Holy of Holies chamber. God shall punish you, intruder.”

  “Don’t threat me.” she roared, “God punishes whoever and whenever he wants. His Deeds are based on a mere chance. You are foolish enough, to believe in his calculative qualities to differentiate between good and evil.” She had known that her mockery would bring more fire, and he would dare to continue to challenge her. She was like enjoying the loud verbal conflict for the sake of a good show.

  “Please, Lady Athaliah,” Yehoyada implored, “Spare God’s revenge on us! Into the sacred chamber behind the curtain - only I myself should enter! And only once a year, in Yom Kippur.”

  “Why? Your God is invisible! D’you want to tell me He’s hiding there?”

  “No. But only there - I can feel His touch of spirit. There - I beg Him to forgive all of our people, atone our sins. Not to forsake us to your mercy, madam!”

  “If so- I, the Queen, will visit His room with you – right now! Tell this to God!”

  Athaliah pushed the High Priest aside by her elbow and cried to her soldiers: “Take him out! Take him!” In his anger he tried to grab her arm, but the soldiers rushed, dragging him aside.

  The three Flower Priests approached the wooden wall, and tried to snatch the tools from the breakers hands. Athaliah’s soldiers pulled out their bayonets, and stabbed the Flower priests in their arms, pushing them to fall down bleeding in dread on the floor. Then they trod on their hands, avoiding them to run out. However, no one of the soldiers touched Yehoyada, who was still staying aside, near the Holy Chamber’s wall, deparate and helpless. At last he pointed on his chest, and told Athaliah:

  “Kill me first, Queen! Before I see you despise our holliest place!”

  She indicated her soldiers to take him out of the area. He screamed – but the soldiers were grabbing him tightly; he could not move, and covered his face by his palms. The sound of the hammer and ax breaching the holliest camber had terrified him, and his legs trembled. ‘Never it had happened,’ he murmured,’ God – break them all by a plague of pestilence, like you had done to Pharaoh. Or make the earth open its mouth and swallow Athaliah and her followers, like you had destroyed Korakh and his men.”

  The breach in the wall was widened and enlarged. At last it enabled all Athaliah’s group to penetrate inside and have a look: It was a small chamber, about 10X30 man’s walking steps. It had a small pillar at its center, on which the Two Board Stones of Moses had been set up on a low stoned table.

  “I am standing in the Holy of Holies of God!” Mathan boasted loudly, “I am striding in his private garden! The curse of Baal has fallen upon this place. It’s nothing but a mere rock of flint! Not even smoothed over….Ha Ha Ha!”

  But then he thought: ‘It seems like the high priests over the generations had been wiser than us. They had known that God is not any material. So they symbolized his Potentcy by the mere stone, that men can shape and write God’s Commandments on it.”

  “I’m really…sorry,” he told the frustrated queen in a trembling voice,“We find here nothing. I wonder about that.”

  “No box, no gold?! You stupid Mathan…” she reproached him, “But wait. No is not an answer for me. Take yourself a dagger. No, the hammer and the shovel. Dig deeply. You - with your own hands…I’m sure that it’s not a legend, what you have heard, while being still God’s priest! There should be some treasure here. I feel its flash in my internal eyes!”

  Athaliah left angrily the small room. She faced High Priest Yehoyada, who had been still held by her soldiers, chains on his feet, under his long robe.

  “Well,” said the queen to their commander, “Release this man. My heart has become painfull, from pity on my daughter, and on her children. They could have remained without their father, their master….But you”- she told Yehoyada, “should jail yourself in a home–custody, understand? Until I’ll get from you or from your people - thousand gold Shekels. That’ the amount I need. You’ll bring it, by hook or by crook!”

  Meanwhile Mathan took the shovel. He began digging in the stony floor at the right chamber’s corner. Soon he heard a dim metalic noise, bursting from under the ground.

  Beside him was one of the soldiers, who was holding the spade. Both were now digging intensively and rapidly. An old wooden box wrapped by copper belts was exposed to their eyes. They hacked around it with their tools – taking out the rocky ground aside it. When it had been completely released from sand and stones, they emerged it from its location and set it on the floor. Then broke its green rusted copper lock - by two hacks of the ax..

  Mathan enthusiastically opened the box upper wooden cover: Gold blocks and precious stones were flickering from there, and he sent his fingers to touch them.

  “Queen, come quickly!” He shouted, seeing that she had left without closing the broken door. She heard him from far and came back to the sacred chamber.

  “Here is our treasure!” he exclaimed to her. She rushed toward him, and was already bending to glance at the finding. She sent her fingers to gather gold pieces in her hands, and was kissing them with a smile of satisfaction.

Baal and Ashera! Thank you for inserting brains in our hollowed heads!..Soldiers,” she said, “Take me with this box to my palace. I don't need that for decoration- but to pay the constructors of our ramparts.”

  “Shall we try to dig more?” asked Mathan.

  “No, It’s enough,” she said. “Let our goldsmith Korakh- estimate the gold and jewells’ value.”

  Athaliah was leaving the Holy Chamber. Two soldiers were carrying the box into her carriage, where she was seated with Mathan. When they came with the treasure inside the palace, they decended downstairs to the wines’ basement, and Athaliah’s slaves laid the box there. All happened at the middle of the day… The two lovers entered Athalya’s bedroom and celebrated the event by making love. She promised to order for him a gloden ornamented robe. In the afternood they called the goldmith, and showed him samples of the gold and jwellery stones. He told them his estimate, and they concluded that the whole would be sufficient to cover the cost of hiring seven hundred men for three years. Not bad, said Athaliah.